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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Jun-2019
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La 11ème édition de l’orchestre mondial d’accordéon, 18 août, Shenzhen - Chine
Concert de l’ensemble Piazzolla-Studio en Allemagne et Russie
Master Class AAA & série de concert, New York - USA
Deux autres reportages de la journée mondiale de l’accordéon – Italie / Espagne
Championnats et festival international australien d’accordéon 2019 - Australie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: South Pacific Accordion Championship Festival - New Zealand
Wow Folk Festival Castelfidardo - Italy
17th International Vivat, Bayan Competition - Russia
Site Update: Mike Middleton New "Badass Boots" - USA
Slow Session Tunes Book Released by Karen Tweed - UK

Future events

Black Pencil and Via Nova Ensembles Performance - Germany
Café Accordion Orchestra “Midnight in Paris” Show - USA
36th Danube Island Festival – Austria
Digital Accordion Workshop – USA
Rinceoil Rush Trad Fest - Ireland
Algarve Accordion Association International Accordion Competition - Portugal
"Victor Derenboim" Accordion Orchestra Concert - Cyprus

New and Updated Sites

Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA
Gary Daverne présente le nouveau CD "Koriana" - Nouvelle Zélande
Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Quodlibet - Austria
Site Updated: 2019 Coupe Mondiale CIA Delegate and Jury Online Registration - China
Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy
Daily Reports: 2019 Harmonika World Championships - Austria

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La 11ème édition de l’orchestre mondial d’accordéon, 18 août, Shenzhen - Chine

World Accordion Orchestra poster
Joan Sommers andLa confédération internationale des accordéonistes (CIA) présente la 11ème édition de son magnifique orchestre mondial d’accordéon qui fera partie intégrante du festival de la 72ième coupe mondiale à Shenzhen en Chine du 12 au 18 août 2019. Les chefs d’orchestre sont Joan C. Sommers (USA) et Chen Weiliang (China).

L’orchestre mondiale d’accordéon édition XI jouera trois morceaux.
- La marche triomphale d’ Aida de G. Verdi
- Carefree! The Yi People, une chanson traditionnelle folklorique chinoise Trad.
- Long live the Motherland! de Liu Chi et Qin Yongcheng

Les membres de l’orchestre seront des accordéonistes du monde entier dont de nombreux délégués du CIA, des membres du jury et des compétiteurs ainsi que des accordéonistes chinois.

Le concert de l’orchestre mondiale d’accordéon 11ième édition se tiendra le dimanche 18 août 2019.

C’est une opportunité unique pour les accordéonistes de s’inscrire pour jouer dans un grand orchestre international, durant la coupe mondiale, et de jouer sous la direction de chefs d’orchestre de renom comme Joan C. Sommers and Chen Weiliang.

Plus d’information et formulaires d’inscription à : "World Accordion Orchestra XI"

Photo ci dessous : l’orchestre mondial d’accordéon 9ième édition, en Italie.
Chen Weiliang (China)


Concert de l’ensemble Piazzolla-Studio en Allemagne et Russie

Munchen poster
Smolensk PosterLe 28 mai dernier au musée de l’Allemagne à Munich, a eu lieu le concert intitulé “Not only tango … “ avec le célèbre ensemble Piazzolla-studio (photo ci-dessus) sous la direction artistique de Friedrich Lips, « l’artiste du peuple russe ».

Au programme, des pièces d’Astor Piazzolla, mais aussi de by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Johannes Brahms et d’autres compositeurs.

Friedrich Lips est l’instigateur de cet ensemble “Piazzolla-Studio” dont le premier concert fut donné en septembre 1993 sur la scène du petit auditorium du conservatoire d’état de Moscou, le conservatoire P.J Tchaikovsky. Depuis ce groupe a tourné en Russie, au Japon, en Autriche, en Allemagne, au Kudistan, en Lettonie et Estonie.

Le concert “Not only tango …” fut une proposition de la direction musicale de l’association créative franco-russe. D’autres dates ont eu lieu le 2 juin à l’auditorium Tchaikovsky de Moscou et le 3 juin, à Smolensk, au 62ième festival de musique russe Glinka (photo ci-dessus à gauche).

Des albums CD ou mp3 de “Piazzolla-studio” sont disponibles en ligne
Catalog CD019 La Cumparsita
Catalog CD020 Buenos Dias, Astor!

Les membres du groupe sont:
Friedrich Lips – artiste du people russe, professeur à l’académie russe de musique, l’académie Gnessin (bayan)
Vladislav Igolinsky – artiste honoraire de Russie, professeur au conservtoire P.I. Tchaikovsky de Moscou (violon)
Kirill Rodin - artiste honoraire de Russie, lauréat du 1er prix de la compétition internationale PI Tchaikovsky (violoncelle)
Svyatoslav Lips - lauréate de divers compétitions internationales (piano)

Photos des membres de l’ensemble ci dessous
Piazzolla-Studio Ensemble


Master Class AAA & série de concert, New York - USA

AAA Masterclass 2019
William SchimmelMaster Class AAA 2019 & série de concerts
"That Means What!?"
William Schimmel, Modérateur and programmateur

26 27 et 28 juillet 2019
Lieu: The Tenri Cultural Institute
43A West 13th Street entre 5ième et 6ième Avenues

Télécharger le dépliant: 2019AAAMasterClass.pdf

Prix: Forfait de 3 jours, avec toutes les master classes, les ateliers et les concerts pour les 26,27,28 - $150
Forfait journée, Master Classes, ateliers et Concerts - $60 par jour
Forfait journalier Master Classes et Workshops - $30 par jour
Prix par concert - $35 par jour

Acheter vos tickets en ligne sur le site de la AAA, section store / events.


Deux autres reportages de la journée mondiale de l’accordéon – Italie / Espagne

World Accordion Day, Spain picture
World Accordion Day logoGlauco CeccarelliDeux reportages de la journée mondiale de l’ accordéon (World Accordion Day - WAD) ont été rajoutés au compte rendu de la WAD qui couvre 14 pays, à travers 16 vidéos, de nombreuses photos et posters. Voir ici : World Accordion Day

Ferran Martinez relate qu’à l’Université Cervera de Catalogne en Espagne, le 4 mai, on a célébré le Word Accordion Cervera, un projet créé par l’association des accordéons de Catalogne. Ce projet inclue 200 accordéonistes de la Catalogne, du pays basque, d’Aragon et d’Andorre. Photo ci desus.

D’Italie Glauco Ceccarelli raconte: “Il ‘ya quelques jours, j’ai créé un nouveau site pour la WAD “Fisarmonica – Abramo Ceccarelli e la sua musica “ (accordéon – Abramo Caccarelli et sa musique) pour promouvoir ses compositions et enregistrements.

Photo à droite d’Abramo Ceccarelli et photo ci-dessous de lui au festival TV de l’Adriatique (1961) avec l’orchestre du maestro Galassini.
Glauco Ceccarelli


Championnats et festival international australien d’accordéon 2019 - Australie

AATA banner
Tania Lukic-Marx, competitorSydney en Australie a été le théâtre d’une réelle variété de musique à l’accordéon avec les championnats et le festival annuels d’accordéon de l’association autralienne des professeurs d’accordéon (AATA), les 8 et 9 juin sous la présidence de Tania Lukic-Marx (photo en haut à gauche).

Les participants 2019 venaient de Pologne, Chine, Nouvelle Zélande, Slovénie mais aussi du cru ou d’autres états d’Australie.

La catégorie « junior virtuoso » pour les joueurs de 20 ans et moins, fut la catégorie phare avec le titre remporté par Jianan Wang et Zelda Mormul (Australie) respectivement âgés de 12 et 15 ans.
Le festival a aussi proposé une masterclass du joueur de calibre international Primoz Parovel (Slovenie) qui a récemment publié chez Sony Music un album de pièces de Scaralatti sur accordéon basse chromatique

Parmi les concerts, le clou fut le concert de remise des prix. Dans l’impressionnant auditorium du club Marconi se sont produits le toujours très populaire orchestre de Sydney de balalaika, l’ensemble d’accordéon « Le Southern cross » (qui rentre à peine du festival mondial DHV d’innsbruck), Gennady Savkov (Lituanie/Russie), Eduard Bronson et Lionel Reekie (Nouvelle Zélande).

Un panel de gagnants ont aussi donné une interprétation mémorable du morceau polonais “The modern trio” en fin des concert. Marzena Bernatowicz (chef d’orchestre, voix récitante, chant), Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak (accordéon) et Jakub Niedoborek (guitare) ont présenté un programme interressant allant du libertango d’Astor Piazzolla à la première d’une composition sur mesure de Volodymir Runchak qui s’intitulait "I had see the Lord ...".

L’année prochaine le festival se tiendra en août.

Photo ci-dessous : table des trophées 2019


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: South Pacific Accordion Championship Festival - New Zealand

Daily Reports South Pacific Accordion Championships
Video 1: Notable Soundz Sextet

Video 2: Grayson Masefield

Video 3: Grayson Masefield
Videos from the recent festival in New Zealand:
Video 1: Notable Soundz (New Zealand) left to right: Dan Robinson, Martin Meyer, Chanelle Carron, Brad Williams, Tamba Carleton, Ellie Archer performing the famous film soundtrack 'The Good, the Bad, the Ugly'.

Video 2: Grayson Masefield, 1st movement of Impasse composed by Franck Angelis
Available online, Catalog: ang556 - Impasse (Solo)
Video 3: Grayson Masefield performing Over the Rainbow arranged Joe Natoli.

The 2019 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival were held on June 1st and 2nd at the Raye Freedman Arts Centre in Auckland, and celebrated the “10th Anniversary of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale” which the NZAA hosted in Takapuna, New Zealand.

Daily Reports including results, photos and video are online at: 2019SouthPac


Wow Folk Festival Castelfidardo - Italy

Wow festival banner
PIF logoThe 3rd Wow Folk Festival was held in Castelfidardo from May 24th to 26th. The three-day event was described as a burst of energy that comes back to envelope the city with a diverse program of free music and events under the auspices of the PIF International Accordion Award.

Entertainers included the Ayom Quintet, a multicultural union of two projects: the energy of the Forró Miór - Alberto Becucci (accordion), Pedro Bastos (guitars), Timoteo Grignani (percussion) and Walter Martins (triangle and percussion) plus the Afro-Brazilian singer Jabu Morales. Their music included Brazilian sounds with African rhythms and Mediterranean melodic influence.

The following day was dedicated to Argentine music in conjunction with the national holiday “El dia della patria”. Tango group Orquesta Tipica Juan D’Arienzo (picture below) provided entertainment at this event which was also broadcast in Argentina.
Orquesta Tipica Juan D’Arienzo


17th International Vivat, Bayan Competition - Russia

Sergei Voytenko
The 17th International Vivat, Bayan Competition was held in Samara, Russia from May 13th to 17th. This year's qualifying rounds were organized in five Russian regions, and the competition in Samara included over 200 participants. Next year organizers plan to expand the geography of the competition to increase the number of qualifying rounds and hold them in eight federal districts.

"Vivat, Bayan!" has grown from a regional competition and festival to an international one, with an increasing number of participants, cities and countries that they represent, as well as the level of performance, said the competition's artistic director, Sergei Voytenko (picture above). "We bring new trends and details to the organization every year, so the project is not standing still, and we are ready to go to the regions."

Competition Director, Alexey Khromov noted the high level of performance from this year’s participants as 6 winners were awarded certificates of recommendation to represent Russia in the "World Cup" or "World Trophy" competitions.

Junior Classics: 1st - Mikhail Khlebnov (Novosibirsk)
Senor Classics: 1st equal - Rafael Sapukov (Russian Academy of Music) and Alexander Matveychuk (St. Petersburg Conservatory of Art)

For further information and results see Russia News
competiton trophies


Site Update: Mike Middleton New "Badass Boots" - USA

Mike Middleton
Accordion Site Updated: Future 2019 performances of Texas based entertainer Mike Middleton are listed as well as a picture of Mike performing for World Accordion Day, 6th May at The World of Accordions Museum.

The picture above and to the right shows these specially made "Badass Boots" with the accordion and music graphics prominently displayed.

They look great Mike!


Slow Session Tunes Book Released by Karen Tweed - UK

Slow Session Tunes Book
Accordionist Karen Tweed has just released her new book entitled “Slow Session Tunes Book” which comes with a free CD. Karen performs the tunes in the book at The Reel, Kirkwall, Orkney on alternate Mondays to help enable any inexperienced musicians to join in with sessions.

The CD contains each tune played slowly once. Tunes are notated in the book which includes background notes, simple accompaniment chords for accordion, piano or guitar plus a pull out page containing all the guitar chord tabs. Tunes are from Orkney, Ireland, England, Scotland and Scandinavia.

The book is compiled by Karen Tweed and edited by Karen and Hazel Wrigley. The artwork is also completed by Karen.

For further information email: karenstweed27@gmail.com


Future events

Black Pencil and Via Nova Ensembles Performance - Germany

Black Pencil ensemble
The Black Pencil ensemble (which includes accordionist Marko Kassl) joined with the Ensemble Via Nova to present a concert at the Kunsthalle in Erfurt, Germany on May 31st.

Both ensembles presented their own repertoire as well as the premiere of a joint work by Moritz Eggerts entitled "Hierarchy ".

Black Pencil also played two other world premieres - "Baldwin Close Ups " by Martijn Paddings and "Colour Consort” by Klas Torstenssons.

The ensemble’s next concerts will be at the Musiktheatre im Revier, Kennedyplatz, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen on June 16th and 21st. Their program is entitled “A Midsummer Night's Dream”.

For details email Marko Kassl: mailto:info@marko-kassl.de


Café Accordion Orchestra “Midnight in Paris” Show - USA

CAODan Newton's Café Accordion Orchestra (CAO) will entertain at Crooners in Minneapolis on June 18th at 7.30pm. The show is entitled “Midnight in Paris” and will feature music from Edith Piaf, Django Reinhardt, Serge Gainsbourg, Sidney Bechet and other Parisian stars.

This concert has cabaret seating and a full dinner menu in a listening environment. There is limited seating and the last show was a sell-out.

For bookings or further details phone: 763-760-0062


36th Danube Island Festival – Austria

Danube Island festival
Martyn JaquesOver 3 million visitors are expected to attend the 36th Danube Island Festival which will be held from June 21st to 23rd in Vienna Austria. The event will include 1,500 artists on 13 stages providing 600 hours of music throughout the festival with a variety of genres such as rock, pop, alternative, indie, punk, hip hop, oldies, electro, German-language pop, folk music, cabaret and readings.

There will also be a cabaret, sport and children's programs, plus a “Rock the Island Contest” which will offer rising stars and new talents the opportunity to perform. This is a great opportunity for accordionists to entertain the crowd.

Entertainment will be provided by The Tiger Lillies (which includes Martyn Jaques on accordion - picture left) along with international stars and Austrian greats who will set the mood at one of Europe's largest open-air events.

Further information is available on Social Media sites.


Digital Accordion Workshop – USA

Richard NoelA Digital Accordion Workshop with Richard Noel will be held at Petosa Accordions, Lynnwood, WA 98036 on Tuesday afternoon June 18th.

The workshop will cover “The Amazing Versatility of the Bugari and Roland Digital Accordions”. Participants will receive tuition and advice on sets and user programs, the selection of sounds, and creating your own user programs.

The more you understand about the instrument the more you can take advantage of its incredible capabilities. Richard Noel will answer questions and demonstrate how he uses the digital accordion to play a wide variety of music with the goal of maximizing audience enjoyment.

For details email: petosa@petosa.com


Rinceoil Rush Trad Fest - Ireland

Karen TweedAccordionist Karen Tweed will perform at the Rinceoil Rush Trad Fest held on June 21st and 22nd in the seaside town of Rush, Fingal, Ireland. The festival is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and will include a variety of concerts, workshops, sessions, craic and storytelling.

For tickets and information phone: +353 (0) 86 1679218 ot email Karen Tweed: karenstweed27@gmail.com


Algarve Accordion Association International Accordion Competition - Portugal

Algarve Poster
The Algarve Accordion Association will hold their International Accordion Competition on July 5th and 6th in Olhos de Água, Albufeira, Algarve.

The event will include solo, duo, trio, quartet, orchestra and chamber music categories which will be open to international candidates in a variety of age groups.

First prize winners will receive a special trophy and all candidates will receive diplomas and medals. During the event Portuguese selections will be made for the CMA 69th World Accordion Trophy Loulé 2019.

The event will begin with an opening ceremony on July 5th at the Church of Centro Paroquial Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Olhos de Água with entertainment by the Algarve Accordion Orchestra and Gonçalo Pescada.

The competition will begin on July 6th at Edifício Olhos de Água finishing with a winners ceremony and concert at the Church of Centro Paroquial Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Olhos de Água.

The deadline for entries is: June 28th, 2019.

For further information email: associacaoacordeao.algarve@gmail.com

Click here for competition Rules and application form: 2019AlgarveRules.pdf


"Victor Derenboim" Accordion Orchestra Concert - Cyprus

Victor Derenboim Accordion Orchestra
The "Victor Derenboim" Accordion Orchestra will travel from Israel to perform a free concert at the Jewish Museum of Cyprus Seafront Stage in Larnaca on July 8th at 8pm.

Israeli singer, Mike Brant will join the orchestra for this performance. Brant was born in Cyprus and his parents were holocaust survivors. He went on to become an international singing sensation with hits such as "Qui saura" (Who Knows).

The "Victor Derenboim" Accordion Orchestra play a mix of well-known and popular works in various genres and styles.

For further information phone: +357 24 668753


New and Updated Sites

Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration poster
The detailed schedule has been released for the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) which will take place from June 20th to 23rd in Leavenworth, Washington sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. Download: 2019Leavenworth.pdf

This is a celebration of the accordion’s versatility and its presence in many cultures. Accordion music is what this event is all about!

For further information view the website at: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC)


Gary Daverne présente le nouveau CD "Koriana" - Nouvelle Zélande

Koriana CD/Album header
Video 1:

Video 2:
Gary DaverneKoriana CD CoverCompositeur, arrangeur et chef d'orchestre de renom, Gary Daverne a publié son nouveau catalogue de CD / albums: nzom005 intitulé «Koriana New Zealand Accordion Music».

Vidéo 1 ci-dessus: La première piste de l'album Koriana est «2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra». Le soliste Grayson Masefield se produit avec le North Shore Accordion Ensemble dirigé par Lionel Reekie.

Vidéo 2 ci-dessus: La piste 11 de l'album Koriana est 'A Musical Party', la soliste de Stephanie Poole avec l'Auckland Symphony Orchestra dirigée par Gary Daverne.

Il y a 15 morceaux de compositions de Daverne de styles différents. Solo, duo, trio, accordéon solo uniquement avec orchestre symphonique et orchestre accordéon.

Les interprètes comprennent des musiciens de renommée internationale: Grayson Masefield, Kevin Friedrich, Lionel Reekie, Trio international (États-Unis), Stephanie Poole, Eddie Giffney et des orchestres: École de musique d'accordéon 'Risto Saviv' (Slovénie), Orchestre symphonique d'Auckland, III ».

Le CD est disponible en ligne et l'album est disponible au format mp3 pour seulement 9 €. Toutes les informations sur l’album et les artistes sur: Catalogue: nzom005 Koriana CD / Album


Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Quodlibet - Austria

Quodlibet header
Quodlibet CDUpdated information about Catalog CD029 Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips.

Updated biography at: Lips Biography


Site Updated: 2019 Coupe Mondiale CIA Delegate and Jury Online Registration - China

2009 Coupe Mondiale header
The Coupe Mondiale site has opened the Delegate and Jury online registration at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2019/cn_delegates.html
Coupe Mondiale Prize Money


Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy

Song for S.B. coverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri has released Song For S.B. for accordion & orchestra or accordion & string orchestra.

Catalog: rrenzo500 - Song for S.B. was composed in 2002 and published in 2003 as a compulsory piece for the jazz section of the international competition "Stefano Bizzarri" of Morro D'Oro (Italy).

The central “only accordion” indication invites the soloist to improvise on the structure of the first theme -B- (by the same author, there is a version for solo accordion that includes a usable transcribed solo).

rrenzo500 - This massive musical digital pdf booklet of 55 pages includes the score and all parts for:

1. accordion & orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon, Horn in F
and Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)
2. accordion & string orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion & Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)

Catalog: rrenzo501 - Song for S.B. (solo) was released much earlier and is recorded on
Renzo Ruggieri Collection Album Catalog: rruggieri07


Daily Reports: 2019 Harmonika World Championships - Austria

Harmonika Festival
Daily Reports: The 2019 Harmonika World Championships will be held at St. Peter-Freienstein, Steiermark (Styria), Austria from May 30th to June 2nd organised by Gottfried Hubmann (picture right).

Holda Paoletti-Kampl attended and has made a full report of the event at: 2019Harmonika


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