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Accordion Master Class & Concert with Iñaki Alberdi at MUK - Austria

Masterclass students
Iñaki AlberdiWith the kind support of the Spanish Embassy in Vienna, internationally renowned accordionist Iñaki Alberdi was invited to a masterclass at the Music and Art University of Vienna (MUK) last week. Together with Prof. Grzegorz Stopa and students of MUK, he played at the final concert in the Vivaldi Hall. His program included works by José María Sánchez-Verdú, Jesús Torres, Enrique Granados and Campina, Ernesto Halffter, Manuel de Falla, Tomás Luis de Victoria and Joan Guinjoan.

Iñaki Alberdi first studied with Carlos Iturralde in Spain and then completed his training with Friedrich Lips and Matti Rantanen at the Russian Gnesin Music Academy RAM in Moscow and the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. He received first prizes at the Coupe Mondiale (Colmar, 1994), the International Accordionist and Bayanist Competition (Moscow, 1995) and the Youth Music Competition (Valladolid, 1996).

Alberdi has worked closely with various contemporary composers, premiering works by Sofia Gubaidulina, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luis de Pablo, Joan Guinjoan, Gabriel Erkoreka, Ramón Lazkano, Jesús Torres, Agustín Charles and José María Sánchez-Verdú.

He has appeared in numerous concert halls and at a variety of festivals as a chamber musician and with orchestra. According to Sofia Gubaidulina, "Iñaki Alberdi has great talent and the total dedication of an artist to his music. His amazing understanding of the depth of form and his remarkable temperament have impressed me the most and most extraordinary."

The aim of the master class was to familiarize students with the rather unknown contemporary Spanish accordion literature as well as new methods of playing, e.g. to make possible the "unthinkable and unplayable". So if a composer like José María Sánchez-Verdú wants to explore the possibilities of playing glissando on the bass side in his work "Horos II", then the accordionist has to be prepared to give up the vertical position of the accordion in favor of a horizontal one, then being able to perform the desired gentle and delicate glissando with his the right hand.

Alberdi demonstrated this with ease in his world premiere of "Horos II"! Verdú‘s "Arquitecturas del silencio" (Architectures of Silence) travels through the boundaries of the instrument as well as "Arquitecturas de espejos" (Mirror Architectures), not only by the extreme registers, but also by the manipulation and distortion of the sound through new instrumental techniques (strangled sounds, shadows between air, noise and pitch, repetition, complex auditory sensations, etc.).

Composed in 2004, "Arquitecturas del silencio" was premiered in Cagliari the following year by Esteban Algora, to whom the work is dedicated.

Joan Guinjoan was born in 1931 in Riudoms at the Baix Camp and is one of the most important contemporary composers in Catalonia. Before he started his career, he made his first musical experience with the accordion. Through this instrument, he discovered the harmony and music of the world through the "sounds of the earth" ("Sonidos de la Tierra"), both field work and nature. This is also the very title of Guinjoan's accordion work, which Iñaki Alberdi premiered in 2008, a kind of reunion between Guinjoan and his first instrument, the accordion.

Jesús Torres' "Cadencias", from his accordion concerto “Concierto para acordeón y orquesta”, Ernesto Halffter's rousing "Danza de la Pastora" (Dance of the Shepherdess) from his ballet "Sonatina", excerpts from Manuel de Falla's "Siete canciones populares españolas" as well as three dances from Enrique Granados y Campiña's "Danzas españolas" completed the program.
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