2015 1st China Shenzhen International Accordion Art Festival
15th August Daily Report 16th August Daily Report 17th August Daily Report

Costa-Victoria cruise ship
Poster Acrobat pdf Downloads
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Pietro Adragna poster Cao Ye poster Jessica Shi Xuan Matteo Petronio poster
Pietro Adragna (Italy) Cao Ye (China) Shi Xuan (Jessica, China) Matteo Petronio (Italy)
Tan Jialiang poster Maxim Ternovsky poster Wang Zheng Liang poster
Tan Jialiang (China) Maxim Ternovsky (Russia) Wang Zheng Liang (China)


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Deck 5
The excitement and buzz of all the accordionists, especially all the young ones making their first ships cruise was a real fun and noisy time as everyone found their documentation and then went on board the ship. On the ship, the concert areas had large poster boards in placeand here, one of the helpers handing out brochures and information is standing next to the poster board which in one of the competition venues.
Deck 5
Another large poster board with glass elevators going up another 7 floors on this large ship.
Harley Jones and (Julia) Lingjia Zhu
Table for competitors information
Tong Jian Hua
Two of the teachers - over 300 teachers on this cruise. Left is Tong Jian Hua who is the President of the Shenzhen Accordion Teachers Association and an important organiser of the International China Shenzhen Accordion Festival and Competitions held last month. The big cruise ship gets positive signs from Harley Jones and (Julia) Lingjia Zhu. The happy smiles and excited talk of the many young accordionists on the ship said it all.
Many quickly made for the top deck and the swimming pools to enjoy the warm weather. Childrens hot tub was also very popular.
Most people spent time exploring the large ship.
One of the largest orchestras rehearsing in the Festival Show Lounge. The ship is well equipped with lighting and sound equipment. Picture of rehearsal from the top level of the Festival Show Lounge.
Shouzhi Wu, Xiaoping Wang and his wife Gongbao Li and Crystal Wang
Shouzhi Wu, Xiaoping Wang and his wife. Gongbao Li and Crystal Wang
Piao Zhehao,Hu Wenke Xiao Chang (Shell)
Piao Zhehao,Hu Wenke Xiao Chang (Shell) compere introducing
Xiaoping Wang Pietro Adragna
Xiaoping Wang past Vice-President of the China Accordion Association who made the Opening Speech. Pietro Adragna (Italy)
Pietro Adragna
Pietro Adragna
Pietro Adragna
Pietro Adragna was very popular with the audience.
Jinming Ding conducting "Jinyun" Accordion Orchestra
"Jinyun" Accordion Orchestra from Henan Province.Teacher: Jinming Ding
This accordion orchestra was so large, that I could not fit them into 1 picture. This is the left side of the orchestra, unfortunately with a few missing on the far left.
and this is the right side of the orchestra.
Meoowwww - Cats and very cute. "Jinyun" Accordion Orchestra
Mama's from "Jinyun" Accordion Orchestra
Mama's from "Jinyun" Accordion Orchestra
Mingyuan Ruan "Doh Ray Mi"
Mingyuan Ruan (center, in red) was the 2009 Coupe Mondiale 3rd prize winner and was leading this group of students from "Doh Ray Mi" private accordion school, Shanxi province. The school is run by her parents Hailin Ruan and Lei Xiufang.
Mingyuan Ruan Mingyuan Ruan
Mingyuan Ruan also performed a solo. A dynamic performer.
Accordion Children Orchestra from Hong Kong and Qiji Accordion Orchestra Beijing
Accordion Children Orchestra from Hong Kong and Qiji Accordion Orchestra from Beijing.
Hohner Accordion Orchestra from Xiamen Province
Hohner Accordion Orchestra from Xiamen Province.
"Hua'er" Accordion Orchestra
"Hua'er" Accordion Orchestra from Ningxia province.
"Hua'er" Accordion Orchestra
Beautiful costumes, lovely movements and music.
Pietro Adragna Song Yue (Moon), Xiao Chang (Shell) and Wang Jie (Sara)
Pietro Adragna signing autographs Song Yue (Moon), Xiao Chang (Shell) and Wang Jie (Sara) from Shanghai Normal University.
Alessio Gerundini, Zero Sette Accordion Factory Director with his son Alberto and wife Morena. Pietro Adragna
Alessio Gerundini, Zero Sette Accordion Factory Director with his son Alberto and wife Morena. Pietro autographing his CD.
Varuzhan Shanshiyev
Varuzhan Shanshiyev (Ukraine)
Varuzhan Shanshiyev
Varuzhan Shanshiyev viewed from above the Pool Deck.

15th August Daily Report 16th August Daily Report 17th August Daily Report

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