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The CIA 129th General Assembly, Vienna - Austria

CIA photos
CIA photosThe Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) recently met for their 129th General Assembly in Vienna, Austria hosted by the CIA member Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ), Austria. Delegates attended from United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, France, Finland, New Zealand, Serbia, Italy, Bosnia, Sweden, USA, as well as a large contingent from the Winter Congress and 2014 Coupe Mondiale host, Austria.  
The CIA announced plans for World Accordion Day, May 6th 2013 which will once again take place as a 24 hour live broadcast coordinated by Frederic Deschamps and Grayson Masefield, with planned broadcast assistance by both the CIA President Raymond Bodell and Ambassador Kevin Friedrich. The CIA will participate in both the European Music Council (EMC) conference in Glasgow (Scotland) in April, and the International Music Council (IMC) General Assembly in Brisbane (Australia) in November.
The CIA voted unanimously to award its coveted CIA Merit Award to the two nominations received including Joseph Petric (Canada) and Miljan Bjeletic (Serbia).
The CIA welcomed the its current voting member in Italy The Italian Accordion Culture (IAC) to its new status as the Italian Premiere Voting member. Two new Voting members were accepted including Okud-Istra Pula from Croatia and the International Music Center ‘Harmony’ from Russia. The current member from France L'Association des Professeurs (APH) announced their re-naming and now operate as the European Music Academy (EMA).

The Austrian HVÖhosted a spectacular array of meetings and cultural events, including a concert by the Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble. Dignitaries in attendance including the likes of Friedrich Lips, Viatcheslav Semionov and former CIA General Secretary Walter Maurer were happy to renew friendships with fellow accordionists from around the world, while former CIA Champions such as Alexander Selivanov, Yulia Amerikova, Frederic Deschamps and Alexander Poeluev actively participate in the affairs of the CIA.
The 130th CIA General Assembly of Delegates will be held in Victoria, BC on Monday, August 19th, 2013. All details relevant to the upcoming Coupe Mondiale will be continually updated at: Coupe Mondiale
while details on the CIA are found at: CIA
CIA photos
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