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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Jan-2021
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Editors Note:
Lanzamiento de las reglas y regulaciones de la Coupe Mondiale 2021, Múnich - Alemania
2021 Yangtai Mountain Cup y Festival Nacional de Arte de Acordeón, Shenzhen - China
Duo Vilda 2021, ganadores de los premios al talento "Music Moves Europe"
Premio Orfeo 2021 - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Julie Cardona Passes Away – USA
Video: Radio Russia Accordion and Symphony Orchestra – Russia
Update: New Dates for 2021 Frankfurt Musikmesse - Germany
Online: Hector Del Curto with Boston Symphony Orchestra - USA
Video: Stefan Rauch, Petutschnig Hons Perform 15er Steyr - Austria
Covid-19 Claims Another Accordionist, Shelia Lee, Houston – USA
Cancelled: 2021 VAMÖ Accordion Competition – Austria
Cancelled: 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 - Germany
Postponed: Coba Solo Tour Concerts – Japan
Online: The PoguestrA Performs “Green Suede Shoes”
Video: 90 Year Old Accordionist Plays "La Cumparsita" - Brazil

Future events

Bayan Club Concert in Moscow – Russia
Online Concert: "Concertino 2021" – Italy
Tracey Collins Tours Ryman Lifestyle Villages – New Zealand
CNIMA 2021 Intensive Pro Training Courses Filling fast – France

Childrens Corner

Video: 5 Year Old Accordionist - Italy

New and Updated Sites

Site Update: Wallace Liggett Passes Away - New Zealand

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Editors Note:

Christine JohnstoneEn las noticias de esta semana, lamentablemente hemos tenido que anunciar más cancelaciones de eventos debido al COVID-19, ya que la pandemia ha empeorado en Europa y muchos países han impuesto más cierres.

Lamentablemente, también hemos tenido que informar que el mundo ha perdido algunos acordeonistas por el virus.

En una nota más positiva, continuaremos brindándoles noticias de conciertos en línea, concursos, festivales, lanzamientos de CD y otros eventos, además de algunos videos encantadores en nuestro Rincón de los Niños.

Continúe enviando sus contribuciones a: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz

Accordions Worldwide les desea a todos un 2021 seguro y saludable.


Lanzamiento de las reglas y regulaciones de la Coupe Mondiale 2021, Múnich - Alemania

2021 Coupe Mondiale posterLa 74a Coupe Mondiale se llevará a cabo del 13 al 17 de octubre de 2021 en Munich, Alemania, con el anfitrión del miembro de la CIA, Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), el líder del proyecto es el primer vicepresidente: Georg Hettmann.

Nuestra Coupe Mondiale en Alemania también celebra el 90 aniversario de la DHV, miembro fundador de la CIA.

El festival contará con las siguientes competencias:
• 73ª Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• Concurso Internacional de Música Virtuoso para Entretenimiento
• Competencia internacional juvenil de Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Música de cámara: clásica
• Música de cámara - Música del mundo

Reglas y regulaciones de 2021 en: Coupe Mondiale
Vea información del hotel y fotografías de las salas de conciertos en: Coupe Mondiale
Descargue el póster imprimible del evento en: 2021CM-poster.pdf

El sistema de entrada en línea se abrirá en primavera y la fecha de cierre de la entrada es el 25 de agosto de 2021.

Encontrará un informe completo del Coupe Mondiale 2019 en:
En chino


2021 Yangtai Mountain Cup y Festival Nacional de Arte de Acordeón, Shenzhen - China

International Video performers
Video 1:

Video 2:

Prof. Li Cong, Mr Mr. Tong JianhuaLa Copa de la Montaña Yangtai 2021 y el Festival Nacional de Arte de Acordeón para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria, Shenzhen, se celebró en China del 16 al 17 de enero.

Arriba hay dos videos internacionales de mensajes de buena voluntad y un video musical de "You Raise Me Up" de jóvenes jugadores y funcionarios de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) de diferentes partes del mundo. Muchos profesores de acordeón chinos importantes también enviaron mensajes de buena voluntad.

El evento también contó con una serie de clases magistrales y conferencias en línea, así como el festival y los concursos.

Descarga o imprime el póster de la ceremonia de apertura: 2021Shenzhen01.pdf
Descarga o imprime el póster del Video Internacional: 2021Shenzhen02.pdf

Gracias a los patrocinadores que son: • Oficina de Educación del Distrito Bao An de Shenzhen
• Oficina de la calle Shiyan del distrito de Bao An de Shenzhen
• Asociación de Acordeón de Shenzhen, Presidente Sr. Tong Jianhua
• con Undertake Unity: Escuela Pública Shenzhen Shi Yan
• con Direct Unity: Asociación de Acordeón de la Asociación de Músicos de China, Presidente Prof. Li Cong
• y Unidad de apoyo: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)

El presidente de los jurados, el Sr. Tong Jianhua, informó que la mejora general del nivel técnico de los concursantes ha superado el festival anterior. Hubo un total de 2.392 concursantes de 65 ciudades de 31 provincias y municipios.
Opening Ceremony performers


Duo Vilda 2021, ganadores de los premios al talento "Music Moves Europe"

Duo Vilda
VildaVídeo: Actuación online en el festival Eurosonic Noorderslag

El dúo Vilda, que incluye al acordeonista Viivi Maria Saarenkylä y la cantante indígena Samí Hildá Länsman (Finlandia) fueron anunciados como ganadores del festival en línea Eurosonic, “Music Moves Europe” Talent Awards. La ceremonia de premiación se llevó a cabo en línea (debido a las restricciones de Covid-19) del 13 al 16 de enero de 2021.

El evento fue presentado por el artista británico Mel C y es una conferencia de música y festival de exhibición 100% sin fines de lucro, solo para artistas europeos, que tiene un historial probado de ayudar a nuevos artistas a ingresar a la escena musical internacional.

Cada año, ocho artistas destacados reciben un premio Music Moves Europe Talent Award en reconocimiento a su éxito internacional, además de ser recompensados ​​con una actuación en ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) y apoyo financiero para giras y promoción.

Vilda representó a Finlandia (y Samíland) este año en el concurso. Realizaron un concierto en línea en el festival ESNS justo después de la ceremonia de premiación que se llevó a cabo el 15 de enero.


Premio Orfeo 2021 - Italia

2021 Orpheus Award
Renzo RuggieriGerlando GattoLa XI edición del Premio Orpheus 2021 se llevará a cabo este año en Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italia, tras la cancelación de 2020 debido a COVID-19.

Este evento es el Premio de la Crítica de Producciones de Acordeón para toda la familia de cañas y está dirigido a artistas italianos, organizado por The Associazione Promozione Arte, Director Artístico Gerlando Gatto, Renzo Ruggieri (Presidente) y Giuseppe Di Falco (Secretario).

Las categorías de 2021 incluyen:
• Mejor producción italiana para acordeón en música clásica
• Mejor producción italiana para acordeón en música jazz
• Mejor producción italiana para acordeón en músicas del mundo
• Carrera Orfeo

Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: info@associazionepromozionearte.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Julie Cardona Passes Away – USA

K TrioJulieJulie Kasprzyk Cardona, 72, of North Haven, USA passed away unexpectedly on January 15th, 2021 at her home. She was a member of the K Trio, the American Accordionists' Association and the Connecticut Accordion Association.

Julie, her sister, Mary Tokarski and her brother, Walter Kasprzyk, are well known as the K Trio, all talented, who performed to great acclaim in many countries of the world. Julie loved the accordion and she and her sister, Mary Tokarski, won the AAA Duet Championship for more than 12 years.

Julie also won the AAA US Championships and represented the USA with great success at the CIA Coupe Mondiale competitions:
in 1967 (Holland - placed 3rd)
in 1968 (UK - placed 2nd)
and in 1969 (USA) she was placed 4th.

Julie Kasprzyk Cardona will be sadly missed by her family and friends.


Video: Radio Russia Accordion and Symphony Orchestra – Russia

Video: Just released Radio Russia program about a joint project of accordionist Alexander Poeluev and conductor & arranger Roberto Molinelli (in Russian language).

Recordings with the participation of the National Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Bashkortostan & Rostov Symphony Orchestra

The project was born in 2012 and has already hosted many joint concerts in different Russian cities. The program consists of Roberto's arrangements for the accordion and symphony orchestra. The unique combination and creativity, skill and ocean of emotions have breathed new life into your favorite music.

00:00 Alexander Poeluev from Rostov-on-Don
00:50 El Choclo - A.Villoldo
01:45 How did the idea to create the "Tango and Beyond" program come about?
05:00 How did you work with Roberto Molinelli?
05:49 La Cumparsita - M.Rodriguez
07:50 The tango genre is attractive because...
10:20 Roberto Molinelli struck me...
12:47 Caruso - L.Dalla
18:10 Music is...
19:13 Oblivion - A. Piazzolla
22:50 My Way - C. Francois

Picture below: The concert as part of the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov on Don


Update: New Dates for 2021 Frankfurt Musikmesse - Germany

New Dates have just been announced for the 2021 Frankfurt Musikmesse which will now be held from October 22nd to 24th, 2021.

Musikmesse is Europe’s biggest fair for the music industry, music instruments and music education. Strengthening the creative industries: from 2021, the Musikmesse will be held in October parallel to the Frankfurt Book Fair and will cooperate with the Frankfurt Book Fair's creative hub, The Arts.

For further information phone: +49 69 75 75-59 05


Online: Hector Del Curto with Boston Symphony Orchestra - USA

Hector del Curto
The Stowe Tango Music Festival have announced an online concert by Hector Del Curto with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The concert will be available online free of charge from January 21st to February 20th, 2021.

Their program includes Aleppo Songs (selection) by Kareem Roustom, Aconcagua - Concerto for bandoneon and orchestra by Piazzolla, Symphony Mathis der Maler by Hindemith and Warmth From Other Suns by Carlos Simon.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Video: Stefan Rauch, Petutschnig Hons Perform 15er Steyr - Austria

Stefan Rauch and Petutschnig Hons with the song "15er Steyr" has had over 9.5 million views since it was published on Apr 8, 2019. Enjoy.


Covid-19 Claims Another Accordionist, Shelia Lee, Houston – USA

Shelia Lee
Accordions Worldwide regrets to report that Covid-19 has claimed the life of another accordionist.

Bill Merlin Palmer has announced on social media that his duet partner, Shelia Lee (picture above) passed away this week from Covid-19. The duo had been performing together for the past 7 years and had worked together at Lechner's German Restaurant in Houston and at the Tomball German Festivals.

Shelia was a big supporter of the Palmer-Hughes Accordion Course, which was written by Bill’s father (Dr Willard Palmer) along with Bill Hughes. She had approximately 200 students at her studio in Pasadena and was an avid promoter of the accordion.

Shelia basically taught herself to play the Tex-Mex buttonbox, well enough that she convinced several of the luminaries of Conjunto music to come to her studio and give master classes to her students.

In addition to her music school, Shelia had her own combo, opened Houston Accordion Performers, authored many instructional DVD’s and books for the diatonic accordion as well as a complete free video series teaching the Palmer & Hughes Lesson Books and much more.

AccordionUSA Editor Rita Barnea wrote: "Shelia Lee loved teaching and sharing the fun she had playing the accordion and was a very popular teacher at the annual NAA Conventions each year where she conducted the Dance Orchestra. Shelia who dedicated her life to the accordion was a very friendly, kind, encouraging and inspirational person who could brighten up anyone’s day. She will be missed by all."


Cancelled: 2021 VAMÖ Accordion Competition – Austria

cancelledOrganisers of the 2021 VAMÖ Accordion-Competition held in Vienna, Austria regret to announce their Spring competition is cancelled due to COVID-19.

They are hopeful they will be able to organise a new date for later in the year and will advise details as soon as they possibly can.


Cancelled: 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 - Germany

CancelledDHVThe German Harmonica Association (DHV) regret to announce that the 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 (organised by DHV-Brandenburg) and due to be held in Rheinsberg, Germany from 12th to 14th February has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Postponed: Coba Solo Tour Concerts – Japan

PostponedCobaCoba has regretfully announced that due to the Covid-19 pandemic he must postpone his planned concerts in January and February 2021.

Coba apologises for the inconvenience to fans and hopes he can reschedule as soon as possible.

Postponed concerts are:
January 29th in Fukuoka City
January 30th in Nagasaki City
January 31st in Saga City
February 11th in Ichihara City


Online: The PoguestrA Performs “Green Suede Shoes”

Video: The PoguestrA at RAI (the Italian public broadcasting company) where Dan was invited to talk about The PoguestrA during the morning edition of the Regional News on RAI 3 this week.

Accordionists are invited to join “The PoguestrA” performing "Green Suede Shoes along with other accordionists, vocalists and musicians playing guitars, pipes, tin whistle, bass, trombone, banjo, mandoline, dulcimer and violin.

“The PoguestrA” has been invited to cover a new edit of "Green Suede Shoes" for a tribute album of songs from American Celtic rock band "Black 47". It is an extended version of "Green Suede Shoes" with additional lyrics.

This is an amazing opportunity to join “The PoguestrA” on its discographic debut (it will be a digital only release, at first) together with other artists, for an amazing celebration of Black 47.

The PoguestrA is a flexible group of musicians from around the world who are also fans of The Pogues. It was established in May 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown with musicians playing together remotely. Original members of The Pogues (a celtic punk folk band) have joined the group for some of their songs including accordionist James Fearnley.

There's no reward for this online performance . It's just for fun and for creating inclusion within this community. Participants are welcome to wear a pair of Green Suede Shoes during the performance.

The deadline for submissions is January 29th, 2021 at 8pm GMT.

For further details email: poguestra@gmail.com


Video: 90 Year Old Accordionist Plays "La Cumparsita" - Brazil

Video: Norma, who is 90 years old from Florianapolis, Brazil still enjoys playing her accordion. In this video she performs "La Cumparsita" by Matos Rodríguez with her daughter Marcia.

"Music-making is linked to a number of health benefits for older adults," said Suzanne Hanser, chair of the music therapy department at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. "Research shows that making music can lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, reduce stress, and lessen anxiety and depression. There is also increasing evidence that making music enhances the immunological response, which enables us to fight viruses," Hanser said.

Hanser said that anyone, regardless of age or ability, can make music and benefit from it.

Researchers at the Western Sydney University's MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development say even a small amount of musical training can have long-lasting effects, particularly for seniors. They say playing a musical instrument in retirement is one of the best ways to stay mentally and physically agile.

Music and psychology researcher with the institute, Dr Jennifer MacRitchie, has been studying the benefits of learning an instrument for the first time in people aged over 65 and found very positive outcomes.

Enjoy playing the accordion!


Future events

Bayan Club Concert in Moscow – Russia

Moscow concert
On January 23rd, at 8pm, with the support of the Bayanist Salon, a "Bayan Club" concert of folk music will take place in Moscow.

Performers include Honored artist of Russia Valery Syomin (creator and Artistic Director of the group "White Day", bayanist, composer, singer and arranger), "HarmonDrive" and folk singer Inna Kameneva.

The guest performer is Vladimir Sorin.

See poster for details.


Online Concert: "Concertino 2021" – Italy

Concertino poster
Club Voglia d'Arte is a free group of music teachers in support of private music teaching in different fields from jazz, classical and popular music. The association presents concerts in which teachers and students give a sample of their activities.

Their 2021 concert entitled “Concertino” is a free online concert held on January 31st at 6.30pm, hosted by Renzo Ruggieri.

Performances will be given by Renzo Ruggieri, Kateryna Pylypenko, Claudio Azzaro, Giuseppe Di Falco, Andrea Di Giacomo, Valerio Russo, Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, Azzurra Sorgentone, Giuseppe Perrone, Gianmarco Alcini, Liu Hongting, Francesco Scarselli, Leonardo Rondolone, Riccardo Battistelli, Marco Leonetti, Manuel Marchegiani, Daniele Palazzo and Federico Villani.


Tracey Collins Tours Ryman Lifestyle Villages – New Zealand

Tracey CollinsAuckland accordionist Tracey Collins will give a concert tour at the Ryman Lifestyle Villages throughout the North Island of New Zealand from February 9th to March 5th, 2021.

Tracey will entertain at 25 venues in Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North, Wellington, Waikanae, Whanganui, New Plymouth and Auckland.

Her program will include a variety of music from around the world & shows, as well as upbeat and well known singalong tunes.

For details email: tracey@traceycollins.co.nz


CNIMA 2021 Intensive Pro Training Courses Filling fast – France

CNIMA header
During this Covid-19 pandemic, where musicians are restrained from performing, the French accordion school, CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix has designed three intensive professional training courses for pro musicians. Most of the training will be conducted on site at the CNIMA in Central France, in the beautiful Volcano Regional Park of Auvergne.

The first of these training courses will be held in February, March and April with Patrick Brugalières. These training sessions are now fully booked.

The next available course is “All About Entertainment” with full time entertainer Maxime d'Errico. This course will include 3 x one week sessions for accordion, keyboard, guitar and bass.

Course 2021 dates are:
March 1st to 5th
April 6th to 9th
May 3rd to 7th

Participants will work on various types of entertainment, repertoire, dances, rhythm etc., learn to play with pre-recorded tracks, set up sound, and transcribe arrangements.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Childrens Corner

Video: 5 Year Old Accordionist - Italy

Video: Enjoy this video of a talented 5 year old accordionist from Italy. This video was provided by Hardcore Italians, an online entertainment website for Italian-Americans. They cover news, funny clips, recipes, celebrities, and more!


New and Updated Sites

Site Update: Wallace Liggett Passes Away - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Book Cover, History of the Accordion in New ZealandWallace LiggettSite update for Wallace Liggett who passed away 18th October, 2020 He was the author of the book The History of the Accordion in New Zealand.

November 13th, 2020 news item

In 1990, the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) commissioned Wallace Liggett to be the author of the book "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand) , to ensure that information about the early history of the accordion in New Zealand, the individuals and their struggle for the wider acceptance and appreciation of the accordion by musicians and public alike, was not lost through the passage of time.


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