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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-May-2010
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CIA Offres Félicitations à Fritz Dobler DHV Président, Innsbruck - Autriche
10eme Festival Annuel de Musique du Monde, Innsbruck - Autriche
Premiere à l'accordéon Ballet, Madrid - Espagne
Wiener Popfest am Karlsplatz/Vienna – Austria
Accordion Festival Plus de Rostov-sur-Don!

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day Concert, Chengdu - China
Orosz Zoltan Trio at the Airbag Festival, Bruges – Belgium
Accordion Department of the Hof Symphony Music School Annual Concert, Hof - Germany
Conrad Rojac performing in concert at the University of Graz - Austria

Future events

MSN Annual Band Concert – UK
Vincent Lhermet Concerts – Finland, France, Italy
‘Les rendez-vous avec le bayan’‏, Lille, Lens – France
East Antrim Seniors AO Celebrate World Accordion Day in Style!, Larne – UK
3rd Akkorde-On-Stage Festival, Salzburg – Austria
Jean Louis Noton Concert, Lons le Saunier – France
Accordion Art Festival, Pineto – Italy
Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, Washington – USA
Bruno Maurice en master class du 18 au 28 août 2010 à l’Académie internationale de musique de la Seyne sur Mer (Var)
‘Bach Musica’ concert‏, Marlborough – New Zealand

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CIA Offres Félicitations à Fritz Dobler DHV Président, Innsbruck - Autriche

Raymond Bodell (CIA President), Fritz Dobler (DHV President) and Hedy Stark-Fussnegger (2010 Innsbruck Festival Organizer)
Raymond Bodell (Royaume-Uni), Président de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), a félicité le renommée compositeur allemand et chef d'orchestre Fritz Dobler lors d'un concert de gala à l'occasion du 10eme anniversaire du Festival World Music à Innsbruck, organisée par le membre de la CIA, le Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV).

Fritz Dober, l'actuel président DHV a également été Vainqueur à la 8ème Coupe Mondiale CIA en 1954, et continua de se distinguer comme l'un des plus grands compositeurs et chefs d'orchestre d'accordéon dans le monde.

En profonde gratitude de son héritage par l’orchestre et la composition qui continue à ce jour, ça a été par décision unanime lors de la 123ème Assemblée générale des délégués CIA tenu à Arrasate, en Espagne, que Fritz Dobler a pu être présenté (Merit Award) Prix du mérite en reconnaissance de sa contribution exceptionnelle pour le Mouvement international de l'accordéon. Le versement sera présenté à la 63ème Coupe Mondiale CIA qui se tiendra à Varaždin, en Croatie du 19 au 25 Octobre 2010.


10eme Festival Annuel de Musique du Monde, Innsbruck - Autriche

Winner of the Innsbruck World Music Festival: Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester (Germany) under the direction of Stefan Hippe
Top: Quardro Nuevo (Germany), Bottom: Trio Vadim Fyodorov (Iceland)Des milliers d'accordéonistes du monde entier se sont réunis à Innsbruck, en Autriche pour célébrer le 10eme anniversaire du Festival de Musique du Monde. Tenue pour la première fois en 1964 à Lucerne sous le nom de 'Alpine Accordion Festival, l'idée d'un festival d'accordéon d’Orchestres était l'idée de Harry Bühlmann, alors président de la Fédération suisse de l'accordéon.

Le Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) avait trouvé l'idée excitante et séduisante. Bühlmann et ce qu'on appelle la première réunion à Lucerne profitant des contacts de Bühlmann en tant que conseiller municipal à Lucerne, arrive de l’aide avec les hébergement pour la nuit ou ont été rendues possibles dans les écoles (avec des lits fournis par la Croix-Rouge) et dans les casernes. En 1965, la Fédération internationale Accordion Orchestra (IAOV) a été créé avec les premiers membres d'Allemagne, la Suisse, l’Hollande et l'Autriche.

Le premier président fut Harry Bühlmann, mais après son état de santé aggravé, la position du président est assumée par le professeur Walter Maurer de Vienne, qui à conduit à l'organisation de cette journée. Après le membre de la IAOV Österreichs Harmonikaverband (HVO) a reçu une lettre de la publicité à partir du Centre des congrès d'Innsbruck, il est passé sur le DHV. Par la suite, les fonctionnaires DHV a visité le Centre des Congrès et réalisé l'énorme potentiel et des possibilités afin, en 1983, l'Alpine Accordion Festival a eu lieu pour la première fois à Innsbruck.

Le succès a été si énorme qu'une invitation a été lancée pour l'événement Innsbruck 2 au lieu trois ans plus tard. Le nom de l'Orchestre du Festival de l'accordéon a été changé pour le Festival de musique du monde, mais il a maintenu un cycle de trois ans entre les événements.

Ouverture avec une réception de gala VIP, en plus de compétitions attirant plus de 8.000 accordéonistes, l'événement anniversaire a également comporté un vaste éventail de spectacles invités de renommée mondiale par des noms tels que: Akkordeonorchester Untergrombach (vainqueur de l'épreuve 2007) dirigé par W. Pfeffer, Le Festival Orchestra (composé des étudiants de l'Hohner-Konservatorium et le Akkordeon-Landesjugendorchester) réalisé par Fritz Dobler, Accordeonova du Danemark (dir. Peter Anders), Alphen-Opus 2 de Pays-Bas (dir. Sergej Latychev), Accordeonova, Quadro Nuevo , Orchester Hohnerklang (dir. Hans-Günther Kölz), Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester (dir. Matthias Hennecke), le Akkordeonorchester Nürnberger (dir. Stefan Hippe) et Christine Schmid, de l'Allemagne, Ars Harmoniae de l'Autriche, la Suisse Akkordeonorchester (dir. Pierre Frey ), le Trio Vadim Fyodorov de l'Islande et le Trio Motion de la Pologne.

Organisé par le DHV, 36 orchestres participé à la première compétition Orchestra, avec le titre du 10e anniversaire prestigieux étant gagné par le Akkordeonorchester Nürnberger (Allemagne) sous la direction de Stefan Hippe. Pour plus d'informations sur le 10ème World Music Festival de l'information en format. Pdf s'il vous plaît sélectionnez une des options suivantes:

les résultats complet pour les catégories Accordion Orchestra (Accordion Orchestra Categories)
les résultats complet pour les catégories de musique de chambre (Chamber Music Categories)
-Complet de l'événement Programme (avec tous les programmes de la concurrence et de concert) (Competition & Concert Programs)
Fritz Dobler, Adolf Götz and Hans-Günther Kölz


Premiere à l'accordéon Ballet, Madrid - Espagne

Castano ballet
Angel Luis CastanoLa semaine dernière, l’accordéoniste de concert espagnol Angel Luis Castaño (accordéon) a créée avec son trio «Réjouis-toi!» composé de David del Puerto (guitare électrique), Laia Falcón (soprano), un nouveau ballet intitulé «Carmen Replay», par David del Porto (Musique espagnole Prix national 2005).

Le 13, 14 et 15 mai, le ballet a réalisé un total de cinq fois dans le Auditorio Padre Soler, Madrid, et l'auditoire a calculée environ 2.000 entrées. Ce ballet a été produit par Royal Opera Theater, avec la collaboration de la Société nationale de ballet. Ce ballet a inclus des images par le célèbre artiste italien vidéo Lucca Scarzella, et la chorégraphie a été faite par le maître français Tony Fabre.

La musique, jouée en direct, a été composée par David del Puerto du caractère historique de Carmen. Réjouis-toi, le trio '!' Offre maintenant une nouvelle instrumentation musicale pour le public, y compris des accordeons numériques Roland V-Accordion, joué par Angel Luis Castaño, à l'aide d'autres éléments électroniques tels que les GT10.

Le succès de «ballet Carmen Replay» a donné lieu à de nombreux nouveaux engagements et le ballet aura des performances futures en Italie, Séville, Madrid, Alcalá, Gijón, etc, au cours de 2010 et 2011.

Pour plus d'informations: www.alcastano.com
Ballet dancer


Wiener Popfest am Karlsplatz/Vienna – Austria

Thomas JarmerThe first edition of the Vienna Popfestival was held from May 6th to 9th, with 38 concerts, featuring artists from the Austrian music scene.

Clara Luzia opened the festival with a gig on the ‘floating stage’, right in front of the famous ‘Karlskirche’ (Charles Church), which was used during each day as a central venue. Curator Robert Rotifer revealed on Wednesday at a press conference of this ambitious mission: "The expression POP will find another meaning in Vienna after these four days."

The aim was to accommodate as many ‘showcases’ in different styles. In view of the fixed program "a stylistically quite long way" was run by all participating, enthused now in GB-based FM4 radio commentator Rotifer Man, who is touring himself in the country with his current album, ‘The Children on the Hill’.

The open-air show was organised by the ‘karlsplatz.org’, with free admission with guests such as Bunny Lake, Dance Baby!, Ernst Molden or Velojet, but also fresh names as this year's protest song contest winner Paute or the 80s headbands Astro Panda. Some of the gigs took place at the so-called showcase, where five labels such as Problembär Records, Fettkakao or Seayou could present their related merchandising.

Besides the ‘floating stage’, which was reserved for ten concerts, the Vienna Museum, the Technical University and the Kunsthalle-branch ‘project space’ also served as venues. In addition to lush acoustic music from the early afternoon also included were discussion groups about: ‘Copyright 2.0’, workshop on ‘Social Media Tools’ and ‘Pop Marketing 2.0’.

The City Councillor Andreas Mailath-Pokorny (S) spoke of the establishment of a separate force field for the music scene in Vienna: "The city needs critical points where it can condense culture" - and the Karlsplatz “Charles Square” has become such a place in recent years. The band Garish with singer and lyricist Thomas Jarmer (accordion) finished off on Sunday a very successful POPFESTIVAL IN VIENNA.


Accordion Festival Plus de Rostov-sur-Don!

Frank Marocco and Art Van Damme
Art Van Damme, Viatcheslav Semionov and Yuri ShishkinPendant cinq ans, l'International Music Foundation 'Harmony' a eu lieu à Rostov-sur-Don, des concerts par des artistes de renommée mondiale telles que Art Van Damme, Frank Marocco, Alain Muzikini, Vladimir Danilin, Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Chichkine (Yuri Shishkin) et d'autres.

Le festival d'accordéon Plus, du 26 au 28 avril, (World Accordion Day) a été une mer d'émotions, d'impressions et ensoleillé concerts au printemps. Italien Renzo jazz exposant Ruggeri également donné des concerts dans d'autres villes près de Rostov 24-30 avril.

Le festival a débuté avec une conférence de presse où chacun pourrait discuter avec les invités, poser des questions et prendre part aux discussions.

Le 26 avril a été une soirée de musique classique, avec manifestement pas assez de place dans la salle de la Philharmonie de l'oblast de Rostov. La première partie en vedette des œuvres pour orgue de Bach et le Klavisinistov français, F. et J. Cooper Rameau effectué par le gagnant de nombreux concours internationaux, Alexandre Poeluev (Alexander Poeluev).

La deuxième partie du concert en vedette populaire russe instrumentale, vocale et la musique jazz. Ce fut la première apparition d'invités participant à des concerts suivants: Artiste émérite de Russie - le premier diplôme professionnel accordéon Gennady Kalmykov (accordéon), soliste de l'Orchestre National de Folk Instruments. Osipova Visily Pianoff (chant) et un des principaux représentants du jazz italien Renzo Ruggeri.

À la fin du concert deuxième soir, sur le 65e anniversaire de la Grande Guerre patriotique (Seconde Guerre mondiale), Visily Pianoff (baryton) a secoué l'auditoire quand il chantait l'hymne national («Jour de la Victoire») et a rendu hommage aux victimes de la guerre.

Avril 28 a été une soirée de jazz mettant en vedette Renzo Ruggeri et l'ensemble de Rostov "Quartet Jazz New-Centropezn« Ce fut une fureur réel! Le public était prêt à les écouter à tout jamais et le concert a duré plus de 3 heures!
Alexander Poeluev


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day Concert, Chengdu - China

Part of the personnel performing Accordion Ensemble
Small accordion player Side play and sing at the skateboardOn May 1st, in the hometown of pandas in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, more than 100 accordion teachers, students and enthusiasts met to commemorate World Accordion Day in a concert at the Chengdu's Music Plaza. The concert was sponsored by the Sichuan Accordion Association.

Among those who attended the performance, the oldest was nearly 80 years old, the youngest nearly 6 years old.

Performers included players who had won awards at the International Accordion Competition in Castlefidardo, Italy, students from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, an accordion ensemble, and a young accordionist who played and sang whilst also skateboarding! A new first for World Accordion Day!


Orosz Zoltan Trio at the Airbag Festival, Bruges – Belgium

Zoltan OroszThe 4th ‘Airbag Festival 2010’ in Belgium takes place from May 8th to 30th in the Royal City Theatre, 29 Vlamingstraat, Stadsschouwburg, Bruges. The Zoltán Orosz Trio, from Hungary, one of 30 ensembles on the guest list, performed in concert on May 10th with the program ‘Thousand-accordions’.
Standing ovations for the performers made the organizers express their intent of getting the trio’s confirmation of participating also in the next ‘Airbag Festival’, to be held in two years’ time.

The members of the trio are: Zoltán Orosz (accordion), Zoltán Balogh (guitar) and Csaba Pengo (string bass). The music of the Zoltan Orosz Trio ranges from French musette, Argentinean Tango, Balkan folk music up to classical music and jazz.

After the concert in Brugge the Zoltan Orosz Trio were invited to the Hungarian Institute in Brussels, where they again enchanted their audience. Zoltan Orosz’s latest travels will include concerts in Singapore and Siberia, and to Estonia for the ‘Festival Vision VIII Accordion in Jazz’.

The Video from the concert in Brugge can be seen here: http://www.accordion-space4u.com/user.aspx?user=5&item=6&id=135.

For information, visit the website of Zoltan Orosz or email: csirmaz@harmonika.hu


Accordion Department of the Hof Symphony Music School Annual Concert, Hof - Germany

Hof Junior Ensemble 1 (directed by Julian Feulner)
Carolin Jeremias, Julian Feulner, Adrian Stieglitz, Christoph Plass, Johannes Dimmling, Adrian Stieglitz and Simon Zimmerling"Licht Aus, Ton An" (Lights Off, Sound On) was the theme of the annual concert presented by the accordionists from Hof, Germany, which led the audience through a journey of musical history, performing music by Strauss, Pachelbel, Haydn, Schmieder, Möller, Kölz, Quakernack, Rossini, Ruß-Plötz, Würthner, Anderson, Wojtarowicz and Zolotariew. The program included original works and arrangements by Gary Daverne, Julian Feulner, Adrian Stieglitz, Curt Herold, Rudolf Würthner, Werner Niehues and Helmut Quakernack.

Ranging in age from 5 years old through to adults, the accordionists performed in the renowned Akkordeonorchester Hof (dir. Torsten Petzold), Junior Ensembles 1 (dir. Julian Feulner) and 2 (dir. Adrian Stieglitz), The School Accordion Orchestra (dir. Florian Weichert), The Accordion Ensemble (dir. Ursula Götz), The Hobby Accordion Orchestra (dir. Bernd Rosenberger) and Accordion Quintet Nos 1 (dir. Florian Weichert), 2 (dir. Carolin Jeremias) and 3 (dir. Carolin Jeremias).

Torsten Petzold celebrated his debut as conductor of the Akkordeonorchester Hof, which has toured throughout the world. Petzold studied both piano and conducting in Cologne and Würzburg and served as conductor of the Weimar Theater. In addition to the Akkordeonorchester Hof, Petzold also conducts the Police Orchestra of Saxonia.

Members of Accordion Department of the Hof Symphony Music School were also successful at the 10th Annual World Music Festival in Innsbruck, achieving the following results:

Kammermusik Amat. Höchststufe (Open Chamber Music)
1st Place: Adrian Stieglitz & Simon Zimmerling

Kammermusik Amat. Oberstufe (Intermediate Chamber Music)
4th Place: Jugend Akkordeon Quintett
9th Place: Maik & Timo Forster

Schüler-Orchester Mittelstufe (Intermediate Accordion Orchestra)
2nd Place: Schüler Akkordeon Orchester (dir. Florian Weichert)

Ensemble Höchststufe (Open Ensemble)
3rd Place: Akkordeon Ensemble

Ensemble Mittelstufe (Intermediate Ensemble)
3rd Place: Jugend Akkordeon Ensemble (dir. Ursula Götz)

For more information on the Accordion Concert in .pdf format, please select the following link:

Full Concert Program from the Hof Accordion Orchestra Concert
Akkordeonorchester Hof (directed by Torsten Petzold)


Conrad Rojac performing in concert at the University of Graz - Austria

Corrado RojacWithin the Erasmus projects - international concert exchanges, the accordion teacher Corrado Rojac of the Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste was invited by the music of the Austrian Music Univerisity of Graz to hold a concert in the Florentiner Saal at the Palace Meran. The concert was held on May 11th and was attended by an attentive and well prepared audience, mostly composed of university students, who acclaimed the concertist of Trieste with warm applause.

This is a project of mutual exchange between European universities and conservatories, in fact, on April 7th, the famous Finnish Janne Ratty, accordion teacher of the Austrian Music University of Graz, performed at the Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste. Conrad Rojac presented himself to the Austrian audience with a program that included, alongside classics such as the ‘Sonata No. 1’, by Anatoli Kusjakov, and Sofia Gubaidulina’s ‘De Profundis’, two Italian authors in Austrian premiere performance: by Milanese composers Alessandro Solbiati Cremonese and Gabrio Taglietti. Both are dedicated to Corrado Rojac two important compositions: Solbiati il Trittico, a piece written in 2006, and Taglietti the Three fantasies for accordion, just completed.

Solbiati – a piece divided into three movements with many different characters which urges highest attention by the accordionist - especially for the flourishing of trills in the first movement, or the attitude of the second oscillatory as for the continuum that characterizes the fast third movement.

‘The Three Fantasies’ by Gabrio Taglietti are also in three movements with special difficulties for the accordion for its relentless rhythm that distinguishes each other.

On May 12th Corrado Rojac presented to all students of Janne Ratty a brief history of Italian literature for accordion after World War II until today, with careful analysis of Luciano Berio's Sequenza XIII.


Future events

MSN Annual Band Concert – UK

Midsomer Norton and District Accordion BandThe Midsomer Norton and District Accordion Band performs its annual concert on Saturday May 21st, 7.30pm, at the Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, High Street, Midsomer Norton, North Somerset.

The Midsomer Norton and District Accordion Band has been performing for the local and wider community, raising funds for charitable causes since 1937. Band members come from Wookey Hole, Pylle, Frame, Wells and Bristol. The current repertoire includes music from the shows, (‘Oliver’, ‘Sound of Music’, ‘Grease’, ‘Joseph’), dance music (tangos, waltzes, quicksteps, foxtrots, etc), sing-a-longs, marches, classical and music from other countries.

For further information email: ses51@hotmail.co.uk


Vincent Lhermet Concerts – Finland, France, Italy

Vincent Lhermet
French accordionist Vincent Lhermet performs a series of 12 concerts with the Althea String Quartet, whose members are: Laura Jaillet – violin, Tiphanie Trémureau – violin, Iida-Vilhelmiina Laine – cello, and Emiliano Travasino – alto. Their program focuses on the music of Finland, by composers such as Ilkka Kuusisto, Ville Matvejeff (world premiere), Matti Murto, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Osmo Tapio Räihälä (French and Italian premiere of ‘DeCadenza’), and Jean Sibelius.

Vincent Lhermet (born in 1987) has studied in France and Finland, and is one of the youngest winners of international competitions: 1st prize in the Kragujevac 2006 Tropheé Mondiale, and 1st prize, public and test price prizes in the Arrasate-Hiria 2006 International competition in Spain. He has represented France in solo and chamber music concerts and festivals in Russia, Serbia, Spain, Norway, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and France.

The concert dates are:

May 22nd, 6pm – church, Salo, Finland
28th, 6pm – church, Kallio, Helsinki
31st, 3pm - concert hall, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki
June 2nd, 8pm - Finnish Institute, Paris, France
5th, 6pm – church Beaufort
6th, 5pm - Auditorium Karl Riepp, Dole
11th, 6pm - Moutier church, Thiers
12th, 6.30pm – church, Châteldon
15th, 8.30pm - Auditorium E. Chabrier, Clermont-Fd
June 20th, 5pm - Festival Castello di Montiglio, Asti, Italy
25th, 8pm - Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome
27th, 9.30pm - Teatro del Lavoro, Pinerolo

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


‘Les rendez-vous avec le bayan’‏, Lille, Lens – France

Bogdan Nesterenko‘Les rendez-vous avec le bayan’ is a series of concert recitals in northern France featuring Russian bayan virtuoso Bogdan Nesterenko. These include:

May 23rd, 5.30pm – Gare Saint Saveur
May 29th, 5.30pm – site d’Eurotechnologie à Bois Blancs, Lille
June 8th, 8pm – Médiathèque, Lens
June 15th, 6.30pm – Salle Polyvalente, Gondecourt
July 10th 6.30pm – Hardelot

For further information email: communication@bogdan-nesterenko.com


East Antrim Seniors AO Celebrate World Accordion Day in Style!, Larne – UK

World Accordion Day logoThe East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra, featuring soloists and duettists, performed a 3 hours concert before a large audience on May 8th to celebrate World Accordion Day. This was an outdoors afternoon event at the Broadway Bandstand, Larne, Northern Ireland, organized by Clyde Johnston.

The EASAO, current All Ireland Entertainment Champions, have a series of public concerts scheduled during the summer months, including:

May 24th, 7.30pm - Inver House
June 4th, 7.30pm - Pound Green Housing Fold
9th, 7.45pm - Loughshore, Jordanstown
13th, 2pm - Castle Green, Carrickfergus
20th, 2.30pm - Carnfunnock Country Park
21st, 7.30pm - Curran Housing Fold
26th, 3pm - East Antrim Boat Club
July 3rd, 2pm - Abbots Cross
4th, 2.30pm - Carnfunnock Country Park
25th, 3pm - Loughshore, Jordanstown
August 15th, 2.30pm - Carnfunnock Country Park

For further information email: asrz33@dsl.pipex.com


3rd Akkorde-On-Stage Festival, Salzburg – Austria

Motion Trio
Otto LechnerThe third Akkorde-On-Stage Festival takes place in the ‘Bachschmiede’, Wals, Salzburg, May 28th to 30th.

The festival program includes:
May 28th, 7.30 pm - The Motion Trio, from Cracow, Poland - an internationally acclaimed trio, have performed in the famous Carnergie Hall and also been on stage with Bobby McFerry.
May 29th, 4pm - talented young artistes from the Musikum of Salzburg and Upper Austria public music school present their skills
May 29th, 5.30 pm - Jacek and Jakub Gasior, from Wroclaw, Poland - a father/son duo that has won many national and international competitions
May 29th, 8pm - Otto Lechner (well known from the movie ‘Accordion Tribe’), from Vienna, Austria, performs a solo concert
May 30th, 11am - ‘Django Partie’, from Salzburg, perform a swing concert to celebrate the 100th birthday of the late, great Django Reinhardt

For further information email: office@akkordeonstage.com


Jean Louis Noton Concert, Lons le Saunier – France

Jean Louis Noton
On Friday June 4th at 9 pm leading French accordionist Jean Louis Noton will be in concert in the Mezzanine Juraparc, ‘Lons le Saunier’. The concert is organised by the Accordéon Club Lédonien.

For further information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


Accordion Art Festival, Pineto – Italy

Accordion Art Festival
Further information regarding the 4th Accordion Art Festival 2010, taking place on June 12th and 13th in Pineto (TE, Italy) includes:

- the final date for entries is now June 5th for the international competition ITALY AWARD
- names of the MUSIC CRITICS who will judge all CDs or MP3 files for the ORPHEUS AWARD are published on the website
- the concert of the award-winning Russian artist Vitali Dmitriev is confirmed for June 13th - Artistic Director: Renzo Ruggieri
- Orpheus Award Artistic Director: Fabio Ciminiera
- President: Claudio Azzaro

For further information email: info@accordionartfestival.com


Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, Washington – USA

Gary Blair, Cory Pesaturo, and Murl Allen Sanders
This year’s Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration takes place from Thursday June 17th until Sunday June 20th, at the Leavenworth Festhalle, 1000 Front Street,
Leavenworth, Washington State. Other venues include the Gazebo and Chumstick Grange.

The 17th annual Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society, celebrates accordion music in many of its various forms: jazz, popular, classical, ethnic, and much else besides. The festival includes a competition, concerts, workshops, jam sessions, a film/video series, and a parade down Front Street.

The concert guests (and also workshop leaders) this year are Patricia Bartell, Gary Blair, Cory Pesaturo, and Murl Allen Sanders. Other workshop leaders are Bonnie Birch, Jim and Shirley O'Brien, Kory Tideman, Max Kyllonen, and Johnny Vukonich. The competition adjudicators are Gary Blair and Jim Tobler.

For further information email: bonniebirch@msn.com


Bruno Maurice en master class du 18 au 28 août 2010 à l’Académie internationale de musique de la Seyne sur Mer (Var)

Bruno Maurice
Les stagiaires accordéonistes sont soutenus par des sponsors (pour plus de renseignements, cliquez ici )

L'Académie internationale de musique de La Seyne-sur-Mer, Union Méditerranée est sur le point d'honorer sa toute première session.

Nourrie de nos 22 années d'expérience logistique et dotée d'une équipe pédagogique connue dans le monde entier et reconnue par le milieu musical, cette académie s'inscrit dans la continuité d'un projet ambitieux et unique tant par la représentation exhaustive des instruments (piano, cordes, cuivres, percussions, chant, direction, etc.) que par la qualité incontestable des cours dispensés par nos professeurs.

Bien plus qu'un lieu de perfectionnement, l'Académie internationale de musique de La Seyne-sur-Mer, Union Méditerranée offrira à ses stagiaires de nombreuses possibilités : se produire en public lors de concerts quotidiens et participer s'ils le
souhaitent à divers ateliers tels que chorale, musique de chambre, orchestres (symphonique, harmonie, « juniors »), initiation à la lutherie, déchiffrage et accompagnement, relaxation musicale, etc.

Par ailleurs, la spécificité de notre académie est d'être la seule en France à proposer à ses étudiants une classe de direction d'orchestre symphonique alliant à la fois théorie et pratique.

Véritable vitrine internationale de la musique classique grâce à notre partenariat regroupant plus de 137 pays, cette académie sera sans nul doute un lieu riche de rencontres humaines et musicales.

Pour de plus amples informations email: bmaurice@neuf.fr


‘Bach Musica’ concert‏, Marlborough – New Zealand

Stephanie PooleBach Music logoA ‘Bach Musica’ concert takes place on Sunday May 23rd, 5pm, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Hawkes Bay, Marlborough, NZ.

The concert includes a mixture of music and dance, and performing are Stephanie Poole (accordion), Luca Manghi (flute), Mary-Jane O’Reilly (dance), Kate Spence (mezzo-soprano), and William Derrick (baritone).

Stephanie Poole will perform three Tangos composed by Astor Piazzolla: ‘Invierno Porteno’, ‘Otono Porteno’, and ‘Libertango’. Other items performed include ‘Reqiuem’ – Duruflé, and ‘Suite No 2’ – JS Bach.

Tickets are available at the door (cash & cheque only).
For further information email: SPoole@aa.co.nz


New and Updated Sites

Franck Angelis releases new music

Franck Angelis releases 2 new pieces, 'Impasse II (Duet)', catalog:angelis558' and 'Comastor, catalog:angelis562'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Vassily Glubochenko releases new music

Vassily Glubochenko - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, and scientist, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online - ‘Sleepwalker , catalog:gvassily036' and 'Schemer, catalog:gvassily037'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Donald E Grzanna releases new music

Donald E. Grzanna releases 3 new pieces, 'Elm Street Boogie, catalog:grza109', 'Spring Waltz, catalog:grza110' and 'Escapade , catalog:grza111'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


William Schimmel releases new piece

William Schimmel releases 2 new music, 'Stonehenge, catalog:sch130' and 'Concerto For One, catalog:sch143'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

"Conversation of the Muses"

Borregaard CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "Conversation of the Muses" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performers are Andreas Borregaard (accordion -fisarmonica classica) and Asbjorn Norgaard (viola-track7).


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