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Grand Celebration of the AAA 75th Anniversary in New York City

American AccordionistsThe American Accordionists" Association (AAA) celebrated their 75th Annual Competition and Festival in New York City from August 14th to 18th. The event was enjoyed by all who attended and participated in days filled with wonderful accordion music, workshops, concerts and musical camaraderie.

AAA President Linda Reed said, "Thank you to all the performers, workshop presenters, contestants, exhibitors and members who contributed to making the AAA's 75th Anniversary a memorable event."

Each day contained an amazing accordion concert which showed the great versatility of the accordion. Former CIA President, Kevin Friedrich was the elegant Master of Ceremonies at several concerts. On Thursday, August 15th, the featured performers were Australian Cathie Travers, New Zealand entertainer Lionel Reekie, Italian virtuoso Mirco Patarini, the German accordion orchestra, Musikforum Olching conducted by Karin Renner-Kiese, and Maricarmen Vazquez accordionist with violinist Gerardo Aguillon. All were superb and presented an exciting and varied program.

The Friday Carmen Carrozza Luncheon and Concert with MC Sid Kowalczyk, included Beverly Roberts Curnow, Mary Tokarski, Sam Thomas, Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini. A heartfelt and moving tribute was presented by Carmen's daughter, Marianne Carrozza. ( See September USA news for the text).

The Friday evening program included World Champion 2002 Alexander Poeluev and his wife, guitarist Liza Poelueva; Joe Natoli; Joe Cerrito;The "K" Duo, Mary Tokarski and Julie Cardona; Dr. Robert Young McMahan and William Trigg; Sam Thomas; Dr. William Schimmel

In addition to the terrific concerts, unique workshops were presented including:
Joan Grauman's "Carnegie Hall and the Accordion", Don Gerundo's "Finale, Music Writing Program"; Joe Cerrito and Elliot Seif discussing the life of Joe Biviano; Ray Oreggio's presentation about AAA founder, Charles Magnante; Joe Natoli's "Effective Orchestration Techniques for Digital Instruments ( Roland); Dr. Robert Young McMahan presenting "The Life and Times of the AAA Founders" and "The Two Pietros- Frosini and Deiro"; Joan Sommers, "Remembering Anthony Galla-Rini"; Eddie Monteiro paying tribute to Charles Nunzio; Mary Kathryn Archuleta talking about "Local festivals, Competitions and Fun for all accordionists"; Author Marion Jacobson author of "Squeeze This", presenting "Accordions Around the World"; Paul Ramnni of the New England Accordion Museum, "Boxes of Memories and Stories", Dallas Vietty, "The Art of Gypsy Jazz".

Competitions were held throughout the festival. Categories included solo, duet, and ensembles. The Youth Involvement Program coordinated by AAA Board Member Marilyn O"Neil marked its third year with an excellent performance conducted by Joe Cerrito whose years of running a music studio and mingling with youngsters made him perfect for the job. The accordionists included Sam Thomas, Albert Manginelli, Racuel Quirbach, Liam McCool, Tor Stumo. Nathan Chaepton and Liubov Pak. Other instrumentalists included Sam Stein, Gianni Manginelli, Matt Buckley, Deanna Forella, Katarina Hoeger, Karen You, Rebecca Poole, Mitch Guido, Catherine Chung, Ryan Cohen, Kaitlin Damico and Chris Forella with percussionist Mike Rasimas.

Contest Chairperson and Festival Coordinator Mary Tokarski was the conductor of the AAA Junior Festival Orchestra which included Nathan Chapeton, Peter Chudolij, Gia Ciccone, Albert Manginelli, Cody McSherry, Liubov Pak, Joseph and Rachel Quirbach, Alexandra Reekie, Tor Stumo, Bob Vitale, and Mike Rasimas. Andre Frey, winner of the Elise M. Bennett Composition Category performed his composition, " Scenes d'un reeve tranquille".

The city of New York was delightfully entertained by many of the AAA Festival participants in an outdoor concert "Accordions Around the World" attended by hundreds held in Bryant Park. An accordion orchestra led by AAA Vice President and Festival Coordinator Frank Busso, Sr. performed "New York, New York.

The closing concert at the Gala Banquet featured the AAA Festival Orchestra directed by Joan Cochran Sommers with singer Lionel Reekie. Strolling accordionist Lou Coppola and his Stereo Strings ensemble provided elegant entertainment during the banquet.

Plans are being made for the 76th AAA Competition and Festival to be held in scenic Tarrytown, New York in July 2014.

For further details: ameraccord1938@gmail.com
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