2024 Hohner Seniors Accordion Festival, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14-17 May 2024

14 May | 15 May | 16 May

14 May Daily Report


As part of a series of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, more than 500 accordion artists and enthusiasts from China and Malaysia took off from 28 cities to gather in beautiful Kuala Lumpur at the 2024 "Hohner Cup" Malaysian Seniors Accordion Art Festival to create a new melody for mutual cultural learning and inheritance of friendship between the two countries.

Organized by the Hohner Arts Foundation and strongly supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, during this 5-day and 4-night arts festival, all artists took the opportunity to perform collaboratively through various art forms, as well as explore various Malaysian The unique charm of food and historical and cultural attractions promotes artistic exchanges and emotional resonance between the two parties.


Click each picture to see full size
Description of posters:
Pictures above: 01. & 02. Posters
03. China-Malaysia Cultural Tourism Project Signing Ceremony attended
by the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Malaysia.
04. Promotion in Malaysia, celebrating the signing.

Click each picture to see full size
Description of pictures:
05. Groups arriving at the festival hotel, each with a large banner.
06. The photographers took many pictures.
07. Dinner at the food market.
08. Large crowd at the Malaysia/China relations celebration concert.

Video of excerpts from the event

General promo video

General promo video

Further pictures of arrivals

Names of Orchestras Participating in 50th Anniversary Afternoon Celebration Concert

  “This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. This is a grand concert to connect friends with the piano,” said Ding Peng, a specially invited member of the Beijing CPPCC Education, Science and Culture Committee and deputy secretary-general of the Accordion Society of the Chinese Musicians Association: “One Belt, One Road, Culture Go first, communicate and learn from each other, and go hand in hand. We hope that through the hosting of this Accordion Art Festival, music, culture and art exchanges can become a bond of emotion between the people of China and Malaysia and build a bridge of friendship between the people of China and Malaysia.  



1 大连霍纳手风琴乐团
2 山西霍纳手风琴乐团
3 成都春之声手风琴乐团
4 武汉李斌手风琴艺术团
5 新乡老干部大学手风琴乐团
6 宇涵线上音乐手风琴乐团
7 马来西亚关丹华团乐龄手风琴乐团
8 青岛霍纳手风琴乐团
9 北京霍纳手风琴乐团
10 辽宁省兴城市手风琴学会键舞重奏小组
11 新疆老年大学手风琴乐团
12 徐州霍纳手风琴乐团
13 西安霍纳手风琴乐团
14 济南小和弦手风琴乐团
15 江西省老年大学手风琴乐团
16 南京霍纳手风琴乐团
17 济南泉水叮咚手风琴乐团
18 贵州增刚霍纳手风琴艺术团
19 厦门安可手风琴乐团
20 昆明霍纳云风手风琴乐团
21 惠州市老干部大学手风琴乐团

Below are the names in English of the musical groups participating in the Afternoon Concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia in 2024

1 Dalian Hohner Accordion Orchestra
2 Shanxi Hohner Accordion Orchestra
3 Chengdu Spring Accordion Orchestra
4 Wuhan Li Bin Accordion Troupe
5 Xinxiang Veterans University Accordion Orchestra
6 Yuhan Online Music Accordion Orchestra
7 Malaysian Kuantan Chinese Orchestra Senior Accordion Ensemble
Malaysian Accordion Lovers Orchestra
8 Qingdao Hohner Accordion Orchestra
9 Beijing Hohner Accordion Orchestra
10 Key Dance Ensemble Group of Xingcheng Accordion Society, Liaoning Province
11 Xinjiang Elderly University Accordion Orchestra
12 Xuzhou Hohner Accordion Orchestra
13 Xi'an Hohner Accordion Orchestra
14 Jinan Minor Chord Accordion Orchestra
15 Jiangxi University for the Elderly Accordion Orchestra
16 Nanjing Hohner Accordion Orchestra
17 Jinan Quanshui Dingdong Accordion Orchestra
18 Guizhou Zenggang Hohner Accordion Troupe
19 Xiamen Encore Accordion Orchestra
20 Kunming Hohner Yunfeng Accordion Orchestra
21 Huizhou Veteran Cadres University Accordion Orchestra

"This is the first time for many participants to come to Malaysia," said Amujit, director of the Instrumental Music Department of Xinjiang University for the Elderly. "This art festival does not only carry out cultural exchanges, but also improves better understanding our world. What a great opportunity! Our Xinjiang orchestra flew from the westernmost inland city of China to the beautiful Kuala Lumpur. By further understanding the unique national conditions of Malaysia, we can better promote the exchange and development of culture and art between China and Malaysia."


Pictures of 50th Anniversary Celebration Afternoon Concert

The list of 21 performers is above in Chinese and English.
Click each picture to see full size

  Text about pictures: 51 I love accordion sign outside the hall; 52 Excellent graphics at all festival events; 53 & 54 Large sound desk and lighting desk for excellent sound/lighting; 55 & 56 Stage graphics looked excellent; Ding Peng event organiser opened the festival; 58 video cameraman filming selected teachers writing helpful advice; 59 to 84 performers;  

Pictures of 50th Anniversary Celebration Evening Concert

  Evening Concert Offical Guests such as Liu Qiangyan, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons of the Malaysian Parliament, Li Jiancong, Member of Parliament, Chang Shan, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, were honored guests to attend the China-Malaysia Exchange Concert "People-to-people Relations, Heart-to-Heart Connect" between the Chinese and Malaysian peoples.  

Video excerpts from Concert

Click each picture to see full size

  Text about pictures: 101. Harley Jones with translator Thomas Ng: 102A. Large crowd: 102C. Team of photographers and one video filmer: 102D. Malaysian traditional dance group: 103. Event organisers Huang Da and Ding Peng: 104. Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons of the Malaysian Parliament, Li Jiancong: 105. Member of Parliament, Chang Shan: 106. & 106B. Accordion presentation: 107. and 108. Peking Hohner Orchestra with Huang Da (violin): 117. & 118. Trio accordion: Yihan Online Music accordion group No. 6, Accordion: Hao Ran Guitar:Zhang Chun Jian Drum:Liu Peng Yuan: 126. 127. Rasa Sayang dancing: 128: Presentation, China Malaysia of Everlasting Diplomatical cooperation: 137. & 138. Russia Accordion Duo, Anastasiia Perova, Vera Lonkina from Moscow: 133. Wang Ming & Weng Jie 139. Event organiser Ding Peng finishes the concert: 140. End of concert pictures on stage.  

14 May | 15 May | 16 May

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