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Trio AkordioM American Debut in New York - USA

Trio AkordioM
New Yorkers were offered a rare musical experience when the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia presented the acclaimed Macedonian accordion Trio AkordioM in a free concert at their Gallery MC in the heart of New York City. Each a virtuoso in their own right, the dynamic and skillful ensemble on their American debut in New York, comprises Zorica Karakutovska, Bojan Volchevski and Filip Stamevski, all from Skopje, Macedonia.
The trio began performing together a few years ago, but each has previously been part of various other performing ensembles. Trio AkordioM members Bojan Volchevski and Filip Stamevski are both Karakutovska’s former students and now perform together as musical colleagues. Their concert appearances are considerable, with performances in Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Portugal, Luxembourg, Italy, and now the USA.
In addition to heading the accordion program on the Faculty of Music in Skopje, leader of the group, Professor Zorica Karakutovska, is also the President of Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika in Skopje, the Association of Accordionists - Macedonia, a Premiere Voting member of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).
Trio AkordioM performed a variety of repertoire including transcriptions of works from other instruments, trio arrangements of accordion works as well as original music written specifically written for the group.
The concert included three works by resident composer Bete Ilin, a Professor at the State Music and Ballet School Center “Ilija Nikolovski - Luj” in Skopje.  With more than 50 works in her Opus, in addition to numerous accordion works for solo, chamber music (for multiple accordions and also accordion with other instruments) and an accordion concerto, Bete has written vocal works, ensembles pieces, as well as compositions for violin, clarinet, piano and bassoon. 

The trio presented three of Bete's works including her ‘Macedonian Paraphrase No. 1’, ‘No. 2’, and ‘No. 3’.  These captivating compositions composed in a contemporary style, showcased the complex rhythmic structures of Macedonian folklore (5/8, 7/8, 9/8) while eluding to the inspiration from traditional Macedonian songs. 

In 2014, Bete Ilin was the most frequently performed Macedonian composer in Cultural Centres throughout the Republic of Macedonia. Bete was in attendance at the concert, along with her parents who traveled to New York to attend the concert.
Trio AkordioM, performing completely by memory, engaged the audience in a captivating musical journey as they delivered their concert with technical prowess and engaging charisma.  From the delicate transparency of Mozart to the magnificent orchestral grandeur of Elmer Bernstein's ‘Magnificent Seven’, from Piazzolla's intricate ‘Fuga Y Misterio’, to the entertaining arrangement of Strauss's ‘Radetzky March’, the trio awed the audience with their musicality and elegantly presented interpretations. 

Each performance drew extended applause, culminating in several standing ovations as they presented a series of encores including ‘Tango for Claude’, by Richard Galliano.
The program was as follows:
‘Macedonian Paraphrase No.1’, by Bete Ilin,
‘Divertimento D Major’, (1st mov.) by Mozart,
‘Semenovna’, by E. Derbenko,
‘Fuga Y Misterio’ and ‘Libertango’, by Astor Piazzolla,
‘Macedonian Paraphrase No. 2’, by Bete Ilin,
‘The Magnificent Seven’, by Elmer Bernstein,
‘Spanish Dance’, by E. Derbenko,
‘Macedonian Paraphrase No. 3’, by Bete Ilin,
‘Radetzky March’ by J. Strauss.
Trio AkordioM
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