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Mayor Proclaims World Accordion Day in Superior, WI - USA

Two Mayoral proclamationsPictures above: Mike Middleton (accordion and Clayton Capps (tuba), Bill Palmer III, Sue Spencer (guitar) and Jim Ofsthun (accordion), The Fremonts - Stephani Dodd (accordion) Bill Palmer III and Justin Badger (guitar).

The Mayor of Superior, Wisconsin, Jim Paine, proclaimed World Accordion Day during the celebratory festival held at the World of Accordions Museum on May 6, 2018. In a rare double proclamation, Mayor Paine also declared May 5th as Dr. Willard A. Palmer Day. Picture left, quality download or print at: 2018Proclomations.pdf

Museum Curator Helmi Harrington Ph.D, hosted the magnificent weekend of celebrations including workshops, concerts and social activites, attracting participants from across the United States. The event paid tribute to the legacy of the late Dr. Willard 'Bill' Palmer and the initiative of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), World Accordion Day, celebrating the May 6, 1829 patent of the accordion.

World Accordion Day was opened by Ambassador Kevin Friedrich on behalf of the CIA and then featured an Accordion History demonstration by Helmi Harrington, utilizing an historical cross section of some of the 1,300 accordions found on display at the Museum.

Featured artists for the worldwide celebration included popular Thunder Bay accordionist John Scaffeo, the Celtic Focus group Eira including Sue Spencer, Jim Ofsthun and Liesel Wilson (combining accordions, erhu, violin, guitar and vocals), Minneapolis accordionist Dee Langley and event headliner, Grammy winner and Country Hall of Fame honoree Joey Miskulin.

Joey was joined by Stas Venglevski for several pieces and included the completely improvised duo 'A World of Accordions Museum Tango', a stunning combination of the talents of the two renowned musicians. The events concluded with the 35 member Festival Orchestra under the direction of symphony Conductor Tracey Gibbens, as they performed more than a dozen works from around the world.

The combined Willard Palmer Festival also featured an exciting array of activities from profiling the popular Palmer and Hughes Accordion Course (selections from each book were performed by Helmi's students) and historical lectures by Bill Palmer, III, including a demonstration of the prototype of the 'Tiger' accordion models.

Concert performances were given by Dr. Mike Middleton (accordion) with Clayton Capps (tuba), Dee Langley, Stas Venglevski and the Fremonts, comprising Stephani Dodd (accordion) and Justin Badger Guitar). During the final concert, two of Dr. Willard Palmer's instruments, his magnificent Harpsichord 'Big Red' and his Titano Super Emperor V Accordion were showcased by Tracey Gibbons and Helmi Harrington respectively.

An interesting connection showed to be that Stephani Dodd (accordionist with the Fremonts) is Executive Assistant at Peaksware, the company that now owns Alfred Music, the publishers of the Palmer and Hughes and Alfred Masterworks books.

Pictures below: Stas Venglevski and Joey Miskulin (duet), Helmi Harrington - Historical demonstation, Joey Miskulin (solo).
Joey Miskulin.
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