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Honored in Castelfidardo: Gorni Kramer and Richard Galliano – Italy

Gorni KramerRichard GallianoAs a sign of quality, tradition and of the accordion, the International Accordion Museum and the town council of Castelfidardo have organized a musical evening dedicated to the great composer, accordionist and conductor, Gorni Kramer. The event will take place on Friday, December 11th at the Astra theatre, Castelfidardo, and commences at 9pm.

During the evening, French accordionist Richard Galliano, will be granted honorary citizenship of Castelfidardo, the first foreigner to be awarded this honour.

Linking the names of two maestros of this stature together is in itself eloquent; however it is worth remembering the extraordinary character that was Gorni Kramer. He managed to take the accordion to unprecedented heights of popularity in television, radio, and musical performances in theatres around the world. During the evening, a video presentation will help the audience relive his memorable performances and his refined interpretative taste that is still relevant today. His fantastic and brilliant career is unique in the history of popular music.

The climax of the ceremony, conducted by Beniamino Bugiolacchi, will be the delivery of a fine parchment and honorary citizenship to Richard Galliano, the who represents the highest and most noble expression of the accordion ‘Made in Castelfidardo’ as well as being the one of best performers in the world. For the city, it is a privilege and an unique honour as Galliano will perform on the occasion in an unprecedented tribute to Gorni Kramer in the presence of Kramer’s two daughters.

The ‘Paolo Soprani’ award, which has been instigated by the SUONI srl company in agreement with the Museum, will be presented to the Marche Region. Since 2007, the region has included the accordion in all its promotional activities abroad (for example, the recent exhibition in Brazil), as a product typically from the Marche and as a symbol of our culture, work and economy of which Man and his creative genius are the main protagonists.

On the same evening, the 25th anniversary of the official entry of the accordion in the Conservatory of Pesaro will also be remembered. Maestro Sergio Scappini will receive an award as the first Italian teacher who gave lessons on the instrument on November 27th 1984. He will perform on both electronic and classical accordions, and the show will also make use of the presence of the wonderful ‘Fisorchestra Marche’. The sponsors of the event are: the Marche Region, Province of Ancona, Banca Credito Cooperativo di Recanati e Colmurano, City of Castelfidardo. The event organization is by the International Accordion Museum in collaboration with the Pro-Loco of Castelfidardo; Beniamino Bugiolacchi edits the historical items.
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