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Editor’s Note

Rob HowardJuly 14th in France means Bastille Day, celebrating the beginning of the French Revolution (1789-94) that swept away the monarchy and upper classes and promised democracy and fairer shares for all.

This is, of course, an over simplification of history as the French Revolution rapidly brought in a different and violent form of dictatorship in the form of the Reign of Terror, followed by the warlike years of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

Fast forward to modern times and Bastille Day is celebrated in France and around the world to the sound of the accordion. In France and many other countries accordionists will be out performing everywhere, and it would be great to hear from players and spectators about the gigs they are involved with.

Your correspondent will be, with other accordionists, performing at the Altrincham French Festival, Cheshire, UK, on Sunday July 13th, 11am until 2pm. Vive l’accordeon!
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