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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Nov-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Кубок мира, 5 - 9 сентября 2017г. в Озимо (провинция Анкона), Италия
В дуэте "Una Sinistra" Юлии Америковой и Александра Селиванова уже трое! (Россия)
“AkordioM”открыл 10-ый фестиваль "Золотая лира" в Скопье, Македония
"Антология аккордеона" теперь доступна на MusicForAccordion.com, Великобритания
Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Новый диск Сергея Осокина
Renzo Ruggieri Art Exhibition Performances, Treviso - Italy
Video: Anita Collins, What if every child had access to music education from birth? Australia
Midland Accordion Festival Success, Dudley – UK
Video: Two Videos Featuring Iryna Serotyuk - Ukraine
Salvatore Cauteruccio and Danilo Guido Musical Project, Cosenza – Italy
Video: Orchestre Didier Laurent Paso Doble Medley - France

Будущие события

Jorgen Sundeqvist Premiere, Stockholm – Sweden
Mazaika Concerts, London - UK
Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Canada, Germany
No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, Oxfordshire - UK
Lydie Auvray Concert, Leverkusen - Germany
Kilfenora Ceili Band Concert, Waterford – Republic of Ireland
Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Peter M. Haas Trio Concert, Berlin - Germany
Giorgio Dellarole Seminar, Milan – Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Compositions: Franco Cambareri "Crystal Dreams and Brazilian Sunset"
Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy
Updated Website: Gary Dahl Arranges Wienerschnitzel Polka, Polka Book Coming - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Кубок мира, 5 - 9 сентября 2017г. в Озимо (провинция Анкона), Италия

2017 Coupe Mondiale header
Coupe Mondiale logoSimone PugnaloniМеждународный Конкурс аккордеонистов «Кубок мира» (Coupe Mondiale) будет проходить с 5 по 9 сентября в 2017 году в Италии. Пять лет назад, в 2012 году Итальянская организация аккордеонистов (IAC), в качестве члена Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA), проявила гостеприимство, и это музыкальное мероприятие международного уровня состоялось в красивом городке Сполето.

В следующем году IAC опять приглашает аккордеонистов со всего мира на итальянскую землю, в город Озимо. Мэр города Simone Pugnaloni (фото справа), сказал, что счастлив провести мероприятие, которое привлечет внимание к городу Озимо и его ку­­­­­­льтурным достопримечательностям.

Примечательно, что в этом старинном городе, прекрасные концертные залы которого славятся прекрасной акустикой, регулярно проводятся международные культурные мероприятия. Кстати, в 2017 году, всего за неделю до вышеупомянутого Coupe Mondiale, состоится крупный международный конкурс пианистов.

В рамках Конкурса 2017 Coupe Mondiale, во всех городах южной Анконы (Камерано, Кастельфидардо, Филоттрано, Лорето, Нумана, Сироло), пройдут яркие концертные выступления лучших музыкантов мира.


В дуэте "Una Sinistra" Юлии Америковой и Александра Селиванова уже трое! (Россия)

Yulia Amerikova and Alexander Selivanov
Alexander Selivanov & Yulia AmerikovaВидео: - концерт в рамках "Russian accordion day" в Академии им.Гнесиных, исполняется Little Story by J. Wojtarowicz (Motion Trio), 2012 год.

Музыканты замечательного дуэта "Una Sinistra" (Юлия Америкова и Александр Селиванов) с радостью сообщили нам, что 29 октября 2016г. в Москве у них родился сын Лев.

На фотографии выше - Лев Александрович Селиванов покидает роддом со своими родителями Александром и Юлией.

Фотография слева - незадолго до рождения малыша.

Голос новорожденного Левы теперь действительно будет отличным дополнением к прекрасной музыке дуэта "Una Sinistra".

Наилучшие пожелания от Accordions Worldwide! Здоровья и счастья этой семье, этому замечательному трио.


“AkordioM”открыл 10-ый фестиваль "Золотая лира" в Скопье, Македония

AkordioMФестиваль «Золотая лира», организованный Ассоциацией музыкантов Македонии, в этом году отметил свой 10-летний юбилей.

Дуэту «AkordioM» (Zorica Karakutovska и Filip Stamevski) была предоставлена честь выступить с концертом, посвященным открытию фестиваля, в музее города Скопье 18 октября 2016 г.

В программу концерта вошли произведения И.С. Баха, А. Вивальди, Е. Дербенко, Бете Илина (Elizabeta Ilievska), В. Семёнова, А. Пьяццоллы, Р.Галльяно и др. Вместе с дуэтом «AkordioM»в концерте выступили и их друзья, известные музыканты из Македонии: Marija Gjoshevska (фортепиано), Zoran Dzorlev (скрипка), Aleksandra Kocevska (вокал), Biljana Petrovska (фортепиано), Petar Kolevski (кларнет), Kosto Todorovski (аккордеон ) и Filip Petreski (аккордеон).

Послужной список известного дуэта «AkordioM» довольно длинный: они концертировали в США, Италии, Македонии, Сербии, Болгарии и т.д. Недавно их репертуар был дополнен новыми произведениями композитора Bete Ilin, чьи сочинения демонстрируют сложные ритмические структуры македонского фольклора (5/8, 7/8, 9/8). Эти композиции в жанре современной музыки навеяны традиционными македонским песнями.

Фестиваль "Золотая лира", который завершился 1 ноября, продемонстрировал зрителям и слушателям достижения и профессионализм македонских музыкантов.


"Антология аккордеона" теперь доступна на MusicForAccordion.com, Великобритания

Accordion AnthologyAccordion: A Pictorial HistoryКнига "Антология аккордеона" Роба Ховарда, изданная в 2016 году, теперь доступна на MusicForAccordion.com.

Эта книга формата А4 содержит множество заметок, связанных с аккордеоном. В нее вошли в том числе и некоторые автобиографические материалы Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Jack Emblow, Paul Chamberlain, Gordon Pattullo, Freeland Barbour, David Vernon, John Jones MBE, Rob Howard, и Stewart Walker.

Здесь есть публикации о жизни и достижениях Joe Cooley, William Hannah, John Leslie, Andre Verchuren, and Gervasio Marcosignori. Биографические публикации посвящены Joe Cooley, William Hannah, John Leslie, Andre Verchuren, Gervasio Marcosignori и многих других известных персон. Также в книгу включены такие публикации, как "Знакомство с аккордеоном", "Аккордеон и концерт", "Аккордеон и популярная музыка», «Аккордеон династий», «Полька и аккордеон" и многие другие.

В разделе материалов от Розмари Райт можно увидеть полезные публикации: "Как стать лучшим исполнителем» и «Исполнительское мастерство», от Стива Рокстона - "Аккордеон: советы и подсказки", и от Джеймса Секстона - "Использование регистров”.

Замечательная книга "Антология аккордеона" прекрасно проиллюстрирована, в основном, цветными фотографиями.

Покупка онлайн "Антология аккордеона" в каталоге: robaccord07

Здесь также представлены другие книги Роба Ховарда:
“Аккордеон от “А” до “Я”. Том 1, каталог: robaccord01,
Том 2, каталог: robaccord02,
Том 3, каталог: robaccord03,
Том 4, каталог: robaccord04.
"Винтажный аккордеон", каталог: robaccord05
"Аккордеон: наглядная история", каталог: robaccord06

Все книги в хорошем переплете, и все они предназначены для профессионалов и любителей аккордеона, в том числе, и для новичков.

Дополнительную информацию можно запросить по емейл: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Renzo Ruggieri Release Two New Jazz eBooks - Italy

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation, eBook coverDieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBookRenowned Jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri has released two eBooks (.pdf format) able to be sent to you by email.

English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421

Renzo Ruggieri wrote: "Originating from the need of outlining a practical method for improvisation (not only intended for jazz performers), this book is designed for those who can already master the basics.

Jazz classes most of the times primarily focus on theory as well as on its application, often neglecting or putting aside practice. But the theoretical framework can sometimes be perceived as overwhelming by students to such an extent that they may find it hard to get the major element of improvisation, that is the creation of a personal language which must include an appropriate assimilation.

Knowing what to do (or not to do) is not enough.

In order to perform a true improvisation one must first of all know a large number of pieces, but also be good enough as to forget them - in a sort of brainstorming – so as to avoid any remains of seduction left behind and create an empty space to be filled with their own creativity.

In this book I am going to explain in detail the procedures allowing a student to be introduced to the pragmatic ways of creativity."

Purchase online.
English: 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - Catalog: rrenzo401
Italian: Dieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook - Catalog: rrenzo421


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Новый диск Сергея Осокина

Sergey Osokin Space albumАльбом Space: Сергей Осокин – исполнитель и композитор джазовых пьес

Музыкальное издательство "Артсервис"/ Artservice Music Publishing представляет новый диск аккордеониста-виртоуза, лауреата практически всех международных конкурсов Сергея Осокина.

Диск ‘Space’ вызовет интерес всех любителей музыки. Разные музыкальные направления джаза, академической и рок-музыки, сочетаясь друг с другом, дают в итоге совершенно новый и неожиданный, свежий взгляд на то, как может звучать джаз. Автор этих композиций – Сергей Осокин, известный аккордеонист-виртуоз, лауреат многочисленных международных конкурсов. Альбом со своими джазовыми пьесами он записывает впервые. Великолепные джазовые музыканты – басист Алексей Заволокин и ударник Петр Ившин – составили достойную компанию.
Композиционная простота сочетается здесь с глубиной смысла. И в этом можно увидеть влияние музыки таких джазовых музыкантов, как Эсбьёрн Свенссон и Эрик Трюффаз. Наверное, основной принцип, главенствующий здесь – погружение в состояние. Один трек – одна эмоция. Как и в музыкальном барокко, одна ария – один аффект.

Такая параллель между столь разными на первый взгляд направлениями закономерна. Многие джазовые музыканты знали и уважали творчество академических композиторов: Майлз Дэвис – Карлхайнца Штокхаузена, одного из столпов академической музыки XX века, Чарли Паркер – Игоря Стравинского, не менее выдающегося нашего соотечественника.

Эклектичный, смелый, яркий, агрессивный, интригующий – множество эпитетов можно подобрать к звучанию альбома, но слушатель сделает выводы сам.

Альбом Space Каталог: os604

Другие компакт-диски Сергей Осокин являются:
Catalog: os601 Eternal Returning
Catalog: os602 IL Cinema Per Sempre
Catalog: os603 IL Dolce Dolore


Renzo Ruggieri Art Exhibition Performances, Treviso - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri & Orchestra
Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri was an artist amongst artists in Treviso from 29th to 31st October.

At the Auditorium Santa Caterina in Treviso, was the important international art exhibition "Stories of Impressionism" featuring over 140 paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir, Manet, Cézanne, etc. This extraordinary exhibition is curated by Marco Goldin on the occasion of 20 years of his organisation Linea d'Ombra.

This year, Renzo Ruggieri has been involved in the shows as a composer and accordionist, writing many of the arrangements for the orchestra directed by Paolo Troncon. Guests included Mauro Martelllo, Anna Campagnaro, Piero Salvatori, Sandro Buzzatti, Gilberto Colla, loriano Della Rocca.

On the stage of the Festival were also nationally known names of music such as Franco Battiato, Giovanni Caccamo, Massimo Bubola and Antonella Ruggiero with which Renzo Ruggieri collaborates and for these concerts performed songs in duo getting rave reviews from the audience.

All the concerts were sold out. In the first two days, 5,000 visitors already visit the exhibition. The exhibition will be in Treviso, Museo di Santa Caterina until 17 April 2017.


Video: Anita Collins, What if every child had access to music education from birth? Australia

This talk was given at a local TEDx event. Anita Collins shares how learning music influences our brain development, and what this means for musical education. Published on Oct 27, 2014.

View another video by Anita Collins titled "How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain"

TED is a nonpartisan nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 110 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.


Midland Accordion Festival Success, Dudley – UK

This year’s Midland Accordion Festival, held at The Quality Hotel, Dudley, November 4th to 7th, was a great success, with large numbers enjoying a weekend of varied accordion entertainment from Jean Dauvin (France), Steve Roxton, Bruno Continenza (Italy), David Lukins, Jovan Rnjak, Helen Rich, Rosemary Wright, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Alan Young, Harry Hussey, Malachy Cairns, The Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby), and the Master Butchers Band.

There were many highlights, such as Jean Dauvin’s musette music, David Lukins’ accordion specialities performed in his very individual style, the ever popular Harry Hussey’s jazz, and a superb concert from the Kennet AO, whose performance of ‘Skyfall’, ‘Thunderbirds March’, ‘Field of Gold’, and ‘Intermezzo Sinfonico’ (from the opera ‘Cavalleria Rusticana’), all arranged by Nigel Pasby, were exceptional.

The festival workshops included: Rosemary Wright - Intermediate Orchestra, Elementary Orchestra – Jean Hanger, Vintage Orchestra – Jean Hanger, Scottish Orchestra – Angie Lukins, and Sue Bennett - One to One tuition. The weekend orchestras gave excellent performances on Sunday afternoon, all achieving good results from their limited rehearsal time.

The trade show includes the Birmingham Accordion Centre, Rob Howard Publications, Alan Shute – accordinas, accordions and extras, Roy Hendrie – MIDI, and Harry Kipling’s accordions and souvenirs. Trade was brisk, and many sales deals were done.

The festival was exceedingly well organised by accordionist Barry Smith, whose Master Butchers Band closed the festival on Sunday evening with an hour of joyful lunacy. The dates for next year’s festival are November 3rd to 5th 2017.

For further information email: bsentmusic@gmx.com


Video: Two Videos Featuring Iryna Serotyuk - Ukraine

Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project banner
Video 1: Big Hall, The Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine.

Video 2: 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Two videos featuring the beautiful music of Iryna Serotyuk in duo with Daniil Buchka (guitar) and in duo with Vladimir Gitin (clarinet).

Video 1: Iryna Serotyuk (accordion) & Daniil Buchka (guitar) perform "Pirotango". This piece was composed by Matteo Falloni (for bandoneon & guitar) for Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and Luca Lucini. Edited for bayan by G. Seredin. Published on Nov 10, 2016.

The performance was in the Big Hall, The Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music.

Video 2: Serotyuk & Gitin Duo (Ukraine) at the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov-on-Don. This performance by Iryna Serotyuk and Vladimir Gitin (clarinet) won 2nd place in the Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Chamber Music - Classical Music.


Salvatore Cauteruccio and Danilo Guido Musical Project, Cosenza – Italy

Accordionist and composer Salvatore Cauteruccio and clarinet player Danilo Guido have formed a duo to pursue a musical project they call ‘South’, featuring unreleased songs and a Mediterranean sound, linked to the origins of the two musicians. This will be a personal musical style and interplay influenced by jazz and tango: two great stylistic currents that give the interplay magic, elegance and passion.

For further information email: salvatorecauteruccio77@gmail.com


Video: Orchestre Didier Laurent Paso Doble Medley - France

The Orchestre Didier Laurent performs a Paso Doble Medley. Published on May 11, 2016.
This video was made available by Guillaume Forest who has other Orchestre Didier Laurent videos online.


Будущие события

Jorgen Sundeqvist Premiere, Stockholm – Sweden

Jorgen Sundeqvist and Håkan Dahlén
On Saturday November 12th, 6pm, at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, accordionist Jorgen Sundeqvist and organist Håkan Dahlén give a premiere performance of ‘Fantasia Drammatica’, composed recently by the Czech composer Eduard Douša. This new work is written for accordion and pipe organ, and the premiere is part of Accordeon Festivalen 2016, which runs from November 11th to 13th, in Stockholm.

Jorgen Sundeqvist is one of Sweden’s leading classical accordionists. He studied in the USA with Anthony Galla-Rini, where he later toured.

Eduard Douša teaches at the Prague Conservatory. He has composed extensively for many instruments and orchestras.


Mazaika Concerts, London - UK

MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform this month, as follows:

November 12th, 6.30pm – the compositions of the Russian composer Arkady Ostrovsky played by Igor Outkine (solo performance), Pushkin House, 5A Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2TA
November 18th, 7pm – ‘Night of Russian and gypsy music’ by Mazaika, Zima Russian Food and Bar, 45 Frith St, London W1D 4SD

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Ksenija Sidorova Concerts – Latvia, Canada, Germany

Ksenija SidorovaLatvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs this month, as follows:

Saturday November 12th, 7pm - with the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, Great Amber Concert Hall, Liepaja, Latvia
Thursday November 17th, 8pm – with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (conducted by William Eddins), Enmax Hall, Edmonton, Canada
Friday November 18th, 9.30pm – with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (conducted by William Eddins), Enmax Hall, Edmonton, Canada
Tuesday November 22nd, 7.30pm – with the Goldmund String Quartet, Dortmund, Germany

Ksenija Sidorova, since graduating from the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, has pursued a hectic international concert career, performing around Europe, USA, Brazil, Israel, Senegal, and other countries.

For further information email: ksenijasidorova@yahoo.co.uk


No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, Oxfordshire - UK

No 1 Ladies Accordion OrchestraThe No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra (MD Jane Ward) performs in concert on Saturday November 12th, 7.30pm, at Islip Village Hall, Church Lane, Islip, Oxfordshire OX5 2TA. Tickets cost £7.50, and accompanied under 16s are free.

Founded in 2010 by Karen Tweed, The No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra has 16 members, all passionate accordion players from around the UK, with a shifting line-up of up to sixteen performers. This all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea-drinking band of lovely talented ladies has enthralled audiences across the country, in village halls, ballrooms, festivals, fetes, parties, piers and pavilions. With the unexpected sounds of multiple accordions played with sensitivity, versatility and a unique style of charming idiosyncrasy, many an accordion-phobe has been made to think twice!

For further information email: no1ladiesaccordion@gmail.com


Lydie Auvray Concert, Leverkusen - Germany

Lydie Auvray
Lydie Auvray performs in concert on Saturday November 12th, 8pm, at the Scala Club, Uhlandstraße 9, 51379 Leverkusen, Germany. Lydie will be backed by Eckes Malz – piano and percussion, and Markus Tiedemann – guitar.

German-based French accordionist, singer and composer Lydie Auvray has been performing since the mid-1970s, and has made numerous recordings, some solo and many with other musicians and singers. Her latest album, ‘Musetteries’, features musette music performed in her own individual style. In 2003 she published her autobiography, ‘Jubiläum’.

For further information email: lydieauvray@netcologne.de


Kilfenora Ceili Band Concert, Waterford – Republic of Ireland

Kilfenora Ceili Band
The Kilfenora Ceili Band performs in concert on Saturday November 12th, 8pm-10.30pm, at the Cappoquin Community Centre, Twig Bog, Cappoquin, County Waterford.  Tickets cost €25.

Founded in County Clare in 1909, the Kilfenora are Ireland’s longest established ceili band. The band’s latest CD ‘Now is the hour’ was released on March 13th.

The current line-up is John Lynch (leader) – banjo, mandolin, Claire Griffin - button accordion, Tim Collins – concertina, flutes - Anthony Quigney, Garry Shannon, fiddles – Anne-Marie McCormack, Anne Rynne, Eimear Howley, Sinead Heagney, piano - Fintan McMahon, drums - Sean Griffin.

For further information email: johnlynch1955@gmail.com


Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France

Paris-Moscow DuoThe Paris-Moscow Duo – Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov - performs in concert on Saturday November 12th, 8.30pm, at Maison des Associations Jacques Gripel, Bromont-Lamothe, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Admission is free.

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine have been working together since 1998 and have performed in France, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, China, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. The duo have a truly astounding CV: Demi Emorine’s achievements include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondial, Concours International de Klingenthal, and the Prix de la Sacem. Roman Jbanov achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and the CMA Trophée Mondial.

For further information email: lydieauvray@netcologne.de


Peter M. Haas Trio Concert, Berlin - Germany

Peter M. Haas Trio
On Saturday November 12th, 9pm, the Peter M. Haas Trio performs once again in the beautiful Kleinkunstbühne, Flora Street 16, 13187 Berlin-Pankow.

For further information email: zimmer16@gmail.com


Giorgio Dellarole Seminar, Milan – Italy

Giorgio DellaroleAccordionist Giorgio Dellarole will hold a seminar on Tuesday December 13th at the Milan Conservatory. The focus will be on playing classical pieces from the Renaissance to Baroque eras on the accordion. The deadline for applications is December 6th.

If participation in the seminar proves to be significant, we will start to work for the opening of a Master's degree in accordion at the Conservatory of Parma, dedicated to the study of ancient music from Frescobaldi to Mozart.

For further information email: giorgio.dellarole@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Compositions: Franco Cambareri "Crystal Dreams and Brazilian Sunset"

Crystal Dreams by Franco CambareriFranco CambareriTwo new compositions released by Franco Cambareri.

Brazilian Sunset, Catalog: cfranco216
Brazilian Sunset is a simple and easy tune with a Latin Touch

Crystal Dreams, Catalog: cfranco217
Crystal Dreams is a Beautiful, Romantic and Sad piece of Music.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy

Disco MedleyGrayson MasefieldThis superb arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri is available online, Catalog: rrenzo508
Video of Grayson Masefield performing it has been added to the webpage.

Other Renzo arrangements available are:
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)


Updated Website: Gary Dahl Arranges Wienerschnitzel Polka, Polka Book Coming - USA

Wienerschnitzel Polka samplePolka Book coverPopular accordion arranger and teacher Gary Dahl has just released an arrangement of Wienerschnitzel Polka (picture left), available in eSheet .pdf format, able to be emailed to you. Catalog: DH0256 Wienerschnitzel Polka $6.

Gary Dahl has also announced:
"My latest book of arrangements titled 'Polka!' is nearly ready for release. All 8 titles in eSheet .pdf format for only $18.50 is great value. Release date is 11th November in time for the Christmas Market for these quality arrangements."

Titles will be:
Ferryboat Serenade
Achtung Los
Beer Barrel Polka
Beer Barrel Polka (Advanced)
Champagne Polka
Clarinet Polka
Just Because
Liechtensteiner Polka


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