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‘Guardia Nueva’ Tango Gala, Berlin – Germany

Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra
Raimo VertainenThe Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra, from Ostrobothnia, Finland, perform in concert on Friday 6th June at the Chamber Music Hall, Berlin Philharmonic, for one concert only in Germany.

The highly accomplished Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra, Director Raimo Vertainen (picture left) has a repertoire that includes Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano, Gotan Project, and Finnish Tangos all specifically arranged for this orchestra.

The Tango Gala will be the first Finnish tango event ever performed at the Berlin Philharmonic.

The Guardia Nueva orchestra will be playing in their unique way, complementing the habanera rhythm with soft accordion sounds and tempting Scandinavian vocalists.

The performance will showcase the strong Finnish tango tradition, developed during more than 80 years. At times, half of the entries in the popular music charts in Finland have been occupied by tangos. The traditional themes of love and sorrow are complemented with the unique Scandinavian nature and landscape.

Finland also hosts the world's oldest tango festival, held annually to find the country's best tango singers, composers, and dancers.

Guardia Nueva is a success story from Ostrobothnia, a place known for brave emigrants traveling overseas. Its virtuosic interpretations of tango have entertained audiences as far away as Argentina and Turkey.

Guardia Nueva has refined the Finnish national tango pearls into international magnificence by playing their own arrangements. The repertoire of the orchestra also includes subtle versions of Argentinian tango and light music classics.
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