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18 Accordionists Invited to Record Hollywood Film Score - USA

18 accordionists picture
Ice-age 4 logoWorld renowned Hollywood based Academy Award Nominated composer John Powell (83rd Academy Award Nomination for Best Score with “How to Train Your Dragon”) sent a call out for 18 accordionists to perform on his new score for the latest movie in the Ice Age series: Ice Age: Continental Drift. ?

The Fox Studios Scoring Stage was the set for the monumental accordion project, and featured some familiar names in the accordion world including Los Angeles based accordionist and Music Copyist Liz Finch (Interim President of the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG), Mike Boddicker (son of the late accordion identities Gerry and Arlene Boddicker), John Torcello (USA 1972 CIA Coupe Mondiale Winner), and well known California based artist Nick Ariondo.

John Powell, the composer for movies such as the previous Ice Age Movies, Happy Feet, Rio, Kung Fu Panda, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Bourne Supremacy, Robots and many others, called for 14 accordions and 4 bass accordions to perform his works in this current Ice Age movie. Randy Kerber, one of the top film session pianists that works for Powell played one of the bass accordion parts. The accordionists were conducted by Pete Anthony, who had spent all day conducting a Symphony Orchestras, and conducts almost 50% of all the scores recorded in Los Angeles. The regular accordion parts were scored for both hands and utilized a variety of registers, giving a very orchestral blend.

John Powell had purchased an accordion to use as research for his score, and was thrilled with the outcome of the take. He even brought his accordion to the session, in case it was needed, and delighted in wearing it while taking a picture with the accordionists at the conclusion of the recording session.

The interesting spectacle at the Fox Studios of 18 accordionists conducted by one of Hollywood’s most sought after musical directors, performing the music of one of Film’s superstar composers drew a couple of producers who attended out of curiosity, and were delighted with the outcome. The entire project served as a very positive showcase for the accordion. Ice Age: Continental Drift will be released 13 July 2012.
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