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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-Dec-2014
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XXVI International Moscow Festival “Bayan and Bayanists” - Russia
16ème Convention Internationale d’Accordéon de Las Vegas - USA
Jörgen Sundeqvist interprète le concerto 'The Accordion King' - Suède
Hautes études d’accordéon, Evora – Portugal
Spécial Noël : port offert pour les ouvrages de Charnwood Publishing
8ème concours international de l’AIC , Reinach AG - Suisse
Port gratuit, super promo sur les livres en cadeau de Noël,

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Bandoneon Bonanza of Simone Marini and Filippo Arlia - New Zealand
New CD ‘Tom Alexander’s Christmas’, Scotland – UK
Thief Steals Musician Jose Martinez Livelihood, South Houston - USA
Video: Auf Zug und Druck, Coupe Mondiale Opening Concert - Austria
Chapter 14 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)
Video: Hutsul Mosaic for Folk Ensemble, Odessa - Ukraine
Stephanie Poole Tango Argentina Concert, Auckland - New Zealand
Video: Marta Cubas Hondal (11 years) Competing - Italy
Harry Hussey @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK
‘14 Years Ago’: Leroy Anderson TV Documentary in December 2000

Future events

Camille Privat Concerts, Rennes – France
Jane Christison’s ‘Music With A Smile’, Kansas City – USA
Murl Allen Sanders Concerts, Seattle – USA
Ludo Mariën Concert with Brussels Philharmonic, Mol – Belgium
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Concerts by Nuevo Tango Ensemble (Italy) in South Korea and Taiwan
AKONIMA ‘Rocking All Over The World’ Show, Baden-Wurttemberg – Germany
London Accordion Orchestra ‘Winter Concert’, London – UK
2nd Festival d’accordeon, Beloeil – Belgium
Brooklyn Accordion Club Jazz workshop with Rob Reich, New York - USA
Jerome Richard Concert, Cestas – France
Chapter House Ensemble Concert, Edinburgh – UK
40th PIF Castelfidardo International Competition - Italy

New and Updated Sites

New Site: 'Accordions by De Vincenzo', Miami - USA
New and Updated Site for Grayson Masefield - Switzerland
New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

CD Reviews

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

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Rob HowardNoël approche et avec lui la question annuelle du choix des cadeaux pour soi-même et ses proches. Bonne nouvelle, si l’on jette un oeil dans les pages d’Accordions Worldwide, le problème de la recherche des cadeaux de Noël n’en est plus un.

Accordions Worldwide propose une large gamme de cadeaux possibles, tels que des livres sur le musique, des partitions, des CDs, DVDs, des instruments, etc. Pensez SVP à soutenir nos annonceurs dont les produits de qualité feront plaisir à la plupart des fans d’accordéon.


XXVI International Moscow Festival “Bayan and Bayanists” - Russia

Video from the XXVI International Moscow Festival “Bayan and Bayanists” now in progress in Moscow. This is video of the Thursday 11th December Concert Hall of RAM, Gnessin, Moscow, Russia.


16ème Convention Internationale d’Accordéon de Las Vegas - USA

16th Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention.
Grayson MasefieldFêtez les étoiles – Célébration du solstice d’été – Un cadeau offert.

La 16éme Convention internationale d’accordéon de Las vegas se tiendra du 22 au 25 juin 2015. Cette année nous célébrons le retour d’un évènement estival à travers le thème du « Solstice d’été » et une pléiade presque totalement nouvelle de stars de l’accordéon.

Les double vainqueurs des Grammy Awards, Riders in the Sky (Nashville TN), sont prévus pour l’ouverture, le lundi soir 22 juin.

Grayson Masefield (Zurich, Suisse, photo de droite), cinq fois champion du monde se produira mardi soir. Voir la vidéo à : MasefieldVideo.

Prévue aussi pour mardi soir, Mary Tokarski (Northford, CT), notre présidente d’honneur 2015.
Le célèbre groupe EUROPA (Orlando, FL) jouera mercredi soir et le légendaire Joey Miskulin fera une apparition.

Jeudi soir sera fêté la huitième session du Las Vegas International Accordion Orchestra sous la direction de la tant aimée Joan Cochran Sommers.

Autre tête d’affiche, Luciano Testani de Montreal, Canada. Et pour compléter cette liste de stars, sont prévus Paul Betken (Phoenix, AZ), Jerry Cigler (Chicago, IL), Gina Brannelli, Gordon Kohl, Stas Venglevski, et notre ami de Las Vegas, le comédien Pete Barbutti !

Le forfait pour l’événement inclut 7 superbes banquets façon Las vegas, les concerts, et plus de 40 ateliers et masterclasses animés par les meilleurs experts.

Voyez le tarif spécial valable en décembre (économisez 30 $) et si vous vous inscrivez avant le 10 décembre, recevez un cadeau de remerciement, un T-shirt édition spéciale. (Ce T-shirt sera inclus dans votre pack d’inscription donné sur place).

Vous pouvez réserver en ligne à www.AccordionStars.com ou contacter Paul Pasquali, organisateur de l’évènement, par tél. : 1-800-472-1695 ou (801) 486-1695, par email : paul@accordioninfo.com, ou par courrier : LVAC, 1760 South 450 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84115. USA


Jörgen Sundeqvist interprète le concerto 'The Accordion King' - Suède

The Accordion King Poster
“The accordion King” est un renversant concerto multimédia du célèbre et maintes fois primé compositeur Fredrik Högberg. Cette oeuvre de 30 minutes met en valeur la virtuosité sur l’accordéon, Jörgen Sundeqvist en étant l’interprète. La première mondiale sera donnée au Folkets Park de Kramfors, le 22 janvier et au Tonhallen de Sundsvall, le 23.

Sundeqvist écrit : « avec cette pièce, Fredrik Högberg nous propose de nouveaux niveaux d’interprétation nettement influencés par la vie parfois rude des rois de l’accordéon du milieu du 20ème siècle, dans le nord de la Suède ».

Très productif, Högberg a écrit un vaste catalogue d’oeuvres qui vont de la musique pour orchestre et des concerti aux pièces pour choeur et ballet, à l’opéra et à la musique de chambre.

Jörgen Sundeqvist s’est fait connaitre par des études de haut niveau puis par ses tournées avec le légendaire Anthony Galla-Rini. Aujourd’hui, Jorgen joue fréquemment avec les meilleurs orchestres et solistes et il a fait de nombreux enregistrements tant en soliste qu’en musique de chambre.
Jorgen enseigne à la Pitea Academy of Music et il est membre de la Royal Academy of Music de Stockholm.

Première de cette nouvelle oeuvre en janvier et Högberg et Sundeqvist s’apprêtent à célébrer une tradition musicale et une époque importante de l’histoire de l’accordéon en Suède !


Hautes études d’accordéon, Evora – Portugal

Gonçalo PescadaGonçalo Pescada est le premier accordéoniste Docteur en musique et musicologie du Portugal. Il est maintenant le responsable pédagogique et le professeur d’accordéon du département musique de l’Université d’Evora (Etablissement public), à une heure de Lisbonne. Cette grande école délivre tous les diplômes (Licence, Master et Doctorat). Tous les étudiants potentiellement intéressés sont les bienvenus.

La ville d’Evora est la capitale de la région de l’Alentejo, entourée de remparts médiévaux et d’un grand nombre de monuments historiques de périodes variées, dont un temple romain. Evora est aussi inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité de l’UNESCO et elle est membre du réseau des plus anciennes villes d’Europe.

Pour plus d’information email: mfjm@uevora.pt


Spécial Noël : port offert pour les ouvrages de Charnwood Publishing

Charnwood Publications banner
Merry Christmas logoCharnwood Publishing propose une offre spéciale Noël : le port gratuit pour toutes ses publications de Noël. Commandez n’importe quelle musique parmi les centaines de titres de Charnwood Publishing et toute votre commande sera expédiée gratuitement.

Pour bénéficier du port gratuit, envoyez votre commande par email à : musicforaccordion@yahoo.com

Titres pour Noël :
M015 Ten Christmas Carols (Solo) € 8,50
M305 Busking as an Art Vol 5 Xmas Carol (Solo)
M662 Christmas Bells (Solo) € 5,20
M332 Jingle Bells (Variations) (Solo) € 7,50

Profitez des fêtes, pour découvrir de la belle musique chez Charnwood Publishing.


8ème concours international de l’AIC , Reinach AG - Suisse

Peter FreyLe 8ème concours international pour solistes, de juniors à adultes, se déroulera à Reinach du 25 au 27 septembre 2015. Les accordéonistes solistes de tous âges sont invités à participer.

Les organisateurs sont les associations Accordion International Competition et l’Accordion Orchestra Peter Frey. Le directeur du concours est Peter Frey.

Ce concours international de solistes "International Accordion Competition" a été créé par Peter Frey (Reinach, Suisse), Armin Schneider (Hambourg, Allemagne) et Walter Maurer (Vienne, Autriche) il y a 20 ans.

Télécharger les modalités et le règlement en allemand et anglais ainsi que le bulletin d’inscription ici : 2015AIC
Clôture des inscriptions le 30 juin 2015.

Pour plus d’ information, email: aic@musikstudio-reinach.ch


Port gratuit, super promo sur les livres en cadeau de Noël,

Merry Christmas logoDes idées de cadeau de Noël Accordéon pour les amis et la famille à : 2014Christmas Ideas

L’expédition gratuite, jusqu’au 20 décembre seulement, rend très attractif le prix des livres suivants pour faire un cadeau de Noël. Un grand nombre de publications bénéficient de ce port gratuit.

Ces idées de cadeaux de Noël ont été compilées avec l’espoir de voir votre budget cadeau consacré aux accordéonistes, compositeurs, arrangeurs et éditeurs de l’accordéon.

Soutenez, s’il vous plaît, les arts de l’accordéon, en choisissant parmi plus de 2 248 partitions, 300 CDs/DVDs, 1 702 enregistrements numériques, 833 ouvrages imprimés et nombre de livres (texte). Faites votre choix ici : 2014Christmas Ideas


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Bandoneon Bonanza of Simone Marini and Filippo Arlia - New Zealand

Filippo Arlia and Simone Marini

Flavio VillaniItalians Simone Marini (bandoneon) and Filippo Arlia (piano) made two concerts in Auckland City on the 28th an 30th November and received a standing ovation at the concert I attended.

Filippo Arlia is also a highly regarded symphony orchestra conductor and has worked with accordion and bandoneon players extensively including performing several times at the Strumenti Musica Festival in Spoleto.

Filippo Arlia normally works in duo with Cesare Chiacchiaretta but for this tour, Simone Marini was available and made his first tour to New Zealand. Simone has performed extensively in Europe.

The tour was organised by noted pianist Flavio Villani (picture right), Artistic Director, St Heliers Music Centre.

Enjoy the videos. We will run two more videos from the concert next week.


New CD ‘Tom Alexander’s Christmas’, Scotland – UK

Tom Alexander’s Christmas CD coverTom Alexander, the accordion playing half of the world famous Alexander Brothers, has released a CD of seasonal favourites. Tom’s classy playing, arrangements, and effective use of midi is heard to good effect on his first recording of Christmas music.

The 21 tracks on ‘Tom Alexander’s Christmas’ includes Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, When A Child Is Born, Jingle Bells, O Holy Night, Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, Away In A Manger, Sleigh Ride, O Come All Ye Faithful, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, Silent Night, Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty The Snowman, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Winter Wonderland, Good King Wenceslas, Mistletoe And Wine, Snow Train Shuffle, Holly And The Ivy, Silver Bells, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, A Guid New Year.

For further information email: jiml@musicinscotland.com


Thief Steals Musician Jose Martinez Livelihood, South Houston - USA

Jose Martinez has had his primary accordion stolen by a thief from his vehicle, outside a home in South Houston early Sunday morning after a gig.

The search for the instrument has included hundreds of friends asking more friends to keep an eye out at pawn shops and on the streets.

Martinez says: "It feels good to know that many people appreciate you and are willing to help you out." The accordion "provides for me and my family (3 daughters) and it has been doing so for the past 15 years. It's been a part of my life for a very long time."

Anyone with information about the stolen accordion is asked to contact Police in the city of South Houston.


Video: Auf Zug und Druck, Coupe Mondiale Opening Concert - Austria

Video 1
Video 2

Video 3
Auf Zug und Druck (pushing and pulling the Bellows). Unlimited possibilities on the diatonic accordion. A presentation concert of accordion classes at the Mozarteum University presented as part of the Opening Concert of the 2014 Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg, Austria.


Chapter 14 Released, 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPThe latest chapter is titled: "The Great Imposters: Back Pain From Other Sources".

This exciting eBook by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are:

Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder
Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You
Chapter 6 - The Elbow
Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered
Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited
Chapter 9 - Wrist and Fingers
Chapter 10 - Caring for our Ten Precious Digits
Chapter 11 - Low Back Pain
Chapter 12 - So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?
Chapter 13 - Back Pain, The More Serious Symptoms
Chapter 14 - The Great Imposters: Back Pain From Other Sources

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 14 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


Video: Hutsul Mosaic for Folk Ensemble, Odessa - Ukraine

Hutsul Mosaic for Folk Ensemble composed by Volodymyr Runchak (Version for ensemble of V. Mursa) consisting of:
Volodymyr Mursa, bayan\art.director
Oleksandr Mursa, balalaika
Svitlana Mursa, domra
Borys Talko, balalaika double bass
Video published 03 May 2014


Stephanie Poole Tango Argentina Concert, Auckland - New Zealand

Stephanie Poole and  Bibiana Ogando
The Tango Argentina Concert consisted of Bibiana Ogando (vocalist) and Stephanie Poole (accordion) along with tango dancers Sheldon Bonito and Kelly Poon put on a very appreciated concert in central Auckland City.

The concert featured several famous Piazzolla works such as Adios Nonino and Libertango as well as lesser know tangos. Libertango was performed solo by Stephanie Poole and others were in duo with Bibiano Ogando with long applause at the end of the concert.

Teacher Stephanie Poole has just recently returned from judging at the Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg and has taught many New Zealand championship winners.


Video: Marta Cubas Hondal (11 years) Competing - Italy

Marta Cubas Hondal (Spain) has published this video of her performance in Category B at the Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition in September. She performs Sonata K.107 by Scarlatti and achieved 4th place in Category B. Full report of the 2014 event is at: 2014Concorso


Harry Hussey @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Harry HusseyOn Monday November 24th, once again the magnificent maestro of accordion music, non other than the memorable Harry Hussey, manifested his presence before a multitude of members at our most humble municipal mansion of entertainment. This evening was to be a night to remember with a feast of dining to music and food - a Fish & Chips Supper with Harry Hussey.

Ray Izod made an appearance, armed with his accordion, and a surprise visitor, Jovan Rnjak who gave us a few songs, accompanied by Harry, of course. The mood was set for the evening but Harry decided to begin early and greeted the early arrivals with his playing. He answered their questions and gave demos with his answers.

Harry eventually began his show with the usual question, asking what would we like to hear him play and he was very quickly inundated with requests, he did not disappoint anyone. The interval very quickly materialised when Trevor appeared with a huge box containing the evening meal, which was very quickly dispersed amongst the eager audience. Bread and butter was provided together with soft drinks, tea and coffee. The fish and chips were delicious
and even Harry, joined by the lovely Pat tucked in to the meal, (we even feed the guest artists now). At this moment Mr. Richard Adey arrived and after commenting on the 'atmosphere' soon tucked in to the meal. We may see Richard and his band at the club in the near future.

Ray joined Harry on stage and we were entertained by this duo and they played very well together. Next on stage was Jovan who played and sang a number of popular songs. Harry completed his show by playing an endless number of requests from the audience - an excellent night of music and fun, interrupted only by the endless Harry Hussey humour.

The next social night will include the vote for the ‘Most improved player of the year’ and the winner will receive the 'Fred Payne Memorial Trophy'. This year we have decided to introduce another trophy, The 'Reg Philips Memorial Trophy', which will be awarded to the ‘best novice accordionist of the year’. Both Reg and Fred were founder members of the club.

We end our very successful year with a grand Xmas Party on Monday December 15th. Barry Smith is assembling a band to play on the night and there will be a 1940s theme. We hope everyone will make an attempt to wear something from that era to add to the fun and atmosphere.

2015 will begin with our birthday party and Barry has lined up something special for the night. The Black Country Accordion Club meets at The Rowley Regis Disability Centre, Rowley Village, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 9AT.

For further information email: lumicprod@aol.com


‘14 Years Ago’: Leroy Anderson TV Documentary in December 2000

Leroy AndersonThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending December 1st 2000 reported that a documentary about the light music composer Leroy Anderson (1908-75) was soon to be shown on TV in the USA. The compositions of Leroy Anderson such as Blue Tango, The Typewriter, Forgotten Dreams, Bugler’s Holiday, Belle of the Ball, and many more, have been played and recorded by accordionists and accordion ensembles worldwide over the years, and continue to be popular. Leroy Anderson was also a pianist, organist and orchestral conductor, and spoke several languages fluently. Present day composer John Wiliams described Leroy Anderson as "one of the great American masters of light orchestral music".

"Once Upon A Sleigh Ride" Documentary – USA
Contributed by Jane Berkovitz

A documentary entitled "Once Upon A Sleigh Ride" will be broadcast in late December on many PBS Public television stations in the United States. The program is about the life and music of American composer Leroy Anderson (1908-1975), who has written many works frequently performed by accordion orchestras. Featured pieces include Blue Tango, Fiddle-Faddle, Jazz Pizzicato, Sleigh Ride, Syncopated Clock, Trumpeter's Lullaby, and The Typewriter.


Future events

Camille Privat Concerts, Rennes – France

Camille PrivatThe association Atoût Vent organizes two concerts on December 6th and 7th at la Maison d'Héloise, 13 rue de Redon, Rennes, Brittany (near the city court) with Lyricaccordéon - the duo of Emilien Hamel (baritone) and Camille Privat (accordion).

Saturday December 6th, 6.30pm – 1st half Camille Privat solo, 2nd half, duo, playing JS Bach

Sunday December 7th, 4pm – 1st half Camille Privat solo, 2nd half, duo playing ‘Winter Journey’ by Schubert

Admission: € 7 (free for children up to 12 years)

The next course oorganised by Atoût Vent takes place on April 11th and 12th – a master class with Claude and Sebastian Thomain Taillard.

For further information email: atout.vent@yahoo.fr


Jane Christison’s ‘Music With A Smile’, Kansas City – USA

Jane ChristisonJane Christison will be performing her show ‘Music With A Smile’ - at the Kristkindl Markt at the Country Club Congregational United Church of Christ on Saturday December 6th, 11am until 11.30pm.

This is a fun family event with German food, arts & crafts, baked goods and even gingerbread houses for the kids to decorate. Many families have made this event a Christmas tradition, and Jane is looking forward to seeing everyone again this year.

The Country Club Congregational Church is at 205 W. 65th St., Kansas City, MO (just east of Wornall Road).


Murl Allen Sanders Concerts, Seattle – USA

Murl Allen SandersMurl Allen Sanders’ upcoming public performances include:
Monday December 8th, 7.30pm - Northwest Accordion Society, West Seattle Senior Center
Thursday December 18th, 12pm to 2pm - Pacific Place Shopping Center, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

Murl Allen Sanders, from Seattle, is a free-lance accordionist and pianist, composer, teacher and recording artist. He performs across several musical genres and has worked with such diverse artists as Chuck Berry, Etta James, Peter Duchin, The Von Trapp Children, Theodore Bikel, Leslie Gore, Barbara Lamb, Susan Pascal, Pearl Django, and Kelly Harland, among many others. He is in frequent demand as a recording musician for film scores, advertisements and CDs.

For further information email: murl@murlallensanders.com


Ludo Mariën Concert with Brussels Philharmonic, Mol – Belgium

Ludo Mariën Concert with Brussels Philharmonic posterOn Thursday December 11th, 8.15pm, accordionist Ludo Mariën performs with the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra at the Schouwburg Rex (Rex Theatre), Smallstraat 2, Mol, Belgium.

The programme includes:
WA Mozart - Ballet Music (‘Chaconne’ and ‘Pas seul Mr Le Grand’) from ‘Idomeneo’
Johannes Brahms – ‘Hungarian Dance no. 5’
Sergei Prokofiev – ‘Allegro from Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25’
Nikolai Tchaikin – ‘Concerto no. 1 for accordion and orchestra’
Hans Christian Lumbye - ‘The Copenhagen Steam Railway Galop’
Edward Grieg – ‘Chimes from Lyric Pieces Book 5 to 54’
Jean Sibelius – ‘Symphonic poem Finlandia op.26 no. 7’
Igor Stravinsky - Selection from the ballet ‘The Firebird’


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio perform on Thursday December 11th, 8.30pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Edward Perez - bass - TBA, and Ari Hoenig – drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Concerts by Nuevo Tango Ensemble (Italy) in South Korea and Taiwan

Nuevo Tango Ensemble
Video above: Nuevo Tango Ensemble (Italy) performing at the 2013 Jarasum International Jazz Festival in South Korea. Published on Feb 17, 2014.

Concert at the Auditorium of Music, 18 December at 6 pm in Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan. Situated at the northern tip of Taiwan on the Tamsui River.

Featured will be the Nuevo Tango Ensemble from Italy, Gianni Iorio (bandoneon) and Pasquale Stafano (piano) and Pierluigi Balducci (guitar). Gianni Iorio and Pasquale Stafano will both conduct a masterclasses in Taiwan.

The trio is touring to South Korea from 12th December before coming to Taiwan.

For further information, email: vincentaccordion@gmail.com


AKONIMA ‘Rocking All Over The World’ Show, Baden-Wurttemberg – Germany

Saturday December 13th, 7pm, the accordion orchestra AKONIMA performs at the Stadhalle Wehr, Baden-Wurttemberg. The AKONIMA show is preceded by a concert by the Vadim Fedorov Band at 5.45pm.

The AKONIMA show, ‘Rocking All Over The World’, featuring the rock music of Kiss, Toto, Status Quo, Brian Adams, Bonnie Tyler, Meatloaf, etc, begins at 7.30pm. There is an after show party outside the theatre from 10pm in the Hauptstrasse.

For further information email: info@akkordeonverein-wehr.de
AKONIMA ‘Rocking All Over The World’ Show poster


London Accordion Orchestra ‘Winter Concert’, London – UK

London Accordion Orchestra ‘Winter Concert’ posterLondon Accordion Orchestra's Winter Concert takes place on Saturday December 13th, 5-7pm, at St. Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AD. Tickets: £10 Adults, £8 Concessions

The concert programme includes music from classical to jazz, featuring guest soloist Michael Atkinson, cellist with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. The Musical Director of the London Accordion Orchestra is Ian Watson.

For further information email: mail@londonao.co.uk


2nd Festival d’accordeon, Beloeil – Belgium

2nd Festival d’accordeon, Beloeil  posterOn Saturday December 13th, 3pm, the 2nd Festival d’accordeon takes place at the Centre Culturel “Jean Degouys’, Rue Joseph Wauters, 20 a Quevaucamps, Beloeil, Hainaut. Performing are Michel Pruvot (France), and leading Belgian accordionists Andre Loppe, Erika, and Anthony Basilico and his orchestra.

Michel Pruvot has long been one of France’s leading musette accordion personalities, with many TV and radio appearances to his credit. His many accomplishments include setting a new Endurance World Record for Accordion by playing continuously for 82hours and 33 minutes in May 1982.


Brooklyn Accordion Club Jazz workshop with Rob Reich, New York - USA

Rob ReichRob Reich leads a participatory workshop, ‘Jazz Improvisation and Ensemble Playing’ at the Brooklyn Accordion Club on Sunday December 14th.

The timetable is:
2pm-3pm - performances by Benedikt Neuroth, Vitor Goncalvez, Tony Kovatch, Joe de Clemente, Tim, etc
3pm-4pm - participatory workshop with Rob Reich – bring your instruments!

This workshop is open to any type of instruments and all levels.

Rob Reich is an acclaimed accordionist, pianist, and composer based in San Francisco, California.

Brooklyn Accordion Club meets at 61 Local, 61 Bergen St., Brooklyn, New York.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Jerome Richard Concert, Cestas – France

Jerome Richard ConcertJerome Richard and his orchestra perform on Sunday December 14th, 2pm, at the Centre Culturel de Cestas, Place du Souvenir, Cestas. Entrance: 12 Euro

Cestas is a town in the Gironde department in Aquitaine in southwestern France.

Jerome Richard (born 1980) won several accordion competitions before turning professional, and has become one of France’s busiest musette accordionists. He is the producer of the French TV show ‘1, 2, 3 Musette!’


Chapter House Ensemble Concert, Edinburgh – UK

Chapter House'The Chapter House Ensemble', featuring accordionist Shane Brogan, perform in concert at St. Andrew’s and St. George’s West Church, 13 - 17 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PA on Tuesday December 16th, 12pm to 1pm.


40th PIF Castelfidardo International Competition - Italy

Lucanero, Soprani, Pietrodarc
Roberto Lucanero, outgoing Artistic Director of the PIF2014 said in front of the audience at the prize giving: "I can not accept to be the next Artistic Director, but I will work with passion to the next PIF “.

Castelfidardo Mayor Mirco Soprani said that “Roberto Lucanero had given us his availability for only one year, however, accepting the commitment to work together for world music section."

The 40th PIF Artistic Director has now now been appointed. He is Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (picture right) “a young emerging high level musician whose enthusiasm will help to take another shot upward.”

The dates of the 40th PIF Castelfidardo International Competition are Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th September 2015.


New and Updated Sites

New Site: 'Accordions by De Vincenzo', Miami - USA

Pablo De VincenzoNew website for Accordions by De Vincenzo, High Class Italian Scandalli Accordions & Musical Entertainment!

Accordions by De Vincenzo offer the brand new Scandalli Accordion of your dreams, pre owned instruments, accordion repairs and tuning or Live Music Entertainment.

Owner & Founder is Pablo De Vincenzo, picture left.


New and Updated Site for Grayson Masefield - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldThe website of Grayson Masefield has been updated to have page of videos which are in three main segments. Concert Original Works, Transcriptions and Entertainment. View videos at: MasefieldVideo


New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Traditional Polish Carols eBook coverGary DahlGary Dahl has released a new eBook titled Traditional Polish Carols which he has arranged in collaboration with Fr. Boleslaw Zadora, advisor. The book contains 28 Polish titles and you can see samples of many pieces at Catalog: DH07-eB

eBook means that the book is emailed to you. Purchase online for only USD$16.50 or Euro equivalent at: DH07-eB

This eBook Traditional Polish Carols is Collection #7 in a series of eBooks by Gary Dahl that have proved to be very popular. There is a special for clients wanting to purchase all 7 eBooks at: DH01-07eB


CD Reviews

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain

Accordion Sensations CD by Paul ChamberlainCD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordion Sensations CD by Paul Chamberlain, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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