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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 23-Jun-2017
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Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利
"AWW App" 安卓系统手风琴每周英文报道
美国手风琴家协会(AAA)节,7月12日至16日, NJ - USA
国际比赛“Bruno Serri”手风琴作品 - 意大利
“世界各地手风琴”,Bryant Park, New York --USA
Grayson Masefield和洛桑室内乐团--瑞士


2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Ennis--爱尔兰
Michele Bianco 赢得"Val Tidone Prize" --意大利
视频: Prijatelji Ostanimo Prijatelji by Cody McSherry
视频: Venglevski Duet在 Leavenworth 演奏--美国


Vlada Panovic Master Class, Topola – Serbia
Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Somerset – UK
Milonga @ Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Salto - Uruguay
Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert, North Yorkshire – UK
Angelique Neuville plays for dancing, Vanne – France
‘Tango & Co’ Concert, Nuremberg – Germany
Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica, Santa Maria Maggiore – Italy
Richard Galliano Jazz Concert, Rognes - France
Malachy Cairns @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK
Natalya Chesnova’s Russian Music Workshop, Bergamo - Italy


刚发布: Friedrich Lips--德国
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling - Germany
Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand

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Hotel Shenzhen该项比赛提供免费食宿,并且免报名费



下载章程:2017 Shenzhen


Baffetti Accordions 采访--意大利

Know the People Baffetti Interview
Genuino Baffetti (picture left)
Cinzia Baffetti (picture middle)
Milena Baffetti (picture right)
of Baffetti Accordions

编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Interview: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


"AWW App" 安卓系统手风琴每周英文报道

app banner
app banner



美国手风琴家协会(AAA)节,7月12日至16日, NJ - USA

AAA NJ Poster
AAA logo美国手风琴家协会(AAA)比赛和节日将于7月12日至16日在新泽西州普林斯顿的威斯汀酒店举行。


AAA节由演出者和表演者组成。 见上面的海报。


除了优秀的表演者和研讨会外,还将有很多乐团或独奏在酒店中演奏。 酒店距离商店和餐馆仅几步之遥,靠近旅游景点。



国际比赛“Bruno Serri”手风琴作品 - 意大利

International Competition “Bruno Serri” for Accordion Composition
手风琴和手风琴作品的第二届国际比赛 “Bruno Serri”于7月13日至16日在意大利摩德纳的Serramazzoni举行。

这场比赛由Sabrina Gasparini主持,以纪念重要的手风琴家和音乐家Bruno Serri。比赛由Salotto Culturale Aggazzotti与S.A.I大学哲学与音乐学院合作协助。


1)Composers with time requirement 
2) Composers online. 

7月8日以后,10名入围者的名字将公布;入围决赛入围者必须在7月13日在文莱达·萨拉(Via Della Sala)Via Roma 293,Serramazzoni进行表演。



“世界各地手风琴”,Bryant Park, New York --USA

‘Accordions Around the World’
Bryant Park“世界各地的手风琴”是在纽约曼哈顿的布莱恩特公园举行的为期四周的免费公开活动,涉及超过100位手风琴家,班多钮,六角琴,脚踏式风琴和其他不同音乐流派乐器的玩家。

时间为6月28日至7月21日。将于6月28日至7月19日下午6点至8点举行 ‘Accordion Picnics’,每场表演聚焦24位音乐人,系列将于7月21日星期五下午5点至10点,并由纽约主办的“手风琴节”手风琴家Rachelle Garniez,以及 Bil Afrah Project,Zlatni Balkan Zvuk,Osnelda(巴西),Gregorio Uribe(哥伦比亚)等等。

‘Accordion Picnics’的表演者包括Lena和Charlie Giordano(Bruce Springsteen),Rob Curto,Mario Tacca和Lila Downs,George Saenz,Smörgåsbandet(挪威),Yuri Lemeshev,bandoneon大师Tito Castro,Gregory Grene(来自爱尔兰乐队The Prodigals)和Will Holshouser。



Grayson Masefield和洛桑室内乐团--瑞士

Grayson Masefield
Grayson Masefield在6月6日,Grayson Masefield完成第二协奏'Viva Voce' 通过俄罗斯作曲家 Efrem Podgaits 决定了这是大师级演奏程度的曲子,他的专业程度限于在HEMU(洛桑的音乐大学)独奏演奏八年。

这场音乐会与受人尊敬的洛桑室内乐团Nicolas Chalvin乐团在洛桑音乐厅举行。


Grayson Masefield 的奏鸣曲演奏很荣幸的收到了100分的评分,因为这个成功,他成功获得了他的MA HES-SO音乐硕士学位。
Grayson Masefield



2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Ennis--爱尔兰

2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Ennis2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 由 Comhaltas在Ennis主办,时间是2017年8月13日志21日。






Michele Bianco 赢得"Val Tidone Prize" --意大利

视频: Michele Bianco在2017意大利世界杯的演奏。完整报道:2017WAD-Italy.

V. Vlassov "Suite I movimento";
Y. Ganzer "Silhouetten III movimento";
V. Semyonov "Capriccio n° 1";
G. Hermosa "Pater Noster



Raimo Vertainen音乐总监Raimo Vertainen(图左)报道了瓜迪亚努瓦尔最近的两个新的演出。

在五月的瓜迪亚努埃瓦的演出在‘Viking Grace’号船上进行,在Turku和Stockholm 之间巡航。在6月17日,瓜迪亚努埃瓦演出在赫尔辛基最大的游乐公园(Linnanmäki)举行。

在7月8日瓜迪亚努瓦尔会在他们的家乡科科拉的屈德纽斯公园举行。独奏音乐家中会有Jennie Von Storbacka 和Teemu Roivainen 等人。
Guardia Nueva


视频: Prijatelji Ostanimo Prijatelji by Cody McSherry

Cody 获得了 2017 Leavenworth国际手风琴比赛Diatonic组别第一名。

1st place in the Leavenworth Old Time Open Category
2nd in the Leavenworth Open Category
1st place in the Diatonic Category,



Chen Family
上面的图片 Jessie,Robbie 和Angela Chen 和他们的老师Campbell Bettridge。

"Chen Family Wins" 是关于陈家族参加了最近举办的南太平洋手风琴锦标赛的一篇文章的标题,三个家庭成员都获得了比赛的胜利。Angela获得了南太平洋手风琴锦标赛的15岁及以下组别的独奏冠军,整个家族都很开心。

陈一家都跟格伦菲尔德音乐教育中心的Campbell Bettridge 学习手风琴。

Campbell Bettridge是过去的新西兰冠军和2002年世界大师赛的第三名,Campbel在youtube上的《托卡塔与赋格》和《巴赫D小调BMV 565》也有超过100万的点击量。


视频: Venglevski Duet在 Leavenworth 演奏--美国

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration视频:Joan Grauman and Cody McSherry 在2017Leavenworth国际手风琴活动中演奏 "While I'm Away" 。

"While I'm Away"该书可购买
Catalog: vstasbook01 Romantic Solos
Catalog: vstasbook03 Seasoning Solos
Catalog: vstasbook04 Seasoning Duets



Vlada Panovic Master Class, Topola – Serbia

Vlada PanovicVlada Panovic holds a master class on Saturday June 24th, 12 midday until 4 pm, at the Conference Hall of the Hotel Oplenac, Topola, Serbia.

The content includes:
- an introduction to the history of accordions and folk music in Serbia and the Balkans;
- the way of performing original songs and from Central, South, Western Serbia as well as Bosnia and Macedonia;
- characteristics of the styles of these areas;
- detailed explanations of articulation, thrillers, finger, phrasing, harmony depending on the area; world music on accordion - France, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, film music, etc;
- various rhythms and styles - waltz, Tango, New Musette, Tango Nuevo, samba, rhumba, chorinho, etc.

For further information email: ivorskekapi@gmail.com


Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Somerset – UK

Kennet Accordion Orchestra
Kennet Accordion OrchestraThe Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) performs in concert on Saturday June 24th, 1 pm, at Dunster Castle, Somerset.

The following day, June 25th, 12 midday, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra performs at the Minehead Bandstand in Minehead, Somerset.

Formed in 1984, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra’s members come from Marlborough, Hungerford, Newbury and Swindon.

The KAO’s repertoire includes a wide variety of music that includes arrangements of popular music, film themes, and classical pieces.
Kennet Accordion Orchestra


Milonga @ Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Salto - Uruguay

PosterOn Saturday June 24th, 8.30pm, there will be a Milonga at the Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Lavalleja 48, Salto, Uruguay.

The evening of dancing is organised by and featuring popular Uruguayan accordionist Silvio Previale.


Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert, North Yorkshire – UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra PosterThe Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) performs in concert on Saturday June 24th, 7.30pm until 9.30pm, at Saint James’ Church, Church Avenue, Clapham, North Yorkshire LA2 8DU. Admission is £5, which includes refreshments; accompanied under 14s admitted free.

The Craven Accordion Orchestra was founded in 1995. It started out as a social gathering of twelve accordionists and two keyboard players, and eventually developed into an orchestra. Since then the CAO has participated in and organized many local NAO festivals and taken part in the NAO UK championships, organized accordion events, and performed in many concerts.


Angelique Neuville plays for dancing, Vanne – France

Angelique Neuville PosterAccordionist Angelique Neuville plays for dancing on Sunday June 25th, 2pm until 7pm, at St Benoist, Vanne, in eastern France. Entrance is 10 Euro.

Angelique Neuville, aged 17, from Lons-le Saunier, is one of France’s best up and coming musette accordionists, and regularly performs at festivals and for dancing. Bartòk, Grieg, Saint-Saëns, Galliano, Piazzolla, Azzola Bartòk, Grieg, Saint-Saëns, Galliano, Piazzolla, Azzola, Magnac-Laval (87).

For further information email: saintbenoistanimation@gmx.fr


‘Tango & Co’ Concert, Nuremberg – Germany

‘Tango & Co’ Poster‘Tango & Co’ is the title of a concert by the Nuremberg Accordion Ensemble on Sunday June 25th, 7pm, at the Kirche St Jobst, Nuremberg, Germany. Free entry – donations welcome.

The members of the Nuremberg Accordion Ensemble are Marco Röttig, Bernd Kastl, Eva Pauler-Muller, Horst Muller, Kerstin Neefischer, and Martina Janschak.

They will present works by the Tango Nuevo founder Astor Piazzolla as well as ‘classics’ like the famous ‘Tango’ by Isaac Albéniz.

Barbara Schofer comperes the program with interesting stories about the composers and their works, as well as poems on ‘Tango’.


Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica, Santa Maria Maggiore – Italy

Festa Vigezzina PosterThe 1st ‘Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica’ takes place on Sunday June 25th, 8pm, at the La Jazza Hotel in Santa Maria Maggiore, Piemonte, northern Italy – close to Switzerland. The evening features many local accordionists, a meal, and an accordion exhibition will be organized by G.Verde di Leinì


Richard Galliano Jazz Concert, Rognes - France

Richard GallianoRichard Galliano – accordion, Paolo Fresu – trumpet, and Jan Lundgren – piano perform a jazz concert together on Monday June 26th, 9.30pm, at Carrières de Rgnesognes, 13840 Rognes (9 km from La Roque D ' Anthéron), a commune in the Bouches-du-Rhône department in southern France. Admission 37€, concessions 30€.

Internationally acclaimed accordion and bandoneon virtuoso, composer Richard Galliano performs in many musical fields, from classical to jazz. He records for the prestigious classical music label ‘Deutsche Grammophon’, and has recorded more than 50 albums, many under his own name and some with many other artists.

This concert is an event in the 37th International Piano Festival of La Roque D ' Anthéron.


Malachy Cairns @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK

Irish accordionist and singer Malachy Cairns is the guest at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday June 29th, 7.45pm. Admission is £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door. The club organiser is Jean Hanger. In support will be a spot from the Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger).

Harlow Accordion Club meets at the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Natalya Chesnova’s Russian Music Workshop, Bergamo - Italy

Natalya Chesnova’s Workshop PosterAccordionist Natalya Chesnova leads a ‘Russian Music Workshop’ next weekend, on June 30th and July 1st at Daminelli Strumenti Musicalli, via Ghislandi 55, Bergamo, and on Sunday July 2nd at the Museo del Falegname, via Papa Giovanni XX111 59, Almenno San Bartolomeo (BG).

Natalya Chesnova, based in Milan, Italy, graduated from the Minsk Conservatory, Belorus, in 2004. She then worked as an accordion teacher in Minsk and as an accompanist for choreographers and dance teachers. Natalya was a member of the ensemble ‘Novyi Gorod’, who in 2001 obtained 3rd place in the competition ‘Golden Accordion’ in New York, 1st place at the International Competition in Castelfidardo, and performed dozens of concerts in all the states of the former Soviet Union, South Korea, Poland, Germany and Italy, and played in many broadcasts on radio and TV in Belarus. On 2004 Natalya moved to Italy, where she married the singer Nicola Portonato, and is in demand for concerts, teaching, etc.

For further information email: nataliabajan@libero.it



刚发布: Friedrich Lips--德国

Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon编辑古典音乐手风琴目录没有的艺术:kslips02


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling site has been updated with new contact details and new publications.


Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand

NZAA header
The New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) has made substantial site updates.
- 2017 South Pacific Accordion Championship winners listed.
- Announcing the dates of the 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June 2018. The 2018 Prospectus with rules and entry information to be released 1st December 2017.
- Roll of Honour page listing Life Members and other honoured members.
- Information about NZAA Life Members Frank Vilich and Dorothy Taylor who recently passed away.
- Information about new Life Member Maurice Arnold Jones


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