1. Group A for Children below 9 years old (born after August 20, 2001).
1. Group B for Children below 12 years old (born from August 19, 1998 to August 19, 2001).
2. Group for Juveniles of Traditional Bass 13-15 years old (born from August 20, 1995 to August 19, 1998).
3. Group for Juveniles of Free Bass 13-15 years old (born from August 20, 1995 to August 19, 1998).
4. Group for Youths of Traditional Bass 16-18 years old (born from August 20, 1992 to August 19, 1995).
5. Group for Youths of Free Bass 16-18 years old (born from August 20, 1992 to August 19, 1995).
6. Group of Traditional Bass (normal colleges, comprehensive universities, music education majors of art and music colleges)
7. Group of Free Bass (normal colleges, comprehensive universities, music education majors of art and music colleges)
8. Group for performers 18-35 years old (born from August 20, 1975 and August 19, 1992)
9. Group A for pop music below 15 years old (born after August 20, 1995), except electronic musical instruments.
10. Group B for pop music above 15 years old (born before August 19, 1995), except electronic musical instruments.
11. Group A for trio below 15 years old (born after August 20, 1995), less than 4 players, excluding other musical instruments.
12. Group B for trio above 15 years old (born before August 19, 1995), less than 4 players, excluding other musical instruments.
13. Chamber music group, without age restriction, combination of accordion and other musical instruments, and the accordion shall be the main player (1 accordion and several other musical instruments are allowed).