
UK Charity Number 1051419

NAO Executive Committee 2024


Raymond Bodell


Raymond Bodell Bsc(Hons), FLCM, LmusLCM, AmusLCM, AmusTCL, LBCA(TD), ABCA(TD), LBCA.

NAO Chairperson for a total of 18 years since 1992.

Past President of the Conféderation Internationale des Accordeonistes - CIA (2009 - 2017)

Vice President of the CMA (2006- ) and Principal of the British College of Accordionists.

Raymond achieved all Diplomas of the BCA by the age of 17 before gaining diplomas from the London College and Trinity College of Music. Successfully competed in many festivals including gaining first prize in the UK Virtuoso, Senior, Bell Trophy and Junior solo titles, competing internationally in various festivals. He continued his accordion studies in France for 2 years under the helm of Jacques Mornet.

Raymond has extensive adjudicating experience at numerous international festivals including the Castelfidardo (Italy), Baltica Harmonica (St. Petersburg), Ascolate (Lithuania), Harbin & Shenzhen (China), Jeunesse Musicale (Slovakia), International Grand Prix (France & Switzerland), Samara (Russia), Sata-Häme Soi (Finland), Accordionists and Teachers Guild - ATG (USA), Roland International Digital Accordion Festival (Italy), Pula International Accordion Festival (Croatia) as well as on numerous occasions at Coupe Mondiale events.

He believes strongly that our young accordionists are the future and to this end must be given every opportunity.

In 2004 the NAO presented him with their Merit Award "In appreciation of the Tireless and Inspirational Work for the Accordion both Nationally and Internationally." In 2017 he was presented with the CIA Merit Award.

Deputy Chairperson

Andy Coles


Andy first saw an accordion on television, when just six years old. It wasn’t until the age of nine that his parents finally realised this was no fad. Two years into accordion lessons, Andy started entertaining in public to fund his tuition, instruments and music. He was a regular competitor at NAO Area and National Championships from 1977 to 1985. He continued to play in public, promote the instrument and teach accordion until 1999. His career in financial services then took over. Andy returned to the accordion in 2010, this time playing for his own enjoyment. Andy was duly elected to the NAO Executive Committee in 2017 at a time when "He feels the time is now right to make a positive contribution to the instrument that gave him so much joy over the years".


Robert Fletcher

ROBERT FLETCHER is an active member, having been the NAO Treasurer for the past 20 years and the UK Trade Coordinator at the UK Championships. He has been the Co-ordinator of UK Championships and now manages the office at the championships .He plays accordion, electronic and Church organ, trombone, euphonium and bass. He has been a member of the Weaver valley Accordion Band. Robert was also a member of the NAO 2008 CIA Coupe Mondiale organising Committee and NAO Associate Award winner in 2009.

General Secretary

Anna Bodell

ANNA BODELL is an active member of the NAO Executive Committee, having first served as Minute Secretary in 2001, as an Executive member since 2003 including Deputy Chairperson, NAO Internet Secretary maintaining the website, previously serving a 3 year term of office as NAO Chairperson 2011-2013. At the UK Championships she has served as Timetabler, Programme Co-ordinator and Trophy Manager. Anna is also Administrator of the British College of Accordionists.

On an International level Anna was a member of the NAO Organising Committee of the Coupe Mondiale 2001 and was the Organiser of the 2008 event held in Glasgow. She was appointed CIA Honorary Vice President for 2008 and has attended recent CIA Congresses as an NAO delegate in Austria, Italy, Germany, China, Croatia, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Macedonia, Spain, Bratislava and when hosted by the NAO, also as a delegate at the CMA Congress in USA, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Anna has been Administrator of the CMA and was elected CMA General Secretary in 2013.

At the 2017 Winter Congress of the CIA, Anna was awarded the CIA Honoured Friend of the Accordion which was awarded at the 70th Coupe Mondiale in Italy.

Executive Officers

Larysa Bodell

Larysa is a Glasgow based, Video Editor and Graphic Designer, with over 15 years' experience with a BA(Hons) degree from Edinburgh Napier University in Television Production. With credits including The Discovery Channel and Challenge TV, she has worked across a range of different genres from Music Videos, Promotional Videos, Live Events and Short Films.

Larysa has been playing the accordion since she was 7 years old, competing in competitions around the world in both Classical and Digital categories. In 2009, she was a prizewinner in the CIA Digital Category held in New Zealand. Larysa has also gained her diplomas from the British College of Accordionists, the LBCA Performers Diploma and ABCA(TD) and LBCA(TD) teaching diplomas. She has also held positions on the NAO Music Committee. Larysa has adjudicated competitions in the UK and is an examiner for the British College of Accordionists.

Gina Brannelli


GINA BRANNELLI is a Professional Artiste with over 40 guest appearances on TV and radio, and concert tours in the USA, the Far East and Europe as well as band leader and musical coordinator for 9 world cruises on the QE II. She studied under Dante, Marcosignori and Prof. Einfeld of Berlin Conservatoire in addition to Manchester College of Music, London College of Music and the Milan Conservatoire.

She been Principal of her own music school for many years as well as peripatetic music teacher in the field of education for A level and GCSE. She has a wide experience in composing, adjudicating and preparation for festivals and a career in music.

Karolyn Broadhead

Karolyn began the accordion at the age of 9, going on to study at the Leicester school of music, gaining the LBCA Performers diploma. Karolyn a past co-opted NAO Executive officer is a well-known Composer, adjudicator, teacher, and BCA examiner.

Karolyn has been a member of the BCA Orchestra which has made numerous successful recordings and has arranged music for a variety of musical productions.

She wishes to continue to contribute to the accordion world and further actively participate in the NAO

Wendy Farran

WENDY FARRAN began to play the accordion at 11, having gained a Bachelors degree and Dip Mus. She is now a member of the Weaver Valley Accordion band, composes and arranges for the accordion as well as teaching and playing professionally.

Wendy has served on the NAO Executive Committee for many years holding various offices including previously Festival Headquarters Manager.

Alistair Gillespie


ALISTAIR GILLESPIE following his return from South Africa he has taken a keen interest in all things connected with the accordion in this country and is an Cheif examiner and local representative for the BCA in Scotland.

He has been an adjudicator for the NAO many years, and has always found time between his own very successful teaching commitments to give support and advice to, and promotion of the aims and ideas of the NAO and wishes to continue to contribute in whatever way he can..

Harry Hinchcliffe

HARRY HINCHCLIFFE started playing the accordion at the age of 8, competing in many NAO and other festivals. In 1980, he founded the Craven School of Music, preparing students successfully for both exams and competitions at all levels as well as playing professionally.

Harry has been the North Central Area Festival organiser for 20 years, and has served for many years as an Executive Officer of the NAO. In 2017 he received the NAO Merit Award in honour of his long service to the accordion.


Graham Laurie - Music Committee Chairperson

GRAHAM LAURIE - Music Committee Chairperson, Graham has served on the Executive Committee for many years including one year as NAO Chairperson and three years as Deputy Chair. He is an elected Honorary Vice President of the Organisation.

He won the All Scotland Accordion Championships on a number of occasions and went on to represent Scotland at the National Championships.

Besides his own teaching commitments at his own Music Academy, he has been an adjudicator at NAO Festivals for many years and since 2004 has regularly represented the NAO as a Jury member at the CIA (World Championships) including recently at the 2008 event in Glasgow. As a holder of BCA Diploma’s he holds the position of Vice Principal and regularly examines at centres throughout the UK.