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Historic Invitation Creates New Musical Contacts, Pyongyang - North Korea

Prof. Choe HyokPictures:
1. Discussions with (left to right): Pyongyang Music University Director, Mirco Patarini, Kimmo Mattila and translator.
2. Trio of the university students, note Italian bass accordion.
3. Accordion Prof. Choe Hyok

Representatives of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) have recently been invited to visit North Korea to view accordion activities and musical education in that country.

The invitation was sent by the "North Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries" and myself as CIA Secretary General and CIA Music Committee President Mirco Patarini accepted this historic and interesting invitation in May.

During our visit, we met accordion Prof. Choe Hyok and his students at the Pyongyang Music University. A trio of the university students performed Korean music as well as international repertoire, like Piazzolla and Galliano.

We also visited the huge Mangyongdae Children’s Palace, where 140 groups practice music, dance, ballet, sports and other skills every day. We listened to an accordion lesson, where an 11-12 year old child practiced basic repertoire.

The students don’t need to buy their own instruments because everyone gets an instrument from the Children’s Palace, where they practice three hours each day.

We also saw top performances of many children’s musical groups, with the youngest players being only 4-5 years old. The level of musical education is very high and the children must practice very hard every day.

Mrs. Jong Un A and Mr. Hong were very friendly hosts and we had several meetings and good musical discussions with them. We strongly experienced, that music can very quickly create strong bridges and artistic cooperation between different countries and different cultures. This reminded me of the English saying "music is the universal language".

We also met several North Korean government organisations and authorities of the highest level, in order to establish international musical connections for future activities.

We thank our gracious hosts for their invitation and hospitality and I believe these meetings will lead to future international music contact and interaction.

Pictures below:
4. Visit to very large accordion factory and meeting with Directors.
5. Mrs Jong Un A and Mirco's birthday cake.
6. Accordion ensemble at the Childrens Palace.
7. Accordion lessons in Childrens Palace.
8. Small childrens school.
North Korea accordion
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