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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Nov-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Александр Николич - композитор финального шоу на фестивале Танго Палермо, Италия
Айдар Гайнуллин "Музыка Кино и не только”, Москва, Россия
Ежегодный праздник в Magnanini Winery, штат Нью-Йорк, США
Мастер-класс и концерт от Gorka Hermosa в консерватории города Фрибур, Швейцария
Christel Sautaux – солирует в оркестре Union Instrumentale города Фрибур, Швейцария

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy
Fanny Vicens’ new album ‘Schrift’, Paris – France
Video: Iryna Serotyuk and Daniil Buchka (guitar) play Matteo Falloni "Estornino" - Ukraine
Brandon McPhee Now Owns Will Starr’s Accordion, Scotland – UK
Video: Joe Cerrito House Concert, Maryland - USA
Cirque Du Soleil Seeking Multi-Instrumentalist - USA

Будущие события

Memorial Concert for Claudio Calista, Collecorvino (PE) - Italy
Grand Bal with Eric Bouvelle, Mendes - France
Adrian Ryan plays for dancing, Tipperary - Irish Republic
Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Turkey, Netherlands
Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango Quintette Concert - France
"Vive la France" @ West Sussex Accordion Club – UK
Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund @ The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy
Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy
Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

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Особенности Highlights

Александр Николич - композитор финального шоу на фестивале Танго Палермо, Италия

Poster VI Palermo Tango Festival
Ivana and Aleksandar NikolicVI Palermo Tango Festival пройдет с 23 по 27 февраля в Южной Италии

Новая театральная драма "7 Peccati ... mas UNO!" – это еще один результат сотрудничества бандонеониста, композитора Александра Николича и знаменитого квинтета Beltango с Teatro Golden, и танцевальной компанией Alterazioni Tango из Палермо, которой руководит аргентинский хореограф Angel Coria.

После большого успеха "Saint George and the Dragon", представленного на последнем фестивале, в следующем году у зрителей будет уникальная возможность услышать и увидеть уже новую грандиозную постановку (продолжительностью 1 час) на музыку Александра и Иваны Николич "7 Peccati ... фонтанной UNO!" (7 Capital Sins).

Мировая премьера этого музыкально-танцевального спектакля в качестве финального шоу состоится 26 февраля в рамках VI Palermo Tango Festival.

В следующем году планируется выпустить новый CD с записью этой композиции, исполненной Quinteto Beltango.

Предыдущие CD смотрите в Интернете: Beltango


Айдар Гайнуллин "Музыка Кино и не только”, Москва, Россия

Aidar GainullinКонцерт "Музыка Кино и не только” Государственного симфонического оркестра «Новая Россия» под руководством дирижера Дениса Власенко состоялся в престижном концертном зале имени П. И. Чайковского в Москве 24 ноября.

Солисты: Айдар Гайнуллин (баян) Михаил Иванов (фортепиано), Андрей Иванов (контрабас), Дмитрий Власенко (ударные), Вадим Эйленкриг (труба).
Звучала музыка таких композиторов, как: Бокалов, Артемьев, Дунаевский, Легран, Гершвин, Гайнуллин, М. Иванов, А. Иванов.

Исполнительское мастерство баяниста Айдара Гайнуллина высоко оценивают как специалисты, так и зрители, среди которых не раз были и довольно известные персоны, такие как: Михаил Горбачев, Борис Ельцин, Владимир Путин, Дмитрий Медведев, Жак Ширак, Ким Чен Ир, королева Испании София, принцесса Малайзии, Шейх Кувейта, а также мэры европейских городов.


Ежегодный праздник в Magnanini Winery, штат Нью-Йорк, США

Valtaro Celebration
Президент Американской ассоциации аккордеонистов (ААА) Мэри Токарски пишет:
"Valtaro Celebration в Magnanini Winery в Wallkill, Нью-Йорк - это вкусная еда, отличная музыка, большое удовольствие Обязательно присоединяйтесь к нам!"

На этом ежегодном мероприятии, организованном ААА, в течение дня в качестве нон-стоп звучит много популярной музыки, исполняемой на аккордеонах и баянах. Развлекательная программа Valtaro & French Musette радует слушателей и любителей потанцевать.

Исполнители: Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini, Giangiacomo Bucella, the Ciccone's (Joe, Gia and Reagan), Mary Tokarski, Ray Oreggia and Dominic Karcic, Frank Toscano, Bruce Nielsen, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Fred Schwinger и Emilio Magnotta..

Подробная информация: Американская ассоциация аккордеонистов (AAA)


Мастер-класс и концерт от Gorka Hermosa в консерватории города Фрибур, Швейцария

Gorka Hermosa Masterclass & Concert
25 ноября композитор и педагог Gorka Hermosa (Испания) дает свой концерт и мастер-класс в консерватории города Фрибура, Швейцария. Ждут всех желающих, несмотря на обилие заявок.
Концерт состоится в субботу вечером, в 20.00 в "Chapelle Saint-Justin", Фрибур.


Christel Sautaux – солирует в оркестре Union Instrumentale города Фрибур, Швейцария

Christel Sautaux
Olivier NeuhausОркестр Union Instrumentale de Fribourg (основанный в 1892), под руководством Olivier Neuhaus выступил с концертом в Фрибуре 20 ноября. Солистка концерта - аккордеонистка Christel Sautaux.

Дирижер Olivier Neuhaus прокомментировал накануне: "Уважаемые слушатели, дорогие друзья, как и обычно, наши осенние концерты - это поиск новых направлений на музыкальном поприще, это стремление открыть для себя новые горизонты. В третьей части концерта солировать в оркестре будет талантливая аккордеонистка Christel Sautaux, и, я надеюсь, что вы сможете оценить это по достоинству".

Программа концерта:

1) Сольное выступление Christel Sautaux
- Sonate en La Maj, Etienne Nicolas Mehul
- Le Vol du Bourdon, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Pater Noster, Gorka Hermosa
- Chant folklorique russe, Nikolaj Risol
- Rapide digitale, Geney & Bideau

2) Оркестр Union Instrumentale de Fribourg
- Trips (Mouvement 1), Óscar Navarro
- Joropo Moises Moleiro, arr. de Meij

Солист Christel Sautaux и оркестр the Union Instrumentale de Fribourg
- Gernika, 26/4/1937 G. Hermosa, arr. Beguiristain. (премьера)
- Jazz Suite #2 D. Chostakovich, arr. de Meij
1) March
2) Lyric Walz
3) Dance I
4) Dance II
5) Waltz #2
6) Finale

Christel Sautaux - выпускница Hemu (Университет музыки Лозанне), диплом - Master Soloist, класса профессора Stéphane Chapuis.
Блестящая исполнительница также имеет диплом преподавателя музыки (Hemu) и обучает игре на аккордеоне в городах Фрибур, Веве, и руководит музыкальной школой Vallée de Joux.

Christel Sautaux - опытный музыкант и учитель, и руководствуется в своей деятельности словами: "Учиться и познавать – это благо ... И благо передавать свои познания другим".


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Renzo Ruggieri Composition Cinema - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri has made a promotional video of his composition Cinema.

Cinema has been composed for 4 parts and drums for a group or ensemble.
Catalog: rrenzo506

Only 10 Euro or US$ equivalent, and its in eSheet format, able to be emailed to you, delivery within 24 hours and without any postage costs.


Fanny Vicens’ new album ‘Schrift’, Paris – France

Fanny VicensFrench accordionist Fanny Vicens has released an album, ‘Schrift’, on the Italian record label Stradivarius.

Produced by Stefano Gervasoni and Jean-Etienne Sotty, ‘Schrift’ contains seven recent compositions for accordion by Matthias Pinscher, Keiko Harada, Dmitri Kourliandski, Stefano Gervasoni, Januibe Tejera, Bernhard Lang, and Franck Bedrossian. This recording is available on the website of the label Stradivarius, as well as on Amazon and Itunes Qobuz, or directly from Fanny Vicens.

For further information email: fanny.vicens@orange.fr


Video: Iryna Serotyuk and Daniil Buchka (guitar) play Matteo Falloni "Estornino" - Ukraine

Published on Nov 10, 2016. The piece written by Matteo Falloni (for bandoneon & guitar) for Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and Luca Lucini is performed by Iryna Serotyuk and Daniil Buchka (guitar) at the Big Hall, The Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, 7th November 2016.


Brandon McPhee Now Owns Will Starr’s Accordion, Scotland – UK

Brandon McPheeAll Scotland Champion Brandon McPhee has recently bought the unique 4-row Hohner Shand Morino, once owned by the legendary Will Starr, from the well-known Northern Ireland accordion collector Ken Hopkins.

This instrument, made in the mid-1950s, had a dummy 4th row added in the 1960s by Willie Wylie of McCormack's Music in Glasgow, probably to make it visually resemble a Continental chromatic.

Will Starr (1922-76) was primarily a stage performer and has long been one of Scotland’s most admired and inspirational accordionists. In 1932, aged ten, Will Starr won a contest billed as being for the Scottish Accordion Championship, playing an Italian-made Franchetti 3-row British Chromatic – at that time a recently introduced accordion system.

Later Starr became one of the first leading players of the Shand Morino, the instrument designed for and made famous by Jimmy Shand. He worked as a miner before turning professional in the 1940s, and went on to enjoy a very successful career, touring the USA and Canada 26 times, and with his recordings.

In his last years, Will Starr used the customised 4-row Shand Morino on his last three LPs – ‘Music with a Kick’, ‘In Starr Thyme’ and ‘The Daddy of Them All’ - recorded in the early 1970s.

Brandon McPhee intends to play this special accordion in his concerts.


Video: Joe Cerrito House Concert, Maryland - USA

Take a Chance with Dick Smollens (vocals)

Click to play sound file: Theme & Scherzo
Joe CerritoSunday, November 6 was a sunny, beautiful day in Frederick, Maryland. By mid-afternoon, the Grauman home was filled to capacity with friends and neighbors, including a dozen “Joe Cerrito fans”, who drove two hours or more to hear his highly anticipated concert. Cheers, laughter, nonstop requests and a long standing ovation said it all. At 83 years old, Joe can still wow an audience with his amazing technical and improvisational skills, his ability to read and engage his audiences, and his love for music that permeates the entire room.

That morning, Joe asked me to play a couple of duets with him. Considering we live in different states, we had no time except for Sunday morning to run through these pieces. The attached video of our duet of Joe’s lovely composition Joey, which he composed for his grandson several years ago, clearly shows Joe’s humor (he hit wrong notes during the first couple of measures to get a rise out of me and amuse the audience) and his masterful ability to improvise. This was the first time he ever played Joey as the back-up musician.

Joe played a variety of well-received selections including Dizzy Fingers, Flight of the Bumblebee, several compositions by accordionist/composer Tony Dannon, popular standards and requests from the audience including an Argentinian tango. A surprise for Joe was a visit from his friend Dick Smolens, a singer and music historian, who is also in his 80s. We handed Dick a microphone and they performed a few duets for us. The duets were delightful, especially since the two had not seen each other in about eight months and had no opportunity to practice at all.

Joe Cerrito’s versatility as a musician also extends to his skills as a composer and arranger. He has recently released a beautiful new composition, Theme & Scherzo (Catalog cerrito101). You can hear Joe performing this work – click the sound file above.


Cirque Du Soleil Seeking Multi-Instrumentalist - USA

Cirque Du SoleilI work with Cirque du Soleil Casting team to promote onstage career opportunities for artists. Our team is urgently seeking a multi-instrumentalist, guitar / accordionist for an arena show which will be presenting in North America in 2017.

Interested musicians have until November 28 to apply online on our website. They will need to upload their resumé, video demo and photo. Cirquedusoleil.com/jobs

Kind regards,

Katia Fiuza
Content Specialist, Career Opportunities Promotion
Casting, Cirque Du Soleil


Будущие события

Memorial Concert for Claudio Calista, Collecorvino (PE) - Italy

Poster: Memorial Concert for Claudio CalistaAccordionists Davide di Filippo and Stefano Chiarelli perform in a concert dedicated to the late Claudio Calista on Saturday November 19th, 9pm, The Salle Consiliare, Collecorvino (PE), Italy. The programme includes works by JS Bach, Scarlatti, Angelis, and others.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de
Accordionists Davide di Filippo and Stefano Chiarelli perform in a concert dedicated to the late Claudio Calista on Saturday November 19th, 9pm, The Salle Consiliare, Collecorvino (PE), Italy. The programme includes works by JS Bach, Scarlatti, Angelis, and others.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Grand Bal with Eric Bouvelle, Mendes - France

Poster: Grand Bal with Eric BouvelleAccordionist Eric Bouvelle and his orchestra play for dancing on Sunday November 20th, 2pm, at Salle Pierre, Nogent-le-Rotrou, 74 Rue Gouvernour, Mendes, Acquitaine, France. 380 tickets have already been sold for this dance, which is prefaced by lunch.

Eric Bouvelle, winner of the 1988 CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany, has toured Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, USA, Russia, Italy, Martinique, and Guadeloupe He has made more than 300 appearances on French TV, and has made many recordings.


Adrian Ryan plays for dancing, Tipperary - Irish Republic

Poster: Adrian RyanAccordionist and vocalist Adrian Ryan plays for dancing on Sunday November 20th, 3pm until 6pm, at the Aherlow House Hotel, Lisvernane, Aherlow, County Tipperary.

Adrian Ryan was born into a musical family. His father Pat member of popular duo ‘Cupla’ and his brother Derek is a popular singer/guitarist. Adrian was brought up on Country and Irish Music, competing in Fleadh and Scor Competitions from a very early age. At the age of 16 he released his first studio album called ‘Accordion Versatility’.

The proceeds from this album went to The Transplant Unit in Beaumont Hospital Dublin. He has appeared on various TV and radio shows.


Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Turkey, Netherlands

Austrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates in November, three with the Black Pencil Ensemble and the other with the Duo Mares:

November 20th, 9.30am-5.30pm, workshop, Black Pencil Ensemble, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
November 21st, 8pm – concert, Black Pencil Ensemble, Bilkent University, Ankara
November 22nd, 8.30pm – concert, Erimtan Muzesi, Kale, Gözcü Sk. No. 10, TR-Ankara  
November 24th, 8pm – Who’s Next Festival – KAF, Esplanade 10, NL-1315 TA Almere, Netherlands

The Ensemble Black Pencil are Jorge Isaac blockflute, Matthijs Koene - panflute, Esra Pehlivanli - viola, Marko Kassl - accordion, and Enric Monfort – percussion. Marko Kassl and Esra Pehlivanli form the Duo Mares. 

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango Quintette Concert - France

Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango QuintetteAccordionist Frédéric Viale and the Loco Tango Quintette perform in concert on Sunday November 20th, 6.30pm, at Vence Cathedral, south-eastern France. The programme includes the compositions of Carlos Gardel, Astor Piazzolla, and Frédéric Viale.

Frédéric Viale, from the south of France, has progressed from musette and jazz to tango in the course of his career. He has performed in the USA, China, Brazil, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, and Poland.

For further information email: site.fredericviale@orange.fr


"Vive la France" @ West Sussex Accordion Club – UK

West Sussex Accordion Club’s next meeting is on Saturday November 26th, 1.30pm until 4.30pm, at the St Andrews Youth Centre, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0LG.
The meeting is French themed - "Vive la France" – and all are welcome.

For further information email: sqzbxs@aol.com


Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund @ The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire – UK

Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund, two leading Danish folk musicians of their generation, perform with violin, accordion, viola and piano. On Saturday November 26th, 8.15pm, they perform in concert at The Globe, 144 High Street West, SK13 8 Glossop, Derbyshire. Admission is £8. This accomplished duo are currently touring England, Germany and Sweden.

The duo sets out from traditional Danish music, but they have a contemporary take on it, being influenced by music from various countries and traditions. The duo draws on inspiration gained from residing in Ireland and the USA and from encounters with Celtic and Nordic musicians and musical cultures. This all adds to the musical melting pot on which Andreas and Rune base their original compositions. These guys are skillful and experienced musicians captivating their audience by communicating in the beautiful language of music.

Andreas & Rune have released the EP ‘The Danish Immigrant’, which was awarded ‘Track of the Year’ at the Danish Folk Music Awards in 2012. Recently in 2015 Andreas was nominated as ‘Artist of the Year’.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation, eBook coverDieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBookRenowned Jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri has released two eBooks (.pdf format) able to be sent to you by email.

English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421

Renzo Ruggieri wrote: "Originating from the need of outlining a practical method for improvisation (not only intended for jazz performers), this book is designed for those who can already master the basics.

Jazz classes most of the times primarily focus on theory as well as on its application, often neglecting or putting aside practice. But the theoretical framework can sometimes be perceived as overwhelming by students to such an extent that they may find it hard to get the major element of improvisation, that is the creation of a personal language which must include an appropriate assimilation.

Knowing what to do (or not to do) is not enough.

In order to perform a true improvisation one must first of all know a large number of pieces, but also be good enough as to forget them - in a sort of brainstorming – so as to avoid any remains of seduction left behind and create an empty space to be filled with their own creativity.

In this book I am going to explain in detail the procedures allowing a student to be introduced to the pragmatic ways of creativity."

Purchase online.
English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421


Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy

Disco MedleyGrayson MasefieldThis superb arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri is available online, Catalog: rrenzo508
Video of Grayson Masefield performing it has been added to the webpage.

Other Renzo arrangements available are:
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)


Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album coverThe website has been updated with more information for the this album in eTracks (MP3) format download by Zhang Jiahe.

The album is titled 'Winter Bilder', catalog: jiahe01
with sound samples.


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