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Lou Jacklich Honored at ATG Festival, San Francisco - USA

74th Accordionists & Teachers Guild logo
Lou JacklichLou Jacklich, veteran accordion performer, teacher and pioneer, was honored on July 25th 2014 at the 74th Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival in San Francisco, California.

Lynn Ewing, San Francisco Accordion Club president paid tribute to Lou Jacklich and recounted his career and accomplishments during his 70 years of teaching and 78 years of performing. A dedicated teacher, he still has gigs and teaches in his studio in
San Lorenzo, CA.

“The Maestro,” as affectionately called by his students, was born in Hayward, California, in 1928. He started the accordion at 7 years old. At 11 years old he was a soloist at the 1939 San Francisco World’s Fair (Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay).

At 16 years old he joined the union and played vaudeville on the west coast. He was underage and had a job in a night club. He was one of a select few students in high school with a car because he had teaching jobs and performances around the San Francisco Bay Area.

He performed with the Trinidad Steel Drum Band and the Serendipity Singers in Honolulu.
He opened the Jacklich School of Music in Castro Valley, CA during the 1950s with 7 teachers who studied under him. The school grew to 400 students and had 4 accordion bands, and 19 combos. He also represented the Melodiosa brand of accordions.

He was a pioneer with MIDI equipment and sophisticated amplification on stage using the Lovell organ attachment for accordion. Lou was one of the first accordion artists to introduce the ‘electronically’ enhanced accordion playing it both on his recording ‘Lou Jacklich Plays’ and on engagements throughout the country.

Lou Jacklich is very generous in sharing his knowledge and is a natural teacher. He left the hectic life of traveling on the road as a performer and returned to teaching.

Over the span of his years of teaching, his number of students easily exceeds a thousand lives enriched by music.
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