
UK Charity Number 1051419


The NAO Executive Committee welcomes you to our website.

Our website aims to help, support and promote our members for all those preparing to enter our series of Festivals, International Competitions or in doing concerts and entertaining the public.

It also provides information about past competitions and entry information for future events. 
The website also has some of our NAO's history, from the first Accordion Day in 1935, the formation of the NAO in 1949, the hosting of 5 CIA Coupe Mondiale World Competitions ……………..

In the spring of 2025 – the NAO is delighted to host The 90th Anniversary of “ACCORDION DAY” which was first held at the Central Hall, Westminster, London.

We look forward to welcoming you and your support. 



The 77th CIA Coupe Mondiale is being held in Castelfidardo. Italy from 6th -10th September 2024

Any candidates from the UK wishing to be considered as participants please contact the NAO General Secretary Anna Bodell at ray.annabodell@gmail.com as soon as possible.