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Corrado Rojac at the Mozarteum and Museum of the Teatro alla Scala - Italy

Corrado Rojac & Stelia Doz
Corrado RojacCorrado RojacOn June 3rd, 2024, a meeting/concert was held in the Sala Esedra of the Museo Teatrale alla Scala in Milan with Corrado Rojac, concertist, composer and professor of accordion at the Giuseppe Tartini Conservatory in Trieste, and soprano Stelia Doz, an historic teacher of vocal chamber music at the Milan Conservatory. The meeting focused on the figure of Giuseppe Greggiati.

Born in the Mantua region of Italy in 1793, Greggiati was a religious man with a great passion for music who left us some 'diagrams' for the creation of an accordion, or rather, 'a bellows harmonica' that has been reconstructed in our days by Corrado Rojac, completely faithful to the original. Greggiati also left us a Method of music for “armonica a mantice/Handharmonika” dateable to the years before 1850 (with an attached collection of original and transcribed compositions), and Rojac himself also transcribed several manuscripts with arias composed by Greggiati.

The texts of the romances are by Metastasio, Jacopo Vittorelli, Felice Romani and other well-known poets set to music at the time by the most famous composers.

The work of transcribing these arias has resulted in a record for the Limen label and a concert format featuring Rojac joined by soprano Stelia Doz, a duo that gives many concerts in Italy and abroad.

This project was also presented on March 18th at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, and this recent concert at the Museo del Teatro alla Scala in Milan was also particularly prestigious.
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