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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Jul-2011
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Primo piano

Bayan Mix’ nella nuova serie drammaTV – Russia
36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso posticipa la data di fine iscrizione - Italy
30° seminario internazionale della fisarmonica Annual Mietne – Polonia
Anne Landa Presenta la fisarmonica sulla televisione nazionale spagnola

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Yuri Medianik First With Personal App for iPhone – Russia
Ksenija Sidorova Releases Debut CD, London – UK
Yehuda Oppenheimer Quintet Performing at Conservatorium of Reut-Modiin - Israel
Masterclass with Jean-Louis Noton/Lullin Haute Savoie - France
Gorka Hermosa’s New CD ‘Flamenco-Etxea’, Cantabria – Spain
‘14 Years Ago’ – Mirco Patarini Performs With Pavarotti

Future events

Fado and Tango Chamamé – Argentine/Portugal
Paris Moscou Duo’s August Diary Dates – France
LiberTango Concert, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Hot Club of Detroit’s August and September Concerts – Canada, USA
Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Grosseto, Latina Lido, Sperlonga – Italy
David Vernon & Dick Lee @ Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland – UK
Gilou Performs at la Fête de l'Escargot, Burgondy – France
Victor Prieto’s Residency, New York – USA

New and Updated Sites

Betty Jo Simon selling new CD's
Yuri Shishkin selling new CD
American Accordionists' Association Website Updated - USA
Zevy Zions releases new music
Gary Dahl updates music

CD Reviews

Breathbox CD by Antti Paalanene

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Primo piano

Bayan Mix’ nella nuova serie drammaTV – Russia

duo ‘Bayan Mix’ (Sergey Voytenko & Dmitriy Khramkov)
duo ‘Bayan Mix’ (Sergey Voytenko & Dmitriy Khramkov)Il duo ‘Bayan Mix’, Sergey Voytenko e Dmitriy Khramkov è stato coinvolto nelle produzione di "Brother and Sister", un dramma TV della TV russia in settembre, Sergey Voytenko ha scritto gran parte della musica ed entrambi hano avuto ruoli di attori come fisarmonicisti e spogliarellisti!

"Prima di scrivere la musica ho studiato parecchie serie di film" dice Sergey Voytenko, "quindi ho cercato delle idee per creare i sottofondi musicali. Alla fine ho scritto sei canzoni. Alcune suonate dal duo "Bayan Mix" ai concerti. Oltre ai brani scritti appositamente per la serie c'è un duetto del conosciutissimo pezzo "Sentimentos".

Sergey Voytenko ha già avuto esperienze di attore in un film. Nel 2007 ha partecipato al film "Carnival Night 2" di Eldar Ryazanov. Dmitriy Khramkov sarà sullo schermo per la prima volta.

"Brother and Sister" diretto da Alexander Barannov, verrà trasmesso in TV a settembre.

Per ulteriori informazioni email: kubokmira@gmal.com


36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso posticipa la data di fine iscrizione - Italy

36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso
La data di chiusura iscrizioni per il 36° Premio Concorso & Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica in Italia è stata posticipata al 21 agosto 2011. Scaricate le norme su : 2011castelfidardo

L'amministrazione comunale in collaborazione con la Pro-loco Associazione Turismo ed Ideazione Eventi organizza il premio internazionale "Città di Castelfidardo" Festival internazionale di Fisarmonia che si terrà dal 21 al 25 settembre 2011.

Il concorso internazionale categorie solisti per musica da concerto per 12, 15, 18 anni e senza limiti di età, musica leggera per categorie solisti da 18 anni in poi ed in più categorie per musica da camera, orchestra di fisarmonica e una categoria di Astor Piazzolla per fisarmonica (o bandoneon) e gruppi.

La lista finale degli artisti sarà pubblicata a breve.

Le norme su: 2011castelfidardo
6 CD da CDPremioConcorso
36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso


30° seminario internazionale della fisarmonica Annual Mietne – Polonia

Orchestra, Klaudiusz Baran teaching, Alexander Selivanov teaching.
Foto sopra: Lech Pucnowski dirige l'Orchestra, Klaudiusz Baran mentre insegna, Alexander Selivanov che insegna al vincitore di premi nazionali ed internazionali, Piotr Kraczkovski

Negli ultimi trent'anni il Seminario Internazionale di Fisarmonica Mietne, organizzato dall'associazione di fisarmonica polacca, ha attratto numerosi e famosi educatori di fisarmonica come Mogens Ellegaard, Viatcheslav Semionov, Mika Väyrynen, Yuri Shishkin, Vladimir Zubitsky come pure i vari professori di fisarmonica polacchi con l'associazione del Professor Lech Puchnowski, che ha celebrato i suoi 80 anni e sta ancora lavorando molto sulla fisarmonica.

Gli insegnanti per il 2011 sono stati:

Prof. Lech Puchnowski – Leader del Master Seminar, accordion orchestra class.
Prof. Jerzy Jurek – Dean of the Orchestra Instruments Dept, Fr. Chopin University of Warsaw
Ass. Prof. Elwira Sliwkiewic – University in Lublin.
Prof. Jerzy Modrawski - Fr. Chopin University in Warsaw
Prof. Klaudiusz Baran Fr. - Chopin University in Warsaw
Dorota Puchnowska-Aftyka – National orchestra flute, chamber music class.
Danuta Kaniewska – Jurek – Direttore del seminario
Prof. Alexander Selivanov - Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow

Il famoso solista Yuri Shishkin (Russia) è stato invitato come professore e anche ad esibirsi in un concerto che è stato uno dei più bei momenti del seminario.

Per più di 9 giorni (dal 3 al 12 luglio) ci sono stati concerti ogni sera, molti tenuti e guidati dagli studenti. Il pubblico ha ascoltato la musica che era stata preparata prima dei seminari ed anche molti pezzo imparati durante i seminari.

E' stato davvero un sistema di master classes molto interessante dove ogni studente poteva assistere alle lezioni degli insegnanti. I partecipanti hanno avuto l'opportunità di avere lezioni con 3 o 4 professori internazionale ed anche di avere scambi musicali con tradizioni di paesi diversi.

Alexander Selivanov scrive: "E' duro immaginare dove ho potuto trovare così tanti giovani fisarmonicisti (più di 30) di alto livello in ogni posto. Congratulazioni al Seminario Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Mietne e a Lech Puchnowski per i molti anni di lavoro e successo".

Foto sotto: Yuri Shishkin mentre insegna , Elwira Sliwkiewic . Ultimo giorno, foto in basso da sininstra a destra: Alexander Selivanov, Elwira Sliwkiewic, Yuri Shishkin, Jerzy Modrawski, Danuta Kaniewska con sua figlia , Lech Puchnowski.
Yuri Shishkin teaching,  Elwira Śliwkiewic teaching, Alexander Selivanov, Elwira Śliwkiewic, Yuri Shishkin, Jerzy Modrawski, Danuta Kaniewska with her daughter, Lech Puchnowski.


Anne Landa Presenta la fisarmonica sulla televisione nazionale spagnola

Anne Landa on RTVE2
Anne Landa on RTVE2Il concerto di fisarmonica è apparso per la prima volta nel canale RTVE2 della televisione spagnola nel "Programa de Mano", un programma dedicato alla musica classica. Il 12 luglio Anne landa ha presentato un repertorio, in collaborazone con l'Associazione ACCO LAND, focalizzata su vecchie musiche per arricchire il repertorio del concerto di fisarmonica. Queste musiche sono sul nuovo CD di Anne, "Antonio de Cabezon 500° Anniversario", registrato da Arsis e dedicato al compositore Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566).

Il suo nuovo progetto presentato su RTVE è un programma con il compositore Elena Mendoza nel Teatro Real di Madrid "ì(2014).

Le prossime date del concerto saranno:
6 agosto ore 20,00- Iglesia de Santiago Apostol, Castrillo de Murcia, Burgos
7 agosto ore 20,,00 - Los Balbases, Burgos
18 agosto ore 20,00 - Iglesia de Santa María la Mayor, Escalada, Burgos
26 agosto ore 20,00- Iglesia de Santa María la Real, Sasamón, Burgos
27 agosto ore 20,00 - Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Reyes, Grijalba, Burgos

Anne Landa insegna fisarmonica all'Alexander Technique in Spagnolo, basco, inglese, italiano e francese. Si è laureata al Conservatorio di San Sebastian, Spagna, e si è esibita in molte parti d'Europa. Anne è un membr o della APTAI (Spanish Alexander Technique Teachers Association) e membro dello STAT (Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique).

CD online disponibile intitolato WA Mozart e Anne Landa.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Yuri Medianik First With Personal App for iPhone – Russia

Yuri Medianik AppIn the world of show business, iPhone personal apps are the latest fashion and a sign of a good taste, quickly becoming an indispensable efficient career promotional tool.

Musicians such as David Bowie, Britney Spears, Madonna, Paul Oakenfold, Pink, already have their own apps.

Yuri Medianik (bayan, violin, bandoneon), conductor, Artistic Director of Pluri_Art Orchestra, quartet Emotion-orchestra, founder and director of International Art Festival Pluri_Art is the first in Russia among classical musicians to release a personal iPhone app.

Medianik is a world class virtuoso, performing on the same stage with Yury Bashmet, Sergej Zhilin, Daniil Kramer, Aleksandra Paxmutova and Igor Krutoj.

He is equally successful performing with symphonic, chamber and pop ensembles, playing tango, flamenco, jazz and taking part in theatrical projects.

Yuri Medianik likes to broaden his public musical horizons in a unique way that no one else has done before. He was the first among Russian musicians to introduce Argentinean bandoneon to a wide audience, and first accordionist to offer an online master class for beginners. In the next few weeks he will be the first among academic musicians in Russia to present his personal iPhone app «Yuri Medianik».

This free of charge downloadable product with multilingual interface support (English, Russian, Italian) will give you total access to the latest music tracks and video clips, groundbreaking news from musician's accounts and blogs on Facebook, Twitter, and Vkontakte, and the opportunity to stay updated on his concert schedule, to buy tickets, to make comments on the pictures, statuses, recordings, other users comments, and much more.

The iPhone release is expected on 1st September 2011.

For more detailed information email: art@pluriart.com
Two Yuri Medianik CD's available online.


Ksenija Sidorova Releases Debut CD, London – UK

Ksenija Sidorova CDKsenija Sidorova has released her debut solo CD, ‘Classical Accordion’, on the Champs Hill label. Still in her early twenties, Latvian-born London-based Ksenija is already a highly accomplished artist, and has collaborated with many leading musicians including the Belcea Quartet, and Valery Gergiev with the CBSO.

Born in Latvia in 1988, Ksenija Sidorova was encouraged to take up the accordion at the age of eight by her grandmother. Her studies took her to London where she was a prize-winning undergraduate at the Royal Academy of Music. In February 2009 Ksenija was a joint winner of the ‘Friends of the Royal Academy of Music Wigmore Award’, which led to her Wigmore Hall debut later that year.

She also received the Worshipful Company of Musicians Silver Medal for the Maisie Lewis Award, and was the first accordionist to win the prestigious WCoM Prince’s Prize.

Ksenija will be appearing in classical music magazines such as the BBC Music Magazine, Classical Music, and Classic Fm Magazine. 

The CD track list reads: Arne Norheim – ‘Flashing’, J.S. Bach – ‘Overture in the French Style’, Luciano Berio - Sequenza XIII “Chanson”, Domenico Scarlatti – ‘Sonata in D Minor, k77’, Domenico Scarlatti - ‘Sonata in D Major’, W. A. Mozart - 12 variations “Ah Vous Dirais-Je, Maman”, Alfred Schnittke – ‘Revis Fairytale’, Yuki Takahashi – ‘Like a Water Buffalo’, (Bonus track) Astor Piazzolla – ‘Five Tango Sensations – I – Asleep’, with the Sacconi Quartet.

For further information email: freya.williams@eleventenths.co.uk


Yehuda Oppenheimer Quintet Performing at Conservatorium of Reut-Modiin - Israel

Yehuda Oppenheimer Quintet
The Conservatorium of Reut-Modiin (about halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) invited the Yehuda Oppenheimer Quintet to perform some of his repertoire at their annual end of year concert on the 12th July.

Photo above, left to right: Yehuda Oppenheimer, Micha ben Arie, Alon Milo, Micha Klappholz and Ronit Cohen. Yehuda wrote "how special, that half the players were students of his some 49 years ago."

The audience was delighted to hear works like Maerchen-Symphonietta by Wuerthner and compositions by Oppenheimer. Composer Yehuda Oppenheimer joined with group to play his own composition Mini Valse and afterwards, several people said "they never expected an accordion ensemble to produce such a beautiful sound".

Player Ronit Cohen is the Director of the Conservatorium of Reut-Modiin and it was her idea to form this group some 2 years ago. The group has been performing since then, sometimes with 6-7 players, sometimes less, with weekly rehearsals. They have been regularly performing for many elderly homes and other good will performances.

eSheet arrangements, original compositions and CD's available at Yehuda Oppenheimer.


Masterclass with Jean-Louis Noton/Lullin Haute Savoie - France

Masterclass concert
Jean-Louis Noton SeminarFrom July 10th to 17th in Lullin Haute Savoie, Jean-Louis Noton held a Master Class at the Hotel de la Poste run by Gerard and Marie-Odile Chanel. Participants were warmly welcomed to the cosy ambience where they had  the opportunity of courses offered by Jean-Louis and Jean-Pierre Andreani, leader of "Lullin's Band" and to enjoy a special musical occasion! .

Additionally, was the visit of the talented Bruno Biard on the July 14th. To close the week of music,  a large audience came to listen to the final  concert (picture above) on Saturday evening, dancing late into the night.

Musicians and the audience  left with their heads full of music.

For further information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


Gorka Hermosa’s New CD ‘Flamenco-Etxea’, Cantabria – Spain

Gorka Hermosa and José Luis Montón
Gorka Hermosa and José Luis Montón CD coverSpanish accordionist Gorka Hermosa and flamenco guitarist José Luis Montón have combined their respective talents on a new CD titled ‘Flamenco-Etxea’ (‘Flamenco House’ in the Basque language), an amazing fusion of flamenco and Basque music.

The music includes original compositions and even flamenco versions of Bach. The recording also includes contributions from the singers Carmen París, María Bersarte, Piruchi Apo and Xabier Euskitze, and the percussionist Odei Lizaso.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – Mirco Patarini Performs With Pavarotti

Mirco PatariniThe Accordions Worldwide news for July 25th 1997 reported that accordionist Mirco Patarini performed with the legendary tenor Luciano Pavarotti in a concert that was broadcast live on television. This is one gig that Mirco will surely remember to this day!

Mirco Patarini Participates at Luciano Pavarotti’s Concert - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

On Monday July 7th at the occasion of the "Dei Due Mondi" Festival in Spoleto (a little town famous for its beauty, near Assisi) an "extraordinary concert" was held and organised by the maestro Giancarlo Menotti.

There, maestro Mirco Patarini and the festival's orchestra performed together with the very famous and international tenor Luciano Pavarotti. The concert was broadcast live on television.


Future events

Fado and Tango Chamamé – Argentine/Portugal

A unique show that combines two accordionists and the Portuguese Joao Gentil and the Argentinian Alejandro Britto.
Musical and cultural exchanges emerges between a strong friendship of two musicians.

This enhanced friendship grew through music and the passion for the accordion with the aim to
join Portugal and Argentina bringing the Fado and Tango Chamamé to meet... "

August 4 - STAGE Z - Restaurant Dinner Concert-Master Joe - Torch (reservations 96 2810719 or tcacao@gmail.com)
August 5 - Cultural and Recreational Center Pena - Canterbury
August 6 - Leech Bar - Beach Torch
August 7 - Non Festivities in Honor of Mrs. Hope - Vila Nova (Outil)

Andrew Ely - 7 string guitar
Lucas Rocha - 7 string guitar
Luis Formiga - Percussion
Alejandro Britt - Acordeon Gonzalez System
John Gentil - Chromatic Accordion

For further information: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Paris Moscou Duo’s August Diary Dates – France

Paris Moscou DuoThe Paris Moscou Duo – accordionists Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov – perform during August at:

July 31st to August 5th – training course, Stage, Casino Municipale, La Bourboule (63)

August 1st, 9pm – concert at the Maire (Town Hall), Mont-Dore (63)

August 27th concert in Gex (01)

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


LiberTango Concert, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

LiberTangoThe Brazilian quartet LiberTango, featuring accordionist Marcelo Caldi (right), perform at the Teatro Carlos Gomes, Praça Tiradentes s/n, Centro, Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday August 2nd, 7pm.

One of the best-known tango groups in Brazil, LiberTango are inspired by Argentinean masters Astor Piazzolla and Carlos Gardel. Libertango gives a special touch of Brazilianness to tango, and have thrilled audiences for over 15 years in Brazil.


Hot Club of Detroit’s August and September Concerts – Canada, USA

Hot Club of Detroit jazz quintet
The jazz quintet Hot Club of Detroit, featuring French accordionist and bandoneon player Julien Labro, have announced their concert tour schedule for August and September. The quintet line up is Julien Labro (accordion), Evan Perri and Paul Brady (acoustic guitars), Carl Cafagna (saxophones) and Andrew Kratzat (double bass).

Tour dates are:
August 6th, 8pm – Towne Square Stage, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
August 11th, 7.30pm – Germano’s, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
August 12th, 8pm – Jazz @ the Powerhouse, Annapolis, Maryland
August 13th, 8pm – Snail Pie Lounge, Glenville, Pennsylvania
August 14th, 7.30pm – The Long Park’s Music Series, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
August 17th, 8.15pm - Hoover Auditorium, Lakeside, Ohio
August 21st – private event, Old Tappan, New Jersey
September 1st, 6pm - Al Fresco Jazz and Blues series @ New Center Park, Detroit, Michigan
September 2nd - Grand Hotel’s Labor Day Weekend Jazz Festival, Mackinac Island, Michigan
September 4th – Pyramid Stage, Detroit International Jazz Festival
September 5th – Oblivion Project, Detroit International Jazz Festival
September 17th – MI Fest 2011, Brooklyn, Michigan

For further information email: julien@julienlabro.com


Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Grosseto, Latina Lido, Sperlonga – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo performs this weekend, as follows:

July 27th, 9pm – Marco Lo Russo Quartet, Cava di Roselle, Grosseto
July 29th, 10pm – with Massimo De Martino, NOLIVE', Latina Lido
July 30th, 9.30pm – Piazzale Europa, Sperlonga

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


David Vernon & Dick Lee @ Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland – UK

David Vernon & Dick LeeDavid Vernon (accordion) and Dick Lee (clarinet) perform several times at Valvona & Crolla, 19 Elm Row (off Leith Road), Edinburgh EH7 4AA, during August in concerts that form part of the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Each performance lasts for one hour. Valvona & Crolla is listed as Fringe Festival Venue 67.

The dates are: Tuesday August 9th, 3pm; Thursday 11th, 5.45pm; Friday 12th, 5.45pm; Monday 15th, 1pm; Wednesday 17th, 3pm; Wednesday 24th, 5.45pm; Monday 29th, 5.45pm

David Vernon and reeds player Dick Lee perform a mixture of high energy Klezmer, Jewish and Gypsy rhythms, Balkan, French musette, tango, jazz, even some light classical and Scottish traditional music.

For further information email: dvernon100@aol.com


Gilou Performs at la Fête de l'Escargot, Burgondy – France

GilouThe musette accordionist Gilou performs in the evening at la Fête de l'Escargot, Place de la République, Digoin, Saône-et-Loire, Burgondy, on Sunday August 7th and Monday 8th.


Victor Prieto’s Residency, New York – USA

The Victor Prieto Trio is performing on the 3rd Thursday of each month, starting on August 18th, 9pm, at Café Terraza 7, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York 11373.

Accordionist Victor Prieto will be accompanied by Jorge Roeder (bass) and Tupac Mantilla (percussion and drums).

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


New and Updated Sites

Betty Jo Simon selling new CD's

Betty Jo Simon selling her 3 new CD's titled 'Mamma Mia', catalog: bjsimon201, 'Musically Yours', catalog: bjsimon202 and 'Alpen Spielers', catalog: bjsimon203 with sound samples. Music performed by Betty Jo Simon. Purchase online.


Yuri Shishkin selling new CD

Yuri Shishkin selling his new CD titled 'Libretto', catalog yshishkin06 with sound samples. Music performed by Yuri Shishkin. Purchase online.


American Accordionists' Association Website Updated - USA

American Accordionists' Association logoThe American Accordionists' Association (AAA) website has been updated with a new look and style including new information.


Zevy Zions releases new music

Zevy Zions - accordionist,arranger, solo musician, release 1 new music for accordion available for purchase online. 'Hava Nagila', catalog:zzions015. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updates music

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music titles for purchase on-line. 'Un bel di vedremo (One Fine Day) Madama Butterfly ', catalog:DH0105, 'Something', catalog:DH0124 and 'Tango Of Roses', catalog:DH0162. Samples for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Breathbox CD by Antti Paalanene

Breathbox  CD front cover
CD Reviews Index for the review of “Breathbox" CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Antti Paalanene.


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