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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 07-Jul-2017
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Unprecedented $100,000 Prize Awarded in Chamber Competition - USA
手风琴演奏者在 Buckingham Palace演奏--英国


你应该看这个视频: Alexander Poeluev Plus 4 —俄罗斯
John Jones MBE收获了两个奖项--英国柴郡
视频:Martynas 和 Mikroorkéstra
Gary Blair Jr在美国苏格兰莱文沃思获得了很大的宣传
通过Ivano Battiston发行eSheet 音乐--意大利


‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’ Concerts – Spain, Portugal
Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Christophe Lampidecchia and Sarah Quintana Concert, Marseille – France
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand
Catskills Irish Arts Week, New York – USA
‘Accordion Get-to-gether’, Enderby - Canada
‘Musicality Course - Tango Music, Cape Town – South Africa
SqueezinArt to Offer Discounts of Up to 75% at 2017 AAA Festival - USA
2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors - USA
Titano Display at AAA Competitions & Festival - USA
Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day, California – USA
‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’ Concert, São Miguel – Portugal
Karen Street and Karen Tweed ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Birmingham, Burton-on-Trent – UK


Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017
Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia
Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

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Coupe Mondiale 2017 header
World Accordion Orchestra poster世界手风琴乐队IX在2007年Coupe Mondiale国际手风琴协会(CIA)世界手风琴协奏曲首演之后,由Joan Sommers教授指导的意大利IAC,2017年Coupe Mondiale的主持人很高兴地宣布,世界手风琴协会IX乐团将在意大利的奥西莫举行,作为其第70届Coupe Mondiale音乐节的一部分。


Pietro Frosini的第一部作品“Omaggio a Pietro序曲”是对意大利早期手风琴先驱者在美国发起手风琴活动的赞赏。 Frosini和Deiro(弗洛西尼的作品都是基于的原创作品)是意大利移民,而Galla-Rini(为手风琴管弦乐队安排)是意大利移民的第一代儿子。所有这些都被认为是美国手风琴活动的重要先驱。

另外两个麦地那,包括由贾斯汀·胡尔维茨(Justin Hurwitz)组成的“La La Land,以及艾伦·门肯(Alan Menken)的“美女与野兽”(My and Beast),都是好莱坞奥斯卡颁奖典礼上演出当今最受好评的。

Joan Cochran Sommers在密苏里大学 - 堪萨斯城音乐学院(美国)退休后被授予Emerita教授,在那里她成立并教授手风琴学位课程四十年。经常为UMKC手风琴管弦乐队指导,(一个大型交响乐手风琴乐团),在她的指导下赢得了比Virtuoso手风琴比赛中的一等奖,也演出过手风琴管弦乐队无数的作品。


WAO III, New Zealand



Friedrich Lips
1. "Hymn to Aphrodite" (2013) by Konstantin Yaskov
2-9. "I'm floating on the waves of love" (8 sonnets) by Michael Bronner
10. Tanguango by Astor Piazzolla
11. La Cumparsita by GM Rodríguez


更多信息:CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite"

或者登陆LIPS先生网站: Friedrich Lips


Unprecedented $100,000 Prize Awarded in Chamber Competition - USA

Video 1: Russian Renaissance 1st, 2016 Coupe Mondiale winners
Video 2: Avido Duo Promotion Video
M-Prize logoThe 2016 CIA Coupe Mondiale Champions in the International Competition for Chamber Music, 'Russian Renaissance' have won the world's largest cash competition prize, winning the 2nd M-Prize organized by the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theater and Dance. Accordionist Aleksandr Tarasov was joined by fellow musicians Ivan Kuznetsov (balalaika), Anastasia Zakharova (domra) and Ivan Vinogradov (Contrabass balalaika).

The quartet of Russian Renaissance captivated the audience and jury on Thursday, May 4, inside Hill Auditorium to capture the second M-Prize chamber music competition. At $100,000, it is the largest chamber music prize in the world. In addition to their cash prize, they also will receive important performance opportunities as well as being invited to teach at the school of music, theatre and dance at the University of Michigan during their 2017-18 School year.

Aside from the unprecedented prize money, the M-Prize Competition is renowned for the breadth of music that is welcomed as part of the competition. In addition to the traditional winds and strings categories in both senior and junior divisions, the main Category is an open category: a musical catch-all for ensembles that don’t fit cleanly into the more customary instrumental combinations.

Coming out firing behind a ferocious interplay between the strings of a balalaika, performed by Ivan Kuznetsov, and domra from Anastasia Zakharova, Russian Renaissance executed their program with speed and precision, garnering loud applause following their 25-minute performance. Russian Renaissance competed for the $100,000 grand prize with Senior Strings division winner, the Argus Quartet and Senior Winds division winner the Donald Sinta Quartet.

The ensemble, Russian Renaissance, debuted in October 2015, performing with world-renowned director Emir Kusturica, two-time laureate of the Cannes Film Festival and the No Smoking Orchestra. In Russia, the ensemble has performed in Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and Gnesins' Academy Concert Hall in Moscow; Yota Space concert hub in St. Petersburg; and the Youth Theatre in Rostov-on-Don. In Serbia, they have performed in the National Theatre of Uzice and the Concert Hall of the Russian House in Belgrade. The group describes their style as bringing together tradition and modernity, in unique crossover and fusion styles.

The M-Prize competition, hosted by UM's School of Music, Theatre and Dance, received attention during its inaugural running last spring for its format and large cash prize offerings, with the Calidore String Quartet taking home the $100,000 Grand Prize.

The International Jury included former New York Philharmonic concertmaster Rodney Friend, Juilliard String Quartet cellist Astrid Schween, Swiss saxophonist Lars Mlekusch, renowned flautist Carol Wincenc, multi-genre cellist Jeffrey Zeigler and Grammy Award-winning soprano Dawn Upshaw.

Complimenting the grand prize, three $20,000 prizes are awarded to winners of three different categories of strings, winds and open competition, as well as junior strings and winds categories for ages 18 and under.

In addition to the accordion being represented in the winning ensemble, the accordion was also featured in the 3rd place ensemble 'Avido Duo' comprising Alvaro Collao Leon (sax) and Djordje Davidovic (accordion). Djordje was the winner of the CIA Junior Coupe Mondiale in Spoletto, Italy in 2012.

Next year's M-Prize 2018 Competition will be held from May 3-6, 2018. For more information and competition guidelines, please visit: http://mprize.umich.edu.



11th Victoria International Accordion Festival
Jelena MilojevicMichael Bridge & Patricia Bartell第十一届维多利亚国际手风琴节将于7月13日至17日在卑诗省维多利亚州举行。今年的节日庆祝加拿大的150周岁,维多利亚将在四天内充满欢乐的手风琴音乐。

左图:Jelena Milojevic图片:Michael Bridge,Patricia Bartell。


7月13日的开幕式音乐会上,加拿大数位手风琴冠军Michael Bridge,爵士乐双人组合Jesse Mea和R. Bougeoos,手风琴家Adrian Dolan的Daniel Lapp三重奏组和Pierre Shryer三重奏JUNO冠军与爱尔兰爱尔兰手风琴家Dermot Bryne合作。

7月14日的晚宴和舞蹈之夜,将会有迈克尔乔,罗马尼亚罗马摇摆乐团,手风琴组合Bijou de Bayou和智利民族手风琴乐团。

7月15号的音乐会上,Jelena Milojevic(克罗地亚),节日比赛获奖者,以及双人组合,他们的喜剧,艺术和音乐敏感度与他们所有原创的古典表演,爵士乐民谣和火热的民间音乐相结合,在全球音乐界中获得一致好评。

7月16日,音乐会上举办了维多利亚手风琴俱乐部乐队,维多利亚青年手风琴组合和当地的Bijoux de Bayou。


Street March


手风琴演奏者在 Buckingham Palace演奏--英国

Brandon McPhee
四位演奏者:Brandon McPhee、 Liam Stewart,、Wayne Robertson和Tom Orr,加上大的音乐乐团,在 Buckingham宫为Charles公主演奏,同时还有350位被邀请的宾客。




你应该看这个视频: Alexander Poeluev Plus 4 —俄罗斯

Alexander and Liza视频上传于2107年7月2日。这种富有创造力表现的节目是"Accordion Plus"在俄罗斯托夫州音乐剧院的大厅里举办。Rostov-on-Don还加入了 Alexander Poeluev 和 New-Centropezn爵士五重奏。

J.S. Bach组合 (Prelude in Cm) 和 A. Piazzolla (Libertango),由五位手风琴家在一部手风琴上进行创造性的独特的演奏,受到了观众的欢迎。

演奏者:Alexander Poeluev, Nikita Seryogin, Mikhail Starodubtsev, Carolina Desyatnikova, Eduard Abrahamyan。

Liza Poelueva提出了这个用八只手演奏一台手风琴的想法。她写道:“我们第一次想到这个想法是在家里和Sasha一起,尝试发现新的方法和多手演奏的可能性,真的很有趣。”

关于这个想法Liza Poeluevaalso还写了一篇文章。(英语翻译): "这个想法是怎么来的?”





John Jones MBE收获了两个奖项--英国柴郡

John Jones
John Jones cakeJohn Jones MBE,他因在公共场合演奏手风琴而获得并捐出了超过250000英镑而被MBE授予奖项,同时他获得了两个奖项,并且他庆祝了他6月2日的75岁生日。东柴郡收容所对他做了介绍,并给予他了75000英镑的支持和一个生日蛋糕。

其他的奖项是Paul Harris Fellowship,间接通过Ray Kramer颁发的。Macclesfield的Rotary社的社长表示,John在过去的27年里已经明确的为当地很多机构募捐。他从他的结构工程师工作上提前退休,将技术很好的运用到手风琴中。从1991年开始在Macclesfield 医院为MAST Appea募捐。

Paul Harris奖是在1957年在Rotary社成立60周年纪念之前确立的,是为了为Rotary补偿或对社会作出杰出贡献的人表达谢意。

其他领取这个奖项的包括 Teresa修女, 美国总统Jimmy Carter, 宇航员James Lovell, 联合国秘书长Javier Perez de Cuellar, 和演员各歌手Pearl Bailey. 新西兰作曲家、编曲和指挥 Gary Daverne 也获得了这个奖项。John和修女Teresa有一些不知所措!


视频:Martynas 和 Mikroorkéstra

Martynas 和 Mikroorkéstra演奏维瓦尔第四季。


Gary Blair Jr在美国苏格兰莱文沃思获得了很大的宣传

Newspaper article Gary Blair JnrGary Blair Junior 赢得了今年的沃斯国际手风琴公开赛。比赛在6月15日至6月18日在莱文沃思华盛顿州举行,是由西北手风琴协会主办的。




通过Ivano Battiston发行eSheet 音乐--意大利

Video 1: Libertango solo composed by Piazzolla
Video 2: Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston
Music by Ivano BattistonIvano Battiston 已经发布了eSheet 音乐 (可以发送给您PDF文件) 他的独奏由Piazzolla演奏Libertango 。在很多观看视频的人请求后Battiston 发布音乐和视频。目录: battiston101 Libertango。

Ivano Battiston也发布了自己的曲目'Postcards'是由手风琴和萨克斯(女高音和酒吧)演奏,上面的视频来自Simone Brusoni (萨克斯) 和Antonio Zappavigna (手风琴)。目录: battiston102 'Postcards'。



‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’ Concerts – Spain, Portugal

The 10-members ensemble ‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’, from Galicia, Spain, performs in July and August, as follows:
July 7th, 8pm – Barreiros Vigo, Spain
July 15th - Frerigresia do castelo, Maya, Portugal
July 22nd - Auditorium Agora, La Coruña, Spain
August 3rd and 5th – afternoons, Forcadela Tomiño, Galicia, Spain
August 29th, 11pm – Baiona, Galicia, Spain


Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

The annual Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place this weekend, July 7th, 8th, and 9th, at venues in Arbroath, Scotland.

The festival includes concerts, dances and pub sessions. Accordionists performing include Wayne Robertson, Marian Anderson, Gavin Piper, Steven Carcary, Iain Anderson, Scott Gordon, and Stuart Cameron.


Christophe Lampidecchia and Sarah Quintana Concert, Marseille – France

posterOn Saturday July 8th, 9pm, jazz accordionist Christophe Lampidecchia and jazz and folk singer/guitarist Sarah Quintana (USA) perform together at the church Haute Banoir, Marseille, France.


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) PosterAuckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) conducted by Lionel Reekie has a concert on 8th July. Venue details are on the poster.

Guest Performers are:
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin - Soloist Alexandra Reekie
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne - Soloist Campbell Bettridge
New Zealand Accordion Championships winners:
Ave Accordeon Ensemble
Owen Fan
Angela Chen

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Catskills Irish Arts Week, New York – USA

Catskills Irish Arts Week poster
The annual Catskills Irish Arts Week takes place from July 9th to 16th. This large scale event includes concerts, ceilis, workshops, sessions, lectures, etc.

Many Irish traditional musicians are involved, and the free reed instruments are well represented by Billy McComiskey, Dan Gurney, Patty Furlong, and Colm Ganon - diatonic button accordion, Mirella Murray -piano accordion, Don Meade –harmonica, and Caitlin Nic Gabhann, Doug Barr, and Brenda Castles – concertina.


‘Accordion Get-to-gether’, Enderby - Canada

posterAn ‘Accordion Get-to-gether’ takes place on July 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th at the Riverside RV Park and Campground, 112 Kildonan Ave, Enderby, British Colombia, Canada.

Bring your accordion, lawn chairs or blankets and join in with dancing on the grass, singing, or just enjoying the sounds of accordions.

Monday, 2pm-5pm and 7pm-9pm - Meet & Greet, Casual Jamming
Tuesday, 1pm-5pm and 7pm-9pm - Individual Performances
Wednesday - Music 1pm-4pm and Music 7pm-9pm
Thursday Music - 2pm to 4pm; Dance at Enderby Legion, 7pm-11pm $10 a person

For further information email: jnyl@telus.net


‘Musicality Course - Tango Music, Cape Town – South Africa

Stanislav Angelov"Musicality Course - Tango Music, Explained for Tango Dancers by a Tango musician" is a course, held on three evenings, led by accordionist Stanislav Angelov, in collaboration with Tango Africano and the CT Tango Ensemble. The purpose is to help Tango dancers understand what happens in a Tango composition, how to listen, and what to listen for: explained in detail by a Tango musician and dancer. Pre-registration is required for the course.

The course will consist of 3 sessions, held on July 10th, 19th and 22nd:

The first 2 sessions will be a combination of listening to several Tangos and explanations of what we should listen for, mixed with dancing exercises.

The third session will be with the full CT Tango Ensemble. It will start with a workshop for the participants in the course only, and it will continue with a full on Milonga with live music by CT Tango Ensemble and DJ Wikus Engelbrecht. The Milonga on the 22nd is open to all.

Session 1 - Monday July 10th, 6.30-8pm at 1001 Mutual Heights (The Old Mutual Building) 14 Darling Street, Cape Town

Session 2 - Wednesday July 19th, 6.30-8pm, 1001 Mutual Heights (The Old Mutual Building) 14 Darling St, Cape Town

Session 3 + Milonga - Saturday July 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm (course only), 8-11.30pm Milonga for All
Venue: Alliance Française, 155 Loop St, Cape Town

Stanislav Angelov was born and educated in Bulgaria, and he studied Accordion since the age of 7. He came to South Africa in 1992 after graduating from the Conservatory in Bulgaria (Academy of Music & Dance Art in Plovdiv) with his main instrument being the Classical Accordion. In 2001 he formed the highly acclaimed Cape Town Tango Ensemble, and he has lived in Buenos Aires for several months, taking Bandoneon lessons from Ricardo Fiorio and Hugo Satore.

The CT Tango Ensemble, led by accordionist Stanislav Angelov, performs at the Baxter Theatre, Main Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town on July 23rd and on August 19th.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


SqueezinArt to Offer Discounts of Up to 75% at 2017 AAA Festival - USA

The 2017 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Festival, which takes place in Princeton, New Jersey, July 12-16, will feature outstanding concerts, workshops and much more.

There will also be multiple vendors displaying their wares, including SqueezinArt, which features a variety of gifts for accordionists and lovers of the accordion.

SqueezinArt will be offering some of their products at prices that are reduced up to 75%.

While we’re only in July, it is never too early to stock up on gifts for Christmas. This will be a great opportunity to do that. See you in Princeton!

Picture below: Joan Grauman at a SqueezinArt display.
Joan Grauman


2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors - USA

AAA Poster Exhibits
2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors List and venue hours information.


Titano Display at AAA Competitions & Festival - USA

Titano AAA Journal advertisement
Titano Accordions will be on display in the Ocean & Cumberland Rooms at the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Competition and Festival is being held in Princeton, New Jersey from 12 -16 July at the Westin Hotel, Princeton, New Jersey (NJ).

Display times are:
Wednesday 12 July, 5 pm to 9 pm
Thursday 13 July, 9 am to 11:30 am and 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Friday 14 July, 9am to 3:30 pm
Saturday 15 July, 9 am to 11:30 am and 1 pm to 3:30 pm


Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day, California – USA

Nick AriondoOn Friday July 14th, noon to 4 pm, accordionist Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day at Nicole’s Gourmet Foods Market and Café, 921 Meridian Avenue, Unit B, South Pasadena, CA 91030.

Nick Ariondo, a recipient of many awards, is recognized as a concert artist and composer of international prominence. His performances and compositions contribute immeasurably to raising the status of the accordion through the promotion and presentation of chamber concerts, solo recitals, and orchestra appearances.

For further information email: accomusic@nickariondo.com


‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’ Concert, São Miguel – Portugal

On Friday July 14th, at 9.30pm, in the Salão de Festas da Sociedade Recreativa of Barão de São Miguel, Portugal, there will be a concert titled ‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’.

This concert features Peter Maric (Serbia), winner of the 2010 CIA Coupe Mondiale, Rodrigo Maurício, Francisco Sabóia, Jorge Alves, João Tomas and Michel.


Karen Street and Karen Tweed ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Birmingham, Burton-on-Trent – UK

Karen Street and Karen TweedAccordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed have jointly organised two morning and afternoon events on Saturday July 22nd and Sunday 23rd in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.

They have produced a book of sing-along tunes, which will be available at and for these events. The Classic Kyiv Duo, on tour from the Ukraine, will perform on both dates. Burton-on-Trent.

There will be a collection on the day for and Alzheimer’s Society and families still suffering from the Chernobyl disaster

For further information email: karen@karenstreet.com



Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利

Know the People Baffetti Interview
Genuino Baffetti (picture left)
Cinzia Baffetti (picture middle)
Milena Baffetti (picture right)
of Baffetti Accordions

编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Interview: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017

Prof. Vladimir BesfamilnovNew video about life added to obituary article about Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov passing away.
Read about the life of this great educator and musician at: Vladimir Besfamilnov
This site has has been updated and will be updated further. Besfamilnov is sadly missed and our deepest condolences to the family.


Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

Ossie MazzeiA video with a lot of historic information about Ossie Mazzei including some music, has been added to the obituary published in April.

Thank you to Leo Mazzei and family for the video.


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldUpdated Site. The site of Grayson  Masefield has been updated with new pictures and text and also to list his Master of Arts degree qualifications.


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