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Roland Gala Event is Now Over

Video from Livestream Deschamps Channel no longer available.


1st Place: Klavdia Tarabrina - Russia
2nd Place: Michael Rettig - Germany
3rd Place: Pawel Janes - Poland
Journalist Award: Netta Skog - Finland
Deschamps Channel Prize: Paolo Forte - Italy

Contestants Grand Gala Order of Performance

2012 Grand Gala Contestant List
2012 Grand Gala Contestant List
2012 Grand Gala Contestant List
"Auditorum della Musica" in Rome
Wonderful Building "Auditorum della Musica" in Rome
"Auditorum della Musica" in Rome
with 1.300 seats for the audience to apreciate the performances of the international contestants from Canada, Spain, Finland, Poland, Japan, UK, Russia, Germany, China, France, USA, Brasil and Italy during the 6th International Digital V-Accordion Roland Festival
Staircase with Roland Poster
Entrance of the Auditorium Staircase with Roland Festival Poster
Roland V-Accordion display
Roland Digital V-Accordion Display in the Hall of the Auditorium
Alfredo Maroni (President Roland Europe), Luigi Bruti (Marketing Manager Roland Europe) and the Journalists Jury: Giovanni Pirri, Gabriele Antonucci, Luigi Bellingardi
Alfredo Maroni (President Roland Europe), Luigi Bruti (Marketing Manager Roland Europe) and the Journalists Jury: Giovanni Pirri, Gabriele Antonucci, Luigi Bellingardi selecting the winner for the winning the Ron Lankford Journalists Award.
Pietro Adragna, Wang Han Zhi, Toni Perttulla, Uwe Steger, Vojin Vasovic and Head of the Jury Viatcheslav Semionov.
Jury right to left: Pietro Adragna, Wang Han Zhi, Toni Perttulla, Uwe Steger, Vojin Vasovic and Head of the Jury Viatcheslav Semionov.
2012 Roland V-Accordion contestants march in
March in by the contestants, each carrying their national flag.
2012 Roland V-Accordion contestants march in
March in.
2012 Roland V-Accordion contestants march in
March in.
2012 V-Accordion International
All the contestants on stage with their country flages, to be introduced to the audience.
Founder of the Roland Corporation, Ikutaro Kakehashi. Mascia Foschi.
Video message on the large stage screen to all those attending the event, from the Founder of the Roland Corporation, Ikutaro Kakehashi. Presenter for the Grand Gala event was Mascia Foschi.
John Lettieri
First contestant to perform was John Lettieri - Canada.
Javier Arocena
then Javier Arocena - Spain
Netta Skog
Netta Skog - Finland
Pawel Janas
Pawel Janas - Poland
Tsuyuko Mirin
Tsuyuko Mirin - Japan
Larysa Bodell
Larysa Bodell - UK
Klavdia Tarabrina
Klavdia Tarabrina from Russia
Michael Rettig
Michael Rettig - Germany
He Qian
He Qian - China
Guillaume Clerget
Guillaume Clerget - France
Svetlana Ivanchenko
Svetlana Ivanchenko from USA
Rafael Petry
Rafael Petry - Brazil
Paolo Forte
Paolo Forte - Italy
Laser Show by Guest Star Ralf Schink
Ralf Schink
Ralf Schink Ralf Schink
Ralf Schink Ralf Schink
Ralf Schink
"the little company" from Castelfidardo
Spectacular by the goup "the little company" from Castelfidardo
Dance to the music of the Roland V-Accordion
"the little company" from Castelfidardo
Lightweight accordions demonstrated by the dancers.
"the little company" from Castelfidardo
Superb ending positions featuring accordion.
Mascia Foschi introduced Luigi Bruti,
Compere Mascia Foschi introduced Luigi Bruti, an originator of the Roland V-Accordion who spoke of the level of playing and thanking everyone.
Mascia Foschi introduced Alfredo Maroni and all the competitors to the stage.
Compere Mascia Foschi introduced Alfredo Maroni and all the competitors to the stage. Alfred Maroni spoke highly of the level of performance, and thanked all the contestants and the Roland national distributors for their much appreciated support.
Netta Skog and Luigi Bellingardi. Paolo Forte and Frederic Deschamps
Netta Skog - Finland, winning the Ron Lankford Journalists Award, presented by President of the Journalists Jury Luigi Bellingardi. Paolo Forte - Italy being presented the Deschamps Channel Award by Frederic Deschamps.
Pawel Janes and Luigi Bruti Michael Rettig and Viatcheslav Semionov
Pawel Janes - Poland was awarded 3rd place presented by Luigi Bruti. 2nd Place: Michael Rettig - Germany presented by the Head of the Jury Viatcheslav Semionov.
Klavdia Tarabrina and Alfredo Maroni
1st Place: Klavdia Tarabrina - Russia presented by Alfredo Maroni, President Roland Europe.
Klavdia Tarabrina presentation and applause
Klavdia Tarabrina enjoying the moment and the applause.
Luigi Bruti Roland Europe Marketing Manager, Journalist Award winner Netta Skog - Finland, 3rd Place: Pawel Janes - Poland, 1st Place: Klavdia Tarabrina - Russia, 2nd Place: Michael Rettig - Germany, Alfredo Maroni Roland Europe President and Deschamps Channel Prizewinner: Paolo Forte - Italy
Left to right: Luigi Bruti Roland Europe Marketing Manager, Journalist Award winner Netta Skog - Finland, 3rd Place: Pawel Janes - Poland, 1st Place: Klavdia Tarabrina - Russia, 2nd Place: Michael Rettig - Germany, Alfredo Maroni Roland Europe President and Deschamps Channel Prizewinner: Paolo Forte - Italy.

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