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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Jan-2021
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En línea: Congreso de invierno de la CIA 2021, Basilea - Suiza
Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola - Finlandia
John Kirkpatrick galardonado con MBE - Reino Unido
Online: 1er Concurso Internacional Accordion Star 2021 - EE. UU.
85 aniversario del Colegio Británico de Acordeonistas - Reino Unido

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

VIII Music Festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" Day 1 - Russia
VIII Music Festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" Day 2 - Russia
Frank Toscano Performs in New Movie “The Many Saints of Newark” – USA
Video: Nick Ariondo Presents World Music Styles
Martynas Levickis New CD Release, Vilnius - Lithuania
Milorad Marinković New CD – Germany
Ksenija Sidorova New CD "Piazzolla Reflections"
“Little Miss Squeezebox” Interview on ABC Radio Perth – Australia

Future events

Online: Coffee with Dominique - "Accordion Heroes on Vinyl" - Netherlands
Online: Celtic Connections QuebecFest - Canada
Alex Meixner January Virtual Fundraiser - USA
2021 Ian Lowthian Online Music Weekend - UK
Félicien Brut Duo Concert in Paris – France
Dr. William Schimmel to Present New Seven Hour Virtual Work - USA

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association Site - New Zealand
Newly Available Sheet Music "Poetic Rhapsody" by Stas Venglevski
Updated Site: Andrew Glover (Andy) Free Download - New Zealand

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En línea: Congreso de invierno de la CIA 2021, Basilea - Suiza

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Ruedi MartyDebido a las restricciones y circunstancias en curso relacionadas con la pandemia Global Covid-19, la 145a Asamblea General de Delegados de la CIA que estaba programada para celebrarse en Suiza, organizada por la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Miembro con Voto Premier accordeon.ch, ha sido adaptado a una reunión online, permitiendo la máxima participación internacional.

Agradecemos a la Asociación Suiza accordeon.ch dirigida por el presidente Ruedi Marty, por todo su trabajo en la organización de nuestro Congreso de Invierno, y esperamos nuestra visita a Suiza para la próxima Coupe Mondiale que se celebrará en Zofingen del 4 al 9 de octubre de 2022. .

Los miembros recibirán una invitación del Secretario General Kimmo Mattila en breve.


Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola - Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival
Raimo VertainenKokkola Winter Accordion FestivalEl Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola se llevará a cabo del 6 al 14 de febrero de 2021 en Kokkola, Finlandia.

El programa de la semana del festival está planificado y el festival se llevará a cabo de acuerdo con las restricciones vigentes de Covid-19, por lo que los conciertos han sido restringidos y ahora estarán en línea.

A la derecha está la lista de artistas y conciertos y puede ingresar a esta página o al Facebook del Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola o YouTube para ver los conciertos.

El primer Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola se llevó a cabo en 1999. El conocido maestro y acordeonista de Kokkola, Raimo Vertainen (foto a la izquierda), ha sido el Director Artístico desde sus inicios y este año es el 22º Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola.

Descargue e imprima el póster de Kokkola 2021 en: 2021KokkolaPoster.pdf

Martes 09 febrero
Ilta Jukkolanmäellä con Sonja Vertainen (acordeón y bandoneón), Julia Hansson (acordeón) y Katri Antikainen (violonchelo)

Miércoles 10 de febrero
Vilda Duo de Hildá Länsman (voz) y Viivi Maria Saarenkylä (acordeón)

Viernes 12 de febrero
Maria Kalaniemi (acordeón y voz) y Eero Grundström (armonía)

Viernes 13 de febrero
Guardia Nueva, director musical Raimo Vertainen con los vocalistas Virva Puumala, Matti Korkiala, Maria Autio y Jiri Tammilehto. Concierto de celebración de los 400 años de Kokkola
grabado desde Snellman Hall.


John Kirkpatrick galardonado con MBE - Reino Unido

John KirkpatrickAccordions Worldwide envía felicitaciones a John Kirkpatrick (acordeón, melodeón y concertina), quien recibió un MBE (Miembro de la Orden del Imperio Británico) en la Lista de Honores de Año Nuevo 2021 (Reino Unido) por sus servicios a la música folclórica.

El MBE se otorga por un logro o servicio sobresaliente a la comunidad. Esto habrá tenido un impacto significativo a largo plazo y se destacará como un ejemplo para otros. Quienes reciben los elogios se anuncian unos días antes de fin de año y alrededor del cumpleaños estatal de la Reina.

Durante los bloqueos de Covid-19 de 2021, John planea realizar conciertos en línea en vivo cada pocas semanas.

Su próximo concierto será el 24 de enero de 2021 a las 7.30 pm GMT, donde tocará melodías y canciones de su CD "Morris On", "Sheepskins", "The Duck Race", "Plain Capers" y muchos más.

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


Online: 1er Concurso Internacional Accordion Star 2021 - EE. UU.

Star header
Sergei TeleshevTodos los acordeonistas están invitados a participar en la 1ra Competencia Internacional Accordion Star 2021 que se llevará a cabo del 16 al 25 de abril de 2021. Esta es una oportunidad para que los acordeonistas jóvenes y talentosos de todo el mundo muestren su arte a una amplia audiencia de música. amantes y músicos profesionales. El presidente del festival es el intérprete Sergei Teleshev (imagen a la izquierda).

El jurado internacional incluirá artistas, profesores, compositores, directores, productores famosos de Estados Unidos, Canadá, Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Serbia, Alemania, Suecia, Inglaterra, Francia, Israel, Sudáfrica y otros países. El presidente del jurado es el Artista Popular de Rusia, Viatcheslav Semionov.

Las categorías de competencia están disponibles para una variedad de grupos de edad para solistas desde menores de 8 años hasta mayores de 37 años, así como clases de conjunto sin límite de edad y una categoría especial titulada “Música de Bach”.

El jurado internacional estará integrado por Viatcheslav Semionov (Presidente - Rusia), Alexander Selivanov (Rusia), Roman Jbanov (Francia), Jelena Milojevic (Canadá), Petar Maric (Serbia), Matthias Matzke (Alemania), Bratislav Manasijevic (EE.UU.), Michael Bridge (Canadá), Semmy Stahlhammer (Suecia), Sergey Teleshev (Estados Unidos / Rusia), Trofim Antipov (Bielorrusia), Igor Snedkov (Ucrania), Yuri Merkulov (Rusia), Gary Blair (Inglaterra), Victor Aryutkin (Israel), Lyudmila Varavina (Rusia), Isabel Blomme (Suecia), Yuri Veshininin (Rusia), Zhenya Rock (Estados Unidos), Sergio Zampolli (Sudáfrica) y otros.

Además del programa del concurso, en el festival se presentarán actuaciones de conciertos, clases magistrales, entrevistas y presentación de los miembros del jurado e invitados del festival.

Las solicitudes cierran el 7 de abril de 2021.

Descarga las bases del concurso aquí: 2021AccordionStarRules.pdf


85 aniversario del Colegio Británico de Acordeonistas - Reino Unido

BCA poster
El Colegio Británico de Acordeonistas celebrará su 85 aniversario en 2021 con un Festival Aniversario Internacional en Línea y una Competencia Nacional de Solistas Grados que está abierta a todos los acordeonistas del Reino Unido.

El British College of Accordionists tiene como objetivo promover, alentar y apoyar a los acordeonistas para que se conviertan en:
Técnicamente competente
Músicos de calidad
Comunicadores fluidos
Futuros líderes y embajadores del instrumento.

La Junta de Administración de BCA incluye al director Raymond Bodell, Graham Laurie, Alistair Gillespie y Anna Bodell con los miembros del Consejo de Gobierno de BCA Robert Fletcher, Patrick Hay, Harry Hinchcliffe, Mahir Kilic, Pauline Noon, Ken Farran y Wendy Farran.

Las inscripciones al concurso cierran el 1 de febrero y los videos deben recibirse antes del 14 de febrero de 2021.

Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en el sitio web de BCA.

Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: bca.anniversaryfestival@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

VIII Music Festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" Day 1 - Russia

Danil and Olga Sharavyeva
Video: Danil and Olga Sharavyeva.

The 8th music festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" was held in a virtual format on the stage of the large hall of the Kurgan Philharmonic.

The first guests of the festival were Danil and Olga Sharavyeva from Yekaterinburg. Literally from their first performance, Danil and Olga won the love and respect of the public.

In 2015, their duo was recognized as the best instrumental team of Yekaterinburg.

Their repertoire is extensive and diverse, including many styles from Bach's organ music to pop-jazz popular compositions.

Currently, Danil and Olga Sharavyeva are soloists of the Ekaterinburg House of Music, as well as assistant trainees of the Ural State Conservatory named after M.P. Mussorgsky.

The duo has won many All-Russian and International competitions including:
11th Open All-Russian Competition of Ensembles and Orchestras of Harmonics "Winter Games", Nizhny Tagil - I PREDI
All-Russian competition of ensembles and orchestras "We are together!", Yekaterinburg - GRAN-PRI
10th International Rainbow International Competition, Ukraine, Odessa - Grand Prix
1st Bravo International Competition, Bulgaria, Essebr - I REMARY
13th International Competition, Poland, Pulawa - I PRED
2nd Bravo International Competition, Bulgaria, Ezebre - GRAN PRI
1st International Competition, Hungary, Budapest - GRAN PRI
5th International Competition of performers on bayan, accordion "Friend-Bayan, Kurgan - GRAN-PRI.


VIII Music Festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" Day 2 - Russia

Ivan Sendetsky (cello) and Vladimir Stupnikov (bayan)
Video: Solo performance by Vladimir Stupnikov (bayan), then in duo with Ivan Sendetsky (cello).

Day2 of the VIII festival "Gnesin's RAM Students" included a performance by young musicians Vladimir Stupnikov (bayan) and Ivan Sendetsky (cello).

Vladimir Stupnikov, winner of more than 30 international competitions, is currently a graduate of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory of Art and Korsakov 2019, a class of Prof. A. I. Dmitriev and continues his training in assistant-internship at the Russian Academy of Music by Gnesin, the class of Prof. Friedrich Lips.

Competition prizes include:
1st prize - International competition Trophee Mondial de l'Accordeon (2015 in Switzerland)
1st Prize - II All-Russian Music Competition (2017 in Russia)
1st Prize - International Competition - Coupe Mondiale (2017 in Italy)
1st prize - International competition - 43 PIF Castelfidardo, category Premio (2018 in Italy)

Ivan Sendetsky (cello) is the winner of many international competitions from 2007 through to 2020 and plays at a variety of music festivals.


Frank Toscano Performs in New Movie “The Many Saints of Newark” – USA

Accordionist Frank Toscano was asked to arrange and perform music for the soundtrack of a new movie entitled “The Many Saints of Newark” which will be released worldwide on March 12th, 2021.

Frank recorded eight songs and performed in the movie with guitarist, Steve Lucas, in the scene of the confirmation party for Janice, Tony’s sister. The movie is a prequel to the popular series “The Sopranos”.

Among the songs he played were “Ferry Boat Serenade”, “Volare”, “The Nearness of You” and “Core Grate”. For the scene Frank wore a red tuxedo jacket and slicked back hair.

For details email: info@franktoscanoMusicSchool.com


Video: Nick Ariondo Presents World Music Styles

The accordion, an instrument of world/global status, captures musical styles from classical to world-ethnic and everything in between.

In this video, accompanied by Russian guitarist Sergey Taranov, accordionist/arranger Nick Ariondo demonstrates his diverse/unique style, performing music of Eastern European Romanian origins.

The camera angle close-ups of the right-hand keyboard, bellows and left-hand buttons captures the essence of the accordion's endless possibilities ~ from driving rhythms and chords, to a variety of single note passages, to complex bellows technique.


Martynas Levickis New CD Release, Vilnius - Lithuania

CD coverAccordionist and conductor Martynas Levickis has just released his new CD entitled “Vivaldi: The Four Seasons”. The CD also includes performers Mikroorkéstra Chamber Ensemble and Chris Ruebens (guitar).

Martynas says “It is unbelievable that in these uncertain times we are pulling off and releasing a long awaited album. At last!!!! Vivaldi’s music has always been very close to me…”

For details email: info@martynasmusic.com


Milorad Marinković New CD – Germany

Video: Excerpts from the CD

Milorad Marinkovic (Serbia/Germany) has just released his new CD “Akkordeon Classical Music”.

The CD is a personal choice of Milorad’s favorite compositions and includes Jazz, world music, as well as classical music.

Tracks include: Asturias (Albeniz), Sonata No 2 (Solotarjow), Sonata in D minor (Scarlatti), plus works by Repnikov, Strauss, Shishkin, Bach and Rimsky Korsakov among others.

The CD was available on music platforms from January 6th, 2021.


Ksenija Sidorova New CD "Piazzolla Reflections"

CD coverKsenija Sidorova’s new CD “Piazzolla Reflections” will be available from February 12th, 2021. The CD is devoted to the anniversary of Astor Piazzolla and was created in 2020 with Alpha Classics.

Ksenija is offering online, the first track from the album “Chau, Paris!”, an arrangement by Claudio Constantini for your enjoyment.

For details email: ao@harrisonparrott.co.uk


“Little Miss Squeezebox” Interview on ABC Radio Perth – Australia

Little Miss SqueezeboxPerth (Australia) accordionist Nikki Dagostino (also known as Little Miss Squeezebox) was interviewed by ABC Perth Radio Station Producer Kate Leaver to find out and learn about the accordion.

The interview includes Nikki playing excerpts of everything from the German classics to ACDC on accordion!


Future events

Online: Coffee with Dominique - "Accordion Heroes on Vinyl" - Netherlands

Coffee with Dominique header
recordsAccordionist Dominique Paats will present an online concert entitled Coffee with Dominique - "Accordion Heroes on Vinyl" on January 17th, 2021 at 10pm UTC+13.

This event is free to everyone. Dominique will open his record cabinet and pay tribute to the accordionists on vinyl by performing their pieces.

For details email: d.paats@hotmail.com


Online: Celtic Connections QuebecFest - Canada

Celtic connect

Pierre-Luc DupuisThe online edition of the Celtic Connections QuebecFest will be held from January 15th to February 2nd, 2021.

The event will feature a variety of music concerts and workshops for beginners as well as more experienced players.

On January 29th, “Le Vent du Nord” (picture below) which includes accordionist Réjean Brunet, will entertain with their traditional folk pieces as well as original compositions at 8.45pm GMT.

This will be followed by a performance by “De Temps Antan” which features accordionist Pierre-Luc Dupuis (picture left). This 3 piece group features a variety of instruments such as violin, accordion, harmonica, guitar, bouzouki, mandolin, foot-percussion along with three-part vocals.
Le Vent du Nord


Alex Meixner January Virtual Fundraiser - USA

Alex Meixner
Alex Meixner will perform an online fundraising concert on January 30th, 2021 from 7pm to 9pm. The concert is a private show for the benefit of the Reading Liederkranz in Pennsylvania.

You can enjoy the performance from the comfort of your own home or watch it at the Clubhaus.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


2021 Ian Lowthian Online Music Weekend - UK

Music weekend
The first 2021 Music Weekend by Ian Lowthian will take place online from January 30th to 31st.

The event will cover Scottish Music and as it is the time of year to celebrate Robert Burns, some Burns Tunes will be included.

In addition some more general Scottish tunes will be added to the mix.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Félicien Brut Duo Concert in Paris – France

concert poster
Video: Félicien Brut (accordion) and Thibaut Garcia (guitar)

Félicien Brut (accordion) will perform in duo with Thibaut Garcia (guitar) at Le Bal Blomert in Paris, France on February 17th, 2021 at 8pm.

Their program will include works by Piazzolla, Ravel, Boccherini and Granados among others.

For details email: contact@balblomet.fr


Dr. William Schimmel to Present New Seven Hour Virtual Work - USA

William Schimmel“Tributaries”, a set of pieces that explore the accordion in all facets, moods and styles will be presented and performed by Dr. William Schimmel in seven, one hour segments online during February and March 2021 as follows:

February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
March 6th, 13th and 20th
From 3pm to 4 pm

Schimmel is the Artist in Residence of The American Accordionists' Association (AAA) where he also serves as Distinguished Lecturer in Residence and member of the Governing Board.

For further information email: accordionbill@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association Site - New Zealand

NZAA banner
The New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 2021 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival will be held in Auckland, June 5th and 6th, 2021.

The event, due to Covid travel restrictions, will be open to only New Zealand residents or NZ passport holders. A variety of age group classes for soloists, duos, trios, ensembles and orchestras will be available. Covid restrictions mean that non NZ residents and non NZ passport holders are not allowed to come to New Zealand.

Site update includes New Article: 40 Years after the Dream Came True - 1980 Coupe
Mondiale by Kevin Friedrich, CIA Ambassador. View article at: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=04-Sep-2020&lang=ru&s=16796
1980 Historical website Report, Pictures and Results at: 1980CoupeMondialeHistory


Newly Available Sheet Music "Poetic Rhapsody" by Stas Venglevski

Stas VThe newly available sheet music of "Poetic Rhapsody" Catalog: vstas064 is online.

Other eSheet Individual Compositions by Stas Venglevski.

Catalog: vstas051 Meg Tango (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas052 Maurisa (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas053 A Song (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas054 Stas' Tune (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas055 Octobler Rondo (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas056 Summer Sunshine (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas057 Sunshine Return, accordion (solo )with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas058 In the Garden, accordion (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas059 Butterfly Swing, accordion (duet) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas060 K's Musette, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas061 Shaking Waltz, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas062 Ice Meadow, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas063 Twelve Hot Tango Compositions For Accordion (solo)
Catalog: vstas064 Poetic Rhapsody for accordion (solo)


Updated Site: Andrew Glover (Andy) Free Download - New Zealand

Andrew Glover
Andrew GloverIn memory of Auckland accordionist Andrew Glover (Andy), former member of the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra who passed away suddenly, yet peacefully (non Covid) in December 2020, his composition Tender Tango (Solo) is available as a free download to AWW readers.

Andy was a well-known competitor at the New Zealand Accordion Association annual Championships and Festival, usually entering the “Accordion with self vocal” classes as well as a performing in the Musicale Orchestra. He also set up Singing Telegrams in New Zealand.

"Tender Tango" was selected as a test piece for an age category of the 2016 New Zealand Accordion Championships. Download Tender Tango (Solo): mfa8051


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