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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Jan-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Британский фестиваль и конкурс NAO UK Championships 2012, Ливерпуль – Великобритания
Фестиваль Accordion Expo, Шюмег – Венгрия
Бельгийский клуб Rotary Club Gent – спонсор Международного конкурса аккордеонистов – Бельгия
Юрий Медяник – член жюри Датского Национального Песенного Конкурса, Копенгаген – Дания
Новый DVD и зимний европейский тур Квартета Ренато Боргетти (Renato Borghetti Quartet) – Европа

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Jacques Pellarin Quartet ‘Sup Dude’ CD Review, Grenoble – France
Ta Fechu Nominated for ‘AMAS’ 2012, Asturias – Spain
Accordion is Cool Workshop and Yuri Shishkin Concert - Austria
Skylah Jeffries Entertains & Fundraises, Herne Bay – New Zealand
‘14 Years Ago’ – Jimmy Shand Remembered

Будущие события

NAO Northern Ireland Championships, Carrickfergus – UK
Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim Concert, Krakow – Poland
Shand Morino Gathering, Scotland – UK
Julien Labro’s February Tour Dates – USA
Black Pencil Concert, Galway – Republic of Ireland
Sergio Zampolli @ Brasserie de Paris, Pretoria – South Africa
Christos Kalaitzopoulos Concert, Thessaloniki – Greece
Printemps des Bretelles Festival, Strasbourg – France
Veikko Ahvenainen and Carina Nordlund Concerts, Yllas - Finland
Mazaika perform at the Valentine Masquerade Party, London – UK
West Sussex Accordion Club Meetings, England – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Releases New CD
Karen Fremar Releases New Composition
Amy Jennings eSheet Site is Updated
Jay Latulippe eSheet Music Site is Updated
Paul Chamberlain selling his new CD
H S Productions eSheet Music Site is Updated
Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor releases new works
Franco Cambareri releases new compositions

CD Отзывы

Трио баяниста-виртуоза Вадима Фёдорова выпустило новый альбом "Swing for Sergey" - Исландия
Accordéon liturgique CD by Philippe Borecek

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Особенности Highlights

Британский фестиваль и конкурс NAO UK Championships 2012, Ливерпуль – Великобритания

NAO posterБританский фестиваль и конкурс Национальной Аккордеонной Организации Великобритании (National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom - NAO) пройдет с 27 по 29 апреля 2012 года в Ливерпуле в помещении отеля Adelphi Hotel (прямо в центре Liverpool City).

Фото слева – Председатель NAO Анна Бодель, фото внизу – отель Adelphi Hotel.

В этом году фестиваль включает в себя:

- Музыкальная выставка и выставка инструментов;

- Национальный британский отбор на международный конкурс «Кубок мира 2012», который пройдет в августе в городе Сполето, Италия;

- Национальный Финал конкурса исполнителей на цифровых баянах и аккордеонах Roland V-Accordion Competition (в сотрудничестве с представительством Roland в Великобритании). Победитель Национального Финала будет представлять Великобританию на 6 Международном финале в Риме;

- Конкурс композиторов (NAO Composers’ Competition);

- Разнообразные категории солистов, дуэтов и ансамблей;

Конкурс также включает международные категории исполнителей классической и эстрадной музыки (International Category for Classical and Virtuoso Entertainment Music), правила и условия которых есть на сайте NAO.

Дата окончания приема заявок 28 февраля 2012 года.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт NAO или напишите по e-mail: naouk@btinternet.com


Фестиваль Accordion Expo, Шюмег – Венгрия

Jovica DjordjevicMarjan KrajnaАккордеонный фестиваль Accordion Expo Festival пройдет с 3 по 5 февраля в таком престижном месте, как отель Нotel Kapitany, в городе Шюмег, Венгрия. Это мероприятие помимо концертов и танцев будет включать в себя выставку и демонстрацию итальянских инструментов Scandalli и Paolo Soprani, а также модельного ряда венгерских инструментов Petromaestro. Петер Можер (Péter Móger) – дизайнер и создатель инструментов Petromaestro – является организатором этого фестиваля.

Фестиваль привлек таких персон из мира баяна и аккордеона, как Мирослав Навражич (Navracic Miroslav), Марьян Крайна (Marjan Krajna - Фотография права), Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini), Жовица Джорджевич (Jovica Djordjevic - Фотография слева) и Влада Панович (Vlada Panovic).

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: mogerp@freemail.hu


Бельгийский клуб Rotary Club Gent – спонсор Международного конкурса аккордеонистов – Бельгия

Бельгийский клуб Rotary Club Gent выступит спонсором международного конкурса баянистов и аккордеонистов – исполнителей академической музыки – “Rotary Concours 2012”, который пройдет в пятницу 13 и субботу 14 апреля 2012 года. Призы основной категории составляют €2.000, €1.000 и €500 за 1, 2 и 3 места соответственно.

По прямой просьбе участников Клуб Rotary Club Gent может помочь с размещением на время конкурса.

Категория состоит из 2 туров. Правила и условия конкурса доступны на: 2012 Gent.
Дата окончания приема заявок 15 февраля 2012 года.


Юрий Медяник – член жюри Датского Национального Песенного Конкурса, Копенгаген – Дания

Yuri Medianik
Yuri MedianikВыдающийся баянист, бандонеонист и скрипач Юрия Медяник был избран членом жюри ежегодного Датского Национального Песенного Конкурса (Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2012), который транслировался по датскому ТВ 21 января.

Победительница конкурса Солуна Сэмэй (Soluna Samay) будет представлять Данию на телевизионном конкурсе Евровидение 2012.

Дания примет участие в одном из полуфиналов 22 или 24 мая за место в Финале, который состоится 26 мая в Азербайджане.

Юрия Медяник за последние несколько месяцев 2011 года дал большое количество высокопрофессиональных концертов как солист, участник различных ансамблей, а также как дирижер созданного им оркестра.

На сайте доступны два CD Юрия Медяника.


Новый DVD и зимний европейский тур Квартета Ренато Боргетти (Renato Borghetti Quartet) – Европа

Renato BorghettiКвартет бразильского музыканта – исполнителя на диатонической гармонике Ренато Боргети (Renato Borghetti Quartet) – проведет зимний гастрольный тур по странам Европы, включая Австрию, Бельгию, Финляндию, Германию, Словакию и Швецию.

18 февраля Брюссель/Мейсе (Бельгия), De Muze van Meise
19 февраля Бад-Хофгаштайн (Австрия), Jazz im Sägewerk
21 февраля Санкт-Пёльтен (Австрия), Cinema Paradiso
22 февраля Стокгольм (Швеция), Stallet
24 февраля Коккола (Финляндия), Winter Accordion Festival
26 февраля Вена (Австрия), Akkordeonfestival
28 февраля Братислава (Словакия), TBA
29 февраля Вайц (Австрия), Kunsthaus
01 марта Кобленц (Германия), Café Hahn
02 марта Фельдкирхен (Австрия), Amthof
03 марта Фельдбах (Австрия), Zentrum
04 марта Франкфурт (Германия), Brotfabrik
05. марта Дюссельдорф (Германия), Filmmuseum

Вышел новый DVD ансамбля под названием “Renato Borghetti Quartet Europa” с очаровательным фильмом René Goya Filho о летнем туре квартета 2010 года. Исполнители на DVD те же, что выступят на зимнем туре 2012: Ренато Боргети (Renato Borghetti) – диатоническая гармоника, Даниэль Са (Daniel Sá) – гитара, Педро Фигуэйредо (Pedro Figueiredo) – саксофон, флейта и Витор Пейксото (Vitor Peixoto) – фортепиано.

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с Сабиной Чебрак (Sabina Schebrak), отдел бронирования CultureWorks, по e-mail: sabina@cultureworks.at


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Jacques Pellarin Quartet ‘Sup Dude’ CD Review, Grenoble – France

Jacques Pellarin Trio
French accordionist Jacques Pellarin has branched out significantly from his classical origins to front a jazz and world music influenced quartet. His latest CD, ‘Sup Dude’, was reviewed in the website All About Jazz’ by Bruce Lindsay, and is reproduced here:
French accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin has the welcome ability to craft music which is technically challenging, yet immediately accessible and engaging. ‘Sup Dude’ is a joyous album, filled with refreshingly unpretentious tunes performed with skill and obvious pleasure by his quartet - a pleasure readily communicated to others. ‘Sup Dude’ follows 2010's self-produced trio date, ‘Karenita’, adding to that album's winning mix of jazz, Latin and folk music with another collection of tunes in a similar vein.

Pellarin is a superbly lyrical player, his lightness of touch showcased on the sprightly ‘Squeezebox Samba’ and ‘So Frenchy’. Pellarin and saxophonist Diego Fano form a great frontline partnership; the combination of accordion and saxophone is especially fruitful on the delightful melodies of ‘Le Temps De Souffler’ and ‘Stevenson Bossa’, where Fano's warm, reedy, tone contrasts with Pellarin's brighter sound.

The addition of Renaud Bourquard on bass helps to fill out the band's sound, giving the music more depth and richness. Most notably, his presence seems to give percussionist Yann Pajean added power and freedom when he's behind the drum kit. Bourquard's use of effects works well on the first part of the title track, when the slinky, snaky bass sound complements Pellarin's accordion; but overuse, as on the mid-section of ‘Irish Diversion’, tends to overwhelm the other instruments. The bassist is at his most effective on tunes such as ‘So Frenchy’, when effects are kept to a minimum and he focuses on anchoring the rhythm.

Pellarin and his fellow musicians imbue ‘Sup Dude’ with a great sense of fun and a welcome lack of pretension. Pellarin's writing emphasizes catchy hooks, danceable rhythms and light, upbeat, melodies. The resulting tunes have a brightness and optimism, as well as an apparent simplicity that belies both his virtuosity and the talents of his quartet.

Track Listing: Sup Dude; Le Temps De Souffler; Irish Diversion; Stevenson Bossa; CML Song; Live at Champlong; Squeezebox Samba; Tango Addiction; So Frenchy; Luz y Fuerza.

Personnel: Jacques Pellarin (accordion), Diego Fano (alto and soprano sax), Renaud Bourquard (bass), Yann Pajean (drums, percussion).

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Ta Fechu Nominated for ‘AMAS’ 2012, Asturias – Spain

Ta Fechu band
Maraya ZydecoThe Chilean band Ta Fechu, featuring accordionist Ernesto Calderón, has been nominated for the Asturian Music Prices ‘AMAS’ 2012, with the song ‘Volverla a ver’! You can see the clip of the song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hw-k6uEz_o

Also competing, in the instrumental section, will be the Spanish accordionist Maraya Zydeco.

The awards will be made on March 9th at the Philharmonic Theatre, Oviedo, Spain.


Accordion is Cool Workshop and Yuri Shishkin Concert - Austria

Yuri ShishkinOn the 20th -22nd January at Bisamberg, Vienna, an Accordion is Cool Workshop was held, which included training, an exhibition and finished with a concert by Yuri Shishkin and the Campus Big Band. This was held in the Castle Bisamberg event hall.

Yuri Shishkin is one of the highest respected Russian artists regularly making concert tours outside Russia. There are 6 CD's available on the Yuri Shishkin site.


Skylah Jeffries Entertains & Fundraises, Herne Bay – New Zealand

Skylah JeffriesOn January 26th 11 year old accordionist Skylah Jeffries entertained the public in Herne Bay with a variety of pieces. Passers by really "got into the swing of things" and were singing and even dancing on the footpath to the music as Skylah was fundraising for her airfare to attend the Canterbury Accordion Association 50th Anniversary in the South Island of New Zealand.
Skylah is a member of the North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra and a regular competitor at the New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival held in Auckland in June each year.

For further information email: ca@ihug.co.nz


‘14 Years Ago’ – Jimmy Shand Remembered

Sir Jimmy ShandSir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000) had an exceptionally long and prolific career, which stretched from the early 1930s to the 1990s. He recorded more tracks than Elvis and the Beatles combined, and composed over 300 tunes and songs.

In 1999 he was the first accordionist to be knighted. The Accordions Worldwide news for January 23rd 1998 reported that BBC Scotland had screened a program about the great man’s life in music.

Few accordionists anywhere could match the long term success of the 20th Century’s most famous Scotsman


The Herald (UK 27/12) featured an article on Jimmy Shand MBE who will turn 90 on January 28th. BBC Scotland is celebrating Jimmy Shand's life with a programme on Hogmanay called Button Box Wizard, featuring Jimmy and his band.

Jimmy's father was a keen melodeon player and Jimmy learnt to play the accordion before he went to school. At the age of 10 he was performing with a dance band. Jimmy has played the length and breadth of the British Isles, sometimes to crowds estimated at 20,000 as well as tours abroad including New Zealand, Canada and six times around Australia.

Jimmy Shand MBE has had a locomotive, a racehorse and a pub named after him, and his portrait is in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh.


Будущие события

NAO Northern Ireland Championships, Carrickfergus – UK

NAO logoThe NAO Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships take place on Saturday January 28th, 9.30am to 4.30pm, at the Clarion Hotel, Carrickfergus, County Antrim. The festival, organised by Clyde Johnston, includes sections for soloists, duets, groups, marching bands, and accordion orchestras.

The finals of the 2012 NAO UK Championships are to be held for the first time at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, April 27th/29th.

For further information email: asrz33@dsl.pipex.com


Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim Concert, Krakow – Poland

Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim trioThe trio Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim perform Klezmer music at the Galicia Museum, 18 Dajwor street, at 7 pm, Krakow, on Saturday February 4th.

Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim was formed in 1996, and its present line up is Mariola Spiewak (clarinet), Grzegorz Spiewak (accordion) and Rafal Seweryniak (double bass). All three are graduates of the Academy of Music in Kracow. The trio, which specializes in klezmer, original and Polish music, has participated in a number of cultural events Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.


Shand Morino Gathering, Scotland – UK

Shand Morino accordionThe annual Shand Morino Gathering takes place on Sunday January 29th, 1pm until 5pm, at The Windygates Institute, Fife, Scotland. Organised by the Button Key Accordion and Fiddle Club, this event is an informal afternoon concert involving mainly diatonic button accordionists, and is a celebration of the Shand Morino, made famous by the late, great Sir Jimmy Shand.

Pictured left is a beautiful colored Shand Morino featured at a recent gathering.


Julien Labro’s February Tour Dates – USA

Julien LabroUS-based French accordionist Julien Labro and his Hot Club of Detroit, featuring Zach Brock on violin, are appearing as follows during February:

February 8th, 8pm - Kerrytown Concert House, Ann Arbor, Michigan
February 9th, 8pm – Katerina’s, Chicago, Illinois
February 10th and 11th, 8.30pm – The Brink Lounge, Madison, Wisconsin
February 12th, 7.30pm – Lafayette, Indiana
February 13th and 14th, 7.30pm – Nightown, Cleveland, Ohio
February 15th, 7.30pm – The Purple Fiddle, Thomas,
February 16th, 7.30pm – Germano’s, Baltimore, Maryland
February 17th, 8pm, Reston Community Center, Reston, Virginia

For further information email: julien@julienlabro.com


Black Pencil Concert, Galway – Republic of Ireland

Black Pencil quintetThe quintet Black Pencil, from The Netherlands, perform their new music suite, Pulso Llanero, in Galway and Dublin in early February. Pulso Llanero is based on the traditional folk music of Venezuela and Colombia, and includes two world premieres of pieces by Mirtru Escalona-Mijares and René Uijlenhoet.

February 1st, 1pm - The Cube, Galway
February 2nd, 8pm - Aula Maxima, Galway
February 4th – details to be announced, Dublin
February 5th - details to be announced, Dublin

Black Pencil will soon be traveling to perform in Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba and China.  

For further information email: info@visisonor.org


Sergio Zampolli @ Brasserie de Paris, Pretoria – South Africa

Sergio ZampolliAccordionist Sergio Zampolli entertains at the Brasserie de Paris Restaurant, 381 Aries Street, Pretoria, on Thursday February 2nd, from 7pm until 9pm.

Every first Thursday of the month, Sergio Zampolli entertains at a dinner featuring wine from different regions in South Africa, France, Spain, Italy, etc. Brasserie de Paris is a fashionable up-market French fine dining restaurant located in Waterkloof Ridge in close proximity to the Pretoria Country Club, and is rated one of the top ten restaurants in South Africa.

For further information email: sergio@duo2000.co.za


Christos Kalaitzopoulos Concert, Thessaloniki – Greece

Left handed accordionist Christos Kalaitzopoulos performs at Gaia Live, Thessaloniki, on Saturday February 11th, 10pm.

For further information email: starr63@gmail.com


Printemps des Bretelles Festival, Strasbourg – France

Printemps des Bretelles Festival
Strasbourg's annual Printemps des Bretelles Festival, which takes place from March 23rd to April 1st, celebrates accordion music from around the world. Concerts take place at outdoor markets, restaurants, even libraries, as well as at more traditional venues across town including Illiade and Au Magic Mirror.

For further information email: contact@printempsdesbretelles.fr


Veikko Ahvenainen and Carina Nordlund Concerts, Yllas - Finland

Carina Nordlund and Veikko AhvenainenAccordionists Veikko Ahvenainen and Carina Nordlund plus local young musicians perform in concert at the Visitor Centre Kellokas, Yllas, Finnish Lapland, 7pm, on March 30th and April 4th.


Mazaika perform at the Valentine Masquerade Party, London – UK

Mazaika DuoOn February 8th, 9pm-11pm, the accordion/violin duo Mazaika perform at the Valentine Masquerade Party at the Green Room, the Actors Club, 5 Cavendish Square, Oxford Circus, London W1 OPG.

Mazaika are Igor Outkine (vocals, `magic`accordion), and Sarah Harrison(violin, vocals). Their passionate musical cabaret is guaranteed to transport audiences from the Russian Steppes to the Gypsy Campfire, and the Opera House to the Parisian Cafe, full of Russian soul and Tango Passion.

For further information email: info@mazaika-music.com


West Sussex Accordion Club Meetings, England – UK

West Sussex Accordion Club logoThe West Sussex Accordion Club, organized by Sue Bennett, meets on the last Saturday of the month at The Youth Centre, St Andrew Church, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 OLG. The first meeting of 2012 is on Saturday January 28th, from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Ample free car parking. Admission is £4, and includes interval tea/coffee/soft drink & biscuits plus the provision of excellent original musical scores for accordion by Richard Holmes, Gary Blair, John Leslie and Peter Ayres. All accordionists and friends are welcome to attend.

Future meeting dates are February 25th, March 31st, April 28th, May 26th, June 30th, September 29th, October 27th, November 24th and December 15th. No meetings in July or August.

For further information email: ukao@aol.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Releases New CD

Renzo Ruggieri selling new CD titled Opera?, catalog: rruggieri09 with sound samples. Music performed by Renzo Ruggieri. Purchase online.


Karen Fremar Releases New Composition

Karen Fremar releases 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online. ''Irish Dance', catalog:kfremar308. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Amy Jennings eSheet Site is Updated

Amy Jennings eSheet Music Site is Updated.


Jay Latulippe eSheet Music Site is Updated

Jay Latulippe eSheet Music Site is Updated with further information available about the works.


Paul Chamberlain selling his new CD

Paul Chamberlain selling his CD titled 'Classical Accordion', catalog: cpaulCD201 with sound samples. Music performed by Paul Chamberlain. Purchase online.


H S Productions eSheet Music Site is Updated

H S Productions eSheet Music Site is Updated with new music added and further information available about the many works.


Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor releases new works

Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor, releases 5 advanced level new works for accordion available for purchase online. ''Prelude And Basso Ostinato', catalog:dkosoric101, 'Suite ', catalog:dkosoric102, 'Toccata ', catalog:dkosoric103, 'Drops', catalog:dkosoric104 and 'Epitaph ', catalog:dkosoric105. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri releases new compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online. 'Adios Alegria', catalog:cfranco146 and 'Ole' Amigos', catalog:cfranco147. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Трио баяниста-виртуоза Вадима Фёдорова выпустило новый альбом "Swing for Sergey" - Исландия

CD Swing for SergeyВ составе трио вместе с Вадимом Фёдоровым играют Лейвюр Гуннфрссон (контрабас) и Гуннар Хильмарссон (гитара).
Новый альбом состоит из оригинальных сочинений Вадима Фёдорова вместе с хорошо известными произведениями цыганского джаза.

Концерты в связи с презентацией состоятся в Рейкьявике 3 и 4 февраля в 21.00 в Livemusic cafe Rosenberg и 5 февраля в 16.00 в центре культуры Gerðuberg.

,,Swing for Sergey” второй альбом трио, первый, ,,Papillons Noirs” был выпущен в 2009 году.
Началом для записи послужили произведения сочиненные руководителем трио, Вадимом Фёдоровым,одно из которых явилось также названием для альбома.
«Мой сын Сергей с раннего детства играет на гитаре и всегда восхищается игрой нашего гитариста Гуннара. Первое произведение на компакт-диске ,,Swing for Sergey” посвящается моему сыну, его интересу к музыке и к гитаре» Музыканты трио проживают в данный момент в различных странах (Исландия, Дания, Германия), но это никак не помешало созданию альбома, который был записан в августе 2011 в Исландии.
Фотографии, украшающие обложку, сделаны Франком Хёлером профессиональным фотографом из Дрездена, и имеют свою историю создания.
Во время гастролей трио по Исландии мы сделали остановку на вершине горы, достали инструменты и решили поиграть. В это время к нам подъехал автомобиль с немецкими номерами. Это были фотографы, и они предложили нам несколько фото для их выставки, таким образом, получились эти замечательные снимки.
Для дальнейшей информации fedvadim@gmail.com


Accordéon liturgique CD by Philippe Borecek

CD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordéon liturgique CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Philippe Borecek.


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