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Bogdan Laketic at Wien Modern - Austria

Bogdan LaketicBogdan LaketicAccordionist Bogdan Laketic, (Serbia), has already made a name for himself in the general music world through his collaborations with composers such as Wolfgang Rihm, Isabel Mundry and Wolfgang Liebhart.

In his November 5th, 2023 solo program “Scenes from a Journey” at Wien Modern, he presented premieres of works dedicated to him by Dirk d’Ase and Tomasz Skweres, in addition to two 20th century classics by Sofia Gubaidulina and Luciano Berio.

S. Gubaidulina is an important composer in 20th century Russia. She is the author of numerous works for symphony orchestra, chamber and vocal music. In the 80s, S. Gubaidulina's work gained world recognition. For Bayan she wrote, among others, “De profundis” (1978), Partita for Bayan, cello and strings “Seven Words” (1982), “Et exspecto” - Sonata in 5 movements (1986) and “Silenzio” for Bayan, violin and cello (1992). The idea for “De profundis” comes from the well-known religious psalm “Out of the depths I climb, O Lord, to you.” Not only in each episode, but throughout the entire work, from beginning to end, one can trace the musical structure striving from the lower to the upper sound range. As often happens with Gubaidulina, the pure and clear chorale is juxtaposed with cluster harmonies. From an artistic point of view, this work became an event, not only in Bajan music.

Tomasz Skweres attempts to push the limits of emotional perception in his three-movement work “Angststarre”. The sudden changes in extremes, characterized by the tension between short, quick gestures and frightening statics, dominate the piece.

Luciano Berio’s “Sequenza XIII (chanson)” was commissioned by the Rotterdam Art Foundation in a first version written for Teodoro Anzellotti in October 1995 and premiered by him on November 9, 1995. The revised and final version was created for the Witten Days for New Chamber Music in April 1996. Teodoro Anzellotti writes about it: “The inner core of Sequenza XIII is formed by a series of eleven tones. This melodic cell with characteristic descending fourths is developed almost endlessly in multi-part, imaginative figurations and brought into mutual relationship through constant linking of different processes. By superimposing different tempos or repeatedly interweaving them into the diverse chords of the left hand, the “song” is led, merged, transformed or contrasted into ever new sound spaces.”

The five-movement work “Scenes from a journey – Klangreise III” by Dirk D’Ase takes us on a journey through the world of imagination. As if in a tango-like impulse, in the first movement “Lost and found” we lose ourselves in the character of the imagination, only to pick it up again and illuminate it from a different side. “Whispering wisp of wind” lets us feel the breath of wind in an extremely calm and quiet sequence. “Dialogue with a speaking drum” is based on an African musical tradition and uses various percussion effects. “Shimmering moonlight” lets the silver light of the moon shine through the veil of night. In the end, “Wild Cat Hunting” takes us on a wild hunt through time with its abundance of tempos, harmonies and rhythms.
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