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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Dec-2014
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Vidéo: XXVIéme festival international “Bayan and Bayanists” - Russie
Marko Sevarlic (Serbie) remporte le 22ème concours "Arrasate Hiria" 2014 - Espagne
Linda Soley Reed quitte la présidence de l’AAA après 10 ans - USA
Vème concours international et VIéme Festival International 'Accordion Plus' - Russie
13ème Accordéon-Musique-Festival Akkordeon-Musik-Festival (AMF), 4-7 juin 2015, Bruschal - Allemagne

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Solo and Ensemble Music Released by Renzo Ruggieri - Italy
Master Class Sergei Tchirkov, 12-13 janvier 2015
Video: Sandrine Tarayre, Atmosphere Accordion - France
Grammy Nomination for New York based accordionist Victor Prieto - USA
Video: Mika Väyrynen Performing The sound of Ice - Lithuania
Christmas Street Party, Hal-Balzan - Malta
Video: Pawel Janas Performing - Poland
Accordions @ The Lowry, Manchester – UK
Video: Trio Akilamin, Au Bonheur de Nacre - France

Future events

Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic
Marco Lo Russo & Anna Luana Tallarita Concert, Sermoneta - Italy
Milos Milivojevic Concerts, London, Scotland – UK
‘Duo insolito’ Concert, Trieste - Italy
Mazaika Dance Party, London - UK
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs ‘The Four Seasons’, Middelburg - Netherlands
Christmas Songs & Tunes @ The Dulcimer, Manchester – UK
Acoustic Concert, Istanbul – Turkey
Giuseppe Mancini Concert, Sardinia – Italy
Conservatory Students’ Concert, Nocera Terinese – Italy

New and Updated Sites

New Site: 'Accordions by De Vincenzo', Miami - USA
Updated Website: Chapter 14 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)
New and Updated Site for Grayson Masefield - Switzerland

CD Reviews

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

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Rob HowardNoël approche et avec lui la question annuelle du choix des cadeaux pour soi-même et ses proches. Bonne nouvelle, si l’on jette un oeil dans les pages d’Accordions Worldwide, le problème de la recherche des cadeaux de Noël n’en est plus un.

Accordions Worldwide propose une large gamme de cadeaux possibles, tels que des livres sur le musique, des partitions, des CDs, DVDs, des instruments, etc. Pensez SVP à soutenir nos annonceurs dont les produits de qualité feront plaisir à la plupart des fans d’accordéon.


Vidéo: XXVIéme festival international “Bayan and Bayanists” - Russie

Video 1: Thursday 11th December, Concert Gnesin Hall:
Video 2: Friday 12th December, Concert Gnesin Hall:
Video 3 Saturday 13th December Concert, Gnesin Hall: Video 4 Sunday 14th December, Concert Gnesin Hall:
Bayan and Bayanists logoVidéo du XXVIéme festival international “Bayan and Bayanists” qui se déroule actuellement à Moscou. D’autres vidéos très bientôt.

Programme de langue russe (48 pages) télécharger: 2014moscow.pdf


Marko Sevarlic (Serbie) remporte le 22ème concours "Arrasate Hiria" 2014 - Espagne

Program CoverMarko Sevarlic (Serbia)Le 22ème concours international d’accordéon solo "Arrasate Hiria" s’est déroulé du 5 au 7 décembre à Arrasate - Mondragón, Province de Gipuzkoa, pays basque, Espagne.

1er: Marko Sevarlic (Serbie, photo de droite) 3,600 € et une série de concerts en 2015
2nd : Maria Zubimendi (Pays Basque) 1,800 €
3ème : Olga Morral (Espagne) 900 €

En même temps que le concours international, sont organisés de nombreuses classes nationales et un festival avec environ 350 accordéonistes de 11 pays qui se produisent sur deux scènes pour cet évènement organisé par Hauspoz (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea), la municipalité d’Arrasate et le Conseil Régional de Gipuzkoa. Le gagnant 20013, Hanzhi Wang (Chine) a donné 6 concerts.

Le jury comprenait de célébres artistes et professeurs : Friedrich Lips (Russie), Iñaki Alberdi (Espagne), Geir Dragsvoll (Norvège), Stefan Hussong (Allemagne).

Téléchargez le programme de 56 pages ici : 2014AHiria.pdf

Photo ci-dessous, de gauche à droite, les candidats de la catégorie internationale :
Iwo Jedynecki (Pologne), Patryk Sztabinski (Pologne), Maria Zubimendi (Pays Basque), Marko Sevarlic (Serbie), Olga Morral (Espagne), Samgar (Kazakstan), Guan Lei (Chine), Helena Sousa (Espagne), Stefanie Mirwald (Allemagne).
Competitors XXII


Linda Soley Reed quitte la présidence de l’AAA après 10 ans - USA

Linda Soley Reed, Mary TokarskiLinda Soley Reed, Mary TokarskiLe 9 décembre 2014, l’ American Accordionists' Association (AAA) a remercié sa présidente pour ses années de dévouement de 2004 à 2014.

Durant sa présidence, l’AAA a soutenu des festivals annuels, des concerts, des concours, séminaires et autre évènements. Parmi les nombreux temps forts de sa présidence, l’AAA a accueilli avec l’ATG la Coupe Mondiale 2007 à Washington.

De part de l’AAA, Mary Tokarski a présenté Linda Soley Reed avec un cadeau spécial : chacun des membres du bureau a lu son hommage personnel qui sera compilé en un livre. Linda s’est montrée très émue de ses hommages.

La nouvelle présidente de l’AAA Mary Tokarski a déclaré à l’assemblée :
“Quel honneur que d’être choisie pour servir comme présidente d’une prestigieuse organisation comme l’ American Accordionists’ Association. Je suis si heureuse d’avoir l’opportunité de servir nos membres et de promouvoir notre instrument adoré pour les deux prochaines années ».

Le nouveau bureau se compose de :
Mary Tokarski - Présidente
Linda Reed - PremièreVice Présidente
Joe Ciccone - Second Vice Président
Frank Busso - Trésorier
Bob McMahan - Secrétaire

Pour plus d’information, voir le site web : AAA ou email à : ameraccord1938@gmail.com


Vème concours international et VIéme Festival International 'Accordion Plus' - Russie

The International Music Center Harmony logoDu 26 au 30 mars 2015 se tiendra le Vème concours international et le VIéme Festival International 'Accordion Plus'. Cet évènement est organisé par le service Culture de Rostov-sur-le-Don et le centre international de musique "Harmony".

Le concours propose des catégories soliste d’enfant à adulte en classique, variété, folk (diatonique) et numérique. Il y a plusieurs catégories pour ensembles, d’enfant à sans limite d’âge.

Les concerts du festival auront lieu dans la plus grande salle de concert de Rostov. Un grand nombre d’accordéonistes célèbres se produira, accompagné par le Rostov Symphony Orchestra, des orchestres folk et jazz bands.

Téléchargez règlement et modalités (en Russe et anglais) à : 2015Rostov

Clôture des inscriptions le 15 février, par email à info@accordionplus.ru ou sur le site : 'Accordion Plus'


13ème Accordéon-Musique-Festival Akkordeon-Musik-Festival (AMF), 4-7 juin 2015, Bruschal - Allemagne

13. Akkordeon-Musik-Festival (AMF) brochurePour le 13ème “anniversaire”, l’organisateur d’évènements DHV a donné au Deutscher-Akkordeon-Musikpreis (DAM) un nouveau nom, 13. Akkordeon-Musik-Festival (AMF), et celui-ci se tiendra à Bruschal du 7 au 7 juin 2015.

Comme les années précédentes, le concours se divise en 2 phases : des sélections déterminent les participants au concours final. Pour se qualifier pour Bruchsal, il faut atteindre 31 points ou plus. Les accordéonistes et musiciens professionnels sont également invités à participer.

Parmi les équipements de Bruchsal, le grand palais baroque restauré et le centre communal moderne avec son hall magnifique qui impressionne chacun.

Télécharger la brochure et le formulaire d’inscription de l’ Akkordeon-Musik-Festival (AMF) à : 2015AMF


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Solo and Ensemble Music Released by Renzo Ruggieri - Italy

Andrea Di GiacomoThe video above is Andrea Di Giacomo performing the solo Roma Tango.

Renzo Ruggieri releases two eSheet compositions (sent to you by email).

Catalog: rrenzo506 Cinema is for electronic accordion (4 parts) and drums.

Catalog: rrenzo505 Roma Tango (solo)

Composer Renzo Ruggieri writes: "The composition is for solo accordion, standard bass and very suitable for use in international virtuoso entertainment competitions, where this work has already been performed with very successful results."

Andrea Di Giacomo has used Roma Tango in his competition program and won 1st at the prestigious Castelfidardo Entertainment category, 1st place at the Trophee Mondial in Lithuania, and 3rd place at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg, Austria.

Earlier in the year, Andrea won first prize in the national selections for the CMA and CIA Italian qualifications and performed a concert at the Conservatory of Joensuu, Finland. Andrea who studies modern accordion with Renzo Ruggieri is currently preparing for his first recording in the Spring.

Other music and recordings available online at: Renzo Ruggieri


Master Class Sergei Tchirkov, 12-13 janvier 2015

Video: Excerpts from Helmut Oehring: Gestopfte Leere, live in der Klangbrücke Aachen, Altes Kurhaus, 28.Januar 2013

La venue de ce musicien d'exception sera l'occasion pour les étudiants et les professionnels de bénéficier de ses conseils et de sa large expérience du répertoire contemporain, des modes de jeu et de l'énergie scénique dont un interprète a besoin sur scène.

Ayant travaillé avec les plus grands ensembles, des compositeurs de renommée internationale et donné en création plus d'une centaine de pièces, l'accordéoniste Sergej Tchirkov viendra à Genève en janvier et au mois de mai 2015 pour travailler avec l'Ensemble Batida.

Cette collaboration trouvera un aboutissement lors de la création d'un programme "PIANO/SAC A DOS" le 11 mai 2015 à l'ABRi (nouvelle salle à Genève) et au Festival ReMusik de Saint-Pétersbourg les 26 et 28 mai 2015.


Video: Sandrine Tarayre, Atmosphere Accordion - France

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 1: Sandrine Tarayre performs Viva Olazabal; from the show Atmosphere Accordion No. 10 at: http://www.ambianceaccordeon.com Published: 1 November 2013

Video 2: Sandrine Tarayre performs Tonic musette from the show Atmosphere Accordion No. 5 at: http://www.ambianceaccordeon.com Published 24 September 2013


Grammy Nomination for New York based accordionist Victor Prieto - USA

Victor PrietoVictor Prieto shares: "I am so glad to be part of the 2014 Grammy Nomination for the Best Latin Jazz album for "Second Half". Emilio Solla y La Inestable de Brooklyn, killing composer - director. The band members are just artisans of the music, and unique players.

This is the second time I am involved with a Grammy nominated album. In 2010 I was a part of the Grammy Winning album "Songs of Joy and Peace" Yo-Yo Ma - Cristina Pato. (Sony BMG)... ..It is just great!!!"


Video: Mika Väyrynen Performing The sound of Ice - Lithuania

Published on Dec 7, 2014, Mika Väyrynen Performing The sound of Ice by Pasi Lyytikäinen (Finland) at the 2014 Akordeono Festivalis.


Christmas Street Party, Hal-Balzan - Malta

Santa Maria Accordion Band
The first ever Christmas Street Party with an accordion band in Malta took place last week. The Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Busutill Cassar) entertained all and sundry in l-Gherusija Street in the 16th Century medieval town of Hal-Balzan in the central part of Malta.

The event was organized by the residents committee, and every resident family participated in this event, and all prepared the home made food, sweets, cakes, chaud hot wine, drinks, pastries etc. All the street lighting decorations, and crib paintings and the tent for the band were made and provided free of charge by voluntary painting artists, and street lighting technicians gave their services voluntarily.

The Mayor and all council members of the Hal-Balzan Local Council should be thanked for their help and all the logistical support for the traffic management, and all the free electricity consumption of street lighting for the whole month of December.

Marthese Busutill Cassar, Joseph P. Grima, and all band members send our thanks for all the articles on AWW and wish you and all at Accordions Worldwide a happy squeeze accordion Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


Video: Pawel Janas Performing - Poland

A recent performance by Pawel Janas in Poland.


Accordions @ The Lowry, Manchester – UK

Stockport Accordion Club at The Lowry
Stockport Accordion Club members Leo Hickey, Josie McFarlane, Rob Howard, Brennan Wilson and Dorothy Brincat braved freezing cold temperatures to perform carols and seasonal tunes outside at the annual Lowry Christmas Fair on Saturday December 5th. There were large crowds throughout the day, and the accordionists’ cheery music resulted in lots of cash collected in aid of The Christie, the world famous cancer treatment hospital in Manchester.

The Lowry is a large and popular shopping mall and theatre complex, close to Manchester United FC and the Imperial War Museum North.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Video: Trio Akilamin, Au Bonheur de Nacre - France

Trio Akilamin and Kevin Lacombe featured, on the excellent accordion TV program Au Bonheur de Nacre, presenter Pascal Savard, LMtv Sarthe, April 2014.


Future events

Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierIrish accordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday December 12th - Napper Tandys, Stradbally, County Laois
Saturday December 13th - Ballingarry GAA Centre, County Offaly
Sunday December 14th – afternoon, Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow, County Laois
Sunday December 14th – evening, Ballyglass House Hotel Co.Tipperary
Wednesday May 28th – Castle Arms, Durrow, County Laois

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


Marco Lo Russo & Anna Luana Tallarita Concert, Sermoneta - Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo performs in concert with the vocalist Anna Luana Tallarita on Saturday December 13th, 6pm, in the splendid setting of the church San Michele Arcangelo, Sermoneta. The concert will be a set of world music, tango, jazz and soundtracks, in practice, a fantastic journey through improvised music.

The concert is part of ‘Inferences D'Arte’, a series of Christmas cultural events in Sermoneta, which continues until January 24th.

For further information email: dina@marcolorusso.com


Milos Milivojevic Concerts, London, Scotland – UK

Milos MilivojevicLondon-based accordionist Milos Milivojevic performs this month, as follows:

December 12th, 5pm and 9.30pm – ‘Danny Elfman's Music from the Films of Tim Burton’ concert, with the London light Orchestra, Royal Albert Hall, London
December 13th, 7.30pm – Kosmos tour with violinists Harriet Mackenzie and Meg Rosaleen Hamilton, Linlithgow Academy, Braehead Road, Linlithgow, West Lothian EH49 6EH, Scotland
December 14th, 7.30pm – Kosmos, New Deer Public Hall, Church Crescent, New Deer AB53 6WD
December 15th, 7.30pm – Kosmos, Tin Hut, Gartly, Aberdeenshire

Serbian born accordionist Milos Milivojevic is a first prizewinner at International Competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark. In July 2007 he became the first accordionist to win the RAM Club Prize at the Royal Academy of Music, where he studied with Professor Owen Murray. Milos has performed at such prestigious venues as the Wigmore Hall, St Martin in the Fields, National Portrait Gallery, Keble College Oxford, and has performed at the Foundation Day awards ceremony in front of HRH The Princess Royal. Appearances at festivals include Aldeburgh, Cheltenham, Chichester, Swaledale, and the Oxford Chamber Music Festival.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


‘Duo insolito’ Concert, Trieste - Italy

Duo insolito
The ‘Duo insolito’ - Ghenadie Rotari (accordion) and Valentina Vargiu (piano) – perform in concert on Sunday December 14th, 4.30pm, at Sala Rovis, via Valdirivo 11, Trieste.

Ghenadie Rotari, from Moldova, studied at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, where he is now based. Ghenadie formed the ‘Duo insolito’ pianist Valentina Vargiu, and they have performed for various concert series in Italy. The duo participated in international music competitions winning awards, such as the second prize at the “Strumenti&Musica” international competition in Spoleto, the second prize at the “Svirel” international music competition in Stanjel (Slovenia) and, at the same competition, the duo was awarded a special prize assigned to the “most promising chamber ensemble” consisting in a recital for the Amici della Musica of Capodistria association to be held in their 2014-2015 concert series.

For further information email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Mazaika Dance Party, London - UK

duo MazaikaMazaika perform Russian folk, gypsy, cossack, tango and popular music on Tuesday December 16th, 7.30 until 11pm, at Tito’s Peruvian Restaurant, 4-6 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG.

Come to listen, dance and socialize. There'll be an introduction to Russian gypsy dance by Saeeda at the beginning of the evening.

The duo Mazaika are Igor Outkine – accordion, vocals, and Elizabeth Harrison – violin.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs ‘The Four Seasons’, Middelburg - Netherlands

Nihad HrustanbegovicDutch-based Bosnian accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic performs ‘The Four Seaons’, by Vivaldi, in the Concert Hall, Middelburg, on Tuesday December 16th, 8pm.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic is currently doing a national concert tour of ‘The Four Seasons’, and has recently recorded ‘The Four Seasons’ for Zefir Records. Other pieces for the CD include ‘Adagio’ - Albinoni, ‘Air’ & ‘Badinerie’ - J.S. Bach, and ‘Canon’ - Pachebel.

In 2015 there are similar concerts forthcoming in Brussels, Paris, Vienna, and Istanbul.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Christmas Songs & Tunes @ The Dulcimer, Manchester – UK

‘Christmas Songs & Tunes’, organised by The Beech Band, takes place on Tuesday December 16th, 8pm, at The Dulcimer, Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, Manchester. Come and enjoy an evening of Christmas songs and tunes mostly but not exclusively traditional. Song books provided. Bring your instruments.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Acoustic Concert, Istanbul – Turkey

Iberya Özkan Akordeon AtölyesiOn Sunday December 21st, 8.30pm, Aydin Çiracioglu - accordion, guitar, Asli Kurt - vocals, and Bobby Damore - bouzouki, vocals, perform an acoustic concert at the Cafer Aga Mh. Moda Cd, Agabey Sk. No: 12, A Kadiköy, Istanbul.

The concert is organized by Iberya Özkan Akordeon Atölyesi, the Turkish accordion organization.

For further information email: gurcusanatevi@yahoo.com


Giuseppe Mancini Concert, Sardinia – Italy

On Friday December 19th, 8pm, accordionist Giuseppe Mancini performs music from the 1960s to the present day at the Hotel Airone, Sardinia. The evening, a Christmas event, includes a buffet.


Conservatory Students’ Concert, Nocera Terinese – Italy

Antonio SpaccarotellaOn Monday December 22nd, 8.30pm, the accordion students of Antonio Spaccarotella at the Conservatorio di Musica P.I. Tchaikovsky in Nocera Terinese (CZ) present an end of term concert of music with a program that ranges from baroque to contemporary jazz. Free admission.


New and Updated Sites

New Site: 'Accordions by De Vincenzo', Miami - USA

Pablo De VincenzoNew website for Accordions by De Vincenzo, High Class Italian Scandalli Accordions & Musical Entertainment!

Accordions by De Vincenzo offer the brand new Scandalli Accordion of your dreams, pre owned instruments, accordion repairs and tuning or Live Music Entertainment.

Owner & Founder is Pablo De Vincenzo, picture left.


Updated Website: Chapter 14 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPThe latest chapter is titled: "The Great Imposters: Back Pain From Other Sources".

This exciting eBook by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are:

Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder
Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You
Chapter 6 - The Elbow
Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered
Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited
Chapter 9 - Wrist and Fingers
Chapter 10 - Caring for our Ten Precious Digits
Chapter 11 - Low Back Pain
Chapter 12 - So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?
Chapter 13 - Back Pain, The More Serious Symptoms
Chapter 14 - The Great Imposters: Back Pain From Other Sources

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 14 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


New and Updated Site for Grayson Masefield - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldThe website of Grayson Masefield has been updated to have page of videos which are in three main segments. Concert Original Works, Transcriptions and Entertainment. View videos at: MasefieldVideo


CD Reviews

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul ChamberlainCD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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