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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-May-2018
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25. Jahrestag der internationalen Leavenworth Akkordeon Feier - USA
Mario Gatto Konzert in Seoul, 26. Mai, 15 Uhr - Südkorea
Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif mit "Goldene Ehrennadel" Wien ausgezeichnet - Österreich
2. Internationaler Wettbewerb für Komposition "Stadt Spoleto" - Italien
Antonio Spaccarotella Honorarprofessorpreis, Rostow am Don, Russland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day in Gdańsk - Poland
World Accordion Day Release of 3rd CD by Grayson Masefield - New Zealand
First Video Clip, Herbert Pixner Projekt New Album - Austria
Alfred Melichar, Bachelor & Master Study for Accordion, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz - Austria
Video: Libertango Milos Milivojevic with Craig Ogden

Future events

Ferran Martinez Concerts, Barcelona, Girona – Spain
Kosmos Ensemble Concert, Jersey – UK
2nd Festival Toscano dell’Organetto Diatonico, Campi Bisenzio (FI) - Italy
Charity Accordion Concert, Scotland – UK
Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Northern Ireland – UK
A.C. Amigos do Acordeon Concerts, Galicia – Spain
Heather Smith Concert, Birmingham – UK
Ærø Accordion Festival, Marstal – Denmark
History of the Accordion Lecture, Saint Julien Les Villas – France
CT Tango Ensemble play for a Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa
Philharmonika Festival Concert, Berlin – Germany
Paolo Bertoli Dance Gigs List – Italy
Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert, 26 May, Takapuna - New Zealand

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) - Switzerland
New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy
Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

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25. Jahrestag der internationalen Leavenworth Akkordeon Feier - USA

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration header
Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration headerDas 25. Jubiläum der Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) rückt immer näher und es sieht nach einer der besten Veranstaltungen aller Zeiten aus.

Hervorzuheben sind die hervorragenden Artisten wie Michael Bridge, Alicia Baker (Bruce Gassman, Cory Pesaturo und Murl Allen Sanders, um nur einige zu nennen).

Die unterschiedliche Musik wird die Vielseitigkeit des Akkordeons zeigen. Weiters gibt es Auftritte der ehemaligen Leavenworth Gewinner aus den letzten Jahren, sowie Workshops, um Fähigkeiten und Können zu vertiefen.

In diesem Jahr wird das Gazebo Ensemble in der Festhalle auftreten. Das ist eine Premiere!

Es gibt auch Wettbewerbe in verschiedenen Kategorien, Workshops, Konzerte am Abend, Jam Sessions in verschiedenen Restaurants, eine Akkordeon Parade am Samstag während der Feier.

Regeln und Informationen zum Eintrag unter: 2018LIAC-Rules.pdf
Einsendeschluss ist der 08. Juni 2018

Leavenworth, WA ist eine „bayerische Stadt“ und man fühlt sich fast wie in Bayern - ein Event, der nicht zu versäumen ist.

Besuchen Sie die Website der Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC)


Mario Gatto Konzert in Seoul, 26. Mai, 15 Uhr - Südkorea

Fabrizio Malerba & Mario Gatto Korea concert poster
Der italienische Akkordeonist Mario und sein Partner Fabrizio Malerba (Gitarre) treten am 26. Mai 2018 um 15.00 Uhr in Seoul, Südkorea, auf.

Das Konzert wird von Beltuna Italy und Central Instruments, einem der größten Musikgeschäfte in Südkorea, gesponsert. Einzelheiten zum Konzertsaal auf dem Poster. Bedruckbares Poster: 2018Gatto.pdf


Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif mit "Goldene Ehrennadel" Wien ausgezeichnet - Österreich

Herbert Scheibenreif Presentation
Herbert ScheibenreifDr. Herbert Scheibenreif, ein unermüdlicher Förderer des Akkordeons schreibt: „Ich fühle mich wirklich berührt, geehrt und überwältigt von den vielen Glückwünschen anlässlich meiner‚Goldener Ehrennadel‘Auszeichnung von der österreichischen Akkordeon Assoziation HVO! Danke an alle meine Freunde auf der ganzen Welt! "

Herbert Scheibenreif ist ein Vizepräsident der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), hält er ein Doktorat in Romanistik, Französisch und Mathematik. Er hat auch einen Fortgeschrittenenkurs an der russischen Gnessin Musikakademie in Moskau (Klasse von Professor Friedrich Lips) absolviert.

Herbert war Mitglied des Wiener Akkordeon Chamber Ensemble, hat mit Lech Puchnowski, Mogens Ellegaard und Friedrich Lips auf internationalen Seminaren studiert.

Herbert ist der Manager der Friedrich Lips Productions und Produzent der Serie Lips CD (28 CDs) Übersetzer, ua Friedrich Lips Deutsche Bücher Kataloge: kslips01 'Die Kunst des Bajanspiels' und Katalog: kslips02' Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon 'sowie Korrespondent von Akkordeonzeitungen und Accordions Worldwide.

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren organisiert Herbert Seminare und Konzertreisen von international renommierten Akkordeonisten und ist Mitglied des HVÖ und CIA Executive.


2. Internationaler Wettbewerb für Komposition "Stadt Spoleto" - Italien

Italian Accordion Culture
Fabrizio De Rossi ReItalian Accordion Culture, das italienische Mitglied der CIA, organisiert den 2. Internationalen Wettbewerb für die "Stadt Spoleto" Komposition für Akkordeon (solo), Klavier (solo) oder Klavier und Akkordeon.

Der Vorsitzende der Jury wird Fabrizio De Rossi Re sein (Bild links). Das Musikzeitlimit beträgt 12 Minuten, die Kompositionen müssen unveröffentlicht und in keinem anderen Wettbewerb prämiert geworden sein.

Komponisten müssen die Partitur im PDF-Format an die E-Mail-Adresse: info@strumentiemusica.com bis zum 15. September 2018 einsenden.

Vollständigen Informationen unter: 2018SpoletoCompose.pdf


Antonio Spaccarotella Honorarprofessorpreis, Rostow am Don, Russland

Antonio SpaccarotellaDer italienische Akkordeonist und Lehrer Antonio Spaccarotella wurde am 14. Mai zum Ehrenprofessor am S. Rachmaninoff Staatlichen Konservatorium in Rostow am Don ernannt. Spaccarotella beschrieb die Auszeichnung als "... eine Ehre, die ihresgleichen sucht. "Eine unerwartete Anerkennung, die mich mit Stolz erfüllt und für viele Jahre Arbeit prämiert".

Antonio Spaccarotella (geboren 1984), studierte Jazz-Akkordeon bei Renzo Ruggeri am Konservatorium der Musik G. BRAGA, Teramo, Italien, wo er auch die Geschichte des Jazz, zeitgenössische Arrangements für kleine und mittlere Formationen und elektronische Musik studierte.

Er ist Spezialist für die Disziplinen der Weltmusik und war an vielen musikalischen Projekten beteiligt, unterrichtet modernes und klassisches Akkordeon am New Harmonies Musical Institute (Italien), spielt und hält Seminare und Meisterkurse an der Shanghai Normal University (China), Musikabteilung der Bundesuniversität Paraiba (Brasilien), Konservatorium für Musik PI Tschaikowsky (Moskau).

Er spielte in Italien und im Ausland mit Tourneen in Frankreich, Spanien, Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich, Belgien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Russland, Holland, Ungarn, Irland, Schottland, England, Neuseeland, China, Kanada und USA
Antonio Spaccarotella


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day in Gdańsk - Poland

World Accordion Day in Gdańsk
Dr. Pawel ZaganczykOn May 17, 2018, the World Accordion Day will be held in Gdansk. The organizer of this event is the Scientific Group of Accordionists at the Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music.

Working at the Academy of Music in Gdansk, is tutor Dr. Pawel Zaganczyk (picture right).

The programme includes many interesting concerts, sessions and workshops that will take place in the Senate Hall of the Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk.

The day will start with a mini jazz concert of the accordion quartet led by Cezary Paciorek. Then students from Gdansk, Lódz, Kraków and Warsaw will take part in the 3rd Students' Scientific Session. The workshops titled "Artist in the modern world" will be led with Monika Lajming, Róza Lorenc and Maciej Frackiewicz.

The final concert will be Maciej Frackiewicz's accordion recital. One of the most interesting Polish accordionists will perform, among others, works by Mikolaj Majkusiak, Dariusz Przybylski and Krzysztof Penderecki.

The artist's performance will be preceded by a short performance by Kacprzak \ Sokolowski Duo, 3rd prize winners at the prestigious accordion competition in Klingenthal. Admission free!


World Accordion Day Release of 3rd CD by Grayson Masefield - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association
Baroque Transcriptions CD cover by Grayson MasefieldThe New Zealand Accordion Association celebrated World Accordion Day with the release of the 3rd CD by Grayson  Masefield titled Baroque Transcriptions and the release of his newly designed website at: www.graysonmasefield.com

Grayson01 'Concert Accordion Music' CD or download mp3 album
Grayson02 'Symbols of Semionov' CD or download mp3 album
Grayson03 'Baroque Transcriptions' CD or download mp3 album

Each album is released as a CD or available for purchase and streaming online from all major digital distributors.

Baroque Transcriptions Track List
Click on the links to play a sound sample
1. Chaconne in F minor, (P.43), Pachelbel, Johann
2. Sonata in D minor (K.9), Domenico Scarlatti
3. Choral Prelude "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland," (BWV 659), Johann Sebastian Bach
4. Sonata in D Major (K.29), Domenico Scarlatti
5. Sonata in B minor (K.87), Domenico Scarlatti
6. Sonata in B Major (K.262), Domenico Scarlatti
7. Sonata in B minor (K.27), Domenico Scarlatti
8. Passacaglia in C minor (BWV 582), Johann Sebastian Bach
9. Fugue in C minor (BWV 582), Johann Sebastian Bach
Grayson Masefield CD covers


First Video Clip, Herbert Pixner Projekt New Album - Austria

Herbert Pixner Projekt celebrating with Three Saints Records in the Tirolian Swarovski Kristallwelten (Wattens) on 15th May 2018. Here is the first video clip from the Album "Lost Elysion" which will be released on 6th July by Three Saints Records. Tickets for the #ElectrifyingTour 2018 are available: http://www.threesaintsrecords.com


Alfred Melichar, Bachelor & Master Study for Accordion, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz - Austria

Alfred MelicharTo apply for the Bachelor & Master Study for Accordion at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz, the application period is 01 May to 30 June 2018. The accordion teacher is Alfred Melichar (picture right).

You will receive an invitation to the general entrance exams/audition by e-mail upon completing the online registration at: www.bruckneruni.at/ or in English at: https://www.bruckneruni.at/en/

Music theory written exam (Bachelor programs): please refer to the general information regarding entrance exams. Performance presentation (Bachelor and Master programs), Accordion is on 17 & 18 September 2018, Großer Saal (Ground floor).


Video: Libertango Milos Milivojevic with Craig Ogden

Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla and performed by Milos Milivojevic and Craig Ogden (guitar), live at Sallow Tree Concerts, June 2016.


Future events

Ferran Martinez Concerts, Barcelona, Girona – Spain

Ferran MartinezAccordionist Ferran Martinez performs two concerts next week with the Cavall Bernat group, as follows:

Saturday May 19th, 10pm - Rte La Bufaf Collsuspina, Barcelona
Saturday May 26th, 10pm - Taverna la Bella Lola, Pals, Girona

Ferran Martinez, born in 1971, is a graduate of the Barcelona Conservatory. He performs solo classical concerts and is a member of the Cavall Bernat group, performing Catalan popular music. He is also both an accordion and computer teacher.

Cavall Bernat have recently released a new CD, Ulls de Mar’. This month they perform on May 19th at Rte La Bufa, and on May 26th at Taverna La Bella Lola.

For further information email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


Kosmos Ensemble Concert, Jersey – UK

Poster: Kosmos Ensemble Concert,The trio Kosmos Ensemble perform in concert with the Jersey Chamber Orchestra (MD Eamonn Dougan) on Saturday May 19th, 8pm, at the Jersey Royal Opera House, Jersey, Channel Islands, premiering Errollyn Wallen's ‘Triple Concert’. The concert is part of a Liberation Gala, commemorating the liberation of Jersey from Nazi occupation on May 9th 1945.

The Kosmos Ensemble are Miloš Milivojevic (accordion), Harriet Mackenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola). They have performed internationally to great acclaim, notably at the London Southbank Centre, Wales Millennium Centre, international festivals, and tours in Poland, Italy, Greece; live performances on BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM.

Serbian-born Miloš Milivojevic has won international competitions in Germany, France, Italy, and Denmark. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he graduated and was awarded with Dip RAM. In 2007 he was the first accordionist to win the RAM Club Prize and in 2008 won the Derek Butler London Prize at the Wigmore Hall, London.


2nd Festival Toscano dell’Organetto Diatonico, Campi Bisenzio (FI) - Italy

2nd Festival Toscano dell’Organetto Diatonico
The 2nd Festival Toscano dell’Organetto Diatonico (Tuscan Festival of the Diatonic Accordion) takes place on May 19th and 20th at “La Tartaruga” restaurant, via dei Confini 162, Capalle di Campi Bisenzio (FI). The festival includes selection for the Italian Diatonic Accordion Championships, and is open to players of any nationality and with any type or brand of diatonic accordion.

On Saturday May 19th registration and competition begins at 2pm in the "La Tartaruga" restaurant, and at 9pm there will be an evening of entertainment and dancing. On Sunday May 20th the registration and competition begins at 9am, with a lunch break from 1pm until 3pm, followed by the last of the competition. The awards ceremony will be during the evening.


Charity Accordion Concert, Scotland – UK

Poster: Accordion Concert for BeatsonOn Sunday afternoon May 20th, 2pm until 5pm, there will be an Accordion Variety Concert in West Kilbride Village Hall, North Ayrshire, Scotland, in aid of the Beatson Cancer Charity. The performers include Leonard Brown (accordion) and Malcolm Ross (drums), Alan Small (accordion) and Gemma Donald (fiddle), Andy Philip, Susan MacFadyen, and the concert is compered by Nicol McLaren. Leonard Brown and Alan Small are both former All Scotland Accordion Champions.


Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Rome – Italy

Poster Gianni Mirizzi Concert
On Sunday May 20th, 10am, accordionist Gianni Mirizzi performs in concert at Villa Pamphilj, Via Vitellia, 102 Rome.

Gianni Mirizzi, initially inspired by Pino di Modugno, studied the accordion with Giancarlo Caporilli in Rome and later with Emanuele Rastelli. He has taught the accordion in schools, performed many concerts, made numerous recordings, performed internationally, and formed his own dance orchestra. In 2008 he joined the ‘Musictech Digital Accordion Orchestra’, the first digital accordion orchestra that performed in Castelfidardo (Ancona) on the occasion of the 33rd ‘International Festival of Accordion’.


East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Northern Ireland – UK

The East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra (MD Clyde Johnston) performs public concerts this summer, as listed on the poster.

Formed in 2006 the East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra consists mainly of adult and former adult students of the East Antrim Accordion School. They play for fun with the music consisting of light entertaining pieces such as The Wonder of You, James Bond Theme, Hallelujah, Young Amadeus, Sweet Caroline, Release Me, Your Cheating Heart, Carrickfergus, American Trilogy, Russian National Anthem, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, The Carnival is Over, and more.

For further information email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra


A.C. Amigos do Acordeon Concerts, Galicia – Spain

A.C. Amigos do Acordeon
The 8 strong accordion ensemble, the Asociación Cultural Amigos do Acordeón das Rías Baixas, performs in concert in Galicia this month, as follows:

Sunday May 20th, 6pm - Cultural De Cabral Vigo
Sunday May 27th,5pm - Castrelo Cambados

For further information email: pdovalo@gmail.com


Heather Smith Concert, Birmingham – UK

Heather SmithAccordionist and festival organiser Heather Smith is the guest at the Birmingham Accordion Club, 131 Garrison St, Birmingham B9 4DE, on Tuesday May 22nd, doors open from 7pm. £3.50 entry includes tea, coffee and biscuits with additional beverages and snacks available at the bar.

Heather Smith, from Hull in Yorkshire, is a former British Accordion Champion, and achieved second place in the Junior CMA Trophee Mondiale. For many years she also played bothe electronic and theatre organs. Since 1997 she has been the editor of the magazine Accordion Profile, and has also organised accordion festivals in Caister, Seacroft, Mundesley, Pakefield, and Blackpool. Heather plays solo concerts on acoustic accordion,  and also in the Rhythm Section of the East Coast Swing Band playing the keyboard parts on her SEM digital accordion.

For further information email: enquiries@accordioncentre.com


Ærø Accordion Festival, Marstal – Denmark

Ærø Accordion FestivalThe 25th Ærø Accordion Festival, celebrating its Silver Jubilee, takes place in Marstal, Denmark’s busiest marina, from May 24th to 27th. Admission to the festival is free. There will be international soloists, orchestras and bands from Norway, Sweden, Germany, Russia and Denmark performing.

This year’s festival guests include Vladimir Ushakov (Russia) and Svetlana Stavitskya (Latvia), Sveriges Cultband (Sweden), Tunnbybälgarna under Börje Färm (Sweden), The Happy Skvett group (Norway), Strømmen Trekkspillsklub (Norway), Halden Trekkspillsklub (Norway), Kjell Harald Langhaug and Per Bredesen (Norway), Odd Arne Halaas and Reidar Dahle (Norway), Søren Brix (Denmark), Mogens Bækgaard (Denmark), and Kristian Rusbjerg (Denmark).

There will be scheduled music in three main venues: a new big-top tent for 400 people, in the hall of Marstal Yacht Club, and in the charming hall of the rowers that opens up towards the marina with the moon and stars above.

For further information email: info@harmonika-festival.dk


History of the Accordion Lecture, Saint Julien Les Villas – France

Poster History of the AccordionOn Thursday May 24th, 6.30pm, Jean Lefèvre and the accordionist and bandoneonist Fabien Packo will deliver an illustrated lecture with music about the history of the accordion. The lecture will take place at Maison du Patrimoine, Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Saint Julien Les Villas, a commune in the Aube department in north-central France.

The lecture will examine the accordion’s origins, from the early 19th Century right up to the present time. The talk will show how the accordion has adapted to international and national folk styles, classical, jazz, musette, and tango over the years.

There is no admission charge.


CT Tango Ensemble play for a Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa

On Saturday May 26th, 7.30pm-11pm, the CT Tango Ensemble performs tango social dancing known as Milonga at iKhaya Lodge, Dunkley Square, Cape Town, Western Cape. There is a free one hour tango beginner’s lesson at 7.30pm to learn some tango basics, followed by dancing.

The members of the CT Tango Ensemble are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Albert Combrink - piano.

Stanislav Angelov studied the accordion in his native Bulgaria, and received a degree in accordion in 1991, after which he taught at the ‘Constantine Preslavsky’ University, Shumen. In 1992 he moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where he performs, records and teaches.

For further information email: rachael@libertango.co.za


Philharmonika Festival Concert, Berlin – Germany

Poster, Philharmonika Festival Concert
The Philharmonika Festival concert, involving several international accordionists and the Streichorchester, conducted by Vladimir Zubitsky, takes place on Saturday May 26th, 6pm, in the Chamber Hall of the Berlin Philharmonie.

Accordionists performing include Grayson Masefield, Yuri Shishkin, Matthias Matzke, Anna Kryshtaleva, Alena Budzináková, Grzegorz Palus, Daniel Roth, and Marius Staible. The programme includes works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano, and other composers.

The Philharmonika Festival also includes concerts on May 24th in the music school Treptow-Köpenick, on May 27th in the Pyramid in Berlin Hellersdorf, and other smaller concerts in other venues. On May 27th Grayson Masefield will hold a master class for five to seven participants.

For further information email: fleischhauer@pantonale.com


Paolo Bertoli Dance Gigs List – Italy

Poster, Paolo Bertoli DanceAccordionist Paolo Bertoli and his orchestra have an extensive list of dancing gigs during June, as shown on the poster.

Paolo Bertoli, was born of Italian parents in 1974 in Wales, UK. He began playing the accordion at the age of seven, and later moved to Italy, where he formed a dance orchestra that performs in dance halls throughout of northern Italy. His orchestra has also played annually at a function in Paris, France, for several years.

For further information email: info@orchestraballolischio.com


Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

Poster, Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival
The annual Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place in Portree, Skye, from May 24th to 26th, featuring concerts and ceilidhs. The main events of the festival include:

Thursday May 24th, 7.30pm - Jennifer Cruickshank Band, Well Plaid, Royal Hotel, Portree
Friday May 25th, 7.30pm - Willie MacFarlane Band, Well Plaid, Royal Hotel, Portree
Saturday May 26th, 2pm - Martainn Skene Highland Dance Band, Well Plaid, Royal Hotel, Portree
Saturday May 26th, 8.30pm - Ceilidh dance in Skye Gathering Hall, Portree, with the Ian Hutson Scottish Dance Band

For further information email: info@skyemusic.co.uk


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert, 26 May, Takapuna - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta concert poster
Lionel ReekieThe next Auckland Accordion Symphonietta concert is on the 26th May, 7 pm at the Pumphouse Theatre in Takapuna. The Auckland Accordion Symphonietta is conducted by well know vocalist and accordionist Lionel Reekie (picture right).


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) - Switzerland

ZHdK logo
Mika VäyrynenMika Väyrynen site has been updated.

The Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) welcomes Mika Väyrynen as new accordion lecturer starting in the academic year 2018/19. Students are invited to apply now for studies at ZHdK for the upcoming academic year of studies. Potential students may see the state of the art facilities at https://www.zhdk.ch/en/dmu.

The Department of Music offers programs in the creation, teaching, and interpretation of classical music, jazz, pop, and church music. Two BA and four MA degree courses provide professional training for future orchestra and school musicians, orchestra and choir conductors, soloists and chamber musicians.

The application deadline is 31st of May 2018 with the examination date set for the 4th of June 2018 with additional information being found at : https://www.zhdk.ch/en/accordion-6494. For more information, questions and application details, please contact: barbara.portmann@zhdk.ch.


New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo above: "Il bosco incantato" premiere on 26th April performed by Marco Gemelli. This video does not include the intro of the work.

Renzo Ruggieri has released "Il bosco incantato" the first piece he has composed for free bass accordion.

Renzo writes: "I wrote the melody for a theatrical show by Marco Goldin - to whom the piece is dedicated - on the famous painter Edward Munch. In fact, the title recalls one of his paintings "The Enchanted Forest" of 1903. Then the simple melodic idea was reworked, arranged and used for "the guided solo", a moment that the soloist can freely interpret and personalize."

Available online, also view sample page, at catalog No: rrenzo517


Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

AAA header
Joan Grauman, AAA HistorianRita Barnea, Editor USA News: This is the 5th article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the 80th AAA Anniversary Celebration. An article is planned each month containing a segment of the history of the AAA, from its creation on March 9th, 1938 through to 2018. Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s

Thank you Joan Sommers, Liz Finch, Joe Cerrito, Mark Yacovone, Linda Soley Reed, Rita Barnea, Karen Malan-Uribe and Marilyn O’Neil for their contributions to this article!

Read the full article by Joan Grauman at: Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s


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