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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 30-Jun-2017
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Fritz Dobler诞辰90周年--德国
Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利
作曲家+夏季学院 --立陶宛
"AWW App" 安卓系统手风琴每周英文报道


Gary Dahl 的任意三本及以上电子书五折优惠--美国
Zoe Tiganouria 用音乐会演出打击毒品--希腊


Martynas' Summer Tour Dates – Netherlands, Germany, Spain, UK, Lithuania
Leipzig Accordion Ensemble and LIAO Summer Concert, London – UK
Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s Anniversary Concert, Erbach – Germany
Christina Felder Bachelor’s Degree Concert, Trossingen - Germany
International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, 7th & 8th July - Portugal
Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester Concerts – Germany
Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, Avignon – France
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense City – Spain
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Workshops and Concert, Klagenfurt – Austria
Antique Accordion Exhibition @ Hebridean Celtic Festival, Scotland – UK


Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland
Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

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ATG Poster 2017
Amy Jo Sawyer第77届国际手风琴和教师协会(ATG)将于2017年7月19日至23日在伊利诺斯州利尔市凯悦酒店举行。

(右图)ATG正在广播一个令人兴奋的独奏和合奏音乐会,工作坊和活动的阵容,ATG总裁Amy Jo Sawyer邀请大家参加。

嘉宾艺术家包括Quartette Gelato,佛罗里达州的“Alex Meixner乐队”,爵士手风琴家Paul Betken和Phil Gratteau(鼓)和Jim Cox(低音)。

届时会有演唱会,手风琴音乐会,宴会,手风琴供应商展示,ATG节手风琴管弦乐团由Joan Sommers,Meet&Greet Party,CDs&Music进行演出!

艾米·乔·索耶(Amy Jo Sawyer)表示:“我们都喜欢演奏手风琴,所以请参加2017年的ATG节,你们将会保证他们能够享受到”萧条时光“。



Fritz Dobler诞辰90周年--德国

Happy 90th Birthday
Jochen HaußmannFritz Dobler6月24日,弗里茨·多布勒(Dolby Dobler)90岁生日(右图),重要的德国协会德意志共和国 - 维波带e.V. (DHV)在Trossingen的Ernst Hohner Konzerthaus博士的组织下共60多人参加招待会,庆祝生日。
据目前的DHV总裁JochenHaußmann(左图),Fritz Dobler(过去的DHV总裁)是DHV和全球手风琴活动的“运气”。


Fritz Dobler不仅是一位优秀的音乐家和独奏家(1954年Coupe Mondiale)。他也是有天赋的作曲家,导演,讲师,音乐总监以及前总统的DHV。 Fritz Dobler是对音乐和手风琴热情的先驱。

手风琴世界加入DHV,祝贺并祝贺Fritz Dobler诞辰90周年。

最近,一个新的德语网站推出了传记资料,采访,作曲,图片等音乐实例。查看:Fritz Dobler



Fisitalia 在20世纪80年代,一些制造商开发了自由低音手风琴,但是低音的感觉与高音不一样,因为低音音符板不是用于单音符弹奏,而是用于标准低音的设计。手风琴家演奏转换器模型。


- 明显倾斜的低音侧和较大的低音按钮(与高音相同)可让玩家拥有更自然的手和手指位置,便于拇指使用;
- 拇指也可以使用,左手与右手相同;
- 更容易和更自由的手部运动和滑音;
- 连奏的表现要容易得多
- 大幅度的使用左手拇指;
- 演奏者的使用木质的接触面积越来越大;
- 现在是可以左手弹奏五音和弦;
- 低音中最低调:Contra-C(按照器官或harm子)。
- 作曲家可以演奏左手的拇指作品;



Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利

Know the People Baffetti Interview
Genuino Baffetti (picture left)
Cinzia Baffetti (picture middle)
Milena Baffetti (picture right)
of Baffetti Accordions

编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Interview: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


作曲家+夏季学院 --立陶宛

Composers+ Summer Academy logo
Iñaki AlberdiMartynasComposers+ Summer Academy邀请作曲家和手风琴演奏家长达36年,自2014年开始的国际活动,作为圣本尼迪克特修道院Palendriai(立陶宛)村的小型作曲家阵营。
现在第四年,这个年轻而独特的课程不仅改变了位于考纳斯附近的Raudondvaris城堡的地点位置,而且更名为“Composers+ Summer Academy”。


Composers+ Summer Academy的主要焦点是为手风琴创作新作品,作为独奏和室内乐团的演奏作品。


该课程还将由作曲家Ruta Vitkauskaite博士和英国年轻作曲家Ben Lunn提供学费,这两位都是当代手风琴音乐的热心倡导者。

像往常一样,这次活动将与教育活动一起举办一系列音乐会,包括在Composers+ Summer Academy创作的许多作品的世界首演的表演。

这些新作品也将由活动组织者PI accoAkademija在立陶宛出版。

详情请联系email:ask@composersplus.com或电话:+370 621 62222


"AWW App" 安卓系统手风琴每周英文报道

app banner
app banner





Nashville Public Radio header
Nashville Public Radio - Jeff Taylor
Nashville Public Radio - Jeff Lisenby
Pauline Oliveros, A Love Song for Accordion, Voice and Bass Trombone.
从1989年起,纳什维尔电台就将6月制定为全国手风琴宣传月,引用Kara McLeland的一篇文章“如果你曾经接触过手风琴,那你就很难不去注意他乐器(以及他的很多变体)在物理和音色上都是独一无二的,那么为什么要把一个月的时间他们呢?



今年的早些时候在C工作室, Jeff Taylor和吉他手 Jonatha一起演奏了 Sargent的原创作品。声音文件:曲目列表:Mas que siempre, Tango 4,For You,Spanish Sun Blazin',Fuego,Evocaion。
一月份的时候,Jeff Lisenby 和 Matt Davich 和 Emily Nelson 在屋顶上的提琴者和图兰朵计划之间做选择。以及 Lisenby的原始探戈。声音文件在上面 (Jeff Lisenby 的CD音乐提供: Jeff Lisenby )
听永远的思考者美国作曲家、手风琴手Pauline Oliveros 的音乐。 Oliveros的为手风琴而作的A Love Song。旋律和低音长号是她用冥想的方法在即兴的环境下创作的,而且她爱在高共振空间创作,在2016年11月她去世了。”


Gary Dahl 的任意三本及以上电子书五折优惠--美国

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary Dahl七月促销—任何三件及以上Gary Dahl的书享五折优惠。邮箱: MusicForAccordion@yahoo.com。您将通过邮箱收到发票,通过贝宝(全球最大在线支付系统),使用您的信用卡安全服务系统。

近年来Gary Dahl 发行了10本有价值的电子书籍,点击下面链接获取更多书籍。

DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! - eBook US$35.50
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards - eBook US$35.50
DH03-eB - The American Songbook - eBook US$35.50
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas - eBook US$46.50
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$35.50
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$57.50
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols - eBook US$16.50
DH08-eB - Italian Spectacular - eBook US$35.50
DH09-eB - Traditional Christmas Carols - eBook US$18.50
DH10-eB - Polka - eBook US$18.50




Romano Viazzani Quintet 介绍了他们首场演出的实况录音和他们在伦敦与这些人的相遇。2016年与Romano Viazzani (手风琴), Corinna Hentschel (小提琴), Jonathan Preiss (吉他), John Bailey (钢琴), Yaron Stavi (低音提琴)。

该团体专注于传统的阿根廷和欧洲探戈和其他相关音乐,并计划在2017年底和2018年进行巡回演出。联系人:romanoviazzani@btconnect.com.罗马CD可用在Romano Viazzani。



Kosmos Trio
6月27日,三重奏乐团科斯莫斯在英国什罗普郡为人们奉上了一场音乐会,下文是Stuart Spiers为“什罗普郡音乐信仰音乐节”所撰写的乐评。

舒兹伯利音乐信仰音乐节系列的音乐会在该城的协和学院举办。由于之前曾欣赏过科斯莫斯乐团的表演,我知道我一定会再次爱上他们,他们从不会令人失望。科斯莫斯是一个三重奏乐团,由小提琴手(Harriet MacKenzie),中提琴手(Meg Hamilton)以及手风琴手(Milos Milivojevic)组成。这三位技艺精湛的演奏家将不同的旋律以及演奏风格融入到一首首乐曲当中。节奏,情感及乐曲展现的力量转瞬之间即可发生改变。他们的演奏自始至终包含一丝趣味性和幽默感,在其中你能听到各种各样的手风琴效果,比如“断奏”, “接近桥的弹奏”,“打击效果 ”。




Zoe Tiganouria 用音乐会演出打击毒品--希腊

Zoe Tiganouria视频:从;伦敦米尔菲尔德剧院音乐会摘录。2017年5月14日与嘉宾歌手 Elena Hadjiafxenti。



该事件由 Zoe Tiganouria (手风琴) 和演员 Nadia Karayianni (主唱)主办。 Nikos Karagiannis 和 Pelagia Mylonas 也参加了。



Martynas' Summer Tour Dates – Netherlands, Germany, Spain, UK, Lithuania

MartynasLithuanian accordion virtuoso Martynas' summer tour started in Germany, directing his ensemble Mikroorkéstra to a full house, with standing ovations and glowing reviews! His busy international tour schedule includes:

June 30th - Utrecht International Chamber Music Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands
July 2nd - Kissinger Sommer, Bad Kissingen, Germany
July 7th – Klosterkonzerte, Maulbronn, Germany
July 14th - Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Mestlin, Germany
July 15th - MDR Musiksommer, Meiningen, Germany
July 16th - Choriner Musiksommer, Chorin, Germany
July 18th - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Haseldorf, Germany
July 19th - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Schenefeld, Germany
July 22nd - Teatro del Mediterráneo, Alicante, Spain
July 23rd - Gran Feria de Julio, Valencia, Spain
July 25th – BARTS, Barcelona, Spain
July 29th - Petworth Festival, Petworth, UK
August 18th to 26th – Composers + Summer Academy, Raudondvaris, Lithuania
August 27th to September 3rd - Accordion Music Week, Lithuania
September 2nd - K29, Vilnius, Lithuania


Leipzig Accordion Ensemble and LIAO Summer Concert, London – UK

Leipzig Accordion Ensemble
On Saturday afternoon July 1st, 3.30pm, the visiting Leipzig Accordion Ensemble, from Germany, and the London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra perform in concert at St Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, Pimlico SW1V 2AD. The programme includes music by Vivaldi, Piazzolla, and original works for accordion ensemble and orchestra. Admission is £8, concessions £6, and under 12s free.

The Accordion Ensemble Leipzig Music School was formed in 1999 and currently consists of nine players aged between 16 and 28 years. The ensemble performs a wide range of music, from classical to klezmer. Conductor Valeri Funkner has successfully led the ensemble on several tours, such as the World Music Festival 2013 in Innsbruck and a tour to Syria in 2011.

The London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra (LIAO) was formed in 2014. It has around 20 players and is the 'little brother' to the London Accordion Orchestra, which has 40 players and performs all over Europe. LIAO performs original music for accordion orchestra as well as arrangements of pieces written for other instruments. Both of our orchestras have the goal of widening appreciation of this wonderful instrument and LIAO in particular encourages children to participate and experience the joy of playing music with other people.
London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra


Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s Anniversary Concert, Erbach – Germany

Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s posterThe Akkordeon Orchester Erbach celebrates 65 years since their formation in 1952 with a gala concert on Sunday July 2nd, 5pm to 7pm, at the Stadhalle Erbach, Leopoldsplatz 1, 69412 Eberbach, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

The concert will be shared with the Harmonika-Club Schonbrunn-Haag, appearing as special guests. Admission is 8 Euro, 7 Euro for concessions.

For further information email: kontakt@akkordeon-eberbach.de


Christina Felder Bachelor’s Degree Concert, Trossingen - Germany

Christina FelderChristina Felder performs her Bachelor’s Degree concert on Monday July 3rd, 8pm, at the Piano House Hermann in Trossingen, Germany.

The program includes:

Nicholas A. Huber – ‘On the wings of the harp’

Joseph Haydn – ‘Sonata no. 33 in C Minor’

Johann Sebastian Bach – ‘Viols Sonata no. 3 in G Minor’

Ole Schmidt – ‘Toccata no. 1’


International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, 7th & 8th July - Portugal

International Accordion Competition, Algarve RegionThe international competition “City of Albufeira” will take place in a small village near the sea named Olhos de Água. Deadline registration: 6th July. Rules and Regulations: 2017Albufeira.pdf

The opening ceremony will be 7th July at 9.30 p.m. with a concert by the Algarve Accordion Orchestra and the Duo Gonçalo Pescada (accordion) and Albano Neto (trumpet).

The Winner’s Concert will be 8th July at 9.30 p.m., New Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Fátima – Olhos de Água.

Before the International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, from 3rd to 7th July, famous French teacher Frederic Deschamps will give a Masterclass open to accordionists of any nationality and age at Albufeira Conservatory.

For further information email: goncalopescada@sapo.pt


Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester Concerts – Germany

Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester poster
Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester posterThe Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester performs a series of concerts titled ‘Another Night in Argentina’ in July, as follows:

July 7th, 8pm - E-Werk, Eschholzstraße 77, Freiburg
July 9th, 7pm - Musikakademie, Alois-Schnorrer 10, Staufen
July 15th, 8.30pm - Maja-Bühne, Steinstrasse, 2/2, Emmendingen
July 16th, 7pm - Rainhof-Scheune, Höllentalstrasse, 96, Kirchzarten


Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, Avignon – France

‘Classique Instinct’ posterThe quintet Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, a show featuring classical music, such as Schubert's La Truite and Dvorák's New World Symphony, in a visual and musical presentation. The venue is the Theatre De L’Oulle, Avignon, in the south of France, and the shows run nightly at 10pm from July 7th to 30th. Admission is 20 Euro, under 12s 8 Euro.

For further information email: patbarth@hotmail.com


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) PosterAuckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) conducted by Lionel Reekie has a concert on 8th July. Venue details are on the poster.

Guest Performers are:
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin - Soloist Alexandra Reekie
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne - Soloist Campbell Bettridge
New Zealand Accordion Championships winners:
Ave Accordeon Ensemble
Owen Fan
Angela Chen

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense City – Spain

Victor Prieto posterVictor Prieto’s International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes take place at the Marcos Valcarcel, Ourense City, north-west Spain, on July 8th and 9th and July 15th and 16th. The master classes are in English, but French, Spanish and Portuguese are also spoken. There will be a rhythm section (bass and drums) available for both days.

On the evenings of July 8th and 15th, 10.30pm, there will be jam sessions in the Café Cultural Auriense, Praza do Correxidor, Ourense.

The master classes cover the following subjects:
Improvisation: in different styles and understanding scales (pop, rock, bolero) - not only in jazz.
-Comping: how to form chords, close position, open position, upper structures.
-Poly-Chords: technique "Chord Approach on both hands."
-Styles; how to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango, and other styles of modern harmony.
-How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.
- watch videos and analyse them. How the accordion interacts with other instruments depending on the instrumentation of the groups. (Duo, Trio, Solo, singer, piano)
- A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home with you).
- Practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums).
-How to use the registers and voices of the accordion to orchestrate and have a bigger variety of colours and sounds.

Victor Prieto is based in New York, where he performs regularly and also leads master classes. He previously studied classical accordion at the Conservatory in Ourense.

For further information email: masterclass@victorprieto.net


Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Workshops and Concert, Klagenfurt – Austria

The accordion and cello duo Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic hold workshops for their respective instruments from July 10th to 14th at the Viktring Musikforum, Klagenfurt, Austria.

On Tuesday July 11th, 8pm, at the Stiftskirche, Klagenfurt, Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic perform in concert, with Russian accordion maestro Friedrich Lips making a special guest appearance. Tickets cost 19 Euro, 14 Euro for concessions.

Klaus Paier, Austrian accordionist and composer, studied accordion, jazz and composition at Klagenfurt conservatory. He became interested in other genres, from tango to jazz and world music, in order to fuse them into his own personal style. He works with various ensembles, including as a duo with the highly accomplished Croatian cellist Asja Valcic.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.at


Antique Accordion Exhibition @ Hebridean Celtic Festival, Scotland – UK

Caroline Hunt presents some of her extensive collection of antique accordions and memorabilia at this July’s Hebridean Celtic Festival, Stornaway, Scotland.

Caroline, who has been collecting accordions for the last 20 years, says: “One of my early Russian accordions was used in the film ‘Anna Karenena’ with Jude Law and Kiera Knightly. There are button accordions designed to look like piano accordions as the American bandleader didn’t want Frosini, who played a button accordion, to look different to the piano accordions!
“There are also early examples of accordions made by Paolo Soprani, who founded the Italian accordion industry and also numerous German Hohners – a Hohner Sax that looks like a Saxophone but is played like a cross between a melodeon and a mouth organ!
"And I also have a Hohner Shand Morino which was designed by Sir Jimmy Shand with Morino at the Hohner Factory in Germany, specifically for Scottish music.”

Caroline Hunt’s exhibition of antique accordions is at The Masonic Hall, 55 Kenneth Street, Stornoway, on Friday July 21st and Saturday 22nd, from 10am - 4pm. Car parking and refreshments are available.

For further information email: accordionbook@huntc.fsbusiness.co.uk



Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017

Prof. Vladimir BesfamilnovNew video about life added to obituary article about Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov passing away.
Read about the life of this great educator and musician at: Vladimir Besfamilnov
This site has has been updated and will be updated further. Besfamilnov is sadly missed and our deepest condolences to the family.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldUpdated Site. The site of Grayson  Masefield has been updated with new pictures and text and also to list his Master of Arts degree qualifications.


Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

Ossie MazzeiA video with a lot of historic information about Ossie Mazzei including some music, has been added to the obituary published in April.

Thank you to Leo Mazzei and family for the video.


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