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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 10-Feb-2017
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第11届手风琴艺术节将在Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE)举行--意大利
3. Deutscher Akkordeon-Jugendorchester-Wettbewerb und 7. Deutscher Ensemble Wettbewerb 2017
Lydie Auvray 40周年沃尔肯堡音乐会,Cologne--德国


The Cambridge Buskers Collection’ CD Box Set, NSW--澳大利亚
‘The Art of Tango’ 音乐会--伦敦
Rumania's 音乐会
The Shanghai Express’' Rene Mairis,Isle of Wight--英国
Marlen and Stephan Koch CD发布--瑞士


Penny Sanborn Trio Concerts, Calgary – Canada
Fisorchestra Armonia di Treviso Concert, Cittadella (PD) - Italy
Pascal Contet ‘Influences Latines’ Concerts – France, UK
Anatoli Taran Concert and Jazz Master Classes, Bois-d’Haine - Belgium
‘Beyond the Category’ Concert, Texas – USA
6th Gala Dansant de la Saint-Valentin, Cuzorn - France
‘Valentine Tango’ Concerts, Pretoria - South Africa
CNIMA J.Mornet Individual Teaching Courses by Skype - France
Kosmos Concert, Berkshire – UK
Brandon McPhee Concerts, Scotland – UK
Gabe Hall-Rodrigues Accordion Workshop, Seattle – USA
First Edition of the “Easter Accordion Festival of Malta” 2017


Renzo Ruggieri独奏新曲与弦乐队合作--意大利
Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK
New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
NZAA Site updated: Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand

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第11届手风琴艺术节将在Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE)举行--意大利

11th Accordion Art Festival header
Renzo Ruggieri, Gerlando GattoClaudio Azzaro第11届手风琴艺术节将于2017年6月17日、18日在 Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE 64026举行。

- Italia Award 2017 International Contest
- Orpheus Award 2017(仅意大利人)
- Italian Selections CMA 2017

主席: Claudio Azzaro
艺术总监: Renzo Ruggieri


更多活动详情请见: 2017ArtFestival.pdf


3. Deutscher Akkordeon-Jugendorchester-Wettbewerb und 7. Deutscher Ensemble Wettbewerb 2017

DHV banner
德国手风琴协会欢迎大家参加第三届德国手风琴比赛及第七届德国手风琴乐队比赛,赛事将于2017年5月27日在 Düsseldorf举行。







Das Wiener Akkordeon-Kammer-Ensemble
Werner Weibert上图:Christian Höller, Sylvia Zobek, Walter Dietz, Margarete Gebauer, Anton Barinka, Werner, Elisabeth Weibert, Günther Zobek.


英文网站: Viennese Accordion Ensemble
德文网站: Das Wiener Akkordeon-Kammer-Ensemble

乐团由Prof. Walter Maurer于1967年建立。在乐团成立的50周年时间中,乐团参与了多次演出,并发表出版音乐专辑。乐团总监 Werner Weibert(左图), Sylvia and Günther Zobek。

获取更多音频请联系: w.weibert@kabsi.at



The Accordion Shop

Roland FR4X – colour red, the only one of its type in the UK
Brandoni 37 treble/78 bass, colour white
Brandoni 37 treble/96 bass, colour black
Paolo Soprani 34 treble/96 bass, cassotto, colour black
Paolo Soprani 37 treble/96 bass, cassotto, colour black

有消息者可联系: 01344 873717或者警察局。



Lydie Auvray 40周年沃尔肯堡音乐会,Cologne--德国

Lydie Auvray11月5日星期六下午6点,手风琴演奏家 Lydie Auvray 将庆祝她40周年,一个音乐会,她的Auvrettes和一些知名的朋友共同演奏,地点在Wolkenburg, 59 Mauritiussteinweg, Cologne。 Elke Heidenreich,BettinaBöttinger,Hannes Wader和Klaus Hoffmann都将出席。

Lydie Auvray(1956年出生于法国诺曼底)是法国手风琴演奏家,作曲家和歌手。她自1974年以来一直住在德国科隆。她于1976年首次出现在柏林的舞台上,并与民间歌手JürgenSlopianka一起演出。

1977年,她开始作为西德各种歌手的伴奏,包括Thommie Bayer和Klaus Hoffman。与Hoffman她录制了一个现场专辑,“Ein Konzert”。从1980年开始,她和德国民间歌手Hannes Wader一起演奏和巡演。

1982年,她创立了自己的团体,Auvrettes。自20世纪80年代初以来,她录制了几张个人专辑。 2003年Lydie Auvray出版了她的自传,“Jubiläum”。



The Cambridge Buskers Collection’ CD Box Set, NSW--澳大利亚

‘The Cambridge Buskers Collection’20世纪70年代的剑桥音乐人 - Michael Copley(长笛,,奥卡里娜,crumhorn)和Dag Ingram(48贝斯手风琴)是在剑桥大学学习古典音乐的学生。他们开始在民间俱乐部和街道上进行演奏,并在欧洲各地进行推销,在那里幸运地被德意志唱片公司(Deutsche Gramophon)发现,并为他们提供录音合同。

这二人通过他们的广播和电视演出,在世界上演出了伟大的古典作曲家的作品,并制作了几张专辑。最终Dag Ingram离开,手风琴演奏家Ian Moore进入,新的二重奏改名为The Classic Buskers。

由澳大利亚唱片公司Eloquence数字修复并发行的“The Cambridge Buskers Collection”4 CD Box Set包含以下专辑:'Soap Opera'(1982),'The Cambridge Buskers Handel Bach'(1985),'The Explosive Sound (1979), ‘A Little Street Music’ (1977), ‘Between Pub & Podium’ (1977), ‘King’s Parade’ (1978). 

这四张CD包含了130多首歌曲,包括塞维利亚的巴伯,维瓦尔第的四季,埃尔加的希望之地和荣耀,拉威尔的博莱罗,汉德尔的水音乐,胡桃夹子套房,卡门,哈利路亚合唱,1812序曲,Eine kleine Nachtmusik,威廉·特尔序曲,魔笛,门德尔松的小提琴协奏曲,新世界交响乐,Rigoletto,勃兰登堡协奏曲,舒伯特未完成的交响乐,艺人,La Traviata,Peer Gynt套房,天鹅湖等等。



录像:毛俊澔在中国北京成功演奏作品Premiere。作品'The Roaring Silence' 是由 Zou Tianyu创作而成。长笛演奏:Xiong Feng.


‘The Art of Tango’ 音乐会--伦敦

RAM logoMario Stefano PietrodarchiOwen Murray于2017年2月2日在Royal 音乐学院举行‘The Art of Tango’ 音乐会。

开场作品 ‘Ballet Tango’由 Richard Galliano为四台手风琴及一台班多钮创作而成,演奏者Albeniz, Stravinsky, Finzi, and Ishii能够体现出他们精湛的演奏技艺。上半场还演奏和s ‘Le Grand Tango’ 等作品。

下半场‘Oblivion’, ‘Adios Nonino’, ‘Milonga del Angel’, and ‘The Death of an Angel’等作品同样精彩十分,令观众激动不已。


Rumania's 音乐会

录像1: Concertino with their version of Smooth Criminal.
录像2:Concertino Medley



The Shanghai Express’' Rene Mairis,Isle of Wight--英国

Click to hear recording:
Rene MairisThe Shanghai Express’”是手风琴家和作曲家Rene Mairis(排练后的图片),来自怀特岛的手风琴乐队的第一部曲。

它在St Audries Bay手风琴周和Bellows和Waves乐团(MD Ian Watson)于2016年在德文郡伊尔弗勒科姆的伊曼纽尔教堂举行。这是为高级管弦乐队。

最初来自康沃尔的长笛和手风琴演奏家Rene Mairis现在住在怀特岛上。 Rene在威尔士音乐和戏剧学院学习。她在南安普敦的Colin Whitfield手风琴乐团演奏了几年,在保加利亚爱上了手风琴。

Rene喜欢组合和安排手风琴,如“Lament for Deefer”,“The Inca Trail”,“Kamchatka”,“Place du Tertre”和一套基于小熊维尼百英亩木'。



Marlen and Stephan Koch CD发布--瑞士

CD ‘S'Chochä with Schwyzerörgeli瑞士手风琴二重奏Marlen and Stephan Koch发表首张CD专辑 ‘S'Chochä with Schwyzerörgeli - Fir gmiätlichi Stundä’。

更多详情邮件至: choechu@bluemail.ch



Penny Sanborn Trio Concerts, Calgary – Canada

Penny Sanborn TrioThis month the Penny Sanborn Trio performs, as follows:

Friday February 10th, 7.30pm - Penny will join the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra in performing music to the most produced Canadian Grand Opera, ‘Filumena’, by John Estacio and John Murrell. This takes place at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, 1415 14th Ave. NW Calgary, Alberta
Sunday February 26th, 3pm – ‘Fiery Tango and Beloved Italian Music’, St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 1121 - 14 Ave SW Calgary, Alberta

The Penny Sanborn Trio features Penny on accordion, Darcy Stamp on violin, and Simon Fisk on bass. This trio performs live music for special events including receptions, corporate events, weddings and concerts.

Their Chic European sound includes an attractive collection of French musette pieces, Italian folk songs, tango suites, and improvised jazz. Penny’s performance credits including the world-renowned Luciano Pavarotti, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, and appearances across Canada, Dubai, France, Italy and Switzerland.

For further information email: penny@pennysanborn.com


Fisorchestra Armonia di Treviso Concert, Cittadella (PD) - Italy

On Saturday February 11th, 8.45pm, the Fisorchestra Armonia di Treviso, conducted by Mirko Satto, performs in concert at the Teatro Sociale di Cittadella, Via Independenza, 35013 Cittadella (PD), Italy.

The orchestra’s current repertoire includes: Rossini – Tancredi Overture, P. Mascagni - Intermezzo da ‘Cavalleria Rusticana’, D. Shostakovich - Waltz no 2 from Jazz suite, D. Visentin - Erendira, G. Blair - Ron Bennett’s Reel, N. Rota: Suite -La dolce vita, Il Padrino, Amarcord, otto e ½, I. Battiston - Fancelliana – Fantasia su temi di Luciano Fancelli, R. Galliano - Tango Pour Claude, F. Buscaglione - Guarda che luna, H. Mancini - Meglio Stasera, J. Gade – Jealousy, M. Yuan - La leggenda di Yao, A. Gotz - Ouverture Furiant, W. Munch – Brasilia, Yradier - La Paloma, and A. Piazzolla – ‘Milonga de l’angel’ o Milonga de la annunciation da Maria de Buenos Aires.

For further information email: armonia.tv@gmail.com


Pascal Contet ‘Influences Latines’ Concerts – France, UK

Pascal Contet ‘Influences Latines’  poster
French accordionist Pascal Contet and the Travelling Quartet plus tango dancers perform three ‘Influences Latines’ concerts, as follows:

Saturday February 11th, 9pm – Casino Barriere, Deauville
March 11th, 8.30pm – Casino Barriere, Enghien-Les-Bains
March 31st, 8.30pm – Casino Barriere, Bordeaux

Pascal Contet studied in Switzerland, the Hanover Academy of Music with Elisabeth Moser, the Copenhagen Royal Conservatory in Denmark, and the Graz Academy of the Arts in Austria with Mogens Ellegaard.

He is well-known as a leader for the creation of contemporary music, and is a pioneer of the genre in France.

As a soloist, Contet has performed with many orchestras and under the direction of notable conductors such as including Pierre Boulez, François Xavier Roth, Pascal Rophé, Jean-François Heisser, Jean–François Verdier, James Wood, Susanna Mäkkli, Denis Comtet, Arie Van Beek, Laurent Petitgirard, and Daniel Tosi.

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Anatoli Taran Concert and Jazz Master Classes, Bois-d’Haine - Belgium

Poster: Anatoli TaranVideo above: Anatoli Taran (Belarussia) winning performance at the 2015 Castelfidardo Category I, no age limit Variété entertainment.

On Sunday February 12th, 4pm, Anatoli Taran performs in concert at La Curemusicale, Place Roi Baudoin 17, Bois-d’Haine, Hainaut, Wallonne, Belgium.

Anatoli Taran, from Bellorusse, holds jazz accordion master classes on February 11th and 12th, 9am until 12noon both days, at Notre Dame, 7000 Mons.

For further information email: accordeons.nous.org@gmail.com


‘Beyond the Category’ Concert, Texas – USA

Beyond the Category posterA concert titled ‘Beyond the Category’ takes place on Saturday February 12th, 4pm, at the Scottish Rite Theater, 207 West 18th St, Austin, Texas.

Performing will be the Victor Prieto Trio, from New York, and the Fiesta Concert Duet – accordionist Vladimir Kaliazine and flamenco guitarist Miguel Antonio.


6th Gala Dansant de la Saint-Valentin, Cuzorn - France

Poster: 6th Gala Dansant de la Saint-ValentinThe 6th Gala Dansant de la Saint-Valentin takes place on Sunday February 12th, 2.30pm until 7.30pm, at the Salle des Fetes, Le Bourg, 47500 Cuzorn, France.

Accordionists performing non-stop for dancing include:
Jean-Luc Vicente, Belgium’s ‘Princess of the Accordion’ Erika, Etienne Denormandie, Marie Laure Deduffeleer, and Alain Michel and his orchestra.

Cuzorn is a commune in the Lot-et-Garonne department in south-western France.


‘Valentine Tango’ Concerts, Pretoria - South Africa

Poster: ‘Valentine Tango’ Concerts,Two ‘Valentine Tango’ concerts take place on Sunday February 12th, 3pm and Tuesday February 14th, 7pm, at the Brooklyn Theatre, Pretoria, South Africa.

These concerts feature Johannes Slabert (tenor), Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Albert Combrink (piano), and Viwe Mkiziwana (double bass).

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


CNIMA J.Mornet Individual Teaching Courses by Skype - France

CNIMA J. Mornet
Nathalie Boucheix & Jacques MornetCNIMA J.Mornet offers individual course cycles over 5 days by Skype open to all ages, all styles, all levels.
- On one or two pieces of your choice, 1 lesson of 45 minutes each day from Monday to Friday by Jacques Mornet or Nathalie Boucheix (picture right).

- Courses proposed during school holidays whenever they may be in your country.
- Price for the week: 190 €.

- In addition to the course, plan 2 to 3 hours of availability per day for your personal work and in 5 days ... a leap forward assured!

1st cycle of classes: from 13 to 18 February - from 20 to 25 February 2017

Number of participants obviously limited, register quickly at 04 73 22 27 45 or contact on the CNIMA J.Mornet site.


Kosmos Concert, Berkshire – UK

The trio Kosmos concert perform in concert on Thursday February 16th, 7.30pm, for the
Maidenhead Music Society at the Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Altwood Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4PF.

Kosmos are Harriet Mackenzie (violin), Meg Hamilton (Viola), and Miloš Milivojevic (accordion). Serbian born Miloš Milivojevic is a first prize winner at international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark.

In Serbia he studied with Vojin Vasovic, and with Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he graduated and was awarded with Dip RAM. In 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Academy and in the 2008 was the Winner of the prestigious Derek Butler London Prize at the Wigmore Hall, London.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Brandon McPhee Concerts, Scotland – UK

Brandon McPheeBrandon McPhee and his band perform two concerts next weekend, as follows:

Friday February 17th, 7.30pm – Brechin City Hall
Saturday February 18th, 8pm – Eden Court Theatre, Inverness

The popular and highly accomplished Shand Morino player Brandon McPhee, from Wick in the Scottish Highlands, has won numerous accordion competitions including the All Scotland Championship, the NAAFC ‘Box & Fiddle’ Championships, and the Open Accordion section at the Royal National Mod.

He has recorded several CDs and DVDs, and is a much in-demand performer at concerts, dances, clubs and festivals. He also sings and plays the guitar.


Gabe Hall-Rodrigues Accordion Workshop, Seattle – USA

Gabe Hall-RodriguesOn Saturday February 18th, 8pm, Gabe Hall-Rodrigues holds an Accordion Workshop at Petosa Accordions, 313 NE 45th St, Seattle, WA 98105. The workshop covers crafting linear jazz solos using the bebop scale and other techniques. There is free admission, courtesy of Petosa Accordions. Please call or email to reserve a seat as there is a limited capacity.

Gabe Hall-Rodrigues, from Arizona, is an accordionist, pianist and vocalist. He began playing the piano at age 7 and quickly realized his love for music and performing. In 2010, after studying the accordion for only a year, Gabe won the American Accordionists' Association Virtuoso Solo Competition.

Gabe holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy and a Master’s degree in Jazz Piano Performance from Arizona State University. Gabe has performed the USA as a sideman, studio musician, and band leader in various ensembles including Jump Jive and Wail, Ocotrillo Accordion Jazz Trio, Bad Cactus Brass Band, Salt River Brass Band, Som Brazil, and Boston Brass. In 2014, Gabe lived in Brazil for a year and played and recorded with numerous local musicians.

Gabe has spent several years touring the USA with the Arizona folk-rock band Jared and the Mill, performing both as headliners and opening up for acts such as Barry Gibb, Allen Stone, Frontier Ruckus, Boy and Bear, Wildfeathers, and more. Gabe has presented workshops at the AAA Conference and the Frank Marocco Accordion Event highlighting the use of the accordion in music therapy as well as elements of jazz language and harmony for accordionists.

For further information email: petosa@petosa.com


First Edition of the “Easter Accordion Festival of Malta” 2017

Santa Marija Accordion Band of Attard
Accordionists are invited to apply in time for the first Easter Accordion Festival in Malta.

The festival is being organized by the well known Santa Marija Accordion Band of Attard, Malta conducted by Marthese Busuttil Cassar. Accordion Music is one of the most popular forms of live music and the Santa Marija Accordion Band has a special sound all unto its own.

Participants from Malta and Gozo are requested if possible to give their support and participate.

The closing date to apply will be the end of February next month. The festival will be held on 17 and 18th April at Gmanga/Pieta and if the weather is fine, a mini-concert out-of-doors will be held at Msida.

To participate, kindly phone Mobile 79259508 from 10 am to noon or please send email as early as posssible. Email: mtbusuttil@yahoo.com



Renzo Ruggieri独奏新曲与弦乐队合作--意大利

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri出版了一个新曲。目录:rrenzo511Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini.

此编曲十分精彩。手风琴在音乐会中独奏,同样的手风琴独奏也适用于完整的管弦乐伴奏。以上视频, 表演者Mario D'Amario


Renzo Ruggieri 40页乐谱包括手风琴独奏, 乐团分谱和总谱。独奏音乐价格仅仅是€10和Renzo与管弦乐团合作部分免费提供。在在线下载pdf格式的音乐文件。

目录:rrenzo511 Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini手风琴独奏,手风琴与管弦乐合作。


Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK

Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW940 Click for Info
DW941 Click for Info

The Douglas Ward page is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek131 - Mikaelas Polka
ek132 - The Norrtulls Waltz
ek133 - Nu Blommar Angen
ek134 - Oh Wunderful Archipelago
ek135 - Polka for Fun
ek136 - Ransaterjoy
ek137 - Samba Isopor
ek138 - Sambo Hambo
ek139 - Schottis på Vikafjallet
ek140 - Ska Vi Dansa Schottis


NZAA Site updated: Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand

Prof. Li Cong and Sonja Palinich
NZAA logoNZAA Merit Award Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand

Pictures and award citation at: MeritAwardLiCong


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