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From Bellows to Masks: Galassi Company Adapts to the Market - Italy

Galassi masks
logoThe Galassi Group of Castelfidardo, was founded many years ago thanks to accordions. The Galassi Group produces bellows, made of folded and compressed cardboard and coupled with fabrics and colors to make it aesthetically flashy. Know The People Interview at Galassi Bellows: 2017Galassi

Today, with a pandemic that is bringing the Italian economy to its knees (as well as many other countries around the world), this company, with its reputation for technology and innovation, is responding at the height of the epidemic.

Owner/Director Renzo Galassi and the Galassi Group have responded to calls for the production of masks. Galassi says they have suitable material that can be treated with a softening process that will allow it to be adaptable for the purposes of masks.

Orders arrived immediately from Amandola and Osimo. The product is suitable for non-professional personal use, for people on their outings to do the shopping.

The Galassi Group has already started a collaboration with the University of Ancona to test the product. The company has announced this week, that production can be 5,000 per day and could be increased to 10,000 to 15,000 pieces.

Andrea Cantori, Secretary of the CNA of the South Zone says: “The experience of Galassi testifies to how our area does not stop giving up even in the face of the hard trials that we face today….. Already after a few days our entrepreneurs have shown how we can, once again, rethink our development and our market. A positive sign after so much bad news."

Galassi Snc have also announced that they will provide the Municipality of Osimo with a family mask for the Covid-19 emergency (for non-professional private use). This is of great use to the community given the lack of such devices on the market.

Galassi Snc will donate to Osimo for free, an extra 25% of the order of family masks that are being paid for by the Municipality of Osimo and the Astea Spa Group.

The masks can also be washed in the washing machine and reusable, a very useful feature, and will be delivered from next week.

Picture below: Renzo Galassi with his parents, Rino and Vanda Galassi who began the business in 1948.
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