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Late News: Linda Soley Reed Retires After 10 years as AAA President - USA

Linda Soley Reed, Mary TokarskiLinda Soley Reed, Mary TokarskiOn December 9, 2014, the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) honored President Linda Soley Reed for her devoted years from 2004 to 2014 as AAA President.

During her presidency, the AAA sponsored annual festivals, special concerts, competitions, seminars and other events. Among the many highlights of her presidency, the AAA hosted with the ATG, the 2007 Coupe Mondiale in Washington DC.

On behalf of the AAA, Mary Tokarski presented Linda Soley Reed with a special gift. Each of the board members present read their personal tributes to her which will be compiled into a book. Linda was very moved by these tributes.

Incoming AAA President Mary Tokarski told the AAA meeting:
"What an honor it is to be chosen to serve as President of a prestigious organization like the American Accordionists’ Association. I am so happy to have this opportunity to serve our members, and promote our beloved instrument for the next two years.

The AAA is like a second “home” to me . . . as a young girl I remember the frequent trips to competitions, concerts and workshops, meeting all the accordion “giants” of the day, and simply “growing up AAA”.

As I progressed with my music (in many ways because of my AAA experiences), my plans for my music and my life expanded. All those dreams have now come true for me . . . the last “dream” was someday becoming President of this wonderful association!"

"We have some very exciting things happening at AAA in 2015 .....
- Our annual Festival in July with workshops, concerts and competitions;
- The inaugural Faithe Deffner Memorial Competition with awards totaling $25,000;
- AAA Master Class and Concerts, curator/morderator Dr William Schimmel;
- Carmen Carrozza special Memorial Concert, Dinner and Competition.

I look forward to working together with the accordion community to expand and enhance the accordion here in the United States."

The new slate of officers consists of:
Mary Tokarski - President
Linda Reed - First Vice President
Joe Ciccone - Second Vice President
Frank Busso - Sr. Treasurer
Bob McMahan - Secretary.

For further information view the website: AAA or email: ameraccord1938@gmail.com
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