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30th Førde Traditional and World Music Festival - Norway

Ein haile halve maone
Sarah Savoy TrioThe 30th Forde Folk Music Festival will be held in hotels, museums arts centres and outdoor stages in and around Førde, Norway from July 3rd to 7th. The main festival arena is the culture centre “Førdehuset” with four concert halls holding from 170 to 2500 seats. The theme of this year’s event is “2019: 30 years without borders!”

This festival is one of the largest for traditional and world music in Scandinavia, presenting approximately 90 acts, 30 venues and 300 artists from all over the world with 25, 000 to 30,000 visitors each year.

The festival programme will include a variety of concerts, workshops, exhibitions, children’s events and dance evenings.

Accordion performers and groups include “Ein haile halve maone” (Norway - picture at top) who play traditional dance music mostly from their own region, but also some tunes from other parts of Norway; “Floating Sofa Quartet” (Denmark, Sweden and Finland) which includes Leija Lautamaja on Melodeon & Harmonium. Their repertoire is an exciting mixture of own compositions and traditional pieces from their respective countries.

Other performers are “Kroke” (Poland) which includes accordionist Jerzy Bawol, who play their own improvisations of klezmer and ethnic music; Samurai Accordion (Italy, Finland and Ireland – picture below), a group of 4 accordionists who play a mix of trad, folk, liscio, Irish music, jazz and film scores; and the Sarah Savoy Trio (USA - picture left) who play a mix of Cajun, country and rock’n’roll.

For further festival details email: info@fordefestival.no
Samurai Accordion
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