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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Jan-2010
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Was organisieren Sie zum Akkordeon Tag ?- International
12. Kokkola Winter Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland
Roland V-Accordions auf der NAMM - USA
Alexander Tchuev und Maria Dafka spielen mit dem Symphonieorchester Polemaida - Griechenland
www.Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events - Cyberspace
Jesus Peñaranda auf Tour im Dezember - Spanien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Väyrynen gives World Premiere Performance, Tallinn – Estonia
Brian Dexter (1926-2010), Essex – UK
Alexander Poeluev Concerts in Ufa and Rostov - Russia
‘The Basic Method for Diatonic Button Accordion (8 Bass)’ – Italy

Future events

Vincenzo Abbracciante’s ‘Borsini USA Tour’ - USA
Camilleri Festival, Valletta‏ - Malta
Pascal Contet’s Schedule – USA, France, Netherlands, Congo
Frank Marocco Accordion Event Orchestra, Arizona – USA
Anne Landa and Puppet Show, Guipúzcoa – Spain
New International Accordion Competition, Alcobaça - Portugal
BAYAN CONCERT with Ferran Martinez - Sabadell/Spain

New and Updated Sites

December Diatonic News Online 1st January
Sergey Petrov, professional musician, St Petersburg - Russia
January USA News Online 1st January
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
NAA Publications New Music Releases

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach

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Was organisieren Sie zum Akkordeon Tag ?- International

World Accordion Day logoWas werden Sie tun – um den Welt Akkordeon Tag in Ihrem Land zu fördern? Der 6. Mai ist der Welt Akkordeon Tag (World Accordion Day) - der Tag an dem des Akkordeon 1829 in Wien patentiert wurde.

Der Welt Akkordeon Tag (World Accordion Day) wurde im Jahre 2009 ins Leben gerufen und sofort zu einem großem Erfolg und enorm positiver Werbung für das Akkordeon. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil dazu ist die Welt Akkordeon Webseite mit vielseitiger Information. Jeder Verein, Gruppe, Orchester, Musiker und Lehrer, wird aufgefordert, Veranstaltung zur Förderung des Akkordeons in ihrem Land sowohl auf internationaler und lokaler Basis, an diesem Tag oder am Wochenende zu organisieren.

Jeder kann seine Welt Akkordeontag-Aktivität auf der Website registrieren und einen relativen Bericht nach dem Event einsenden, um darüber auf der Website zu berichten. Diese Website ist bereits eine sehr wertvolle Ressource für die Medien-Berichterstattung des Welt Akkordeon Tages.

Kein Ereignis ist zu groß oder zu klein. ALLé Akkordeon Veranstaltungen – aus aller Welt sind herzlichst willkommen. Dies ist eine ausgezeichnete Werbung für das Akkordeon, dem jeder Akkordeon-Enthusiasten kann daran teilnehmen und dazu beitragen, alle Akkordeon- unsere Welt zusammen Akkordeon sowie das Akkordeon intensiv zu fördern, um seine Bevölkerung.

Deshalb fordere ich Sie in Ihr Heimatland zurückkehren, nachdem dieser Coupe Mondiale und fördern breiten nationalen Unterstützung aus allen Ebenen Ihrer Akkordeonisten für diese aufregende neue Projekt. Bitte - lassen Sie alle Akkordeonisten zusammenarbeiten, um intensive Förderung unserer Bevölkerung mit Welt Akkordeon Tag (World Accordion Day) zu machen.


12. Kokkola Winter Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland

Kokkola TalviharmonicaDas 12. Kokkola Winter Akkordeon-Festival findet vom 14. bis 21 Februar statt. Das Festival umfasst eine Vielzahl von Konzerten, Tanz-Workshops und andere Veranstaltungen, mit Genres aus Klassik, Jazz, Folklore, zeitgenössischer Musik, Rock und sakraler Musik. Außerdem gibt es Tanz-und Outdoor-Events, und sogar ein 'Akkordeon Skifahren "Event!

Weitere Artisten sind: Amoroso Orchestra (MD Atso Almila), Guardia Nueva Orchestra (MD Raimo Vertainen) und Akkordeonisten Leo Holmgren, Torikööri Kallentori, Niko Kumpuvaara, Martin Lubenov, Denis Patkovic, Jarmo Tinkala und Sari Viinikainen.

Weitere Informationen per E-Mai vonl: raimo.vertainen @ pp.inet.fi


Roland V-Accordions auf der NAMM - USA

Alicia Baker
Das 4-tägige NAMM-Show läuft vom 13. bis 17 Januar im Anaheim Convention Center in Los Angeles. Die Roland Corporation US ist mit einer starken Präsenz und großen Display von Roland V-Accordion Produkten und hochbegabten Artisten, darunter der Akkordeon-Virtuose Corey Pesaturo, Gewinner des 2009 CIA Coupe Mondiale Digital Akkordeon Kategorie, vertreten.

Neben den laufenden Demonstrationen des neuen Flaggschiffs, dem 7X FR-V-Akkordeon (V-Accordion) (www.RolandUS.com/products/FR-7X) ist Corey Teil der Roland Akku Band, welche ein Line-Up von völlig batteriebetriebenen Instrumenten im Präsentation Roland-Theater, sowie am Roland-Display-Stand vorführen wird.

Weiters im Roland V-Akkordeon-Team der Winter 2010 NAMM Show ist die Senior Roland V-Accordion Championess Alicia Baker und die erst 16-jährige Junior Roland V-Accordion Championess Danielle Renzi.

"Wir sind sind stolz darauf, mit diesen fantastischen Jugendlichen und Talenten auf dem NAMM Roland Stand“ präsent zu sein - sagt Roland V-Accordion Product Specialist, Ron Lankford. "Wir freuen uns über die Gelegenheit, all die erstaunlichen Fähigkeiten des neuen FR-7X zeigen zu können, sowie unsere gesamte Produktpalette von V-Akkordeons“.


Alexander Tchuev und Maria Dafka spielen mit dem Symphonieorchester Polemaida - Griechenland

Vidin State Symphonic Orchestra and Maria Dafka
Alexander TchuevEin Weihnachtskonzert mit dem Vidin State Symphonic Orchestra, aus Bulgarien fand im Dezember in Polemaida in Nord-Griechenland statt. Alexander Tchuev spielte Weke für Bandoneon und Orchester von Astor Piazzolla.

Seine erst 11jährige Schülerin Dafka Maria (5-fache Gewinner ihrer Altersgruppen in internationalen Akkordeon-Wettbewerben in Italien, Serbien, Bulgarien und Polen) wurde vom Publikum für ihre Interprätation von "Homosexuell Picador" von Pietro Frosini mit rauschendem Beifall belohnt.

Das Orchestger wurde vom Dirigenten Mikis Michailidis geleitet und alle Arbeiten von Lazaros Tsavdaridis arrangiert.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte via e-mail an: alexandertchuev@yahoo.gr


www.Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events - Cyberspace

Accordion  Yellow Pages header
Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten (accordion yellow pages), www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten (USA News) Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten (Diatonic News) gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages (accordion yellow pages) Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.


Jesus Peñaranda auf Tour im Dezember - Spanien

Jesus PeñarandaIm Dezember tourte der spanische, in Liverpool/Großbritannien lebende Akkordeonspieler Jesus Peñaranda mit der Charco Band und seinem klassischen Repertoire
durch Spanien: Mora d'Ebre (Tarragona) in Jaen (Winter Serie von Caja Sur), Madrid (Hotel Kafka ), Valladolid (VII Treffen der Akkordeonspieler) und Santander (Marcelino Botin Foundation). Währenddessen konzentrieren sich seine Aktivitàten zu Beginn dieses Jahres mit der Singer-Songwriterin Kerieva und Anne-Grete Helgheim.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Väyrynen gives World Premiere Performance, Tallinn – Estonia

Mika VäyrynenOn 14th January, Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen performed the world premiere of ‘Metamorphoses’ – a concerto for accordion and string orchestra by Paavo Korpijaakko in Tallinn, Estonia. Mika performed the premiere with the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, directed by Mikk Murdvee, and it was recorded by the Estonian National Radio.

Originally written for accordion and string quintet in 2004, the composer recently made the new version for accordion and string orchestra. Mika premiered the original work at the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival in 2005.


Brian Dexter (1926-2010), Essex – UK

Brian DexterJack EmblowBrian Dexter (picture left), one of Britain’s finest post-war accordionists died aged 83 on January 6th, following a stroke, in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. Brian Dexter was a pianist and a church organist prior to becoming one of Britain’s brightest accordion talents in the 1950s.

After army service in World War Two in the Royal Scots Greys, where he became a clarinet player, Dexter joined the successful jazz/swing Danny Levan Quartet. Weekly BBC radio broadcasts on ‘Rhythm Rendezvous’ and ‘The Strollers’ brought the Quartet to public notice, and led Brian Dexter into a long career playing jazz on both accordion and piano, and into many years of recording studio session work.

In the post-war years Dexter was resident at London’s Hilton Hotel, and also played frequently in the Primo Scala Accordion Band, and as an occasional member of the Gerald Crossman Players. He proved to be an inspiration to many of his contemporaries, including the up and coming Jack Emblow (picture right) and Tony Compton.

In the 1960s Brian Dexter played in a jazz trio fronted by trombonist Don Lusher, titled ‘From Lusher With Love’. In 1973 he played the accordion in an episode of the BBC’s television adaptation of ‘Colditz’, and also appeared in an episode of ‘Are You Being Served?’, titled ‘German Week’, dressed in lederhosen and playing the accordion Bavarian style. In 1974 he played on the rock album ‘Living on a Back Street’ by the Spencer Davis Group.

The latter part of Brian Dexter’s career saw him playing the accordion in an 18 year residency at the ‘La Caprice’ restaurant, London. By the 1980s back problems forced him to give up playing the accordion in favour of the piano and the organ, and eventually he retired to live at Clacton-on-Sea. Never one to seek the limelight, Brian Dexter was nonetheless very highly regarded by his peers, both as a musician and as a man.


Alexander Poeluev Concerts in Ufa and Rostov - Russia

Alexander Poeluev  at Rostov Theater
Alexander Poeleuv at UfaThe regional competition "Akorrdeonissimo" was held in Ufa from the 13th to 15th December. Jury chairman was Alexander Poeluev and also a member of the jury was the competition organizer Igor Grebenkin, Head of the Accordion Department at Ufa College of Arts Eugene Suprun.

The competition had 61 participants from 8 to 16 years and after the competition, Alexander Poeluev made a recital. Students and teachers also attended his master classes and a meeting with him.

On the 20th December at the Rostov State Philharmonic Hall, Alexander Poeluev held a solo concert. There he performed a solo program, as well as compositions from Piazzolla with the Galliano violin ensemble of the Rostov Music Theatre and pop jazz compositions with the jazz quartet "New-Centropezn".

From 21st December to 13th January, Alexander Poeluev played in the New Year show at the Rostov Academic Theater, Gorkogo (named after Gorki the famous writer). There were several performances each day and more than 20,000 people watched the New Year show which nicely promoted the accordion to the public and the young people.


‘The Basic Method for Diatonic Button Accordion (8 Bass)’ – Italy

Metodo Fisarmonica CDDuring a seminar in Cerchiara di Calabria (CS) on January 3rd 2010 Alessandro Mugnoz held a seminar ‘Accordion repertoire and prospects ...’ and presented the work ‘The Basic Method for Diatonic Button Accordion’ for 8 bass instruments, written by him and his father Edgar Mugnoz, and published by Ars Spoletium.

The book is a proposal for innovative teaching that - through appropriate exercises, progressive studies and works, original or effectively transcribed - opens new roads and additional perspectives to the traditional instrument. The content is complemented by a CD, which contains exciting arrangements relating to the material in the method.

For further information email: amugnoz@wooowfast.it


Future events

Vincenzo Abbracciante’s ‘Borsini USA Tour’ - USA

Jeffrey Iacono, Vincenzo Borsini, Giancarlo Borsini, Carlo Borsini, Amerigo Borsini and Henning SchoberIn January and February of 2010, Borsini Accordions will be on tour on the West Coast and middle of the USA with the well known Italian jazz accordionist Vincenzo Abbracciante. Vincenzo, from the south of Italy, is making his first tour of the USA. Vincenzo hails from three generations of accordionists and plays jazz accordion in mind blowing fashion.

Visiting America with him will be Carlo Borsini, one of company’s leading tuners from their factory in Italy. He will also be available to factory tune ANY accordion in the USA in January. Jeffrey Iacono, from Borsini USA, will also be on hand to answer any questions and to give those interested a chance to demo some of Borsini’s new accordions.

Tour dates:
January 10th - Buon Giorno Cafe, Costa Mesa, California
January 11th - Northwest Accordion Society, Seattle, Washington
January 14th to 17th - NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA
January 18th - Arizona Accordion Club, Phoenix, Arizona
January 19th - Los Angeles Accordion Club, Los Angeles, CA
January 21st - Vibrato Grill, Bel Air, CA
January 25th - Chicago Accordion Club, Chicago, Illinois
February 6th - Venturi Music, Madera, CA
February 7th - Silicon Valley Accordion Club, San Jose, CA

For further Information email: jeffrey@borsiniaccordions.it


Camilleri Festival, Valletta‏ - Malta

Charles CamilleriThe first ‘Camilleri Festival’ is a celebration of the life and music of Charles Camilleri (1931-2009), Malta’s greatest composer, conductor pianist, and accordionist. Charles Camilleri Memorial The festival includes concerts in London, UK, and Valetta, Malta, from January 14th to 17th.

Accordionist Milos Milivojevic will be performing ‘Concerto for Accordion and Strings’, by Charles Camilleri, with the Filarmonika Orchestra (MD Brian Schembri) on January 17th, 6.30pm, at the Teatru Manoel, 115 Old Theatre St, Valletta. Charles Camilleri Memorial

For further Information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Pascal Contet’s Schedule – USA, France, Netherlands, Congo

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet is travelling internationally during January and February, as follows:

January 15th to February 7th – concerts, conférences and lectures at Berkeley University, California, USA
February 11th and 12th - Maison des Arts et de la Culture, Creteil, France
February 13th and 14th - Festival with Wu Wei (Sheng) at Deventer, Netherlands; a Radio France presentation
February 16th to 28th – as a duo with Marie–Christine Barrault in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kinshasa (17th to 20th), Pointe Noire (23rd), Brazzaville (25th)

For Information contact: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Frank Marocco Accordion Event Orchestra, Arizona – USA

Frank Marocco top, Stas Venglevski lowerThe 4th annual Frank Marocco Accordion Event Orchestra Concert takes place on January 17th, 7.30pm, at Best Western Dobson Ranch Inn and Resort, 1666 S Dobson Rd, Mesa, Arizona.

Over 50 accordionists from the US, Canada, and Europe will come together as an orchestra, conducted by Frank Marocco, to perform a variety of music arranged especially for the accordion.

The concert will feature the FMAE Accordion Orchestra and soloists. Frank Marocco is the conductor/ music director. Stas Venglevski (picture left, lower) is the assistant music director.

For further information email Dan Grauman: f-m-a-e@comcast.net


Anne Landa and Puppet Show, Guipúzcoa – Spain

Anne LandaOn January 30th, 5pm - Teatro Amaia Irun, Guipúzcoa, accordionist Anne Landa plays music by Mendelssohn, Uruñuela Zolotariev, Mozart and Bach to accompany a puppet show titled ‘Printze Txiki’, based on a fairytale.

The puppeteers/actors are Enkarni Genua and Manolo Gomez, the script is written and adapted by Enkarni Genua, and the musical arrangements are by Anne Landa.

For further Information email: alanda@musikene.net


New International Accordion Competition, Alcobaça - Portugal

The 1st edition of the Accordion International Prize ‘Cidade de Alcobaça’, for soloists, duos, trios, quartets and ensembles, takes place on April 16th to 18th in Alcobaça, Portugal.

There are categories for soloists (Classic and Variété) and ensemble music including classic and variété for duet, trio, quartet, etc.

Monetary prizes, diplomas and trophies will be awarded for first and second places. The closing date for entries is March 26th, and full competition details are now available.

At the same time, the organising association, Associação De Acordeão De Alcobaça is hosting the 15th National Trophy and the selection of Portugese candidates for Trophée Mondiale (CMA) and Coupe Mondiale (CIA).

Welcome to Alcobaça, 'land of passion, land of accordion'. For further for information email Aníbal Freire: asacalcobaca@gmail.com


BAYAN CONCERT with Ferran Martinez - Sabadell/Spain

Ferrn Martinez will perform on the following dates in Sapin:

January 21st 2010 in SABADELL (psg.Manresa,20) Barcelona - Auditori Belles Arts at 19:30h

January 28th 2010 in BARCELONA-OCAB (C/Entença) at 20:30h

Performed Music:
Capriccio (W.ZOLOTAREW)
Spanish Capricce (M.MOSZKOVSKI)
Preludi i fuga g# (J.S.BACH)
Asturias (I.ALBENIZ)

Image: New CD by Martinez

Would you like further information - than please write to: acordio@ferranmartinez.net


New and Updated Sites

December Diatonic News Online 1st January

Diatonic-News.com header
The January 2010 Diatonic News online 1st January.


Sergey Petrov, professional musician, St Petersburg - Russia

Sergey PetrovSergey Petrov, professional musician from St Petersburg (Russia), has an updated site about his performing and new CD. Sergey is probably the only professional musician in Russia , promoting such music styles as Zydeco and Cajun and plus cultivating variety-jazz style in playing accordion.


January USA News Online 1st January

Accordion USA News header
The January 2010 USA News, online on the 1st January.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new pieces - 'Reverie, catalog:mfa7096', 'La Sorella, catalog:mfa7097', 'La Cucaracha, catalog:mfa7098', 'Bamba - Samba, catalog:mfa7099', 'Valse Bleue, catalog:mfa8000' and 'Jarabe Tapatio, catalog:mfa8001'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

NAA Publications releases 6 new pieces, 'Beer Barrel Polka (Medium Version), catalog:naa106', 'Beer Barrel Polka (Duet), catalog:naa107', 'Beer Barrel Polka (Solo – Easy Version), catalog:naa108', 'Spritely, catalog:naa109', 'La Scala Waltz, catalog:naa110', 'Joledoans March, catalog:naa111'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach

Bach CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Johann Sebastian Bach” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Claudio Jacomucci.


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