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Emilio Balcarce, 1918 to 2011, Buenos Aires – Argentina

Emilio Balcarce
Juan Emilio Sitano, born February 22nd 1918 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, better known as Emilio Balcarce, was a violinist, bandoneon player, director, arranger and composer.

His first instrument was the mandolin, followed by the violin, which Balcarce studied for 6 years. Later he played at dances, cafes, and during the intermissions of plays. In 1940 Balcarce formed his own orchestra, also playing the accordion. For 19 years he played in an orchestra with Osvaldo Pugliese, and eventually Balcarce began a solo career.

Barace formed his first band with the singer Jorge Duran, followed by Amadeo Mandarino and Osvaldo Bazán, and began composing, arranging and collaborations with big names from the Tango scene such as Anibal Troilo, Alfredo Gobbi, Francini-Pontier, José Basso, Leopoldo Federico. He achieved great popularity with his compositions ‘La Bordona’ and ‘Pichuco’ and the tango composition ‘Bien compadre’.

Balcarce later formed Sexteto Tango, making recordings for RCA Victor. Sexteto Tango toured Japan, France, Russia, Spain, Holland, and all the countries of South America.

In 2000 the Orquesta Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce (OTS) school was founded in order to commemorate the golden tango era, releasing 2 CDs: ‘De contrapunto’ (2000) and ‘Bien compadre’ (2004). In December 2001 the first musicians graduated from the school.

Emilio Balcarce was declared Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Tango, Distinguished Citizen of Villa Urquiza and Buenos Aires, received the Diploma ‘Glory of Tango’ by the Academy of Lunfardo Porteña. With the Sexteto Tango he achieved two Konex awards in 1985 and 1995.

After many years of performing Emilio decided to retire and settled in the Neuquén province of Argentina. He died in Buenos Aires on January 19th 2011.
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