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Ettickbridge Accordion Weekend, Scotland – UK

Ian LowthianAccordion tuition courses led by Ian Lowthian take place on July 5th and 6th in the beautiful village of Ettrickbridge in the Scottish Borders.

Ian Lowthian writes: “If you've been to one of our workshops before you'll know the routine, if not we kick off around 9.30 – 10am with some tea and coffee, then do some note bashing for a while! Janey will provide some lunch, then more music until 5pm-ish. We'll take breaks as required and there's usually plenty time for discussion too! I will provide music for all the tunes but we will try to learn them first by ear, which I know can be a bit daunting if you're new to that, but there may be some who don't read music at all.

We'll get up to some kind of mischief on the Saturday night depending on the weather. We may have a barbecue and some tunes in the garden and invite some local musicians, or we may invade the pub with our instruments and frighten the locals! Whatever kind of session we end up having don't feel you have to stick to the accordion! If you have any kind of party piece we'd love to hear it!

The course will finish about 4pm on the Sunday afternoon. This first weekend will be pitched at an intermediate level but later workshops may include advanced, improvers and even beginner levels. We may also do some themed weekends (Scottish music, Eastern European, chords and accompaniment etc.) too and possibly some mixed instruments workshops. If you have any ideas please let us know.

The cost of the weekend will be £100 which will include all tuition and resources, tea and coffee and an invitation to join us for lunch and Saturday's evening barbecue or meal. You'll need to organise your own accommodation for the Saturday night but there are plenty B&Bs in Selkirk (about 7 miles away), and The Cross Keys in Ettrickbridge also has some rooms. If you want though you can bring a caravan or there's plenty of space if you want to pitch a tent! I'll try to post some more info about accommodation soon.

Perhaps we're being optimistic but we're going to limit this first workshop to 10 - 12 participants, so if you would like to come please contact me by email to confirm your place or if you want any more information”.

For further information email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk
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