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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Jan-2010
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Neue Geschäftseröffnung: "Akkordeons Viseur "/Puurs - Belgien
Internationaler Wettbewerb/Festival “Città di Castelfidardo” - Italien
60. Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon - Spanien
Contemporaner Akkordeonwettbewerb/Festival, Rom - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Väyrynen Recordings Available on CD and Online – Finland
Accordion Enthusiast’s Calendar 2010, Scotland – UK
Massimiliano Pitocco’s New CD ‘De Profundis’, Rome – Italy

Future events

Renzo Ruggieri ‘Solo Accordion Project’ Concert, Pescara - Italy
"2 Harriets" Duo Concert, Wales – UK
"Alla Russa", Wiesbaden – Deutschland
Ksenija Sidorova Concert, London – UK
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Gigs, Minnesota, Wisconsin – USA
Festival Het Accordeon 2010, Deventer – Netherlands
‘Harry Hussey meets Ken Astin’, Stockport – UK

New and Updated Sites

January Diatonic News Online 1st January
Sergey Petrov, professional musician, St Petersburg - Russia
January USA News Online 1st January
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
NAA Publications New Music Releases

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach

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Neue Geschäftseröffnung: "Akkordeons Viseur "/Puurs - Belgien

Accordeons Viseur Shop
Accordeons Viseur ShopDie festliche Eröffnung des "Akkordeons Viseur ', ein kleines, aber sehr spezialisiertes Akkordeon- und Harmonikageschäft ist am 30. Januar. Besucher sind zwischen 10 Uhr vormittags und 18 Uhr nachmittags herzlich zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Die Besucher erwarten einige Überraschungsvorstellungen mit vielen Akkordeon Geschichten !

"Akkordeons Viseur" ist in der Sauvegardestraat 17, 2870 Puurs, Ruisbroek, Belgien - in der Nähe der A12 zwischen Antwerpen und Brüssel.

Dieses Geschäft wurde im Mai 2003 gegründe und ist seither stets bemüht sich zu verbessern und konnte sich Im Laufe der Jahre einen guten Ruf in Belgien machen, mit Kunden,m die von weither in ihr Geschäft anreisen. . Der Eigentümer Iwein Jacobs, ist ein selbst Akkordeon-Spieler und leitet auch die dazugehörende Werkstatt mit Service und Beratung. Weiters bietet das Geschäft Gurte, Gig Bags, Koffer-, Verstärker-Midi etc.

"Akkordeons Viseur" hat eine besonders starke Beziehung zur lebhaften belgischen Folk-Szene mit einem einzigartiges Know-how (für Belgien) in bezug auf Stimnmen und Verkauf von diatonischen Akkordeons.

Für Mundharmonika-Spieler ist "Akkordeons Viseur" seit 2003 Vertreter der 'C.A.Seydel. Weiters gibt es sehr spezielle Instrumente wie die "accordina ' von Marcel Dreux und dem Bandoneon von Harry Geuns.
Für Information: info@accordeons-viseur.com


Internationaler Wettbewerb/Festival “Città di Castelfidardo” - Italien

Der jährliche Event des 35. Internationalen Akkordeon Wettbewerbes und Festival findet in diesem Jahr vom 5 bis 10 Oktober in Castelfidardo, Ancona statt und wurde somit um 1 Woche vorverlegt Das FIF Festival bietet auch in diesem Jahr eine Eröffnungsgala, die am 5. Oktober stattfinden wird, Abende im Theater, Veranstaltungen, eine Musik-Reality-Show, einen Baby Musikklub, Konferenzen, Masterklassen und vieles vieles mehr. Der internationale Wettbewerb ist offen für eine große Anzal von Kategorien wie: Solo, Ensembles und Orchester. Der Teilnahme-Einsendeschluss ist am 31. August 2010. Information: Pro Loco di Castelfidardo (+39 071 7823162 – prolococ@tiscali.it).
sowie Sekretariat des Gemeinde von Castelfidardo


60. Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon - Spanien

Daniel RodriguezDer Trophée Mondiale feiert im Jahr 2010 den 60. Event. Die Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Webseite wurde neu aktualisiert, auf der Sie alle alle Informationen zu diesem 60. Trophée Mondiale Wettbewerb und Festival nachlesen kònnen.

Der Gastgeber und Veranstalter ist der CMA Delegierte Daniel Rodriguez (richtig), der alle herzlich in die Küstenstadt Vigo in Spanien für die Tage zwischen dem 21 und 25 September 2010 einlädt.

Wettbewerbsregeln und Anmeldeformulare sind ebenfalls auf der CMA -Webseite zu konsultieren.


Contemporaner Akkordeonwettbewerb/Festival, Rom - Italien

Conservatory of Music of Santa Cecilia logo
Das Musikkonservatorium Santa Cecilia organisiert vom 24. bis 27. Mai 2010 die erste Edition des zeitgenössischen Akkordeon-Festivals.

Während des Festivals werden interessante Seminare und Meisterklassen stattfinden und einige Akkordeonhersteller sind mit ihren Produkten von Montag bis Mittwoch für die Besucher präsent.

Neben dem am Dienstag und Mittwoch stattfindendem internationalen Wettbewerb für Akkordeon-Solisten für contemporane Musik bietet die Veranstaltung ein Konzert mit dem bekannten finnischen Künstler Mika Varynen und dient zur "Förderund des Akkordeons" in zeitgenössischer Musik.

Alle Studenten, die im Festival teilnehmen, haben auch die Möglichkeit die Meisterkurse mit Mika Väyrynen und Frederic Deschamps zu besuchen, sowie im Internationalen Wettbewerb zu spielen.

Die Meisterkurse haben individuellen Unterricht und der Stundenplan hängt von der Anzahl der Teilnehmern ab. Die Gebühren sind für die Teilnahme an den Meisterklassen € 80 und € 30 für Zuhörer.

Für weitere Informationen, E-Mail-Koordinator: Professor Massimiliano Pitocco: m.pitocco @ conservatoriosantacecilia.it.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Väyrynen Recordings Available on CD and Online – Finland

Mika Väyrynen concertFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen recently celebrated the release of his newest CD ‘Misterium’ (No FAICD-23), featuring works by Janacek, Kaipainen, Hannikainen, Korpijaakko, Scriabin, and Kusjakov. The CD, titled after final work of Anatoli Kusjakov, features his Sonata No. 7 ‘Misterium’, which was dedicated to Mika and premiered in 2008 when Mika performed in concert at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

Some of these same works can be heard in Mika’s solo recital presented in the Great Hall of the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland in November 2009. To watch the complete and professionally edited concert, simply visit: MVayrynen/space4u.com

In addition, the recent concert featuring Mika’s world premiere performance of Paavo Korpijaakko’s ‘Metamorphoses - Concerto for Accordion and Strings’ was broadcast live by The Estonian National Radio. . To hear the broadcast (the Concerto is the second work on the program, beginning approximately 14 minutes into the concert) visit: MVayrynen/space4u.com

For more information about purchasing Mika’s ‘Misterium’ CD, please contact the Finnish Accordion Institute; email: hanuritalo@harmonikkainstituutti.net


Accordion Enthusiast’s Calendar 2010, Scotland – UK

Enthusiast’s Calendar 2010The Accordion Enthusiast’s Calendar for 2010 is now available.

Produced in the Scottish Highlands
by Caroline Hunt!

The calendar features colour photographs
of vintage accordions
from Caroline’s large collection,
set against beautiful outdoor rural backgrounds.

For further information email:



Massimiliano Pitocco’s New CD ‘De Profundis’, Rome – Italy

De Profundis CDMassimiliano Pitocco, well-known artiste and teacher at the conservatory St.Cecilia di Rome, has recently recorded a new CD, ‘De Profundis’. The tracks include: J.S.Bach - ‘Fantasy and Fugue’; C.Franck - ‘Corale no 2’; D.Remigio – ‘Minimal’; S.Gubajdulina - ‘De Profundis’; V.Semionov - ‘Sonata no 1’; V.Tschernikov - ‘Il fisarmonicista solitario’

For information contact: m.pitocco@dotcube.it


Future events

Renzo Ruggieri ‘Solo Accordion Project’ Concert, Pescara - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri
Renzo Ruggieri performs his ‘Solo Accordion Project’ improvisation concert on January 23rd, 6pm, at Maison des Arts, Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, Pescara, Corso Umberto. Admission is free.

The Renzo Ruggieri Orchestra is available for performances of their ‘Kramer Project’, based on the compositions of Gorni Kramer. Guest vocalists may include Antonella Ruggiero, Rossana Casale, Linda, Franco Cerri, and Bruno De Filippi.

For further information email: pressoffice@renzoruggieri.com


"2 Harriets" Duo Concert, Wales – UK

Harriet BartlettHarriet Earis - harp and Harriet Bartlett accordion/vocals perform together in concert on January 24th, 7.30pm, at the Talbot Hotel, Tregaron, Ceredigion (Cardiganshire), Wales.

For further information email: info@harrietearis.com


"Alla Russa", Wiesbaden – Deutschland

Mirjana Petercol
Die Akkordeondozentin Mirjana Petercol und Ihre Studenten veranstalten am Sonntag den 24.Januar /Montag den 25.Januar in der Neogotischer Ringskirche Wiesbaden / Musikakademie Kassel Konzert mit Werken von Komponisten aus der ehem. Sowjetunion.Ein Hauch des russisches Pathos, große ausladende musikalische Gesten und eine Menge virtuoser Finger versprechen einen musikalischen Hochgenuss„...alla russa...“

Hinter dem Titel verbergen sich allerhand Kompositionen für Akkordeon Solo und diverse kammermusikalischen Besetzungen – alle von Komponisten aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.
Der Gastgeber, der Kantor der Ringkirche, Herr Kielblock, wird ebenfalls einen Beitrag „alla russa“ auf der Orgel zelebrieren..

...ALLA RUSSA.... an der Musikakademie Kassel mit Werken von Arro, Swiridow, Zolotarev, Rimski-Korsakow, Mussorgski, Schamo etz.
Der Eintritt ist frei - um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung der Ringkirche wird gebeten

Informaiton von Mirjana Petercol: MirjanaPetercol@gmx.de


Ksenija Sidorova Concert, London – UK

Ksenija Sidorova25th of Januare - Rush Hour Recital Series at 1901 Arts Club, London SE1
The Hattori Foundation’s second series of monthly recitals continues with a performance by
award winning classical accordion sensation, KSENIJA
The recitals are being held at the 1901 Arts Club in Waterloo, a beautiful and unique venue in
which concert-goers can appreciate performances in an intimate environment.
Tickets are £15 and include a complimentary pre-concert glass of wine as well as the chance
to meet the performers in the private bar upstairs after the concert.

28th Jan. Royal Festival Hall An opportunity to show the powers that be at the Royal Festival Hall that the accordion can draw a crowd ! It is, but now as a serious instrument too, that has the respect of all music lovers through the musical spectrum, the respect all accordionists have always wanted their instrument to have. All this aside, Ksenija is a worthy recipient of the prizes she has won and a marvel to watch and listen to. She came to the UK to study accordion at the Royal Academy of Music.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Overture from Partita (Overture in the French style), BWV.831
Luciano Berio: Sequenza XIII for accordion (Chanson)
Domenico Scarlatti: 2 Sonatas
Alfred Schnittke: Revis, A Fairy Tale


Cafe Accordion Orchestra Gigs, Minnesota, Wisconsin – USA

Dan NewtonThe Café Accordion Orchestra, featuring accordionist Dan Newton, performs an eclectic mix of vintage Swing, Latin, American, and French café music, evoking the repertoire of the Bal Musette orchestras of Paris from the 1920s to the 1950s. Their music is equally good for dancing or listening. The CAO’s gig list includes:

January 26th, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, 327 14th Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN
February 2nd, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
5th, 7.30pm – Honey, 205 East Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis
9th, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
12th, 9pm - Brink Lounge, 701 E. Washington Ave, Madison, Wisconsin
16th, 6pm – Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
23rd, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
26th, 7.30pm - Honky Tonk Café, 1011 County Road M, River Falls, Wisconsin

For further information email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


Festival Het Accordeon 2010, Deventer – Netherlands

Frank MaroccoThe Festival Het Accordeon 2010 takes place in Deventer, Netherlands, from February 11th to 14th. This festival includes concerts, workshops, trade show and other activities, including some world premieres. Festival highlights include:

February 11th, 8pm – Concert at the Bergkerk: ‘Dutch talent, studying abroad’, including Erica Roozendaal, Emina Niksic, Pieternel Berkers and Renée Bekkers - performances of original pieces for accordion, including some special Dutch premieres.

February 12th, 12.15pm - Deventer Schouwburg: Lunchtime concert by accordion students of the Artez Conservatory of Enschede.

February 12th, 8pm - Deventer schouwburg: Jazz concert by The Millennium Jazz Orchestra (MD Joan Reinders), featuring US accordion legend Frank Marocco (picture right).

February 13th, 10am until 5pm - Deventer Schouwburg, Leeuwenkuil: ‘Sparkling Deventer’ - Music Market, a trade show with CDs, instruments, etc; workshops for accordion, bluesharp, harmonica, Steierische Harmonika and bandoneon in different styles; a reading from Wu Wei about the sheng, from China; master classes by Pascal Contet, classical accordionist from France, and The Motion Trio, three accordionists from Poland.

There will be a concert at 4pm featuring the NJAO (Dutch Youth Accordion Orchestra, MD Marc Belder), performing a world premiere of ‘Captain Gumbo’, music in the Cajun/Zydeco tradition.

February 13th, 7.30pm - Deventer Schouwburg, Leeuwenkuil, Gala Evening conert, featuring The Motion Trio, Petra Berger and Tango Dorado, Wu Wei and Pascal Contet, The Groove Club, Riccardo Tesi & Banditalia (Italy), Fata Morgana, Captain Gumbo, Irena Filippova (Russia), and brother/sister from Amsterdam, Vincent (accordion) and Jeanine (violin).

February 14th, 11.30am - Deventer Schouwburg, Family concert by Rood Verlangen: BontePels, featuring music by Astor Piazzolla.

February 14th, 11.30am - Etty Hillesum Centrum: Riccardo Tesi and Maurizio Geri sing/play Italian traditional music from Toscane.

February 14th, 11.30am - Filmhuis De Keizer: Cineconcert: ‘Sunrise’ - Pascal Contet will improvise on his accordion during this soundless movie about a classical love-drama.

February 14th, 12.25pm – Bergkerk, ‘Worlds are melting together’: Wu Wei, sheng, and Ton Zwartkruis, organ, play classical music while two artists (Constance Visser and Henk van der Ven) paint a grand picture in a very special environment.

February 14th, 2.30pm – Carel Kraayenhof, bandoneon and the symphony orchestra ‘Orkest van het Oosten’ perform music by Astor Piazzolla and other great composers from Argentina, ‘Temperamentvolle Piazzolla’ at Deventer Schouwburg.

February 14th, 4pm – Deventer Schouwburg: ‘Bal Folk’, with Cecilia, a folk dance trio from Belgium. Welcome to the last party of this festival!

For further information email: info@hetaccordeon.nl


‘Harry Hussey meets Ken Astin’, Stockport – UK

Harry HusseyHarry Hussey and Ken Astin are the guests at Stockport Accordion Club on Wednesday February 10th, 8pm. The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street/A560 Hyde Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1ND (J25/M60). This concert, originally set for January 13th, was postponed and re-arranged due to snow, freezing temperatures and impassable roads.

Harry Hussey is a master improviser and jazz accordionist. Ken Astin, after spending many years as an organist entertaining the public in Blackpool, has returned to the accordion, his first love.

This is the first time Ken Astin and Harry Hussey have played together as guests at an accordion club, though they did make a CD of jazz standards together in 2005 titled ‘Our Kind of Music’. They will play together and also do solo spots.

Stockport AC President Johnny Coleclough will play a supporting spot.

For further Information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


New and Updated Sites

January Diatonic News Online 1st January

Diatonic news banner
The January 2010 Diatonic News online 1st January.


Sergey Petrov, professional musician, St Petersburg - Russia

Sergey PetrovSergey Petrov, professional musician from St Petersburg (Russia), has an updated site about his performing and new CD. Sergey is probably the only professional musician in Russia , promoting such music styles as Zydeco and Cajun and plus cultivating variety-jazz style in playing accordion.


January USA News Online 1st January

USA news banner
The January 2010 USA News, online on the 1st January.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

Valse Bleue e-sheetMusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new pieces - 'Reverie, catalog:mfa7096', 'La Sorella, catalog:mfa7097', 'La Cucaracha, catalog:mfa7098', 'Bamba - Samba, catalog:mfa7099', 'Valse Bleue, catalog:mfa8000' and 'Jarabe Tapatio, catalog:mfa8001'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

Beer Barrel Polka e-sheetNAA Publications releases 6 new pieces, 'Beer Barrel Polka (Medium Version), catalog:naa106', 'Beer Barrel Polka (Duet), catalog:naa107', 'Beer Barrel Polka (Solo – Easy Version), catalog:naa108', 'Spritely, catalog:naa109', 'La Scala Waltz, catalog:naa110', 'Joledoans March, catalog:naa111'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian BachCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Johann Sebastian Bach” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Claudio Jacomucci.


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