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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Jan-2012
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Особенности Highlights

13 Международный Аккордеонный Фестиваль, Вена – Австрия
Выпуск новой модели баянов и аккордеонов Roland FR-1X, Выставка NAMM 2012 – США
49 Международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Клингентале – Германия
Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации, Даллас – США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Kepa Junkera’s New CD ‘Fandango’, Bilbao – Spain
‘14 Years Ago’ – 2012 is the Titanic Centenary Year

Будущие события

Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow – UK
Sergej Tchirkov Concert, St Petersburg – Russia
Mie Miki in Concert, Trossingen – Germany
Vincent Lhermet Concert, SibaFest 2012 Festival, Helsinki – Finland
Victor Prieto Trio Concerts – USA, Spain
Ian Watson performs in ‘Wolfgang Rihm at 60’ Concert, London – UK
Cory Pesaturo Concert, Missouri – USA
NHAA Annual Kickoff Meeting‏, New Hampshire – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Friedrich Lips CD Website Updates
Franco Cambareri releases new composition
Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor releases new works
Orchestra Lad Updated Website - Belarus
Gary Dahl updated music
Paul Chamberlain selling his new CD
Karen Fremar - accordionist, composer releases three new compositions
Christine Johnson Updated Website - New Zealand
Updated eSheet Index Page on MusicForAccordion.com Site

CD Отзывы

Accordéon liturgique CD by Philippe Borecek

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Особенности Highlights

13 Международный Аккордеонный Фестиваль, Вена – Австрия

13. Internationales Akkordeon Festival, Wien - Austria13 Международный Аккордеонный Фестиваль, один из крупнейших фестивалей аккордеона пройдет в Вене с 25 февраля до 25 марта на 15 концертных площадках от джаз-клуба Porgy & Bess до казино Film. Художественный руководитель фестиваля – Фридл Прейсл (Friedl Preisl) – пригласил высокопрофессиональных аккордеонистов и баянистов из многих стран мира для выступлений с музыкой разных жанров на 40 концертах, который пройдут в течение месяца.

Среди приглашенных на этот большой тридцатидневный международный фестиваль исполнитель на диатонической гармонике Riccardo Tesi (Италия), Renato Borghetti (Бразилия), Otto Lechner (Австрия), Lüül & Band (Германия), Sophie Cavez & Baltazar Montanaro (Бельгия), Sterzinger Experience (Австрия), Lepistö & Lehti (Финляндия), Walther Soyka (Австрия), the Rosi Ledet & The Zydeco Playboys (США) и многие другие.

Полная концертная программа на: 2012Wien

Программа фестиваля включает в себя дневной просмотр немого фильма под живое сопровождение аккордеона, которое состоится в Filmcasino, а также программу для детей Magic Afternoon (Волшебный Полдень).

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: friedl.preisl@aon.at


Выпуск новой модели баянов и аккордеонов Roland FR-1X, Выставка NAMM 2012 – США

Roland FR-X1 release at NAMM
Выставка NAMM Show 2012 пройдет с 19 по 22 января в Анахайме, Лос-Анджелесе . В выставке примут участие более 1500 экспонентов, в том числе Roland Corporation.

Компания Roland объявила, что представит на NAMM 2012 новую модель цифровых баянов и аккордеонов Roland FR-1X, которая является самой маленькой моделью в серии V-Accordion (цифровых баянов и аккордеонов). Эта компактная, легкая модель предлагает ту же гибкость и портативность, что и раньше, но добавляет новые возможности, в том числе USB, а также более продвинутую систему давления в мехе, что увеличивает его чувствительность и отзывчивость.

Со встроенными динамиками нового поколения и расширенным дисплеем (7-segment/3-character), а также долгоиграющими батарейками FR-1 (баян и аккордеон) остается очень легким по весу.

Для профессионального аккордеониста (баяниста) FR-1х также очень удобен в путешествиях. Из-за своего малого веса и компактных размеров он помещается в верхнем багажном отделении большинства самолетов, а также может легко подключаться к любому усилителю или акустической системе на больших площадках.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт:


49 Международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Клингентале – Германия

Klingenthal International Accordion Competition bannerКлингенталь – музыкальный город под Ашбергом – считается важным центром немецкого сообщества любителей аккордеона и баяна, и каждый год баянисты и аккордеонисты, а также любители музыки из многих стран мира приезжают на Международный Аккордеонный (Баянный) Конкурс в Клингентале. В этом году мероприятие состоится с 7 по 13 мая.

Скачать правила и условия конкурса 2012 года:2012Kling

Category I – Солисты до 12 лет
Category II – Солисты до 15 лет
Category III – Солисты до 18 лет
Category IV – Солисты без ограничения возраста
Category Va – Аккордеонные (баянные) дуэты
Category Vb – Инструментальные дуэты – аккордеон (баян) с другим инструментом
Category VI – Солисты, исполнители эстрадной музыки без ограничения возраста
Category VII – Солисты, исполнители на бандонеоне без ограничения возраста
Category VIII – Инструментальные ансамбли до 6 участников, включающие минимум 1 и максимум 2 бандонеона

Дата окончания приема закявок 15 марта 2012 года

Международный Аккордеонный Конкурс в Клингентале характерен ежегодным высочайшим уровнем исполнителей, и многими этот конкурс рассматривается как трамплин для международного успеха.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт Международного конкурса в Клингентале (Klingenthal International Accordion Competition website).


Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации, Даллас – США

2012 NAA Featured Accordionists
25th Anniversary logoNorman Seaton, President  National Accordion Association (NAA)В этом году Конвенция Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (НАА) пройдет с 14 по 18 марта в Далласе, штат Техас. Мероприятие включает в себя концерты, семинары, танцы, демонстрации и выставки.

Среди приглашенных артистов Gordon Kohl, Dick Albreski, Murl Allen Sanders, а также Molly B и the SqueezeBox Band. Во время Конвенции пройдут следующие концерты: Faltot's Famous ‘Circle of Champions, Концерт – награждение, а также Танцевальный Вечер National Polka Party and Dance.

Семинары НАА проведут:
Murl Allen Sanders, Betty Jo Simon, Jamie Maschler, Hank Thunander, Nick Ballarini, Paul Betken, Tatiana Semichasnaya, Chris Gorton, Nick Bratkovich, Mario Pedone, Dr Ian Blair Fries, Jessica Faltot, Gerald Cigler, Paul Betken, Daniel Kott, Sheila Lee, Sheila Lee и Arlyn Visentin.

Специальное сообщение от Президента НАА и организатора мероприятия Норман Ситон (фото справа): "Не хотите лететь с аккордеоном? Не проблема, в этом году у нас есть аккордеоны в аренду ".

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Kepa Junkera’s New CD ‘Fandango’, Bilbao – Spain

‘Fandango’ is the title of a new CD, released on January 1st 2012 (picture right at release), by leading Spanish Basque accordionist Kepa Junkera and the Melonious Quartet.

The CD tracks include ‘Fandango’, ‘Ataun’, ‘Madagaskar’, ‘Huriondo’, ‘Senora Moca’, ‘Santimamineko Fandangoa’, ‘Kokkola’, ‘Nondik Jo Maurizia?’, ‘Uluka’, ‘Bok Espok’, ‘Piti’, ‘Tatihou’, ‘Napoli’, and ‘Jainkoaren Poza’.

Kepa Junkera (born 1965 in Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain) is a specialist in Basque folk music, composer, and Grammy Award winner. A master of the trikitixa, the diatonic accordion, he has recorded more than 10 albums.

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – 2012 is the Titanic Centenary Year

Titanic movie posterAfter the huge Costa Concordia cruise ship with over 3,500 people on board ran aground on Italy's Giglio Island this week, there has also been many mentions of the Titanic sinking in the news. The chaos of leaving the ship reminded many of the Titanic tragedy.

The Accordions Worldwide news for January 16th 1998 included an item written by accordionist Phil Parlapiano, who informed us that he played in the 1997 movie ‘Titanic’, starring Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet. 2012 marks the centenary of the launch of the ill-fated Titanic, built in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which sank in the Atlantic on its maiden voyage.

Contributed by Phil Parlapiano

Phil Parlapiano performs in the hit movie ‘The Titanic’ as a Greek accordionist that jams with an Irish band. The scene comes about an hour into the film, taking place in the third class cabin at a big party where the two main characters fall in love.

Phil has travelled the world playing his accordion with well-known stars including:
Rod Stewart - played accordion and mandolin on Rod Stewart's 'Unplugged and Seated' CD as well as the MTV special and toured with him 94-95.
John Prine - played accordion and B-3 organ on John Prine's newest release 'Live on Tour' and have played on his last 4 records.
Bonnie Raitt - toured with Bonnie Raitt and John Prine
Jon Bon Jovi - played on a track ‘Miracle’ from the 'Young Guns' record.


Будущие события

Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow – UK

Mary Ann Kennedy (BBC) interviews Festival Director Donald Shaw
Donald ShawPhoto above: Mary Ann Kennedy (BBC) interviews Festival Director Donald Shaw.

‘Celtic Connections’ takes place at various venues in Glasgow, Scotland, from January 19th to February 5th. This annual festival involves large numbers of musicians and about 300 concerts, dances, late night sessions, workshops, and other events.

The event showcases Scottish and international folk music, roots and world music artistes. The Artistic Director is Donald Shaw (picture left), accordionist and keyboard player with the band Capercaillie.

The festival involves numerous accordionists and accordion-based bands, including Cherish the Ladies, The Occasionals, Fergie MacDonald, Alan Shute, Le Vent du Nord, Mairtin O’Connor, Andy Cutting, Cullivoe Ceilidh Band, Four Men and a Dog, Black Rose Ceilidh Band, Alan Kelly, and more.

The Celtic Connections website contains full itemized details of all performers and events.


Sergej Tchirkov Concert, St Petersburg – Russia

Sergej TchirkovAccordionist Sergej Tchirkov (picture right) joined by viola player Marina Kuperman will perform chamber music concert  at the Rimsky-Korsakov Museum, St Petersburg, on January 22nd. Performed on contemporary instruments, the concert nevertheless places particular emphasis on the Historically Informed Performance (H.I.P.) of baroque music based on research and performance history.
The program will feature ‘Passacaglia’, by H.I.F. Biber, Concerto for keyboard (after A. Vivaldi) by J.S. Bach, Concerto for keyboard (after G.F. Telemann) by J.S. Bach, Two sonatas for viola da gamba and keyboard (?1 ,? 3) by J.S. Bach, and  ‘Fratres’, by A. Pärt.
A new work ‘Deystviya’ for accordion and string quartet by well known Italian composer Ivan Fedele was premiered by Sergej Tchirkov (accordion) and Studio for New Music string quartet at the Moscow Forum contemporary music festival on December 14th.
Ivan Fedele (b. 1953), one of the most important names in the world of new music, is also engaged in an intense academic activity, which has involved his collaboration with important institutions, such as Harvard University, University of Barcelona, Sorbonne and IRCAM in Paris, Sibelius Academy of Helsinki, Chopin Academy of Warsaw, Centre Acanthes in Avignon, CNSM in Lyon, and CNR of Strasbourg, as well as Italian conservatories, namely Milan, Bologna and Turin. In 2000 he has been awarded the title of  ‘Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres’ by the French Ministry of Culture. He is Accademico Effettivo and since 2007 he has been teacher of the specialization course in composition at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.

For further information email: tchirkov@inkin.de


Mie Miki in Concert, Trossingen – Germany

Mie Miki
Japanese-born accordionist Mie Miki is in concert at the Kulturfabrik Kesselhaus, Trossingen, on Wednesday April 11th, 8pm until 11pm.

Mie Miki made her first radio broadcast in Japan at the age of 8, and at 16 was studying classsical accordion at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, Germany. Today she is a visiting Professor at several universities in Germany and China, and a concert artist of international renown.

For further information email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Vincent Lhermet Concert, SibaFest 2012 Festival, Helsinki – Finland

On February 2nd, 7pm, French accordionist Vincent Lhermet performs with a choir and orchestra, conducted by Charles Barbier, at the Helsinki Music Center, Finland.

Also featured will be Maria Hostikka (baroque dance), Lauri Kankkunen (cello), and Anssi Koskela (violin).

The concert is organized by l'Institut Francais de Finlande and is part of the Festival SibaFest 2012. This concert will be broadcast live by the Finnish Broadcast National Radio (YLE) in memory of the centenary of Jean Francaix's birth (2012).

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


Victor Prieto Trio Concerts – USA, Spain

Victor Prieto Trio
Accordionist Victor Prieto, Jorge Roeder (bass), Kenny Grohowski (drums) perform next week, as follows:

January 19th, 9.30pm - Terraza 7 Live Music, Elmhurst, New York
January 26th, 9.30pm - Terraza 7 Live Music, Elmhurst, NY
January 27th – with Emilio Solla and NY Tango Jazz Project, Falcon Theater, Burbank, California

The Victor Prieto Trio will also be on tour in Spain during February, visiting Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Oviedo, and more. With Victor Prieto in Spain will be Edward Perez (bass), and Eric Doob (drums). Performances announced to date include:

February 22nd, 10pm - Café Berlín, Madrid
February 23rd, 10.30pm - Dado Dadá, Santiago de Compostela
February 24th, 12.30am – XancaraJazz, Vigo
February 25th – Asturias

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Ian Watson performs in ‘Wolfgang Rihm at 60’ Concert, London – UK

Ian WatsonAccordionist Ian Watson performs with the London Sinfonietta, conducted by Thierry Fischer, on January 24th, 7.30pm, at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, London. The concert marks the 60th birthday of the composer Wolfgang Rihm.

Wolfgang Rihm, born in Germany in 1952, Head of the Institute of Modern Music at the Karlsruhe Conservatory of Music and has been composer in residence at the Lucerne Festival and the Salzburg Festival.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


Cory Pesaturo Concert, Missouri – USA

Cory PesaturoHighly accomplished accordionist Cory Pesaturo will be giving 2 performances at the Cyranos Cafe at 7pm and 9 pm on Friday February 17th. The Cyranos Cafe is a club/restaurant situated in Webster Groves, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri.

Cory Pesaturo won the 2009 CIA Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Competition and the acoustic TV International Primus Ikaalinen 2011 Accordion Competition. He is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, where he was the first musician to major and graduate in the accordion.
For further information email: Accordionboy0815@aol.com


NHAA Annual Kickoff Meeting‏, New Hampshire – USA

NHH logoThe first meeting in 2012 of the New Hampshire Accordion Association (NHAA) takes place on January 21st, 1pm until 4pm, at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03257. All are welcome.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Friedrich Lips CD Website Updates

There are now 24 CD's available in the Whole Lips CD Collection catalog: CDPack. Purchase the Complete Friedrich Lips Collection of 24 CD's (value €384), catalog: CDPack for a special price of only €261 or the US$ equivalent plus Special Postage Price €12 within Europe, € 25 anywhere in the world or the US$ equivalent. Great value.

For those who want 3 Friedrich Lip CD's there is also an special. Your Choice of Any 3 Lips CD's (normal price €48), catalog: CD3Packs for a special price of only €39 plus special price for postage €4 within Europe, €6 rest of world. More excellent value.

For those who want 6 Friedrich Lip CD's there is also a special. Your Choice of Any 6 Lips CD's (normal price €96) catalog: CD6Packs for a special price of only €75 plus special price for postage €7 within Europe, €15 rest of world. Don't miss these value specials.


Franco Cambareri releases new composition

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase nline. 'Adios Alegria', catalog:cfranco146 and 'Ole' Amigos', catalog:cfranco147. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor releases new works

Drazan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor, releases 5 advanced level new works for accordion available for purchase online. ''Prelude And Basso Ostinato', catalog:dkosoric101, 'Suite ', catalog:dkosoric102, 'Toccata ', catalog:dkosoric103, 'Drops', catalog:dkosoric104 and 'Epitaph ', catalog:dkosoric105. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Orchestra Lad Updated Website - Belarus

Orchestra Lad
Orchestra Lad (Belarus) for talented youth with artistic director and conductor Galina Anikeeva, winner of the Belarus Special Presidential Fund has an updated website.


Gary Dahl updated music

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music titles for purchase on-line. 'Tea for Two (Virtuoso Grade)', catalog:DH0101 and 'Lover', catalog:DH0157. Samples for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Paul Chamberlain selling his new CD

Paul Chamberlain selling his CD titled 'Classical Accordion', catalog: cpaulCD201 with sound samples. Music performed by Paul Chamberlain. Purchase online.


Karen Fremar - accordionist, composer releases three new compositions

Karen Fremar - accordionist, composer, releases 3 new compositions for accordion, available for purchase online. ''That's The Limit', catalog:kfremar305, 'Vast Mountain', catalog:kfremar306 and 'Whatever You Do', catalog:kfremar307. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Christine Johnson Updated Website - New Zealand

Christine Johnson (formerly Christine Adams), CIA Merit Award winner and former editor of the accordions.com Weekly News has an updated website.


Updated eSheet Index Page on MusicForAccordion.com Site

Updated eSheet Index Page
with composers / arrangers being added: Philip Buttall, Alexander Dmitriev, Finnish Accordeon Institute, Karen Fremar, H S Productions, Amy Jennings, Drazan Kosoric, NAA Publications, Rebecca Oliver, Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni, Peter Wilk and Zevy Zions.


CD Отзывы

Accordéon liturgique CD by Philippe Borecek

CD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordéon liturgique CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Philippe Borecek.


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