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Cultural Mission to Seoul Representing the Marche Region - South Korea, Italy

Mission Group
Gary BlairOpen a commercial and cultural promotion in the expanding market of a rich country promoting the quality of "made in Castelfidardo" accordions with live appreciation of the versatility and genres of the instrument in very different musical contexts.

This is the objective of the "Mission South Korea", a delegation of five musicians representing five accordion companies of Castelfidardo who were in Seoul from 4 to 9 November. The performers were:
- Gary Blair (Pasco Italia)
- Giuseppe di Falco (Beltuna)
- Andrea Naspi (Pigini)
Marco Lo Russo  (Bugari)
- Antonio Spaccarotella (Scandalli)

Thanks to the financial support of the Marche Region (Department of Culture), with the patronage of the Comune di Castelfidardo and the Associazione Music Marche Accordions as Project Leader for this misson.

"An innovative, advanced and intelligent project that we wanted to support that gives an institutional breath to the product of craftsmen, entirely produced in our territory, "said the regional Councilor for Culture Moreno Pieroni who announced the intention of "giving continuity of funding to the law that provides for interventions across the board in favor of “all accordion promotion".

The mission has availed itself of the precious collaboration of the Italian Embassy in Seoul and the Italian Cultural Institute, thanks to which, through concerts and meetings with the media, a parallel track has been run: "Feeding the creation of a new musical fashion , since the accordion is linked to a stereotype of entertainment in Korea, to promote the infinite potentials that are not so well known in other genres and in combination with other instruments ", said the president of Music Marche Paolo Picchio, adding that "when you then look for a quality accordion, you can not come to Castelfidardo".

On the positive results of an action to be continued, the administration's prerogative of the production activities Romina Calvani expressed, applauding the "effects of a synergy between bodies, associations and entrepreneurs of a small district with exceptional numbers that today there are 25 active companies, around a hundred in related industries and around a thousand employees ".

From the members of the delegation that played among other things at the Spiegen Hall in Seoul, at Casa Italia in front of prestigious guests and also recorded a significant special program that will be broadcast on the cultural channel Arte Tv, is concrete testimony of a successful mission.

"An important opportunity to spread the culture of the instrument, to give emotions and to raise the quality of the accordion's teaching", said Roberto Ottavianelli, Director of the company Bugari, the only entrepreneur present on the mission.

"Our performances have been received with great interest, attention, curiosity, desire to learn repertoire and didactics: a niche market but very fertile, which effected teachers and the musical departments of University institutions", said accordionists Marco Lo Russo (Bugari), Andrea Naspi (Pigini), Giuseppe Di Falco (Beltuna), Antonio Spaccarotella (Scandalli) and Gary Blair (Pasco Italia) who received positive feedback that exceeded all expectations.
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