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World Accordion Day: All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica - Russia

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LipsThe All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica is also Russia's contribution to World Accordion Day (WAD) held on May 6th, because that date clashes with a Russian National Holiday. So for that reason, the All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica is held in March annually.

The Department of the Bayan and Accordion of the Gnesins RAM established the event with project manager, Friedrich Lips (picture left). Held at the Gnesins RAM Concert Hall in Moscow, Russia, the aim of the event is to become part of a national cultural project.

The initiative began in 2010 and demonstrated great enthusiasm in all regions of Russia, both from amateurs and professional musicians, and resulted in a truly national celebration.

For event details, see World Accordion Day reports at: 2024WADreport
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