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Accordion Festival 2008, Drancy – France

Friedrich Lips
Derbienko, Ukhanov, Emy, Dragoi, Natalia, Viacheslav Semionov‘Accordion Festival 2008’ took place at the Espace culturel du parc, Place Maurice Nilès, Drancy, near Paris, from May 23rd to 25th, directed by Sergio Tomassi. The theme this year was the contribution of Russian Bayan players and composers to the development of the accordion, the first time that an event focusing on the history of 100 years of the Bayan has taken place in France.

For the opening of the festival, the accordion orchestra of the music school of Drancy played some pieces for the first part. In the second, Ukrainian Bogdan Nesterenko, a winner of the Grand-Prix of Roubaix in 2007, from Kharkov, interpreted ‘Winter’ from Vivaldi’s ‘4 Seasons’, as well as music by Kukuzenko, Derbenko, Vlasov, and arrangements of Russian folk songs. Roman Jbanov, one of the festival organisers, was next, performing music by Russian composers such as: Na Un Kin, Semionov, Novikov, Derbenko, Sourkov, Panitski, as well as the French composer, with whom he has worked, Franck Angelis.

Russian bayan maestro Friedrich Lips, performing the compositions of Gubaidulina, Beulman, Sourkov, Rossini, and Schubert, closed the first day of the festival.

The program of the second day was very eclectic. The well-known composer Yevgenii Derbienko played solo and in duet with his talented pupil Pavel Ukhanov some of his numerous compositions on the Russian traditional instrument Garmoshka. Their performance was very theatrical, and from the beginning, the atmosphere in the hall was very joyful.

The concert continued with Russian composer and accordionist Viatcheslav Semionov in duet with his wife Natalia, who made magnificent sounds playing the Domra. They played very emotionally, musically and brilliantly arrangements of traditional Russian pieces.

The duo Paris Moscou closed the first part with the waltz ‘Boutade’, by Joss Baseli and Joe Rossi, who were students of Medard Ferrero (who lived in Drancy), the famous accordionist and teacher of the 1930s, who also wrote the first accordion tutor book in France, still indeed studied by numerous French accordionists. Then, Roman and Domi have interpreted the Russian music of Koniaev, Shalaiev, and the composition written for them by Franck Angelis, ‘Paris-Moscow’.

The 2nd part was more varied with the quintet of Romanian accordionist Emy Dragoï, playing in the gypsy-jazz style. The day was closed by the duet Bayan-Mix, with Sergeï Voitenko and Dmitri Khramkov with their modern Cavagnolo instruments to play techno music.

The public greatly enjoyed this extraordinary festival! The Russian national TV programme ‘Cultura’ were present to make a historic film about the centenary of the Bayan.

We hope, that the other countries are going to celebrate this jubilee also.
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