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‘Christus Oratorio’ Peformances, Wroclaw – Poland

Performances of ‘Christus Oratorio’, composed and conducted by Olexiy Suslov, took place in Wroclaw and in Pawlowice, near Wroclaw. The composition was performed by the Sinaxis Choir, Wroclaw Private Music School S-ART Orchestra ‘Harmonica’, and the soprano Anna Wilczynska.

The first concert was organized by the St. Peter and Paul Orthodox Association. His Excellency Archbishop Marian Golebiewski, Roman-Catholic Metropolitan of Wroclaw, and His Excellency Jeremiah, The Orthodox Archbishop of Wroclaw and Szczecin, both took patronage over this concert.

The ‘Christus Oratorio’ was performed for the second time in Pawlowice (nearby Wroclaw) by the same group of musicians. The audience were delighted with the combination of breathtaking music and astonishing architecture of Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science. All present were moved by the performance of masterpiece of music.
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