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Highly Successful XIV International Accordion Festival, Vilnius - Lithuania

“Gurzuf” Egor Zabelov (accordion)  Artem Zalessky (drums)
Raimondas Sviackevicius and Pietro AdragnaFrom 9th to 12th November 2011 Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, was filled with contrasting accordion music from a diversity of artists and genres. Concerts were held at several venues in the city, organized by the Lithuanian Accordionists Association, whose President is Raimondas Sviackevicius (picture left top), also the festival Artistic Director.
This annual accordion festival began with an unusual type of music. A music band “Gurzuf” (picture above), with accordionist Egor Zabelov and drummer Artem Zalessky, from Belarus, gave a stunning concert. A hall full of listeners were impressed by the band’s energy and had a new look to the rock, experimental, fusion music performed on accordion.
The second day of the festival was devoted to professional classical and modern accordion music. During the International Accordion Competition Vilnius 2011 in April the Premier category’s winner was awarded by a special Prize-Invitation to perform a solo concert during the festival in Vilnius in November. This year’s first prize winner, Tomasz Ostaszewski, one of the most distinguished Polish artists of his generation, performed a successful solo recital.

Pietro Adragna (picture left), from Italy, recent winner of several 1st prizes at the Coupe Mondiale 2011 in Shanghai, China, represented the variety accordion music during the festival. His especially artistic and virtuoso performance made a great impression on his audience.
The Lithuanian Accordionists Association awarded a special prize to Variety category winner at the Klingenthal accordion competition (Germany) - a solo concert during festival. Pietro Adragna was the winner.

Lithuanian musicians band 4Tango performed a new program of Piazzolla music with Lithuanian violinist, Dzeraldas Bidva, for a sell out audience.
The festival’s climax came with a fine concert given by Frank Marocco, from the USA, with local jazz musicians Arturas Chalikovas (guitar), Eugenijus Kanevicius (bass), and Darius Rudis (drums). Two standing ovations from the capacity audience and non-stopping applause for the highly developed musicality, technically brilliant and musically superb performance – that was the end of the XIV International Accordion Festival Vilnius 2011.
A segment of the Frank Marocco performance can be viewed:

For further information email: info@akordeonofestivalis.lt
Frank Marocco and Group
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