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Lorenzo Antonelli Awarded 24th Premio Nazionale Gentile da Fabriano - Italy

Lorenzo Antonelli Award Presentation
Lorenzo Antonelli speechLorenzo Antonelli has been honored with the "24th Premio Nazionale Gentile da Fabriano" (picture above) which is the first time an accordion parts manufacturer has been selected for this prestigious award presented to him on the 10th October at the Teatro Gentile, Fabriano. Invitation: 2020Fabriano.pdf

A Video will follow in the next news edition.

Lorenzo Antonelli is the President and CEO of Voci Armoniche. The company, founded in 1935 in Osimo by grandfather Luigi, is in the Marche district where companies have been producing accordions for more than a century. Voices are the heart, the sound principle, the essential physical element of accordions. These are highly precise metal assemblies that generate the sound through the flow of air.

Markets today require vision, courage to change, energy and expertise. Lorenzo Antonelli, after graduating and mastering in business management, was trained in the most advanced organizational methods. Since 2012 he has started an all-out reorganization to adapt the company to the current challenges and through the choice of 100% made in Italy. He has been able to take the best of their respective specificities from the craftsman and industry, in a synthesis that can be defined as manufacturing of excellence.

Lorenzo Antonelli has combined the knowledge of the traditional Marche workman ship with the most advanced organizational and technical - production methods, creating a structured system of skills and creating a beauty of sound that conquers the entire world out of the region Marche.

By the President of the Jury / Prof. Vilberto Stocchi
Made in Italy Certificate, Award Hall
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