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JANPress Master Class Project – USA

Joe NatoliJoseph Natoli has announced that his new project, JANPress Master Classes, will commence with virtual Zoom sessions on November 7th, 2022 at 7pm EST. Each session will be 90 minutes and will occur twice a month.

The second session will be held on November 21st, 2022 and continue accordingly on the first and third Monday of each month.

The Master Classes will have a very diverse and detailed curriculum, with each session doing deep dive studies on various topics, followed by applied knowledge assignments. Additionally, there will be focus on subject matter that the subscribers specifically want to cover for personal musical growth while using planned and requested curriculum materials to benefit everyone.

JANPress Master Classes won't be specializing in just one area of musical interest. A wide variety of topics will be presented, and this will be as close to a college course in a music degree program as possible, yet presented in a relaxed fashion at each attendee's level and speed for the most efficient and complete knowledge share. Each session will be amplified and enhanced by an assignment that follows our LEARN acronym (which stands for Listen, Experiment, Apply, Repeat, Normalize).

The topics in each session aim to greatly enhance your musical understanding on widely diverse subjects including all aspects of performance, theory, chord progressions, composition, arranging, ensemble performing, recording, music notation, music & accordion history, music technology and much more. In that regard, the session assignments will expedite that process and help everyone to learn from each other synergistically.

For further information email: janpressmusic@yahoo.com
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