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Aydar Gaynullin, Music Festival Pantonale - from Classical to Tango, Berlin – Germany

Accordion virtuoso Aydar Gaynullin has launched the music festival Pantonale to gather outstanding international musicians in his adopted hometown of Berlin.

After his first major and sold-out Berlin concert, ‘Tango de Amor’, on June 8th 2013 in the chamber music hall of the Berlin Philharmonic, Aydar Gaynullin now showed that he - in addition to another appearance with string orchestra - can also excel as a chamber musician and in pop music.

The name of the festival is made up of the Greek prefix “pan” (pa? = completely, comprehensively) and the word “tonal” (the key), thus describing the programmatic idea of the variety of musical styles and artists, presented by PANTONALE.

Thanks to the meeting of partly the same musicians in the various concerts and the coexistence of different musical genres, the festival becomes a unique experience to the public and for everyone involved on the stage.

After all, three concerts took place in January 2014 focussed on Latin American music, classical music, popular songs and compositions by Aydar Gaynullin. The first evening was called ‘Rhythms of Passion’ on January 10th at the Russian House of Science and Culture.

Together with his ensemble ‘Euphoria Orchestra’ and the singer Malika as front woman, Aydar Gaynullin presented special songs from the region of Latin America. ‘Poppier’ songs by Lucio Dalla or Yann Tiersen, internationally known for his film music of ‘The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain’, completed the evening with spirited music of passion and dance.

Next day, a chamber musical ‘Flight of the time’, with a program from Bach to Piazzolla, was the unique experience in the Church of Jesus Christ in Dahlem. For about 60 years, this church is used for classical music recordings because of its excellent acoustics, and provides a concert experience in an almost intimate setting.

The gala concert ‘Fiesta de Aydar’ at the Philharmony with ten soloists, strings and a vocal ensemble made up of members of the Berlin State Chapel, conducted by David Robert Coleman, concluded and simultaneously presented the climax of Pantonale on January 12th (by the way, the birthday of Aydar!).

In a very finely tuned program, the focus was on classical music and tango. One of the highlights of the concert in the Chamber Music Hall was the world premiere of ‘ALINA’ for accordion, guitar, bansuri, cajon, chorus and orchestra, especially composed by Aydar Gaynullin for Pantonale, which the composer dedicated to his daughter Aline.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
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